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Using the JSP Worklist

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Customizing the JSP Worklist

Note: The JSP Worklist replaces the deprecated Worklist Swing client.

The following sections explain how to customize the display and behavior of the Worklist:


Selecting Columns to Displays

To select the columns to display in the task list, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Options button. The Options page displays, as shown in Figure  4-1.

    Figure 4-1 Options Page


  2. Select a column in the Available Columns or the Displayed Columns list box.

  3. Click the appropriate Add or Remove button to move your selection to the Available or Displayed Column.

  4. Click the Up or Down button to reposition your selection in the list box. The list position for displayed columns, starting from top to bottom, determines the ordering of columns from left to right in the task list.

  5. To save your column changes, click the Save button.


Working with Task Status

You can update task status and select which task status categories to display.

Updating Task Status

To update the status of all tasks shown for a user or role, click the Refresh button.

Selecting Which Tasks to Display

To select which type of tasks are displayed in the task list, take the following steps:

  1. In the View list, select the user or user role, and then click the Options button. The Options page displays. The Task Filter section is located beneath the Available and Displayed list boxes, as shown in Figure  4-2.

    Figure 4-2 Options Page—Task Filters


  2. Select one or more of the check boxes for the type of task you want to display (described in Table  4-1).


  3. To save your task selection, click the Save button.


Selecting Task Sort Order

The sorting of tasks is based on the selected column. The arrow immediately to right of a column heading indicates that that column is used for sorting, as shown in Figure  4-3. Additionally, the sort order can be set to ascending or descending for each column. An up arrow indicates an ascending order and a down arrow indicates a descending order.

Figure 4-3 Sort Order


The following instructions tell you how to change the sort order:


Other Settings

The Other Settings section of the Options page allows you to control settings that affect the display, refresh rate, and appearance of the JSP Worklist. This section contains the following options:

To change any of the settings in this section, take the following steps:

  1. On the Worklist page, click the Options button. The Options page displays. The Other Settings section is beneath the Task Filters, as shown in Figure  4-4.

    Figure 4-4 Options Page—Other Settings


  2. Enter your settings in the appropriate field or for skins select from the drop-list.

  3. To save the new settings, click the Save button.


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