WebLogic Process Integrator Version 2.0

Interface PluginPanelContext

public interface PluginPanelContext

Interface to allow plugins access to design-time context and services. This includes plugin-defined template and template definition data, and services to launch the expression builder, validate and manipulate expressions, and to invoke the 'add variable' dialog. Not all methods are applicable in all dialog contexts - if a plugin panel invokes a method in an invalid context, that method throws a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.

WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0
See Also:

Method Summary
 VariableInfo checkVariable(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] validTypes)
          Check to see if a variable exits.
 javax.naming.Context getInitialContext()
          Return the design-time client application's JNDI context.
 PluginData getPluginTemplateData(java.lang.String pluginName)
          Retrieve the plugin defined data for the associated template.
 PluginData getPluginTemplateDefinitionData(java.lang.String pluginName)
          Retrieve the plugin defined data for the associated template definition.
 java.lang.String getTemplateDefinitionID()
          Retrieve the ID of the owner template definition.
 java.lang.String getTemplateID()
          Retrieve the ID of the owner template.
 java.util.List getVariableList()
          Retrieve a list of all defined workflow variables and their types.
 java.util.List getVariableList(java.lang.String type)
          Retrieve a list of defined workflow variables of a specified type.
 VariableInfo invokeAddVariableDialog()
          Invoke the Add Variable dialog to allow the user to define a new workflow variable.
 VariableInfo invokeAddVariableDialog(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] validTypes)
          Invoke the 'Add Variable' dialog to allow the user to define a new workflow variable of a valid type specified by the caller.
 void invokeExpressionBuilder(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent txtInput, boolean condition, FieldInfo fieldInfo, java.lang.String[] fields, java.lang.String eventDescriptor)
          Invoke the expression builder dialog.
 boolean isVariableInExpression(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.String var)
          Check whether an expression references the specified variable.
 java.lang.String renameVariableInExpression(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.String oldName, java.lang.String newName)
          Update an expression's references to a renamed variable.
 boolean validateExpression(java.lang.String expression, boolean allowVariables, FieldInfo fieldInfo, java.lang.String eventDescriptor)
          Validate an expression.

Method Detail


public javax.naming.Context getInitialContext()
Return the design-time client application's JNDI context. The client application (WebLogic Process Integrator Studio) returns a JNDI context containing the same security context as it uses itself. The caller must not close this context.
A JNDI context.


public java.lang.String getTemplateID()
Retrieve the ID of the owner template.
The template ID.


public java.lang.String getTemplateDefinitionID()
Retrieve the ID of the owner template definition.
The template definition ID.


public java.util.List getVariableList()
Retrieve a list of all defined workflow variables and their types.
A list of VariableInfo objects describing the defined variables.


public java.util.List getVariableList(java.lang.String type)
Retrieve a list of defined workflow variables of a specified type.
type - A string describing the type of variable to return.
A list of VariableInfo objects describing the defined variables of the specified type.


public void invokeExpressionBuilder(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent txtInput,
                                    boolean condition,
                                    FieldInfo fieldInfo,
                                    java.lang.String[] fields,
                                    java.lang.String eventDescriptor)
Invoke the expression builder dialog. This method assumes that the current expression is displayed in a JTextComponent, or a subclass thereof, and initializes the expression builder from this text component. If the user clicks the expression builder's OK button, this method closes the builder dialog if the expression is valid, then updates the text component with the modified expression.
txtInput - The text input component containing the expression.
condition - true to build a conditional expression.
fieldInfo - Required if the expression is permitted to reference fields.
fields - Optional list of valid field names, to match the eventDescriptor parameter. Note that field types which support qualifiers are not well suited to supply a list of valid field names.
eventDescriptor - An event descriptor string in a plugin-defined format.


public VariableInfo invokeAddVariableDialog()
                                     throws WorkflowException
Invoke the Add Variable dialog to allow the user to define a new workflow variable.
Information about the new variable if the user pressed the 'add variable' dialog's OK button, otherwise null.


public VariableInfo invokeAddVariableDialog(java.lang.String name,
                                            java.lang.String[] validTypes)
                                     throws WorkflowException
Invoke the 'Add Variable' dialog to allow the user to define a new workflow variable of a valid type specified by the caller.
name - The name of the new variable to create. Can be null.
validTypes - An array of valid type names for this variable. Valid types are defined in the VariableInfo class.
Information about the new variable.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If a types array contains an invalid type.
WorkflowException - If a variable of the same name already exists.


public VariableInfo checkVariable(java.lang.String name,
                                  java.lang.String[] validTypes)
                           throws WorkflowException
Check to see if a variable exits. If it doesn't, invoke the 'Add Variable' dialog to allow the user to define a new workflow variable of a valid type specified by the caller.
name - The name of the new variable to create. Can be null.
validTypes - An array of valid type names for this variable. Valid types are defined in the VariableInfo class. Can be null.
Information about the variable if it exists, or if the user pressed the 'add variable' dialog's OK button, otherwise nullThrows:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If a types array contains an invalid type.
WorkflowException - If a variable of the same name already exists, but is of a type not in the supplied list of valid types.


public PluginData getPluginTemplateData(java.lang.String pluginName)
Retrieve the plugin defined data for the associated template.
pluginName - The reverse-DNS name of the plugin.
The plugin provided PluginData object for the template.
See Also:


public PluginData getPluginTemplateDefinitionData(java.lang.String pluginName)
Retrieve the plugin defined data for the associated template definition.
pluginName - The reverse-DNS name of the plugin.
The plugin provided PluginData object for the template definition.
See Also:


public boolean isVariableInExpression(java.lang.String expr,
                                      java.lang.String var)
                               throws EvaluatorException
Check whether an expression references the specified variable.
expr - The text of the expression to check.
var - The name of the variable.
true if the expression references the variable.
EvaluatorException - if expr is not a valid expression.


public java.lang.String renameVariableInExpression(java.lang.String expr,
                                                   java.lang.String oldName,
                                                   java.lang.String newName)
                                            throws EvaluatorException
Update an expression's references to a renamed variable.
expr - The text of the expression to modify.
oldName - The previous name of the variable.
newName - The new name of the variable.
The updated expression text.
EvaluatorException - if expr is not a valid expression.


public boolean validateExpression(java.lang.String expression,
                                  boolean allowVariables,
                                  FieldInfo fieldInfo,
                                  java.lang.String eventDescriptor)
                           throws EvaluatorException
Validate an expression.
expression - The text of the expression to validate.
allowVariables - true if the expression allows variables.
fieldInfo - The data field type.
eventDescriptor - The description of the event.
true if the expression is valid.
EvaluatorException - if expr is not a valid expression.

WebLogic Process Integrator Version 2.0

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Copyright (c) 2001 BEA Systems, Inc.
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