WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use SOMSchema
com.bea.adapter.web The com.bea.adapter.web package contains classes that support the development of a design-time Web application for deploying and managing application views. 
com.bea.document Objects/interfaces for BEA Document and Schema support. 
com.bea.schema Objects/interfaces for BEA Schema support. 

Uses of SOMSchema in com.bea.adapter.web

Methods in com.bea.adapter.web with parameters of type SOMSchema
 QualifiedName AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.addSchemaToRepository(java.lang.String strKey, SOMSchema schema)
          Add a schema to the WLAI schema repository.
 void AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.updateSchemaInRepository(java.lang.String strSchemaName, SOMSchema schema)
          Update a schema in the WLAI schema repository.

Uses of SOMSchema in com.bea.document

Methods in com.bea.document that return SOMSchema
 SOMSchema IDocumentDefinition.getDocumentSchema()
          Get the document schema for this document definition.

Methods in com.bea.document with parameters of type SOMSchema
 void IDocumentDefinition.setDocumentSchema(SOMSchema schema)
          Set the document schema for this document definition.

Uses of SOMSchema in com.bea.schema

Methods in com.bea.schema that return SOMSchema
 SOMSchema SOMObject.getParentSchema()
          get a reference to the parent schema for this object

Uses of SOMSchema in com.bea.schema.helper

Constructors in com.bea.schema.helper with parameters of type SOMSchema
SOMHelper.SOMHelper(SOMSchema som)
          Construct a new SOMHelper Object.

Uses of SOMSchema in com.bea.wlai.common

Methods in com.bea.wlai.common that return SOMSchema
 SOMSchema ISchemaDescriptor.getSchema()
          Get the schema document associated with this schema descriptor.
 SOMSchema EventDefinition.getPayloadSchema()
          Get the schema for the payload document.
 SOMSchema SchemaDescriptor.getSchema()
          Get the SOMSchema that this descriptor contains
 SOMSchema IEventDefinition.getPayloadSchema()
          Get the schema for the payload document.

Methods in com.bea.wlai.common with parameters of type SOMSchema
 void ISchemaDescriptor.setSchema(SOMSchema aDocumentSchema)
          Set the schema document for this schema descriptor.
 void EventDefinition.setPayloadSchema(SOMSchema schema)
          Set the schema for the payload document.
 void SchemaDescriptor.setSchema(SOMSchema documentSchema)
          Set the SOMSchema that this descriptor contains
 void IEventDefinition.setPayloadSchema(SOMSchema schema)
          Set the schema for the payload document.

Constructors in com.bea.wlai.common with parameters of type SOMSchema
SchemaDescriptor.SchemaDescriptor(INamespace parentNamespace, java.lang.String name, SOMSchema documentSchema)
          Construct a new SchemaDescriptor in the given namespace, with the given name, and contents.
SchemaDescriptor.SchemaDescriptor(INamespace parentNamespace, java.lang.String name, SOMSchema documentSchema, java.lang.String description)
          Construct a new SchemaDescriptor in the given namespace, with the given name, contents, and description.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)