Tutorial: Building Your First Business Process

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Step 5: Run Your Business Process

To run and test the business process that you have created, complete the following steps:

  1. If WebLogic Server is not already running, from the BEA Workshop menu, choose WindowArrow symbol Show View Arrow symbolOther Arrow symbolServerArrow symbol Servers, and click OK. A Server view is displayed in which the Server and its state are shown.
  2. In the Package Explorer, select and right-click on RequestQuote.java, click Run As, and click Run On Server.
  3. In the Define a New Server dialog box, select either a Choose an existing server option or Manually define a server (if there is no server defined), and click Next.
  4. In the BEA WebLogic v9.2 Server dialog box, to manually define a server, click Browse, and select the samples integration domain directory from the product installation directory available at BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\domains\integration, where BEA_HOME represents the directory in which you installed WebLogic Platform. Click Finish.
  5. The samples domain integration server is started, and the RequestQuote application is deployed on it. When WebLogic Server is running, the following indicator is visible in the Servers view:

  6. After the application is deployed, the Test Browser is displayed.
  7. Click the Test Form tab. Open the file browser by clicking Browse beside the xml requestXML (file value) field.
  8. Select RequestQuote.xml from the requestquote\testxml folder in your project.
  9. The QuoteRequest.xml file is available at the following location in your file system:

  10. Click the Test Form tab. In the Test Form page, click the button labeled with the method name on your business process (quoteRequest) to start the business process.

  11. The Test Form page refreshes to display a summary of your request parameters and the responses from the Web service in the Message Log.

  12. Click Refresh on the Message Log to refresh the entries in the log until this instance of the business process completes running. Entries in the Message Log correspond to the methods on your business process:
    • The quoteRequest method that starts the business process.
    • A call from your business process to the taxCalculation Web service: taxCalculation.requestTaxRate
    • A response from the service to your business process: taxCalculation.returnTaxRate
    • The Instance ID—When the business process finishes, a message similar to the following is displayed in the Message Log:
    • Instance instanceID is Completed.

      where instanceID represents the ID generated when the quoteRequest method in your business process was called.

      You can click any of the methods in the Message Log to view the details of the call. For example, if you click quoteRequest, the Service Request panel displays the XML message sent by the client (you) when the method was called.

      If you click taxCalculation.returnTaxRate, you can view the response from the taxCalculation service—in this case, the tax rate was calculated, based on the input value (NJ) for the state element in the test XML.

      In the sample XML message you used, state="NJ". That is, the state to which the order is shipped is NJ. This XML message is designed to cause the flow of execution through the Yes branch on your Sales Tax Calculation Needed? node. The preceding figure shows the rate of sales tax returned for this test XML message.

      <returnTaxRate xmlns="http://www.openuri.org/">

      By following these steps you ran and tested a simple business process, which contains a Start node and a Decision node, and includes an asynchronous call to a Web service, via a control.

Subsequent steps in this tutorial build on the business process you have created so far.

Note About Additional Functionality in the Test Browser

The following additional links are available from the Test Form page in the Test Browser:


Click Graph to open the Process Graph tab in the Test Browser. The interactive instance graph is a fully expanded version of the view provided in the Design View. The interactive process graph requires Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0. The first time you open the Process Graph tab, you will be asked if you would like to download the Viewer from the Adobe Web site. You can also download the viewer directly from the Adobe Web site at http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html.
Note: This viewer is not available for some configurations that WebLogic Platform 9.2 supports. For details, please see "Browser Requirements for the Interactive Graph" in Process Instance Monitoring at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13214_01/wli/docs92/adminhelp/processmonitoring.html in WebLogic Integration Admin Console Online Help. For detailed information about the operating systems and browsers WebLogic Platform supports, see WebLogic Platform Supported Configurations at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13196_01/platform/suppconfigs/index.html. As previously mentioned, the Process Graph is a graphical representation of your business process and its execution path. The Process Graph highlights the node currently being executed. When the instance of the business process completes, the path of execution followed in your test is highlighted. In this scenario, the Yes path is executed—the No path is gray on the Process Graph to indicate that this path was not taken during the execution of this instance of the business process. Note: Press Alt and drag the mouse pointer over the Process Graph to move and position it on the Test Browser page. To zoom in, press Ctrl+click; to zoom out, press Ctrl+Shift+click. Alternately, right-click on the Process Graph and select the Zoom In or Zoom Out command from the drop-down menu. You will review your running business process in the Process Graph in a later step in the tutorial. Note: Use the back and forward arrows to navigate between the pages in the BEA Workshop Test Browser.


Click Monitor to open the BEA Products Administration Console in a Web Browser. Login using username = weblogic and password = weblogic. The BEA Products Administration Console opens to the Process Instance Details page. The WebLogic Integration Administration Console allows you to administer and manage your BEA Products applications. For example, if you click View Statistics on the Process Instances navigation pane, you access a Process Instance Statistics page. This page displays a summary of business process instances grouped by the process type. To view the instances of a process type that ran or are running on your server, click the process name. Processes instances are identified by their instanceID. Note that the instanceID displayed for your RequestQuote business process matches the instanceID displayed on the Message Log pane (see the preceding figures in this topic).

Monitor all RequestQuote.jpd processes

Click Monitor all RequestQuote.jpd processes at the top of the Test Form to open the BEA Products Administration Console. Login using username = weblogic and password = weblogic. When you use this link to open the Administration Console, it opens on the Process Instance Summary page, which displays a summary of all the instances of business processes that ran or are running.

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