Interface TaskBaseAnnotations

All Known Subinterfaces:
TaskAnnotations, TaskBaseControl, TaskBatchAnnotations, TaskBatchControl, TaskControl, TaskWorkerControl

public interface TaskBaseAnnotations

Shared annotations that apply to both TaskControl and TaskBatchControl.

Nested Class Summary
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.AssigneeDefinitionAnno
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.AssignmentInstructions81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.AssignmentInstructionsAnno
          Describes instructions for assigning a task to human actors.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.BusinessTimeAnno
          Represents an abstract business date and time by defining a time duration from an (as yet unknown) reference time.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.ContainerHandleAnno
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.DateTimeSpec
static class TaskBaseAnnotations.FieldName
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.Flag
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.PropertyValue
          Provides a single value for a single property with a given name.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.StepTimeEstimate
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskAbort
          Causes the method for this annotation to abort the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskAssign
          Causes the method for this annotation to stimulate the assignment of the task instance(s) given the defined assignment instructions.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskAssign81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskClaim
          Causes the method for this annotation to claim the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskClaim81x
          Deprecated. Use custom task plan and TaskTakeAction annotation instead.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskComplete
          Causes the method for this annotation to complete the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskCreate
          Causes the method attached to this annotation to create a new task using the configuration values in this annotation.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskDelete
          Causes the method for this annotation to delete the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskGetData
          Causes the method for this annotation to retrieve the TaskData from the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskGetInfo
          Deprecated. Use TaskGetData instead.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskGetProperties
          Causes the method for this annotation to retrieve the value of the named properties from the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskGetPropertyNames81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskGetRequest81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskGetResponse81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskPlanID
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskRemoveProperties81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskResume
          Causes the method for this annotation to resume the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskReturn
          Causes the method for this annotation to return the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskReturn81x
          Deprecated. Use custom task plan and TaskTakeAction annotation instead.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskSetError
          Causes the method for this annotation to set an error condition on the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskSetProperties
          Causes the method for this annotation to set the value of the given properties onto the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskSetProperty81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskSetRequest81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskSetResponse81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskStart81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskStop81x
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskSuspend
          Causes the method for this annotation to suspend the task instance(s) for this control.
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskTakeAction
          Causes the method for this annotation to take the given action on the current step of this task instance(s).
static interface TaskBaseAnnotations.TaskUpdate81x
          Deprecated. Use TaskSetProperties instead