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Developing a Design-Time GUI


The ADKs design-time framework provides the tools you will use to build the web-based GUI that adapter users need to define, deploy, and test their application views. Although each adapter has EIS-specific functionality, all adapters require a GUI for deploying application views. The design-time framework minimizes the effort required to create and deploy these interfaces, primarily by using these two components:

This section includes information on the following subjects:


Introduction to Design-Time Form Processing

There are a variety of approaches to processing forms using Java Servlets and JSPs. The basic requirements of any form processing approach are:

  1. Display an HTML form.

    To accomplish this task, you must:

  2. When the user submits the form data, validate the field values in the HTTP request.

    To accomplish this task, you must:

  3. If any field values are invalid, the form must be redisplayed to the user with an error message next to each erroneous field on the form. The error message should be localized for the user's preferred locale if the web application supports multiple locales. In addition, the user's last input should be redisplayed so they do not have to re-input any valid information. The web application should continue with Step 2 and loop as many times as needed until all fields submitted are valid.

  4. Once all fields have passed coarse-grained validation, the form data must be processed. While processing the form data, an error condition may be encountered that does not relate to individual field validation, such as a Java exception. The form will need to be re-displayed to the user with a localized error message at the top of the page. As with step 3, all input fields should be saved so the user does not have to re-enter any valid information.

    To accomplish this task, the web application developer must:

  5. If the form processing succeeds, the next page in the web application is displayed to the user.

Form Processing Classes

As you can imagine, or have experienced, implementing all these steps for every form in a web application is quite a tedious and error prone development process. The ADK design-time framework simplifies this process by using a Model-View-Controller paradigm. There are five classes involved in the form processing mechanism:



This class provides HTTP request processing logic. This class is the model component of the MVC-based mechanism. This object is instantiated by the ControllerServlet and saved in the HTTP session under the key handler. The ADK provides the com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler. This abstract base class implements functionality needed to deploy an application view that is common across all adapters. You will need to extend this class to supply adapter/EIS specific logic.



This class is responsible for receiving an HTTP request, validating each value in the request, delegating the request to a RequestHandler for processing, and determining which page to display to the user. The ControllerServlet uses Java reflection to determine which method to invoke on the RequestHandler. The ControllerServlet looks for an HTTP request parameter named doAction to indicate the name of the method that implements the form processing logic. If this parameter is not available, the ControllerServlet does not invoke any methods on the RequestHandler.

The ControllerServlet is configured in the web.xml file for the web application. The ControllerServlet is responsible for delegating HTTP requests to a method on a RequestHandler. You do not need to provide any code to use the ControllerServlet. However, you must supply the initial parameters listed in Table 8-5.



ActionResult encapsulates information about the outcome of processing a request. Also provides information to the ControllerServlet to help it determine the next page to display to the user.

Word and Its Descendants


All fields in a web application require some validation. The com.bea.web.validation.Word and its descendants supply logic to validate form fields. If any fields are invalid, the Word object uses a message bundle to retrieve an internationalized/localized error message for the field. The ADK supplies the custom validators described in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Custom Validators for Word Object





Determines if the value for a field is an integer within a specified range.


Determines if the value for a field is a floating point value within a specified range.


Determines if the value for a field is a valid Java identifier.

Perl 5 Regular Expression

Determines if the value for a field matches a Perl 5 regular expression.


Determines if the supplied value is a valid URL


Determines if the supplied value contains a list of valid e-mail addresses.


Determines if the supplied value is a valid date using a specified date/time format


AbstractInputTagSupport and Its Descendants


The tag classes provided by the Web toolkit are responsible for:

Submit Tag

Additionally, the ADK provides a submit tag, such as:

<adk:submit name='xyz_submit' doAction='xyz'/>

This tag ensures the doAction parameter is passed to the ControllerServlet in the request. This results in the ControllerServlet invoking the xyz() method on the registered RequestHandler.

Form Processing Sequence

This section discusses the sequence in which forms are processed. Figure 8-1 shows how forms are processed.


Before forms can be processed, the following must occur:

  1. When a JSP containing a custom ADK input tag is being written to the HTTP response object, the tag ensures that it initializes an instance of com.bea.web.validation.Word and places it into the web application scope, keyed by the input field name. This makes the validation object available to the ControllerServlet so that it can perform coarse-grained validation on an HTTP request prior to submitting the request to the RequestHandler. For example,
    <adk:int name='age' minInclusive='1' maxInclusive='120' required='true'/>

  2. The HTML for this tag will be generated when the JSP engine invokes the doStartTag() method on an instance of com.bea.web.tag.IntegerTagSupport. The IntegerTagSupport instance will instantiate a new instance of com.bea.web.validation.IntegerWord and add it to web application scope under the key age. Consequently, the ControllerServlet can retrieve the IntegerWord instance from its ServletContext whenever it needs to validate a value for age. The validation will ensure that any value passed for age is greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to 120.

