WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use QualifiedName
com.bea.adapter.web The com.bea.adapter.web package contains classes that support the development of a design-time Web application for deploying and managing application views. 

Uses of QualifiedName in com.bea.adapter.web

Methods in com.bea.adapter.web that return QualifiedName
 QualifiedName AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.addSchemaToRepository(java.lang.String strKey, SOMSchema schema)
          Add a schema to the WLAI schema repository.

Methods in com.bea.adapter.web with parameters of type QualifiedName
protected  java.lang.String AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.getConnectionFactoryObjectName(QualifiedName appViewName)
protected  java.lang.String AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.getConnectionFactoryDeploymentName(QualifiedName appViewName)
protected  java.lang.String AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.getConnectionFactoryJNDIName(QualifiedName qualifiedAppViewName)
          This method retrieves the JNDI name for the connection factory.

Uses of QualifiedName in com.bea.wlai.client

Methods in com.bea.wlai.client that return QualifiedName
 QualifiedName AsyncServiceResponse.getApplicationViewName()
          Get the name of the ApplicationView that hosts the service that was invoked.
 QualifiedName ApplicationView.getQualifiedName()
          Get this ApplicationView's qualified name
 QualifiedName NamespaceManager.getQualifiedNameFromString(java.lang.String qnameStr)
          Get a QualifiedName object from the external string form of a qualified name.
 QualifiedName NamespaceManager.getQualifiedNameFromString(java.lang.String qnameStr, boolean allowNonExistent)
          Get a QualifiedName object from the external string form of a qualified name, optionally allowing the lowest level qualifier to not exist.

Methods in com.bea.wlai.client with parameters of type QualifiedName
 ISchemaDescriptor SchemaManager.getSchema(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Get the schema with name given by aQualifiedName parameter.
 ISchemaDescriptor SchemaManager.removeSchema(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Remove the schema with name given by aQualifiedName parameter.
 boolean SchemaManager.exists(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Determine whether the schema represented by a qualified name exists in the repository.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor DeployManager.undeployConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the connection factory with the given name from the WLAI server.
 boolean DeployManager.isConnectionFactoryDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether a Connection Factory with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor DeployManager.undeployApplicationView(QualifiedName appViewName, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the application view with the given name from the WLAI server.
 boolean DeployManager.isApplicationViewDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether an ApplicationView with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 boolean DeployManager.isApplicationViewDeployUndeployAllowed(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd, QualifiedName appViewName, boolean deployFlag)
          Checks login principal for access to the named application view
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor DeployManager.getConnectionFactoryDeploymentDescriptor(QualifiedName name)
          Get the connection factory deployment descriptor for the given connection factory name.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor DeployManager.getApplicationViewDeploymentDescriptor(QualifiedName appViewName)
          Get the application view deployment descriptor for the given application view.
 java.lang.String[] ApplicationViewRemote.listServiceNames(QualifiedName appViewName)
          List service names deployed for this ApplicationView.
 java.lang.String[] ApplicationViewRemote.listEventTypes(QualifiedName appViewName)
          List the events this ApplicationView is capable of delivering, and thus the events which may be listened for using an EventContext returned from a call to getEventContext().
 IDocumentDefinition ApplicationViewRemote.getRequestDocumentDefinition(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName)
          Get request DocumentDefinition for the given service.
 IDocumentDefinition ApplicationViewRemote.getResponseDocumentDefinition(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName)
          Get response IDocumentDefinition for the given service.
 IEventDefinition ApplicationViewRemote.getEventDefinition(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String eventType)
          Get IEventDefinition for the given event type.
 IDocument ApplicationViewRemote.invokeService(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request document given.
 IDocument ApplicationViewRemote.invokeService(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, boolean autoCreateResponse, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request document given.
 void ApplicationViewRemote.invokeService(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, IDocument response, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request and response documents given.
 boolean ApplicationViewRemote.isAsyncEnabled(QualifiedName appViewName)
          Determine if this application view has been set up to allow the user to use the invokeServiceAsync() method.
 java.lang.String ApplicationViewRemote.invokeServiceAsync(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String appViewInstanceID, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Asynchronously invoke the service with the given name, and post the the response to the JMS response queue for this ApplicationView.
 java.lang.String ApplicationViewRemote.invokeServiceAsync(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String appViewInstanceID, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, java.lang.String responseQueueJNDIName, java.util.Map jmsPropertyMap, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Asynchronously invoke the service with the given name, and place the response on the indicated JMS queue when the response is available.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.removeConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.getConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 boolean ConnectionFactoryManager.exists(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Determine whether the connection factory descriptor represented by a qualified name exists in the repository.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.undeployConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name)
          Undeploy the ConnectionFactory represented by the given QualifiedName from the WLAI engine.
 boolean ConnectionFactoryManager.isConnectionFactoryDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether an ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.removeApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the ApplicationView with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.getApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the ApplicationView with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 boolean ApplicationViewManagerRemote.exists(QualifiedName name)
          Determines whether an Application View with the given qualified name exists in the repository.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.undeployApplicationView(QualifiedName name, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the ApplicationView represented by the given QualifiedName from the WLAI engine.
 boolean ApplicationViewManagerRemote.isApplicationViewDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether an ApplicationView with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 AdapterInfo ApplicationViewManagerRemote.getAdapterInfoForApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Returns information about the adapter associated with an ApplicationView with the given name.
 INamespace NamespaceManager.removeNamespace(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the namespace with the given qualified name from its parent namespace.
 INamespace NamespaceManager.getNamespace(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the namespace with the given qualified name.
 NamespaceObjectHandle NamespaceManager.getObjectHandle(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Get a namespace object handle using a qualified name.
 boolean NamespaceManager.exists(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Determine whether the namespace represented by a qualified name exists in the repository.
 void EngineManager.setEventForwardingEnabled(QualifiedName appViewName, boolean enabled, java.lang.String targetJNDIName, int targetType, java.util.Map jmsPropertyMap)
          Enables or disables event forwarding for a given ApplicationView to a given target JMS resource.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.removeApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the application view with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.getApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the application view with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 boolean ApplicationViewManager.exists(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Determine whether the application view represented by a qualified name exists in the repository.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.undeployApplicationView(QualifiedName name, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the application view represented by the given QualifiedName from the WLAI engine.
 ApplicationView ApplicationViewManager.getApplicationViewInstance(QualifiedName name)
          Create a new instance of the application view with the given qualified name.
 boolean ApplicationViewManager.isApplicationViewDeployed(QualifiedName name)
          Indicates whether an application view with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 AdapterInfo ApplicationViewManager.getAdapterInfoForApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Returns information about the adapter associated with an application view with the given name.

