WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Getting Started with the WebLogic Integration Studio


In this section you will become familiar with the Studio client application, which you use to design workflows. The following tasks are described:


Starting the WebLogic Integration Studio

To start the WebLogic Integration Studio:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Logon to WebLogic Integration dialog box appears in front of the business process management Studio application window.

    Figure 2-1 Logon to WebLogic Integration Dialog Box


  2. Enter a user name and a password in the appropriate fields. If you are set up as an authorized user, you can enter your user name and password. Otherwise, use one of the user names that is configured by default for the CDExpress organization when the server is installed, as listed in the following table.


    Note: User names and passwords are case-sensitive. Be sure to enter the user names and passwords shown in the table in lower case.

  3. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running the WebLogic Integration server as follows:

    Here host is the computer name or IP address of the system that is running the WebLogic Integration server. Specify localhost if the server is running on the same computer as the Studio application.

  4. Click OK. The Studio main window opens. It consists of two vertical panes. The right pane provides a blank workspace. The left pane contains a folder tree headed by the name of an organization with which your user name is associated.

  5. From the Organization drop-down list, select CDExpress.

    Figure 2-2 WebLogic Integration Studio Application Window



Understanding Workflow Object Relationships

In the Studio, data and process objects are represented at different hierarchical levels, which you can think of as containers for other objects that you create:

This section describes these three levels.

Global Objects

These exist at the highest level of the hierarchy, and are available for use by all workflows and organizations. Configuration objects may be displayed in the folder tree, or accessed through the Configuration menu. They include calendars, users, workflow templates (see below) interfaces such as business operations and event keys, and permissions for users.

Figure 2-3 Configuration Menu


Templates and Template Definitions

Templates are folders that can contain multiple workflow definitions. A single template can be shared by multiple organizations. You can name a template however you want, but the name must be unique.

Within a template folder, you create template definitions, which are the actual workflows containing objects such as nodes, actions, variables, and exception handlers. Template definitions are automatically assigned a label according to their effective and expiry dates and times, and multiple template definitions serve as different versions of a workflow.


Organizations represent another level of structure. Organizations contain objects that can be accessed by any workflow created in that organization, such as users, roles, and other workflows. In the Studio interface, the folder tree in the left pane shows the objects contained within the currently selected organization.

Figure 2-4 Organization Folder Tree


Although users and templates can be associated with multiple organizations, the ones that are associated with the current organization are listed in the Users and Template folders, respectively.

By contrast, other objects, such as roles, routings, and reports, are actually defined from within organizations.

For information about calendars and routings, see Administering Data in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio. For information about reports, see Monitoring Workflows in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.)

We will now import templates and template definitions so that you can view other workflow objects.


Importing Workflow Objects: Importing the Tutorial Package File

You can import or export complete workflow packages, including all dependencies, from or to a Java archive (JAR) package file, which stores workflow objects as binary files. The Import/Export Package feature allows you to import the following workflow objects:

Note: Template definitions can also be imported and exported from and to an XML file.

For complete information on Import/Export, see Importing and Exporting Workflow Packages in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.

Importing the Tutorial.jar Workflow Objects

The tutorial.jar package contains the following objects:

The following procedure for importing the workflows gives you two options depending on whether you want to create the Order Processing workflow from scratch, as the tutorial recommends, or simply run the workflows without trying out the design procedures.

To import the example workflows:

  1. Choose Tools—>Import Package. The Import wizard Select File dialog box appears.

    Figure 2-5 Select File Dialog Box


  2. Click Browse to navigate to the /bea/wlintegration2.1/samples/bpm_tutorial directory and open the file Tutorial.jar.

  3. Click Next. The Select Components to Import dialog box appears, with the target organization already set to CDExpress, and all workflow objects in the import file selected by default.

    Figure 2-6 Select Components to Import Dialog Box


  4. Select the Activate workflows after import check box.

    Note: You must activate a workflow before you can run it.

  5. Choose from the following options:

    Option 1: If you are not going to follow the tutorial, import the entire package, consisting of templates, template definitions, business operations, and event keys, by proceeding to step 9.

    Option 2: If you are going to follow the tutorial, import only the following by proceeding to step 6:

  6. Expand the Templates check box, and deselect the Order Processing check box.

  7. Expand the Business Operations check box and deselect the Check Inventory check box.

  8. Expand the Event Keys check box and deselect the newinventory event key.

    The dialog box should now appear as follows.


  9. Click Import. The Review Import Summary dialog box appears with a summary of the objects imported. If you followed Option 2, it should appear as in the following figure.

    Figure 2-7 Review Import Summary Dialog Box


  10. Click Close.

The imported templates and template definitions now appear in the folder tree.


Using the Folder Tree: Viewing the Order Processing Trigger Template Contents

You can view the folder tree for any template definition without actually opening it. Simply expand all the folders for that template definition folder. The following figure shows the folder tree structure for the Order Processing Trigger template definition.

Figure 2-8 Order Processing Trigger Workflow: Folder Tree


From the folder tree, you can view an object's properties by right-clicking the object and choosing Properties from the pop-up menu. If the template definition is closed, the properties dialog boxes are read-only; to edit them, you must first open the template definition.

Note: Variable and exception handler properties are accessible only from the folder tree.

Now we will view the imported workflow in the workflow design window and in Interface View. Before we can see the latter two views, we have to open the template definition.


Viewing a Workflow: Opening the Order Processing Trigger Template Definition

To see the graphical view of a workflow, you have to open its template definition.

To open the Order Processing Trigger template definition:

  1. In the folder tree, expand the Order Processing Trigger template.

  2. Right-click the template definition, and choose Open from the pop-up menu. The workflow appears in the workflow design window in the right pane.

    Figure 2-9 Order Processing Trigger Template Definition: Workflow Design Window


You can view and edit properties for any object in the workflow design window by double-clicking the appropriate object.


Using the Interface View

The Interface View gives additional information about a workflow by showing a graphical representation of inbound and outbound XML documents, business operations, sub-workflows and plug-ins that are associated with each node. The following table lists the Interface View icons and the objects they represent.

Table 2-2 Interface View Icons



Business operation



Inbound XML document

Outbound XML document


To use the Interface View for a workflow, you first set your preferences and then use the toolbar toggle button to switch Interface View on and off.

To set Interface View preferences:

  1. Choose View—>Interface View. The Interface View Preferences dialog box appears.

    Figure 2-10 Interface View Preferences Dialog Box


  2. Select all the check boxes and click OK.

  3. In the workflow design window, scroll to the far right-hand side of the toolbar, and click the Show/Hide Interfaces button .

    Tip: You can relocate the toolbar by clicking in any inactive area of the toolbar and drag it to any part of your desktop. Alternatively, choose View—>Look and Feel—>Metal to display the toolbar entirely contained within the drawing area.

    The workflow now appears as follows.

    Figure 2-11 Order Processing Trigger Workflow: Interface View


In Interface View you can also access read-only Properties dialog boxes for interface objects such as business operations and outbound XML documents. To view properties dialog boxes for interface objects, double-click the interface icon in the workflow design window.

Note: Because inbound XML documents are not workflow objects, double-clicking on their interface icon does not produce any effect; for basic information on their relevant properties, double-click on the appropriate event or start node to which they point.

In the next section of the tutorial, we will look at the different types of workflow objects and their properties.


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