  3. Lastly, the HTML form must also submit a hidden field named doAction. The value of this parameter is used by the ControllerServlet to determine the method on the RequestHandler that can process the form.

Following these prerequisites, the JSP form appears as shown in Listing 8-1:

Listing 8-1 Sample JSP Form

<form method='POST' action='controller'>
Age: <adk:int name='age' minInclusive='1' maxInclusive='120'
<adk:submit name='processAge_submit' doAction='processAge'/>

Steps in the Sequence

The sequence diagram shown in Figure  8-1 illustrates the transactions that occur during form processing. 

Figure 8-1 UI Form Processing Sequence Diagram


The sequence is as follows:

  1. User submits the form with age=10, doAction=processAge.

  2. ControllerServlet retrieves the age field from the HTTP request.

  3. ControllerServlet retrieves a com.bea.web.validation.Word object from its ServletContext using key age. The object is an instance of com.bea.web.validation.IntegerWord.

  4. ControllerServlet invokes the validate() method on the Word instance and passes 10 as a parameter.

  5. The Word instance determines that the value 10 is greater than or equal to 1 and is less than or equal to 120. The Word instance returns true to indicate that the value is valid.

  6. The ControllerServlet retrieves the RequestHandler from the session or creates it and adds it to the session as handler.

  7. The ControllerServlet uses the Java Reflection API to locate and invoke the processAge() method on the RequestHandler. An exception is generated if the method does not exist. The method signature is:
    public ActionResult processAge(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception

  8. The RequestHandler processes the form input and returns an ActionResult object to indicate the outcome of the processing. The ActionResult contains information used by the ControllerServlet to determine the next page to display to the user. The next page information should be the name of another JSP or HTML page in your web application; for example, thanks would display the thanks.jsp page to the user.

  9. The the ActionResult is a success, then the ControllerServlet redirects the HTTP response to the display page for the web application. In the ADK, the display page is typically display.jsp.

  10. The display.jsp includes the JSP indicated by the content parameter; for example, thanks.jsp, and displays it to the user.


Design-Time Features

Design-time development has its own features, different from those associated with run-time adapter development. This section describes those features.

Java Server Pages

A design-time GUI is comprised of a set of ten Java Server Pages. JSPs are simply HTML pages that call Java servlets to invoke some transaction. To the user, the JSP looks just like any other web page.

The JSPs that comprise a design-time GUI are:

Table 8-2 Design-Time GUI JSPs





The display page, also called the Adapter Home Page; this page contains the HTML necessary to create the look-and-feel of the application view.


The Adapter Design-Time Login page.


The Confirm Connection page; this page provides a form for the user to specify connection parameters for the EIS.


The Application View Administration page; this page provides a summary of an undeployed application view.


The Add Event page; this page allows the user to add a new event to the application view.


The Add Service page; this page allows the user to add a new service to the application view.


The Edit Event page is an optional page that allows users to edit events.


The Edit Service page is an optional page that allows users to edit services.


The Deploy Application View page; this page allows the user to specify deployment properties.


The Summary page; this page displays the following information about an application view:


For a discussion on how to implement these JSPs, please refer to Step 2: Determining the Screen Flow.

JSP Templates

The design-time framework provides a set of JSP templates for rapidly assembling a web application to define, deploy, and test a new application view for an adapter. A template is an HTML page that is dynamically generated by a Java Servlet based on parameters provided in the HTTP request. Templates are used to minimize the number of custom pages and custom HTML needed for a web application. The templates supplied by the ADK provide three primary features for adapter developers.

Refer to JSP Templates for a complete list of JSP templates provided by the ADK.

The ADK Tag Library

The JSP tag library helps to develop user-friendly HTML forms and abstracts complexity from the adapter page developers. Custom tags for form input components allow page developers to seamlessly link to the validation mechanism. Custom tags are provided for the following HTML input tags:

Table 8-3 ADK JSP Tags




adk:check box

Determines if the checkbox form field should be checked when a form is displayed; this tag does not perform validation.


Provides access to a message in the message bundle.


Verifies the user's input is a date value that meets a specific format.


Verifies the user's input is a double value.


Verifies the user's input is a vaADKlid list of e-mail addresses (one or more).


Verifies the user's input is a float value.


Verifies the user's input is a valid Java identifier.


Verifies the user's input is an integer value.


Displays a label from the message bundle.


Verifies the user's input in a text field against a Perl 5 regular expression and marks the input with an asterisk (*).


Links the form to the validation mechanism.


Verifies the user's input against a Perl 5 regular expression.


Verifies the user's input into a text area matches a Perl 5 regular expression.


Verifies the user's input is a valid URL.


JSP Tag Attributes

You can customize the JSP tags by applying the attributes listed in Table 8-4:

Table 8-4 JSP Tag Attributes



Requires Attributes

Optional Attributes

adk:int, adk:float, adk:double

name - field name

default - default value on page display

maxlength - maximum length of value

size - display size

minInclusive - value supplied by user must be greater than or equal to this value

maxInclusive - value supplied by user must be less than or equal to this value

minExclusive - value supplied by user must be strictly greater than this value

maxExclusive - value supplied by user must be strictly less than this value

required - (default is false, not required)

attrs - additional HTML attributes


name - field name

default - default value on page display

maxlength - maximum length of value

size - display size

required - (default is false, field is not required)

attrs - additional HTML attributes

lenient - should the date formatter be lenient in its parsing? default is false

format - the expected format of the user's input, default is "mm/dd/yyyy"

adk:email, adk:url, adk:identifier

name - field name

default - default value on page display

maxlength - maximum length of value

size - display size

required - (default is false, field is not required)

attrs - additional HTML attributes

adk:text, adk:password

name - field name

default - default value on page display

maxlength - maximum length of value

size - display size

required - (default is false, field is not required)

attrs - additional HTML attributes

pattern - a Perl 5 regular expression


name - field name

default - default value on page display

required - (default is false, field is not required)

attrs - additional HTML attributes

pattern - a Perl 5 regular expression

rows - number of rows to display

columns - number of columns to display


Note: For more information on tag usage, see adk.tld in:


JavaScript Library

The ADK provides JavaScript for opening and closing child windows.

The Application View

The application view represents a business-level interface to the specific functionality in an application. For more information, see The Application View.


File Structure

The file structure necessary to build a design-tim GUI adapter is the same as that required for service adapters. See Step 2a: Set Up the File Structure. In addition to the structure described there, you should also be aware that:


The Flow of Events

Figure 8-2 outlines the steps required to develop a design-time GUI.

Figure 8-2 Design-Time GUI Development Flow of Events



Step 1: Development Considerations

These are the items you need to consider before commencing with design-time GUI development:


Step 2: Determining the Screen Flow

Next, you need to determine the order in which the JSPs will appear when the user displays the application view. This section describes the basic, required screen flow for a successful application view. Note that these are minimum requirements, as you can add more screens to the flow to meet your specific needs.

Screen 1: Logging In

The application view is a secure system, therefore, the user will need to log in before he or she can implement the view. The Application View Console - Logon page thus must be the first page the user sees.

To use this page, the user supplies a valid username and password. That information is then validated to ensure that the user is a member of the adapter group in the default WebLogic Server security realm.

Note: The security for the Application View web application is specified in the WLI_HOME/adapters/ADAPTER/src/war/WEB-INF/web.xml file, which is shipped in the wlai.war file.

Screen 2. Managing Application Views

Once the user successfully logs in, the Application View Management Console page appears. This page lists the folders that contain the application views, the status of these folders, and any action taken on them. From this page, the user can either view existing application views or add new ones.

Screen 3: Defining the New Application View

The Define New Application View page (defappvw.jsp) allows the user to define a new application view in any folder in which the client is located. To do this, the user needs to provide a description that associates the application view with an adapter. This form provides text boxes for entering the application view name and description and a drop-down list box displaying adapters with which the user can associate the application view.

Once the new adapter is defined, the user selects OK and the Configure Connection page appears.

Screen 4: Configuring the Connection

If the new application view is valid, the user will need to configure the connection. Therefore, once the application view is validated, the next screen in the flow should be the Configure Connection Parameters page (confconn.jsp). This page provides a form for the user to specify connection parameters for the EIS. Since connection parameters are specific to every EIS, this page is different across all adapters.

When the user submits the connection parameters, the adapter attempts to open a new connection to the EIS using the parameters. If successful, the user is forwarded to the next page, Application View Administration.

Screen 5: Administering the Application View

With a new application view created, the user will need a way of administering it. Therefore, the next screen in the flow should be the Application View Administration page (appvwadmin.jsp). This page provides a summary of an undeployed application view. Specifically, it shows the following:

In addition to providing a list of events and a list of services on the application view, the page provides a link to add a new event or service.

Screen 6: Adding an Event

The user will obviously need to add new events to an application view. Therefore, the Application View Administration page contains a link to the Add Event page (addevent.jsp). This page allows the user to add a new event to the application view.

The following rules apply to a new event:

After adding and saving a new event, the user will be returned to the Application View Administration page.

Screen 7: Adding a Service

As with events, the user will also need to add new services to an application view. Therefore, the Application View Administration page contains a link to the Add Service page (addservc.jsp). This page allows the user to add a new service to the application view.

The following rules apply to a new event:

After adding and saving a new service, the user will be returned to the Application View Administration page.

Screen 8: Deploying an Application View

Once the user adds at least one service or event, he or she can deploy the application view. Deploying an application view makes it available to process events and services. If the user chooses to deploy the application view, he or she will be forwarded to the Deploy Application View page (depappvw.jsp).

This screen allows the user to specify deployment properties. The user can specify:

Controlling User Access

The user can grant or revoke a user's access privileges by specifying a user or group name in the form provided. Each application view has two types of access: read and write.

Deploying the Application View

The user deploys the application view by clicking the deploy button. He or she must decide whether or not the application view should be deployed persistently. Persistent deployment means that the application view will be redeployed whenever the application server is restarted.

Saving the Application View

The user can save an undeployed application view and return to it later via the Application View Management Console. This process assumes that all deployed application views are saved in the repository. In other words, deploying an unsaved application view will automatically save it.

Screen 9: Summarizing the Application View

Upon successful application view deployment, the user will be forwarded to the Application View Summary page (appvwsum.jsp). This page provides the following information about an application view:


Step 3: Configuring the Development Environment

This step describes the processes you must complete to prepare your computer for design-time GUI development.

Step 3a: Create the Message Bundle

Next, you need to create the message bundle. Any message destined for the end-user should be placed in a message bundle. This bundle is simply a .properties text file that contains key=value pairs that allow you to internationalize messages. When a locale and national language are specified at run time, the contents of the message is interpreted, based upon the key=value pair and the message is presented to the user in the correct language for his or her locale.

For instructions on creating a message bundle, please refer to the JavaSoft tutorial on internationalization at:

Step 3b: Configure the Environment to Update JSPs Without Restarting the WebLogic Server

The design-time UI is deployed as a J2EE web application from a .war file. A .war file is simply a .jar file with a web application descriptor in WEB-INF/web.xml in the .jar file. However, the .war file does not allow the J2EE Web container in WebLogic Server to re-compile JSP's on the fly. Consequently, you normally have to restart WebLogic Server just to change a JSP file. Since this goes against the spirit of JSP, the ADK suggests the following workaround to enable you to update JSPs without restarting WebLogic Server:

  1. Construct a valid .war file for your adapter's design-time UI. For the sample adapter, this is accomplished by using Ant. Listing 8-2 shows the target that produces the J2EE .war file:

    Listing 8-2 Sample Code Showing Target that Creates a .war File

    <target name='war' depends='jar'>
    <!-- Clean-up existing environment -->
    <delete file='${LIB_DIR}/${WAR_FILE}'/>
    <delete dir='${SRC_DIR}/war/WEB-INF/lib'/>
    <delete dir='${SRC_DIR}/war/WEB-INF/classes'/>
    <war warfile='${LIB_DIR}/${WAR_FILE}'
    <fileset dir='${PROJECT_DIR}' includes='version_info.xml'/>
        IMPORTANT! Exclude the WEB-INF/web.xml file from the WAR 
    as it already gets included via the webxml attribute above
        <fileset dir='${SRC_DIR}/war' excludes='WEB-INF/web.xml'/>
        IMPORTANT! Include the ADK design time framework into the
    adapter's design time Web application.
        <fileset dir='${ROOT}/adk/src/war'/>
         <!-- Include classes from the adapter that support the design
    time UI -->
        <classes dir='${SRC_DIR}' includes='sample/web/*.class'/>
        Include all JARs required by the Web application under 
    the WEB-INF/lib directory of the WAR file
       <lib dir='${LIB_DIR}' includes='${JAR_FILE}'/>
       <lib dir='${WLAI_LIB_DIR}'
        <lib dir='${RESOURCE_DIR}/log4j' includes='log4j.jar'/>
    <lib dir='${RESOURCE_DIR}/OROMatcher-1.1.0a' includes=
    <lib dir='${RESOURCE_DIR}/xml' includes='xerces_dp1.jar'/>
    <lib dir='${RESOURCE_DIR}/xml' includes='xalan.jar'/>
    <!-- Unjar the WAR into a temp directory; for development -->
    <unjar src='${LIB_DIR}/${WAR_FILE}' dest='${LIB_DIR}/

    This Ant target constructs a valid .war file for the design-time interface in the PROJECT_ROOT/lib directory, where PROJECT_ROOT is the location under the WebLogic Integration installation where the developer is constructing the adapter; for example, the DBMS adapter is being constructed in:


    In addition, this target performs an "unjar" operation in the /lib directory. This extracts the .war into a temporary directory. This is the key to having WebLogic Server recompile JSPs without restarting.

    Next, load your web application into WebLogic Server and configure the development environment. Do the following:

  2. To load your web application into WebLogic Server, you can use the WebLogic console, but we recommend that you edit the config.xml file for your domain; for example:


    Note: If you choose to edit your config.xml file, you will need to add an <application> element under the domain element:

  3. Replace BEA_WLS_SAMPLE_ADK_Web with your adapter's logical name.

  4. Replace WLI_HOME with the location of your WebLogic Integration installation; replace PROJECT_ROOT with the directory name of your adapter development tree, as shown in Listing 8-3.

