Interface IApplicationViewDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
IDescriptor, INamespaceObject, Serializable

public interface IApplicationViewDescriptor
extends INamespaceObject, IDescriptor, Serializable

Represents the metadata for an ApplicationView. For example its events, services, name, namespace, etc. All implementations of this interface should be Serializable, and allow for streaming to/from XML.

Nested Class Summary
static interface IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance
          This interface defines an internal reference to an adapter instance from within an ApplicationView (acts something like an 'import').
static interface IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory
          This interface defines an internal reference to a connection factory from within an ApplicationView (acts something like an 'import').
Method Summary
 IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance addAdapterInstance(String aliasName, String name, String id, String adapterLogicalName, boolean owned)
          Create a new internal reference type for an adapter instance.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory addConnectionFactory(String aliasName, String name, String adapterInstanceAliasName)
          Create a new internal reference type for a connection factory.
 IEventDescriptor addEvent(String eventName)
          Add an event to this application view.
 IServiceDescriptor addService(String serviceName)
          Add a service to this application view.
 void clear()
          Clear all data (except the name/namespace) for this descriptor.
 boolean eventExists(String name)
          Indicates whether the event descriptor with the given name exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance getAdapterInstance(String aliasName)
          Get an internal reference type for an adapter instance.
 Set getAdapterInstanceNames()
          Get a unique set of adapter alias names being referenced by this ApplicationView for any purpose.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory(String aliasName)
          Get an internal reference type for an connection factory.
 String getDesignTimeAdapterInstanceName()
          Get the alias name for the adapter instance that will be used for service invocation.
 String getDesignTimeConnectionFactoryName()
          Get the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at design-time to fulfill connection requests for the design-time user interface for the purposes of browsing an EIS instance while defining an ApplicationView.
 IEventDescriptor getEvent(String name)
          Gets the event descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
 String getEventAdapterInstanceName()
          Get the alias name for the adapter instance that will be used for event delivery.
 int getEventCount()
          Returns a count of events on this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 IMutableVariableSet getMutableVariableSet()
          Get a mutable variable set object that can be used to define the variables this ApplicationView will use.
 IServiceDescriptor getService(String name)
          Gets the service descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
 String getServiceAdapterInstanceName()
          Get the alias name for the adapter instance that will be used for service invocation.
 String getServiceConnectionFactoryName()
          Get the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 int getServiceCount()
          Returns a count of services on this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 IVariableSet getVariableSet()
          Get a read-only variable set object describing the variables that have been defined for this ApplicationView.
 String getVersion()
          Get the version number for this descriptor.
 boolean hasEvents()
          Indicates whether this IApplicationViewDescriptor has any events within it.
 boolean hasServices()
          Indicates whether this IApplicationViewDescriptor has any services within it.
 boolean isContainerManagedSignOnEnabled()
          Determine if container-managed sign-on is enabled.
 Iterator listAdapterInstanceAliasNames()
          List the alias names of the internal references to adapter instances.
 Iterator listConnectionFactoryAliasNames()
          List the alias names of the internal references to aconnection factories.
 Iterator listEventNames()
          List the names of all events in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 Iterator listEvents()
          List all events in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 Iterator listServiceNames()
          List the names of all service descriptors in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 Iterator listServices()
          List all service descriptors in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance removeAdapterInstance(String aliasName)
          Remove an internal reference type for an adapter instance.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory removeConnectionFactory(String aliasName)
          Remove an internal reference type for an connection factory.
 IEventDescriptor removeEvent(String name)
          Removes the event descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
 IServiceDescriptor removeService(String name)
          Removes the service with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
 boolean serviceExists(String name)
          Indicates whether the service with the given name exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
 void setContainerManagedSignOnEnabled(boolean enable)
          Enable or disable container-managed sign-on.
 void setDesignTimeConnectionFactoryName(String factoryName)
          Set the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at design-time to fulfill connection requests for the design-time user interface for the purposes of browsing an EIS instance while defining an ApplicationView.
 void setEventAdapterInstanceName(String adapterName)
          Set the alias name of the adapter instance that will be used for event delivery.
 void setServiceConnectionFactoryName(String factoryName)
          Set the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.INamespaceObject
equals, getDescription, getLastUpdateTime, getName, getParentNamespace, getQualifiedName, setDescription, setName, setParentNamespace, syncLastUpdateTime, touch
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDescriptor
fromXML, fromXML, getDescription, getName, isReadOnly, makeReadOnly, setDescription, setName, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


String getVersion()
Get the version number for this descriptor. The values returned are the WLAIConstants.VERSION_XXX constants.


void clear()
Clear all data (except the name/namespace) for this descriptor.


boolean hasEvents()
Indicates whether this IApplicationViewDescriptor has any events within it.

True if this descriptor contains any event descriptors, false otherwise.


int getEventCount()
Returns a count of events on this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

The number of events this descriptor contains.


IEventDescriptor addEvent(String eventName)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException,
Add an event to this application view. This method checks to ensure that no event already exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor with the same name.

eventName - The name of the event to be added. Null is not allowed, and this event's name cannot match any event already in this IApplicationViewDescriptor instance.
An IEventDescriptor representing the new event type added.
IllegalArgumentException - If the event param is null.
DuplicateNameException - If the event has the same name as an event that already exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.


