WebLogic Integration

Uses of Package

Packages that use com.bea.b2b
com.bea.b2b.enabler Used for working with c-enabler nodes and c-enabler sessions. 
com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp Used for working with c-enabler sessions for the XML Open Collaboration Protocol (XOCP). 
com.bea.b2b.management Provides the ManagementException class for WebLogic Collaborate management applications. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol Used for working with logic plug-ins. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation Used for working with conversations. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml Used for working with the cXML protocol. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging Used for working with messages in a conversation. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application Used for working with XOCP (eXtensible Open Collaboration Protocol) application and XOCP application sessions. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.conversation.local Used for working with conversations that use the XML Open Collaboration Protocol (XOCP). 
com.bea.b2b.security Used for working with WebLogic Collaborate security, including certificate validation and user authentication. 
com.bea.b2b.tpa Provides classes representing Collaboration Agreement. 
com.bea.b2b.wlpi Used for working with WebLogic Process Integrator workflows. 
com.bea.lwclient Used for working with WebLogic Collaborate Trading Partner Lightweight Client Mailbox. 

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.enabler
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.management
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.protocol
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.conversation.local
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.security
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.tpa
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.b2b.wlpi
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

Classes in com.bea.b2b used by com.bea.lwclient
          The B2BException class represents the base exception.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)