    Listing 8-3 Sample Code Showing Name of Adapter Development Tree

    <Application Deployed="true" Name="BEA_WLS_SAMPLE_ADK_Web"
        <WebAppComponent Name="BEA_WLS_SAMPLE_ADK_Web"
    ServletReloadCheckSecs="1" Targets="myserver" URI=

    Note: If you run GenerateAdapterTemplate, the information in Listing 8-3 will be automatically updated. You can then open WLI_HOME/adapters/ ADAPTER/src/overview.html and copy and paste it as your config.xml entry.

    The key is the URI attribute of the <WebAppComponent> element. Notice that it points to BEA_WLS_SAMPLE_ADK_Web and not BEA_WLS_SAMPLE_ADK_Web.war. This is the temporary directory that you created when you created the .war file. It contains your extracted .war file contents. WebLogic Server will watch this directory for JSP changes.

  5. To change a JSP, do not change it in the temporary directory; change it from the src/war directory and then rebuild the war target. Remember, when the .war file is created, it is also extracted into the directory WebLogic Server is watching. WebLogic Server will pick up the changes to the specific JSP only. The watch interval used by WebLogic Server is set by the pageCheckSeconds in WEB-INF/weblogic.xml. Listing 8-4 shows how this is done:

    Listing 8-4 Sample Code Showing How to Set the Watch Interval


    This approach also tests whether your .war file is being constructed correctly.

  6. Finally, you should precompile JSPs when the server starts. This saves you from having to load every page before knowing if they will compile correctly. To enable precompilation you will need to have weblogic.xml from the sample adapter and the following element in your WLI_HOME/adapters/ADAPTER/src/war/WEB-INF/web.xml file. Listing 8-5 shows how this is done:

    Listing 8-5 Sample Code Showing How to Enable Precompilation of JSPs


You can also pre-compile your JSPs using the WebLogic JSP compiler when you build your .war target using Ant. This is accomplished by performing the tasks outlined in Listing 8-6 and described here:

For more information on precompiling JSPs, see:


Step 4: Implementing the Design-Time GUI

Implementing the steps described in Introduction to Design-Time Form Processing for every form in a web application is a tedious and error prone development process. The design-time framework simplifies this process when you are using a Model-View-Controller paradigm.

To implement the design-time GUI, you need to implement the DesignTimeRequestHandler class. This class accepts user input from a form and performs a design-time action. To implement this class, you must extend the AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler provided with the ADK; see the Javadoc for this class for a detailed overview of the methods provided by this object.

Extend AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler

The AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler provides utility classes for deploying, editing, copying, and removing application views on the WebLogic Server. It also provides access to an application view descriptor. The application view descriptor provides the connection parameters, list of events, list of services, log levels, and pool settings for an application view. The parameters are shown on the Application View Summary page.

At a high-level, the AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler provides an implementation for all actions that are common across adapters. Specifically, these actions are:

Methods to Include

To ensure these actions, you must supply the following methods when you create the concrete implementation of AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler:

You also need to provide in every concrete implementation of AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler the following two methods:

Step 4a. Supply the ManagedConnectionFactory Class

To supply the ManagedConnectionFactory class, you need to implement the following method:

protected Class getManagedConnectionFactoryClass();

This method returns the SPI ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class for the adapter. This class is needed by the AbstractManagedConnectionFactory when attempting to get a connection to the EIS.

Step 4b. Implement initServiceDescriptor()

For service adapters, you need to implement initServiceDescriptor() so that the adapter user can add services at design time. This method is implemented as shown in Listing 8-7:

Listing 8-7 initServiceDescriptor() Implementation

protected abstract void initServiceDescriptor(ActionResult result,
IServiceDescriptor sd,
HttpServletRequest request)
throws Exception

This method is invoked by the AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler's addservc() implementation. It is responsible for initializing the EIS-specific information of the IServiceDescriptor parameter. The base class implementation of addservc() handles the error handling, etc. The addservc() method is invoked when the user submits the addservc JSP.

Step 4c. Implement initEventDescriptor()

For event adapters, you will need to implement initEventDescriptor() so that the adapter user can add events at design time. This method is implemented as shown in Listing 8-8:

Listing 8-8 initEventDescriptor() Implementation

protected abstract void
initEventDescriptor(ActionResult result,
IEventDescriptor ed,
HttpServletRequest request)
throws Exception;

This method is invoked by the AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler's addevent() implementation. It is responsible for initializing the EIS-specific information of the IServiceDescriptor parameter. The base class implementation of addevent() handles such concepts as error handling. The addevent() method is invoked when the user submits the addevent JSP. You should not override addevent, as it contains common logic and delegates EIS-specific logic to initEventDescriptor().

Note: When adding properties to a service descriptor, the property names must follow the bean name standard otherwise the service descriptor does not update the InteractionSpec correctly.


Step 5: Write the HTML Forms

The final step to implementing a design-time GUI is to write the various forms that comprise the interface.

The following sections describe how to actually code these forms and include a sample of that code.