IEventDescriptor removeEvent(String name)
Removes the event descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.

name - The name of the event descriptor to remove.
The IEventDescriptor object removed, or null if none was removed.


boolean eventExists(String name)
Indicates whether the event descriptor with the given name exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.

name - The name of the event descriptor to look for.
True if an event descriptor of the given name exists, false otherwise.


IEventDescriptor getEvent(String name)
Gets the event descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.

name - The name of the event descriptor to get.
The IEventDescriptor object with the given name if it exists, null otherwise.


Iterator listEvents()
List all events in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

An iterator over all event descriptors (IEventDescriptor) in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.


Iterator listEventNames()
List the names of all events in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

An iterator over all event descriptors names (String) in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.


boolean hasServices()
Indicates whether this IApplicationViewDescriptor has any services within it.

True if this descriptor contains any service descriptors, false otherwise.


int getServiceCount()
Returns a count of services on this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

The number of services this descriptor contains.


IServiceDescriptor addService(String serviceName)
                              throws IllegalArgumentException,
Add a service to this application view. This method checks to ensure that no service already exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor with the same name.

serviceName - The name of the service to add. Null is not allowed, and this service's name cannot match any service already in this IApplicationViewDescriptor instance.
An IServiceDescriptor representing the new service just added.
IllegalArgumentException - If the service param is null.
DuplicateNameException - If the service has the same name as a service that already exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.


IServiceDescriptor removeService(String name)
Removes the service with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.

name - The name of the service descriptor to remove.
The IServiceDescriptor object removed, or null if none was removed.


boolean serviceExists(String name)
Indicates whether the service with the given name exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.

name - The name of the service descriptor to look for.
True if a service descriptor of the given name exists, false otherwise.


IServiceDescriptor getService(String name)
Gets the service descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.

name - The name of the service descriptor to get.
The IServiceDescriptor object with the given name if it exists, null otherwise.


Iterator listServices()
List all service descriptors in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

An iterator over all service descriptors (IServiceDescriptor) in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.


Iterator listServiceNames()
List the names of all service descriptors in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

An iterator over all service descriptors names (String) in this IApplicationViewDescriptor.


String getEventAdapterInstanceName()
Get the alias name for the adapter instance that will be used for event delivery. At runtime ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor will receive events from the named adapter instance.

The alias name for the adapter instance used for events or null if none has been set.


void setEventAdapterInstanceName(String adapterName)
Set the alias name of the adapter instance that will be used for event delivery.


String getServiceAdapterInstanceName()
Get the alias name for the adapter instance that will be used for service invocation.


String getServiceConnectionFactoryName()
Get the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

The alias name of the ConnectionFactory or null if none has been set.


void setServiceConnectionFactoryName(String factoryName)
Set the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

factoryName - The alias name of the ConnectionFactory to use.


String getDesignTimeAdapterInstanceName()
Get the alias name for the adapter instance that will be used for service invocation.


String getDesignTimeConnectionFactoryName()
Get the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at design-time to fulfill connection requests for the design-time user interface for the purposes of browsing an EIS instance while defining an ApplicationView.

The alias name of the ConnectionFactory or null if none has been set.


void setDesignTimeConnectionFactoryName(String factoryName)
Set the alias name for the connection factory that will be used at design-time to fulfill connection requests for the design-time user interface for the purposes of browsing an EIS instance while defining an ApplicationView.

factoryName - The alias name of the ConnectionFactory to use.


Set getAdapterInstanceNames()
Get a unique set of adapter alias names being referenced by this ApplicationView for any purpose.


IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance addAdapterInstance(String aliasName,
                                                               String name,
                                                               String id,
                                                               String adapterLogicalName,
                                                               boolean owned)
                                                               throws DuplicateNameException
Create a new internal reference type for an adapter instance. The returned object is immutable.



IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance getAdapterInstance(String aliasName)
Get an internal reference type for an adapter instance. The returned object is immutable.


IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance removeAdapterInstance(String aliasName)
Remove an internal reference type for an adapter instance.


Iterator listAdapterInstanceAliasNames()
List the alias names of the internal references to adapter instances.


IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory addConnectionFactory(String aliasName,
                                                                   String name,
                                                                   String adapterInstanceAliasName)
                                                                   throws DuplicateNameException,
Create a new internal reference type for a connection factory. The returned object is immutable.



IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory(String aliasName)
Get an internal reference type for an connection factory. The returned object is immutable.


IApplicationViewDescriptor.IConnectionFactory removeConnectionFactory(String aliasName)
Remove an internal reference type for an connection factory.


Iterator listConnectionFactoryAliasNames()
List the alias names of the internal references to aconnection factories.


IMutableVariableSet getMutableVariableSet()
Get a mutable variable set object that can be used to define the variables this ApplicationView will use. If no variables have been defined for this ApplicationView, a new variable set object will be created.


IVariableSet getVariableSet()
Get a read-only variable set object describing the variables that have been defined for this ApplicationView. If no variables have been defined for this ApplicationView, null is returned.


void setContainerManagedSignOnEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable or disable container-managed sign-on. This feature allows an app server principal to be mapped by the adapter for this ApplicationView to a corresponding EIS principal. This feature is disabled by default. If this feature is enabled, the principal map (if any) attached to the connection factory being used for service invocations will be used to map app server principal to EIS principal.


boolean isContainerManagedSignOnEnabled()
Determine if container-managed sign-on is enabled.

See Also: