Tutorials for Trading Partner Integration

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This topic introduces the trading partner integration tutorials and describes the setup steps required before starting the tutorials. It contains the following sections:


About the Tutorials for Trading Partner Integration

This document provides the following tutorials:

Table 1-1 Tutorials in This Document 
Business Protocol
Describes the components of two completed RosettaNet examples (PIP3B2 and PIP3A4) and suggests how to adapt the examples for other PIP implementations.
Describes how to build the ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language) business process examples.

These are standalone tutorials. You can complete both tutorials, if you want, but you can also complete just the ebXML tutorial without the RosettaNet tutorial, and vice versa.


Before You Begin

Before you begin using the trading partner integration tutorials:


Setting Up the Tutorials

Before you start using the trading partner integration tutorials, you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Create a New WebLogic Integration Domain

The trading partner integration tutorials require a WebLogic Integration domain that you must create using the BEA WebLogic Platform Configuration Wizard. The domain name used in this document is tptutorial, but you can use any valid domain name you want.

Note: You can also use an existing WebLogic Integration for these tutorials. However, creating a new, separate domain ensures that the required default trading partner configuration is available for use with the tutorials.

To create a new WebLogic Integration domain:

  1. To Start the Configuration Wizard,
    • Windows: From the Start menu, click All Programs > BEA Products > Tools > Configuration Wizard to start the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard.This displays the Welcome page in the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard dialog box (see Figure 1-1).
    • Unix: Open a command shell, change to the /common/bin subdirectory of the product installation directory (such as /bea/weblogic92/common/bin), and enter the following command: sh config.sh.
    • Figure 1-1 BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

      BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

  2. Select Create a new WebLogic domain and click Next. This displays the Select Domain Source page in the Configuration Wizard dialog box.
  3. As you proceed through the Configuration Wizard, several pages will appear in a sequence. You need to specify your settings on each page and click Next to proceed to the subsequent page. Table 1-2 lists the pages and the options that you need to select to create the domain successfully.

    Note: These instructions assume mostly default selections. For more information about advanced configuration options, see Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

    Table 1-2 Configuring the Domain Using the Configuration Wizard 
    Page in the Configuration Wizard Dialog Box
    Recommended Action
    Select a Domain Source
    Select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following BEA Products option for the following BEA Products:
    • WebLogic Server (Required)
    • Workshop for WebLogic Platform
    • WebLogic Integration
    Click Next to proceed.
    Configure Administrator Username and Password
    Specify the following mandatory credentials:
    User name = weblogic
    User password = weblogic
    Confirm user password = weblogic
    Click Next to proceed.
    Configure Server Start Node and JDK
    Select Development Mode in the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode column.
    Select Sun SDK 1.5.0_04 @ C:\bea\jdk150_04 in the BEA Supplied JDKs column.
    Click Next to proceed.
    Customize Environment and Service Settings
    Click No, to retain the settings defined in the domain source and proceed directly to creating your domain.
    Click Next to proceed.

  4. On the Create WebLogic Domain page, specify the following values for each field and click Create (see Figure -):
    • Domain name: tptutorial
    • Domain Location: C:\bea\user_projects\domains
    • Application Location: C:\bea\user_projects\applications
    • After the domain is created successfully, the Creating Domain page is displayed.

  5. Select the Start Admin Server check box and click Done to proceed.

Step 2: View the Default Trading Partner Information

When you create a new WebLogic Integration domain using the Configuration Wizard, the Configuration Wizard automatically populates the Trading Partner Management (TPM) repository with default trading partners and protocol bindings. The trading partner integration tutorials use this default configuration. To learn more about the TPM repository, see Trading Partner Management in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

By default, WebLogic Integration runs in Test (development) mode, which allows you to use the default protocol bindings and to run business processes from separate trading partners on the same machine (collocated). In a production environment, each trading partner would run its respective business process on its own separate WebLogic Integration server, service profiles would need to be explicitly configured, both trading partners would need to be enabled, and the service profile would need to be enabled. For more information about the Test and Production modes, see "Configuring the Mode and Message Tracking" in Trading Partner Management in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

Default Trading Partners

The WebLogic Integration domain provides two preconfigured trading partners for development and testing:

Table 1-3 Default Trading Partner Configuration in WebLogic Integration Domain 
Trading Partner Name
Trading Partner ID
Default local trading partner. In the tutorials, this trading partner is usually the initiator of conversations.
In the absence of specific trading partner information, the default trading partner is designated as the trading partner used for sending or receiving messages for the local host system
In the tutorials, this trading partner is usually the participant in conversations.

Default Protocol Bindings

Each default trading partner comes with the following preconfigured protocol bindings:

Each protocol binding (except ebXML 1.0) is marked as default. At run-time, the default binding can be used automatically in the absence of specific protocol information.

Viewing Trading Partner Information (Optional)

You view and update the contents of the TPM repository using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. If you want, you can use the WebLogic Integration Administration Console to browse the preconfigured settings in the TPM repository. The trading partner integration tutorials use the preconfigured settings, so no changes to the TPM repository are required unless otherwise stated in the tutorials.

Note: If you make any changes to the preconfigured settings in the TPM repository, you should adjust the instructions in the tutorials accordingly. For configuration instructions, see Trading Partner Management in Using The WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

To view the default trading partner information:

  1. Start the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
  2. In a browser, enter the following URL: http://localhost:7001/wliconsole.
  3. When prompted, specify the username and password.
  4. The WebLogic Integration Administration Console displays the home page (see Figure 1-2).

    Figure 1-2 WebLogic Integration Administration Console

    WebLogic Integration Administration Console

    Note: If you want more information about a particular screen in the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, click the Help icon.
  5. Select the Trading Partner Management module to see the Trading Partner Management home page (see Figure 1-3).
  6. Figure 1-3 Trading Partner Management Home Page

    Trading Partner Management Home Page

  7. On the Trading Partner Management home page, select the Profile Management module to see the profiles for the preconfigured trading partners (see Figure 1-4).
  8. Figure 1-4 View and Edit Trading Partner Profiles

    View and Edit Trading Partner Profiles

  9. From the left panel, select Bindings.
  10. Select Test_TradingPartner_1 name from Choose Trading Partner, and click Go button to see the preconfigured bindings for the default trading partner (see Figure 1-5).
  11. Figure 1-5 Edit Binding

    Edit Binding

    Note: By default, trading partner endpoints are configured to listen on localhost:7001. If you configured WebLogic Server to listen on a different port, adjust the trading partner binding information accordingly.

Step 3: Install the Tutorial Files

The documentation and example files for the trading partner integration tutorials are distributed in an archive file (tptutorial.zip) that you obtain from BEA's dev2dev Online site. This archive file contains the completed ebXML and RosettaNet applications used in the tutorials, as well as schema files and sample XML files.

To install the files for the trading partner integration tutorials:

  1. Download the tptutorial.zip file at the following URL:
  2. Extract the contents of the tptutorial.zip file (using folder names) to a local directory. The extracted files have the following directory structure:
  3. Table 1-4 Contents of tptutorial.zip 
    Folder / File
    Completed application that you can refer to if you encounter difficulties while building the business processes during the ebXML tutorial. Also contains schema files and sample XML data files.
    Application containing example implementations of PIPs 3B2 and 3A4.


Next Steps

After you have set up the tutorial domain and extracted the tutorial files, you can begin using the following tutorials:

Both tutorials use the same WebLogic Integration domain that you created in Setting Up the Tutorials. These are standalone tutorials. You can complete both tutorials, if you want, but you can also complete just the ebXML tutorial without the RosettaNet tutorial, and vice versa.

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