Tutorials for Trading Partner Integration

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About the Tutorials for Trading Partner Integration

Before You Begin

Setting Up the Tutorials

Step 1: Create a New WebLogic Integration Domain

Step 2: View the Default Trading Partner Information

Default Trading Partners

Default Protocol Bindings

Viewing Trading Partner Information (Optional)

Step 3: Install the Tutorial Files

Next Steps

Tutorial: Building RosettaNet Solutions

Tutorial Goals

Before You Begin


Suggested Reading

Note About Obtaining RosettaNet W3C XSD Schemas

Tutorial Overview

PIPs Implemented In These Examples

Folders in the RosettaNet Tutorial Application

RosettaNet Design Patterns

Tutorial Steps

Step 1: Open the RosettaNet Example Application

Step 2: Open the PIP0A1: Notification of Failure Example

About the PIP0A1 Example

Components of the PIP0A1 Example

Walkthrough of the Failure Notifier Business Process

Success Process Path

Failure Paths

Walkthrough of the Report Administrator Business Process

Step 3: Open the PIP3B2: Notify of Advance Shipment Example

About the PIP3B2 Example

Components of the PIP3B2 Example

Walkthrough of the Shipper Business Process

Success Path

Failure Paths

Walkthrough of the Receiver Business Process

Walkthrough of the Private Business Processes

Running the PIP3B2 Example

Step 4: Open the PIP3A4: Request Purchase Order Example

About the PIP3A4 Example

Components of the PIP3A4 Example

Walkthrough of the Seller Business Process

Success Path

Failure Paths

Walkthrough of the Buyer Business Process

Walkthrough of the Private Business Processes

Running the PIP3A4 Example

Implementing New PIPs Based on the Example PIPs

About Implementing New PIPs

Copying and Customizing PIP Implementations

Converting RosettaNet DTD Schemas to XSD Schemas

Tutorial: Building ebXML Solutions

Before You Begin


Suggested Reading

Tutorial Overview

Step 1: Getting Started

Creating the Business Process Application

To Create a Business Process Application

Importing the Tutorial Sample Data

To Import the Sample Data Into Your Project Application

Importing the Tutorial Schemas

To Import the Tutorial Schemas

Creating the Read and Write Directories

Step 2: Sending an XML Message through an One-Way ebXML Exchange

Building the Seller Business Process

To Create the Seller Business Process File

To Create the File Control and the Control Node

To Configure the Control Node

To View the ebXML Source View Parameters

To Test the Seller Process

Building the Buyer Business Process

To Create the Buyer Business Process File

To Configure the Client Request Node

To Create the ebXML Control and Control Node

To Configure the Request Node

To Test the Buyer Business Process

Step 3: Selecting the Trading Partner Information Dynamically Through Typed XML

Building the SelectorSeller Business Process

To Create the SelectorSeller Business Process File

To Configure the Receive Request Node

To Create the File Control and Control Node

To Configure the Control Node

To Test the SelectorSeller Process

Building the SelectorBuyer Business Process

To Create the SelectorBuyer Business Process File

To Configure the Client Request Node

To Create the ebXML Control

To Modify the ebXML Control Definition File

To Create the processOrder Control Send Node

To Test the SelectorBuyer Process

Step 4: Sending Raw Data (Binary File) Through an ebXML Exchange

Building the BinarySeller Business Process

To Create the BinarySeller Business Process

To Test the BinarySeller Business Process

Building the BinaryBuyer Business Process

To Create the BinaryBuyer Business Process File

To Create the Channel File

To Configure the Subscription Node

To Create the ebXML Control

To Test the BinaryBuyer Business Process

Creating a File Event Generator

To Create the File Event

To Test the Sending Raw Data Example.

Step 5: Creating a Roundtrip ebXML Conversation

Building the RoundtripSeller Business Process

To Create the Business Process File and Configure the Receive Request Node

To Create the File Controls and Configure the Control Nodes

To Configure the Respond to Request Node

To Deploy the RoundtripSeller Business Process

Building the RoundtripBuyer Business Process

To Create the Business Process and Configure the Client Request Node

To Create and Configure the ebXML Control

To Create and Configure the ebXML Control Nodes

To Create and Configure the Client Response Node

To Specify the Trading Partner ID in an XML Variable

To Test the Business Processes

Step 6: Implementing the Public/Private Pattern

Building the PublicBuyer Business Process

Building the PrivateBuyer Business Process

Building the PrivateSeller Business Process

Building the PublicSeller Business Process

Testing the Public/Private Pattern Example

Step 7: Using the TPM Control and Callbacks

Building the BuyerAlert Business Process

To Create the BuyerAlert Business Process

To Create and Add the TPM Control to the Process

To Create and Add an Email Control to the Business Process

To Specify the Target Trading Partner ID

To Specify the Email Address for the Trading Partner Profile

Testing the BuyerAlert Business Process

Step 8: Setting Partner ID Dynamically Based on Directory Name

Reviewing the Initiator Side of the Example

To Set Up the Initiator Side of the Example

To Review the Configuration of the DynamicBinaryBuyer Process

To Add a New Rule in the File Event Generator

To Test the DynamicBinaryBuyer Process

Reviewing the Participant Side of the Example

To Review the Participant Side of the Example

To Test the Example

Step 9: Creating a Distributed Setup

Step 10: Configuring Non-Default Protocol Settings

Configuring the Participant Side

Configuring the Initiator Side

Step 11: Exchanging Messages with WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

Configuring WebLogic Integration - Business Connect with Trading Partner Information.

To Export the Trading Partner Information

To Import the Trading Partner Information

Configuring WebLogic Integration with Trading Partner Information

To Create and Export the Trading Partner Profile

To Import the Trading Partner Profile

Setting Up a Trading Partner Service Profile

To Set Up the Trading Partner Service Profile

Sending a Message from WebLogic Workshop to WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

Sending a File from WebLogic Workshop to WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

To Enable WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to Receive Binary Files

To Run the Example

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