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Retrieving and Storing Repository Documents


The XML Translator repository feature provides a centralized document storage mechanism that supports the following four document types:

The repository allows the supported documents to be shared between the components of WebLogic Integration. The repository provides access to these document types and provides manipulation of repository documents including access to the document text, description, notes, and removal of the document. The repository allows the supported documents to be shared between XML Translator, WebLogic Process Integrator (Process Integrator), WebLogic Server (WLS), and WebLogic Collaborate (WLC). The repository also includes a batch import utility that allows previously constructed MFL, DTD, XML Schema, and XSLT documents residing on a different file system to be easily migrated into the repository.

This section discusses the following topics:


Accessing the Repository

To access the Repository:

  1. Start Format Builder by clicking Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.0—>xmltranslator—> Format Builder. The Format Builder main window displays.

  2. Choose Repository—>Log In. The Process Integrator Repository Login window opens.

    Figure 5-1 Process Integrator Repository Login Dialog Box

  3. Enter the Process Integrator userid specified for the connection in the User Name field.

  4. Enter the Process Integrator password specified for the connection in the Password field.

  5. Enter the server name and Port number in the Server[:port] field.

    Note: The Process Integrator Repository Login window allows up to three unsuccessful login attempts, after which, a login failure message is displayed. If you experience three login failures, choose Repository—>Log In to repeat the login procedure.

  6. Click Connect. If your login is successful, the Login window disappears and the Format Builder Title bar displays the server name and port number entered on the Process Integrator Repository Login window. You may now choose any of the active repository menu items to access.

Repository Menu

The following commands are available from the Repository Menu.

Table 5-1 Repository Menu Commands

Menu Command


Log In

Displays the Process Integrator Repository Login dialog, allowing you to connect to the repository.

Log Out

Disconnects from the repository.


Retrieves a document from the repository.


Stores the current document in the repository.

Store As

Stores the current document in the repository under a different name.



Retrieving Repository Documents

Perform the following steps to retrieve repository documents:

  1. Start Format Builder.

  2. Log in to the Repository.

  3. Choose Repository—>Retrieve. The Select-document-to-retrieve dialog box opens.

  4. Select the document you want to retrieve from the document list.

  5. Click Retrieve. The Select-document-to-retrieve dialog box is dismissed and you are returned to the Format Builder main window with your selected document listed in the Tree Pane.

Once you have retrieved the specified document, you can edit it as you would any MFL document within Format Builder, store the document back into the repository, store the document back into the repository with a different name, or save as a local file.

Anytime you open a document that is stored in the repository, a read-only Document Repository Properties box displays in the Message Format detail panel when the message format node is selected. This properties box provides you with a document description and any notes that were attached to the document.


Storing Repository Documents

Perform the following steps to store a MFL document in the repository:

  1. Start Format Builder.

  2. Open the MFL document you want to store in the repository.

  3. Log in to the repository.

  4. Choose Repository—>Store As. The Store As dialog box opens.

  5. Enter the name you want to associate with this repository document in the Name field.

  6. Enter a description of the repository document in the Description field.

  7. Enter any notes you would like attached to the document in the Notes field.

  8. Click Store. The Store As dialog box is dismissed and your MFL document displays in the Format Builder Tree Pane. A Document Repository Properties box with document Description and Notes information displays in the Detail panel of the Format Builder Message Format Detail Panel.

If your Format Builder options specify generation of a DTD/XML Schema, these documents will also be stored in the repository using the supplied name.


Importing Documents into the Repository

The XML Translator Repository Batch Import Utility provides a command line interface to the Repository. It provides a mechanism for easily importing previously built MFL documents into the Repository. The Batch Importer is capable of importing MFL, DTD, class, .XSLT, and XML schema documents in any combination. The Batch Importer also works with any plug-in repository.

Use of the repository importer with the Process Integrator Repository requires the placement of a file to be placed in a CLASSPATH directory. The contents of this file identify the WebLogic Server hosting the Process Integrator repository. For example:


Invoking the Batch Import Utility

At the console command prompt, invoke the Batch Import Utility using the following command.

java com.bea.wlxt.repository.Import [-v] [-n] [-t type] [-f folder] files...

The following information describes the commands and their options.


specifies that verbose mode is on. This switch may appear anywhere within the command line and affects all operations that follow. Verbose mode is disabled by default.


specifies that verbose mode is off. This switch may appear anywhere within the command line and affects all operations that follow. Verbose mode is disabled by default.


Optional switch specifying the parent folder of all the following files. Multiple -f switches may be specified to change folders during an import execution. By default, documents are imported into the root folder of the repository. A special -f switch argument of @ may be used to specify the root folder.

Folder names specified in the -f switch are always absolute pathnames from the repository root folder. Folder names within a path should be separated by a forward slash.


Optional switch specifying the default type of all the following files. The default type is assigned to documents when the document type cannot be determined by the file extension. Valid values are .mfl, .dtd, .class, .xsl, and .xsd.


specifies one or more filenames to be imported. Wildcards may be used based on the current command line shell.

All switches take effect at the point in the command line where the are encountered and remain in effect until overridden by another switch. For example, the following command line imports all .dtd, .class, and .mfl files in the current directory, but only enables verbose mode while class files are imported.

java com.bea.wlxt.repository.Import *.dtd -v *.class -n *.mfl

The document type of imported documents is derived from the file extension as follows:

Table 5-2 Supported Document Types and Extensions

File Extension

Document Type Assigned




XML Schema




Java Class


Extensible Stylesheet Language

anything else

Default type (defaults to MFL)


Using the Repository Document Chooser

The Repository Document Chooser provides a user interface exposing the contents of the repository. The user interface consists of six different dialog and message boxes that allow you to store, retrieve, and modify repository documents.

Using the Open Document Dialog Box

The following is an image of the Open Document dialog box used for retrieving repository documents.

Figure 5-2 Select Document To Retrieve Dialog Box

The following reference numbers refer to those listed in the previous figure.


The Current Folder field specifies the name of the current repository folder.


The Up Folder icon is used to move up to the parent of the current folder if the current folder is not the root folder of the repository.


The Root Folder icon is used to make the root the current folder if the current folder is not the root folder of the repository.


The New Folder icon is used to create a new child folder in the current folder. This icon is disabled if the repository does not support folders.


The list field contains all the MFL documents in the current folder. Each entry in the list is prefixed by an icon indicating the type of object: Folder or MFL. Selecting an entry in the list causes its information to be displayed. Double-clicking an entry in the list causes it to be retrieved or become the current folder.


The Retrieve button opens the selected document. If a folder is currently selected, pressing this button causes it to become the current folder.


The Cancel button causes the dialog box to be dismissed.


The Name field specifies the name of the currently selected document folder.


The Description field provides the description of the currently selected document folder.


The Notes field provides the notes attached to the currently selected document folder.

Using the Store Document Dialog Box

The following is an image of the Store Document dialog box used for storing repository documents.

Figure 5-3 Store Document Dialog Box

The Store Document dialog box differs from the Open Document dialog box only in its ability to enter a new document name, description, or notes.

Using the Shortcut Menus

Both the Open Document and Store Document dialog boxes provide the capability to update repository objects, rename existing objects, and remove objects. These update features are accessed by right-clicking on a repository object. The following is an image of the shortcut menus.

Figure 5-4 Store Document Dialog Box


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