Tutorial: Building Your First Business Process

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Tutorial: Building Your First Business Process

Tutorial Goals

Tutorial Overview

Designing the Request for Quote Business Process

Actors in the Tutorial Scenario

Steps in This Tutorial

Part I Build and Run a Simple Business Process

Step 1: Create Your Business Process Application

To Create a Business Process Tutorial Application

To Begin the Design of Your Request for Quote Business Process

Working in the Design View

Functions and Shortcuts

Step 2: Specify How the Process is Started

To Create a Start Node in Your Business Process

To Design Your Client Request Node

To Specify General Settings

To Specify Receive Data

Step 3: Define Conditions for Alternate Paths of Execution

To Add A Decision Node To Your Business Process

To Define a Condition in This Decision Node

XML Conditions in the Source Code

Step 4: Invoke a Web Service

What is the Tax Calculation Control?

Design the Interaction Between Your Business Process and a Web Service

To Create an Instance of the Web Service Control in Your Project

To Call the Tax Calculation Web Service From Your Business Process

To Receive the Tax Rate Calculation From the Web Service

Step 5: Run Your Business Process

Note About Additional Functionality in the Test Browser

Part II Call a Business Process Using a Process Control

Step 6: Invoke a Business Process Using a Process Control

To Create a Process Control

To Change the Control Send Node in the Request Quote Business Process to Interact With the Process Control

To Change the Control Receive Node in the Request Quote Business Process to Interact With the Process Control

To Test the Request Quote Process and its Call to the Tax Calculation Process

Note About Additional Functionality in the Test Browser

Part III Adding Looping Logic, Parallel Paths . . .

Step 7: Looping Through Items in a List

Understanding XML Schemas and For Each Nodes

Design a For Each Loop in Your Business Process

To Add a For Each Node to Your Business Process

To Select a Repeating XML Element Over Which to Iterate

To Design the Activities in Your For Each Loop

Step 8: Design Parallel Paths of Execution

Create a Parallel Node

To Add A Parallel Node to Your Business Process

Note About Join Conditions

Create Logic to Assemble Price and Availability Data

To Create Instances of the PriceProcessor and AvailProcessor Controls in Your Project

To Add Control Nodes to Your Business Process

To Design the Activities on the Get Price Branch

To Design the Request Price Node

To Design the Receive Price Node

To Design the Create PriceList Node

To Create an Instance of the PriceAvailTransformations Control in Your Project

To Design the Interaction of the Create PriceList Node With the Transformation

To Design the Activities on the Get Availability Branch

To Design the Request Availability Node

To Design the Receive Availability Node

To Design the Create AvailList Node

Note About Using the XmlObjectList Data Type

Step 9: Create Quote Document

Note About Transformations

Convert Price List to XML Quote Document

To Design the Interaction With the Transformation Control

Note About the Transformation on This Node

Convert Availability List to XML Quote Document

To Design the Interaction With the Transformation Control

Note About the Transformation on This Node

Combine Price and Availability Quotes

To Create an Instance of the TutorialJoin Control in Your Project

To Design the Process Interaction With the TutorialJoin Control

Step 10: Write Quote to File System

To Create an Instance of a File Control in Your Project

To Design a Control Send Node in Your Business Process to Interact With Your File Control

To Assign File Control Properties to a Variable in Your Business Process

To Use the File Control Properties in Your Business Process

Step 11: Send Quote From Business Process to Client

To Add a Client Response Node to Your Business Process

To Design Your Send Quote Node

Step 12: Run the Request Quote Business Process

To Launch the Test Browser

To Monitor Instances of Your Business Process

Part IV Using the Message Broker

Introducing the Message Broker

Understanding the Validation Service Scenario

Step 13: Publish and Subscribe to Message Broker Channels

To Publish the Request for Quote Message to a Message Broker Channel

To Subscribe to a Message Broker Channel to Receive Messages from a Validation Service

Step 14: Designing a Message Path for Your Business Process

To Create a Message Path on Your Business Process That Handles Messages Routed via a Channel to Which Your Process is Subscribed

To Design a Node to Receive the Message Event From the StopQuote Channel

To Design a Node to Send a Message to Clients in the Event the Business Process Receives a StopQuote Message From the StopQuote Channel

To Specify the Behavior of Your Business Process in the Event that the Message Path is Triggered

Step 15: Run and Test the Request Quote Business Process With the Quote Validation Service

To Launch the Test Browser

To Monitor Instances of Your Business Process

To Monitor the Message Broker Channels

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