WebLogic Process Integrator Version 2.0

Package com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin

Provides common classes used by plugins in the WebLogic Process Integrator client and server.


Interface Summary
PluginActionData Interface to allow plugins to load and store plugin action data in XML format.
PluginConstants Defines various constants used by the plugin framework.
PluginData Interface to allow plugins to load and store data in XML format.
PluginField The interface that a plugin has to implement to define a new field.
PluginFunction The interface that a plugin must implement to define a new evaluator function.
PluginObject Interface to allow plugins to load data in XML format.
PluginPanelContext Interface to allow plugins access to design-time context and services.
PluginVariableRenderer Defines a plugin-provided GUI component for displaying the value of a plugin-defined variable type.

Class Summary
ActionCategoryInfo Provides information about an action or action category defined by a plugin.
ActionInfo Provides information about an action defined by a plugin.
CategoryInfo Provides information about an action category defined by a plugin.
ConfigurationData Provides information about a plugin's configuration.
ConfigurationInfo Provides information about configuration information defined by a plugin.
DoneInfo Provides information about a done node type defined by a plugin.
EventHandlerInfo Provides information about an event handler defined by a plugin.
EventInfo Provides information about an event node type defined by a plugin.
FieldInfo Provides information about a data field type defined by a plugin.
FunctionInfo Provides information about an evaluator function defined by a plugin.
HelpSetInfo Provides information about the context sensitive online help provided by a plugin.
InfoObject Abstract base class for all plugin metadata objects.
PluginActionPanel Defines the GUI component for a plugin-provided action.
PluginCapabilitiesInfo Provides information about a plugin's capabilities.
PluginDependency Provides information about a plugin's dependencies.
PluginInfo Provides basic information about a plugin prior to loading.
PluginPanel Defines a plugin-provided GUI component.
PluginTriggerPanel Defines a plugin-provided start or event node GUI component.
PluginVariablePanel Defines a plugin-provided GUI component for editing the value of a plugin-defined variable type.
StartInfo Provides information about a start node type defined by a plugin.
TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo Defines the GUI component for plugin template definition properties.
TemplateNodeInfo Provides information about a plugin-supplied template definition node type.
TemplatePropertiesInfo Defines the plugin-provided GUI component for plugin template properties.
VariableTypeInfo Provides information about a variable type defined by a plugin.

Exception Summary
PluginException Exception class thrown by plugins and the Plugin Manager.

Package com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin Description

Provides common classes used by plugins in the WebLogic Process Integrator client and server. Members of this package are serializable to enable them to be exchanged between client and server. Many of the classes provide meta-data about various plugin capabilities; their primary purpose is to eliminate unnecessary 'read-only' remote method calls.

WebLogic Process Integrator Version 2.0

BEA WebLogic Process Integrator is a trademark of BEA Systems, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2001 BEA Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.