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The following sections provide an overview of programming logic plug-ins:


Types of Applications

WebLogic Integration provides the following types of applications that can be used for B2B integration:

For more information about management and messaging applications, see Programming Management Applications for B2B Integration and Programming Messaging Applications for B2B Integration.

For an introduction to B2B integration, see Introducing B2B Integration.


Logic Plug-Ins

Logic plug-ins are Java classes that perform specialized processing of business messages as those messages pass through the B2B engine. Specifically, logic plug-ins insert rules and business logic along the path traveled by business messages as they make their way through the B2B engine. WebLogic Integration provides router and filter logic plug-ins for each business protocol. A service provider or trading partner can develop and install custom logic plug-ins to provide additional value in hub-and-spoke configuration (see "Message Mediation Models" In Getting Started with B2B Integration in Introducing B2B Integration).

Logic plug-ins are defined and stored in the WebLogic Integration repository and executed in the B2B engine. They are transparent to users.


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