Constructors in com.bea.wlai.client with parameters of type QualifiedName
AsyncServiceResponse.AsyncServiceResponse(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.String requestID, java.lang.String errorMsg)
AsyncServiceResponse.AsyncServiceResponse(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.String requestID, IDocument response)
ApplicationView.ApplicationView(java.util.Hashtable props, QualifiedName appViewName)
          Create a new ApplicationView with the given name, and using a new InitialContext obtained using the given Hashtable of properties.
ApplicationView.ApplicationView(javax.naming.Context context, QualifiedName appViewName)
          Create a new ApplicationView with the given name, using the existing given InitialContext.

Uses of QualifiedName in com.bea.wlai.common

Methods in com.bea.wlai.common that return QualifiedName
 QualifiedName NamespaceObject.getQualifiedName()
          Return a QualifiedName representing this namespace object's name and parent namespace.
 QualifiedName INamespaceObject.getQualifiedName()
          Return a QualifiedName representing this namespace object's name and parent namespace.
 QualifiedName ConnectionFactoryDescriptor.getQualifiedName()
          Return a QualifiedName representing this descriptor's name and parent namespace.
 QualifiedName SchemaDescriptor.getQualifiedName()
          Return a QualifiedName representing this descriptor's name and parent namespace.
 QualifiedName NamespaceObjectHandle.getQualifiedName()
          Get the qualified name of the object this handle represents.
 QualifiedName IDocumentDescriptor.getQualifiedName()
          Get the qualified name corresponding to this document descriptor.
 QualifiedName ApplicationViewDescriptor.getQualifiedName()
          Return a QualifiedName representing this descriptor's name and parent namespace.
 QualifiedName DocumentDescriptor.getQualifiedName()
          Deprecated. 7/26/2001

Methods in com.bea.wlai.common with parameters of type QualifiedName
 void NamespaceObjectHandle.setQualifiedName(QualifiedName qname)
          Set the qualified name of the object this handle represents.

Constructors in com.bea.wlai.common with parameters of type QualifiedName
NamespaceObjectHandle.NamespaceObjectHandle(QualifiedName qname, java.lang.String className)
          Construct a new NamespaceObjectHandle with the given qualified name and class name.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)