WebLogic Integration

Interface Repository

public interface Repository
extends java.io.Serializable

The Repository interface is the top level object in the WLXT plug-in repository model. This object is responsible for connecting/disconnecting the repository and for obtaining a root folder context.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
RepositoryFolder, RepositoryDocument

Field Summary
static int DOC_TYPE_ALL
          This type is used to add all types as the filter (*.*).
static int DOC_TYPE_CLASS
          Generic document type for Base64 .class file.
static int DOC_TYPE_DTD
          Generic document type for a DTD document.
static int DOC_TYPE_MFL
          Generic document type for a MFL document.
static int DOC_TYPE_XSD
          Generic document type for an XML Schema document.
static int DOC_TYPE_XSLT
          Generic document type for an XSLT document.
Method Summary
 boolean folderSupport()
          This method may be used to determine if a repository implementation supports the concept of folders.
 java.lang.String getRepositoryName()
          Returns the name of the active repository.
 RepositoryFolder getRootFolder()
          Returns the root folder for the repository which represents the top level of the repository.
 boolean login()
          Login to the repository.
 boolean login(java.awt.Component parent)
          Login to the repository.
 boolean login(java.util.Properties prop)
          Login to the repository.
 void logout()
          Logout from the repository.

Field Detail


public static final int DOC_TYPE_MFL
Generic document type for a MFL document.


public static final int DOC_TYPE_DTD
Generic document type for a DTD document.


public static final int DOC_TYPE_XSD
Generic document type for an XML Schema document.


public static final int DOC_TYPE_XSLT
Generic document type for an XSLT document.


public static final int DOC_TYPE_CLASS
Generic document type for Base64 .class file. This type is used to support WLXT user defined type classes.


public static final int DOC_TYPE_ALL
This type is used to add all types as the filter (*.*).
Method Detail


public boolean folderSupport()
This method may be used to determine if a repository implementation supports the concept of folders. If folders are supported the repository is expected to implement all folder features.

Returns true if the repository supports the concept of folders.


public boolean login()
              throws RepositoryException
Login to the repository. This method is not permitted any user communication and is expected to obtain it's connection parameters, if any, from the WLXT properties passed by the RepositoryFactory at construction time.

Returns true is the login was successful. Otherwise false is returned indicating that the login failed or invalid credentials were passed.


public boolean login(java.awt.Component parent)
              throws RepositoryException
Login to the repository. This method may pop a dialog to request login information from the user or silently login based on configuration parameters.

parent - If the login method needs to pop a dialog to interact with the user it will use parent as the parent of the dialog.
Returns true is the login was successful. Otherwise false is returned indicating that the user either cancelled the login or failed to provide valid credentials.


public boolean login(java.util.Properties prop)
              throws RepositoryException
Login to the repository. This method is not permitted any user communication and is expected to obtain it's connection parameters from the passed Properties or provide a reasonable default (if applicable). For example, if the repository requires a URL for access to a JNDI tree it might assume the local server if an appropriate URL is not passed. The property keys are repository implementation specific.

prop - The properties required for repository connection.
Returns true is the login was successful. Otherwise false is returned indicating that the login failed or invalid credentials were passed.


public void logout()
Logout from the repository.


public RepositoryFolder getRootFolder()
Returns the root folder for the repository which represents the top level of the repository. Repositories that do not implement folders are still expected to return a RepositoryFolder object which may be used to manipulate the document at the top (and presumably only) level of the repository.

A RepositoryFolder object that represents the top level of the repository.


public java.lang.String getRepositoryName()
Returns the name of the active repository.

The name of the repository implementation.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)