Step 5a: Create the confconn.jsp Form

This page provides an HTML form for users to supply connection parameters for the EIS. You are responsible for providing this page with your adapter's design-time web application. This form posts to the ControllerServlet with doAction=confconn. This implies that the RequestHandler for your design-time interface must provide the following method:

public ActionResult confconn(HttpServletRequest request) throws

The implementation of this method is responsible for using the supplied connection parameters to create a new instance of the adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory. The ManagedConnectionFactory supplies the CCI ConnectionFactory, which is used to obtain a connection to the EIS. Consequently, the processing of the confconn form submission verifies that the supplied parameters are sufficient for obtaining a valid connection to the EIS.

The confconn form for the sample adapter is shown in Listing 8-9:

Listing 8-9 Coding confconn.jsp

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglibs/adk.tld' prefix='adk' %>
<form method='POST' action='controller'>
<td><adk:label name='userName' required='true'/></td>
<td><adk:text name='userName' maxlength='30' size=
<td><adk:label name='password' required='true'/></td>
<td><adk:password name='password' maxlength='30'
<td colspan='2'><adk:submit name='confconn_submit'

The following paragraphs describe the contents of Listing 8-9.

Including the ADK Tag Library

The line:

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglibs/adk.tld' prefix='adk' %>

instructs the JSP engine to include the ADK tag library. These tags are listed in Table 8-3.

Posting the ControllerServlet

The line:

<form method='POST' action='controller'>

instructs the form to post to the ControllerServlet. The ControllerServlet is configured in the web.xml file for the web application and is responsible for delegating HTTP requests to a method on a RequestHandler. You do not need to provide any code to use the ControllerServlet; however, you must supply the initial parameters, described in Table 8-5:

Table 8-5 ControllerServlet Parameters





This property specifies the base name for all message bundles supplied with an adapter. The ADK always uses the adapter logical name for its sample adapters. However, you are free to choose your own naming convention for message bundles. Notice that this property is also established in the ra.xml.


This property specifies the name of the JSP that controls screen flow and look-and-feel. In the sample adapter, this page is display.jsp.


This property specifies the log4j configuration file for the adapter.


This property specifies the root log context. Log context helps categorize log messages according to modules in a program. The ADK uses the adapter logical name for the root log context so that all messages from a specific adapter will be categorized accordingly.


This property provides the fully qualified name of the request handler class for the adapter. In the sample adapter, this value is "sample.web.DesignTimeRequestHandler". See below for details on implementing a DesignTimeRequestHandler.


Displaying the Label for the Form Field

The line:

<adk:label name='userName' required='true'/>

displays a label for a field on the form. The value that is displayed is retrieved from the message bundle for the user. The "required" attribute indicates if the user must supply this parameter to be successful.

Displaying the Text Field Size

The line:

<adk:text name='userName' maxlength='30' size='8'/>

sets a text field of size 8 with maximum length (max length) of 30.

Displaying a Submit Button on the Form

The line:

<adk:submit name='confconn_submit' doAction='confconn'/>

displays a button on the form that allow the adapter user to submit the input. The label on the button will be retrieved from the message bundle using the confconn_submit key. When the form data is submitted, the ControllerServlet will locate the confconn method on the registered request handler (see the RequestHandlerClass property) and pass the request data to it.

Implementing confconn()

The AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler provides an implementation of the confconn() method. This implementation leverages the Java Reflection API to map connection parameters supplied by the user to setter methods on the adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory instance. You only need to supply the concrete class for your adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory by implementing this method:

public Class getManagedConnectionFactoryClass()

Step 5b: Create the addevent.jsp form

This form allows the user to add a new event to an application view. This form is EIS specific. The addevent.jsp form for the sample adapter is shown in Listing 8-10:

Listing 8-10 Sample Code Creating the addevent.jsp Form

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglibs/adk.tld' prefix='adk' %>
<form method='POST' action='controller'>
<td><adk:label name='eventName' required='true'/></td>
<td><adk:text name='eventName' maxlength='100'
<td colspan='2'><adk:submit name='addevent_submit'

The following paragraphs describe the contents of addevent.jsp:

Including the ADK Tag Library

The line:

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglibs/adk.tld' prefix='adk'%>

instructs the JSP engine to include the ADK tag library. These tags are described in Table 8-3.

Posting the ControllerServlet

The line:

<form method='POST' action='controller'>

instructs the form to post to the ControllerServlet. The ControllerServlet is configured in the web.xml file for the web application and is responsible for delegating HTTP requests to a method on a RequestHandler. You do not need to provide any code to use the ControllerServlet; however, you must supply the initial parameters, as described in Table 8-5, "ControllerServlet Parameters."

Displaying the Label for the Form Field

The line:

<adk:label name='eventName' required='true'/>

displays a label for a field on the form. The value that is displayed is retrieved from the message bundle for the user. The "required" attribute indicates if the user must supply this parameter to be successful.

