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BPM Command Line Tool

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BPM Command Line Administration Tool

The BEA BPM Command Line Administration Tool allows you to administer a deployed system without using WebLogic Integration Studio. It offers the following capabilities:

Additionally, the BPM Command Line Administration Tool offers a new capability: Instance Data Archiving, which allows you to remove completed Workflow instances from a database and write all instance data to files in XML format. For more information about Instance Data Archiving, see Instance Data Archiving.

This section includes the following:


Command Line Options

The BPM Command Line Administration Tool consists of the command line options listed in Table  1-1.

Note: The WebLogic Integration server must be running before the command line options are operational.

Table 1-1 Command Line Options



Global Options

These options are mandatory. If any of these options are omitted, you will be prompted to enter them.

-user username

Username for connection to server.

-pwd password

Password for username.

-url t3://url

t3 URL of the server.

Template Options

Use these options to manage templates.

Use only one of the following required options:

-name name

Name of template to process.


Specify the specific template definition ID to activate, deactivate, or delete.

Use only one of the following optional options:


Activate the template definition.


Deactivate the template definition.


Delete a template and all of its template definitions.


List template definitions for a template.

Import Options

Use these options to import workflow entities.

Use either of the one of the following required options:

-file filename

Package jar file name to import.

-dir directoryname

Name of the directory for package jar files to import.

Additional options:

-org orgid

Organization name to import templates into. (Required)


Activates all imported template definitions. (Optional)


Replaces an already existing imported entity. (Optional)

-pkgPwd password

Password to unlock the import package. (Optional)

Export Options

Use these options to export workflow entities.

-file filename

Package jar file name to export. (Required)

-org orgid

Organization name of templates to export. (Required)

-pkgPwd password

Password used to lock the export package. (Optional)

Instance Options

Use these options to delete and/or archive completed instance data.

Note: To limit the processing of instances that have been completed within a given time frame, use the -from and -to options. Otherwise, all completed instances that match any of the other input criteria are processed.


Delete the instance data. (Can be used alone or in conjunction with the -archive option.)

-archive directoryname

Archive the data to the named directory. (Can be used alone or in conjunction with the -delete option.)

-org orgid

Organization name of instances to process. (Optional, all templates are processed if not input.)

-template name

Name of the template. (Optional, all templates are processed if not input.)

-relFrom hours

Process instances that have completed prior to the present time. Uses decimal hours. For example, to process the instances that have completed within the last six and one half hours, use -relFrom 6.5. (Optional)

Note: You cannot use relFrom and absFrom at the same time.

-relTo hours

Excludes completed instances from processing prior to the present time. Uses decimal hours. For example, to process all instances except those that have completed in the last four hours, use -relTo 4.0. (Optional)

Note: You cannot use relTo and absTo at the same time.


Process all instances completing after an absolute date and time. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. For example, 2002-11-01 15:30:00. (Optional)


Process all completed instances prior to an absolute date and time. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. For example, 2002-11-01 15:30:00. (Optional)


Archive entities referenced by the instance data such as OrganizationInfo, UserInfo, RoleInfo, TemplateDefinitionInfo, and so on. (Optional)



Command Line Syntax

The syntax for using the command line options are listed in Table  1-2.

Note: The format for Command Line Options are not case sensitive.

Table 1-2 Command Line Syntax




bpmadmin IMPORT [-user user] [-pwd pwd] [-url url] {-file file | -dir dir} -org org [-pkgPwd pwd] [-activate] [-replace]


bpmadmin EXPORT [-user user] [-pwd pwd] [-url url] -file file -org org [-pkgPwd pwd]


bpmadmin TEMPLATE [-user user] [-pwd pwd] [-url url]

{Name | DefId}



bpmadmin INSTANCE [-user user] [-pwd pwd] [-url url] {-delete | Archive | -delete Archive} Options




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