WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.wlxt.repository

Provides the WebLogic Integration XML-Non XML Translator repository classes.


Interface Summary
Repository The Repository interface is the top level object in the WLXT plug-in repository model.
RepositoryDocument The RepositoryDocument object represents a document stored in the repository.
RepositoryFilter The RepositoryFilter interface serves as an optional user provided callback for the open and save document chooser class.
RepositoryFolder The RepositoryFolder object represents a folder, or container, in the repository.
RepositoryObject The RepositoryObject interface represents an object contained within a repository.
RepositoryRscNames This interface defines resource name constants used to localize dialogs in the WLXT Repository subsystem.

Class Summary
Import Application used to import documents into a repository.
RepositoryDocumentChooser The RepositoryDocumentChooser class is modeled after the Swing JFileChooser class and provides Open and Save dialog boxes for the repository.
RepositoryFactory The RepositoryFactory object provides factory methods for obtaining a handle to a Repository object.
RepositoryResource Default Resource Bundle for localized strings in the WLXT Repository subsystem.
RepositoryURL The RepositoryURL class provides a means to obtain a URL which can be used to retrieve a document from the configured (or default) WLXT repository.

Exception Summary

Package com.bea.wlxt.repository Description

Provides the WebLogic Integration XML-Non XML Translator repository classes.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)