Displaying the Text Field Size

The line:

<adk:text name='eventName' maxlength='100' size='50'/>

sets a text field of size 50 with maximum length (max length) of 100.

Displaying a Submit Button on the Form

The line:

<adk:submit name='addevent_submit' doAction='addevent'/>

displays a button on the form that allow the adapter user to submit the input. The label on the button will be retrieved from the message bundle using the addevent_submit key. When the form data is submitted, the ControllerServlet will locate the addevent() method on the registered request handler (see the RequestHandlerClass property) and pass the request data to it.

Adding Additional Fields

You must also add any additional fields that the user requires for defining an event. See the DBMS or e-mail adapters for examples of forms with multiple fields.

Step 5c: Create the addservc.jsp form

This form allows the user to add a new service to an application view. This form is EIS-specific. The addservc.jsp form for the sample adapter is shown in Listing 8-11:

Listing 8-11 Coding addservc.jsp

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglibs/adk.tld' prefix='adk' %>
<form method='POST' action='controller'>
<td><adk:label name='serviceName' required='true'/>
<td><adk:text name='serviceName' maxlength='100'
<td colspan='2'><adk:submit name='addservc_submit'

Including the ADK Tag Library

The line:

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglibs/adk.tld' prefix='adk' %>

instructs the JSP engine to include the ADK tag library. The ADK tag library supports the user-friendly form validation provided by the ADK. The ADK tag library provides the tags described in Table 8-3.

Posting the ControllerServlet

The line:

<form method='POST' action='controller'>

instructs the form to post to the ControllerServlet. The ControllerServlet is configured in the web.xml file for the web application and is responsible for delegating HTTP requests to a method on a RequestHandler. You do not need to provide any code to use the ControllerServlet; however, you must supply the initial parameters as described in Table 8-5, "ControllerServlet Parameters."

Displaying the Label for the Form Field

The line:

<adk:label name='servcName' required='true'/>

displays a label for the form field. The value that is displayed is retrieved from the message bundle for the user. The "required" attribute indicates if the user must supply this parameter to be successful.

Displaying the Text Field Size

The line:

<adk:text name='eventName' maxlength='100' size='50'/>

sets a text field of size 50 with maximum length (max length) of 100.

Displaying a Submit Button on the Form

The line:

<adk:submit name='addservc_submit' doAction='addservc'/>

displays a button on the form that allow the adapter user to submit the input. The label on the button will be retrieved from the message bundle using the addservc_submit key. When the form data is submitted, the ControllerServlet will locate the addservc method on the registered RequestHandler (see the RequestHandlerClass property) and pass the request data to it.

Adding Additional Fields

You must also add any additional fields that the user requires for defining a a service. See the DBMS or e-mail adapters for examples of forms with multiple fields.

Step 5d: Implement Edit Events and Services (optional)

If you want to give adapter users the capability of editing events and services during design time, you will need to edit the file, create the edtservc.jsp and edtevent.jsp forms, and implement some specific methods. This step describes those tasks.

Note: This step is optional. You do not need to provide users with these capabilities.


First, update the system properties in for the sample adapter by making the following changes to that file:

After updating, compare the files to ensure sure that they are synchronized.

Create edtservc.jsp and addservc.jsp

These Java server pages are called in order to provide editing capabilities. The main difference between the edit JSPs and the add JSP files is the loading of descriptor values. For this reason, the DBMS and e-mail adapters use the same HTML for both editing and adding.

These HTML files are statically included in the JSP page. This saves duplication of JSP/HTML and properties. The descriptor values are mapped into the controls displayed on the edit page. From there, you can submit any changes.

In order to initialize the controls with values defined in the descriptor, call the loadEvent/ServiceDescriptorProperties() method on the AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler. This method sets all of the service's properties into the RequestHandler. Once these values are set, the RequestHandler maps the values to the ADK controls being used in the JSP file. The default implementation of loadEvent/ServiceDescriptorProperties() uses the property name associated with the ADK tag to map the descriptor values. If you used values other than the ADK tag names to map the properties for a service or event, override these methods to provide the descriptor to the ADK tag-name mapping.

Initialize the RequestHandler prior to the resolution of HTML. This initialization should only take place once. Listing 8-12 shows the code used to load the edtevent.jsp:

Listing 8-12 Sample Code Used to Load edtevent.jsp

if(request.getParameter("eventName") != null){

The edtservc.jsp should submit to edtservc. For example:

<adk:submit name='edtservc_submit' doAction='edtservc'/>

The edtevent.jsp should submit to edtevent. For example:

<adk:submit name='edtevent_submit' doAction='edtevent'/>

See the DBMS and e-mail adapters for specific examples. Go to either




Implement Methods

Finally, implement the methods described in Table 8-6.

