XQuery Reference

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XQuery Language and XML Reference

This chapter provides XQuery language and XML links to the W3C Working Draft 16 August 2002 XQuery language and W3C XML 1.0 documentation, respectively.

This chapter contains the following topics:


XQuery Prologs

To learn more about XQuery prologs, see the following URL:



XQuery Expressions

To learn more about XQuery expressions, see the following URL:



XQuery FLWR Expressions

To learn more about XQuery FLWR expressions (for, let, where, and return), see the following URL:


To learn more about using the for and where clauses, see Step 4: Mapping a Repeating Element (Join) in Tutorial: Building Your First Data Transformation.


XQuery Namespaces

To learn more about the syntax of XQuery Namespaces, see the following URL:


To learn more about XQuery namespaces, see Understanding the Transformation in the Tutorial: Building Your First Data Transformation.

To learn more about the namespace prefixes used in WebLogic Workshop, see XQuery Namespace Conventions.


XQuery Function Definitions

To learn more about defining functions, see the following URL:



XQuery Function Calls and Arguments

To learn more about function calls and arguments, see the following URL:


To learn more about adding function calls to queries using the mapper, see "Invoking Functions or Operators in a Query" in Modifying Links Using the Target Expression Tab in the Guide to Data Transformation.

To learn more about the XQuery functions and operators available from the mapper, see the XQuery function and operator chapters in the XQuery Reference.


XQuery Path Expressions

To learn more about path expressions, see the following URL:



XQuery Literals

To learn more about XQuery string and numeric literals, see the following URL:



XQuery Combining Sequences

To learn more about the operators for combining sequences of nodes, see the following URL:



XQuery Conditional Expressions

To learn more about conditional expressions based on the if, then, and else keywords, see the following URL:



XQuery Logical Expressions

To learn more about the and and or logical expressions, see the following URL:



XQuery Comparison Expressions

To learn more comparison expressions, see the following URL:



XML Element Declarations

To learn more about XML element declarations, see the following URL:


WebLogic Workshop uses XML Schemas (and not DTDs) for the validation of XML. To learn more about XML element type declarations with XML Schemas, see the following URL:



XML Attribute Declarations

To learn more about XML attribute declarations, see the following URL:


WebLogic Workshop uses XML Schemas (and not DTDs) for the validation of XML. To learn more about XML attribute declarations with XML Schemas, see the following URL:



XML CDATA Sections

To learn more about XML CDATA sections, see the following URL:



XML Comments

To learn more about XML comments, see the following URL:



XML Prolog and Document Type Declaration

To learn more about XML prolog and document type declarations, see the following URL:


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