Table 8-6 Methods to Implement with edtservc.jsp and edtevent.jsp







These methods load the RequestHandler with the ADK tag-to-value mapping. If the developer uses the same values to name the ADK tag and load the Service/Event Descriptor, then the mapping is free. Otherwise, the developer must override these methods in their DesigntimeRequestHandler to provide these mappings.

boolean supportsEditableServices()


boolean supportsEditableEvents()

These two methods are used as markers. If they return true, the edit link is displayed on the Application View Administration page. Override in the DesigntimeRequestHandler is provided.




These methods are used to persist the edited service or event data. These methods extract the ADK tag values from the request and add them back into the Service or Event Descriptor. In addition, these methods handle any special processing for the schemas associated with the event or service. If the schemas need modification, they should be updated here. Once the values read in from the request are no longer needed, they should be removed from the RequestHandler.


See the sample adapters for an example of how these methods are implemented.

Step 5e: Write the WEB-INF/web.xml Web Application Deployment Descriptor

You will need to create a WEB-INF/web.xml web application deployment descriptor for your adapter. When you clone an adapter from the sample adapter by using GenerateAdapterTemplate, a web.xml file for that adapter will be automatically generated.

The important components of this file are described in Listing 8-13 through Listing 8-17:

Listing 8-13 web.xml Servlet Components

<description>The base name for the message bundles
for this adapter. The ControllerServlet uses this
name and the user's locale information to
determine which message bundle to use to
display the HTML pages.</description>
<description>The name of the JSP page
that includes content pages and provides
the look-and-feel template. The ControllerServlet
redirects to this page to let it determine what to
show the user.</description>
<description>The name of the sample adapter's
LOG4J configuration file.</description>
<description>The root category for log messages
for the sample adapter. All log messages created
by the sample adapter will have a context starting
with this value.</description>
</param- value>
<description>Class that handles design
time requests</description>
<description>Debug setting (on|off, off is

This component shown in Listing 8-14 maps the ControllerServlet to the name "controller". This action is important because the ADK JSP forms assume the ControllerServlet is mapped to the logical name "controller".

Listing 8-14 web.xml ControllerServlet Mapping Component


This component shown in Listing 8-15 declares the ADK tag library:

Listing 8-15 web.xml ADK Tab Library Component


This component shown in Listing 8-16 declares the security constraints for the web application. Currently, the user must belong to the adapter group:

Listing 8-16 web.xml Security Constraint Component


This component shown in Listing 8-17 declares the login configuration:

Listing 8-17 web.xml Login Configuration Component



Step 6. Implementing the Look-and-Feel

An important programming practice you should observe when developing a design-time GUI is to implement a consistent look-and-feel across all pages in the application view. The look-and-feel is determined by display.jsp. This page is included with the ADK and provides the following for the design-time web application:

To implement a look-and-feel across a set of pages, do the following:

  1. Use display.jsp from the sample adapter as a starting point. See WLI_HOME/adapters/sample/src/war/WEB-INF/web.xml for an example.

  2. Using HTML, alter the look-and-feel markup in this page to reflect your own look-and-feel or company identity standards.

  3. Somewhere in your HTML markup, be sure to include:

    This code is a custom JSP tag used to include other pages. This tag uses the JSP scriptlet "sbPage.toString()" to include an HTML or JSP into the display page. sbPage.toString() evaluates to the value for the HTTP request parameter content at run time.


Step 7. Testing the Sample Adapter Design-Time Interface

A test driver has been created to verify the basic functionality of the sample adapter design-time interface. The test driver is based on HTTP Unit (a framework for testing web interfaces which is available from HTTP Unit is related to the JUnit test framework (available from Versions of both HTTP Unit and JUnit are included with WebLogic Integration.

The test driver executes a number of tests. It creates application views, add both events and services to application views, deploy and undeploy application views, and test both events and services. The test driver removes all application views after completely successfully.

Files and Classes

All of the test cases are contained in the DesignTimeTestCase class or its parent class, AdapterDesignTimeTestCase. DesignTimeTestCase (located in the sample.web package and the WLI_HOME/adapters/sample/src/sample/web folder) contains the tests specific to the sample adapter. AdapterDesignTimeTestCase (located in the com.bea.adapter.web package and the WLI_HOME/lib/adk-web.jar file) contains tests that apply to all adapters and several convenience methods.

Run the tests

To the design-time interface, use this procedure:

  1. Start WebLogic Server with the sample adapter deployed. Next, change the current working folder to the specific project folder and execute the setenv command script, as shown in the following steps.

  2. Go to WLI_HOME and, at the command prompt, enter setenv.

    The setenv command script creates the necessary environment for the next step.

  3. Go to the sample adapter's web folder by entering at the command prompt:
    cd WLI_HOME/adapters/sample/project

  4. Edit the file. Change the line containing the list of test cases to execute so that it includes web.DesignTimeTestCase. The line should read:

  5. Near the end of the file, you might need to change two entries, username and password. Specify the username and password that the test driver should use to connect to WebLogic Integration.

  6. After editing the file, start WebLogic Server.

  7. Run the tests by entering at the command prompt:
    ant designtimetest


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