WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Administering Data


This section describes the following data administration concepts and tasks within the Studio:


Overview of Data Configuration Tasks

Data configuration tasks in the Studio include defining business calendars, creating organization, users, and roles, configuring security and permissions, and defining task routings. The following steps outline the recommended order in which you should perform these tasks when modelling organizational data and configuring the system initially:

  1. Create calendars that may be associated with organizations, users, and roles. Procedures are given in Creating a Calendar. Alternatively, import previously exported calendars from existing workflow packages; see procedures in Importing Workflow Packages.

  2. Add an organization or organizations. Procedures are given in Adding an Organization.

  3. Add users to the system. Procedures are given in Creating a User.

  4. Add users to organizations. Procedures are given in Adding a User to an Organization.

  5. Optionally, use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to create a group which will correspond to a role you define in the Studio. For more information about roles, see Maintaining Roles. For information about creating WebLogic Integration groups, see "Defining Groups" in "Managing Security" in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide, at the following URL:

  6. Define a role or roles within an organization, map the role to a WebLogic Server group, and associate member users with the role. Procedures are given in Creating a Role.

  7. If necessary, modify the levels of permission for the role. Changing the levels of permission for a role also changes the permissions in the group, and affects any other roles that are mapped to the group. Procedures are given in Setting Permissions for Roles.

  8. Define additional levels of permission for users. Users inherit the permissions of the role to which they belong, but you can add other levels of permission to users that are not defined for the role to which the users belong. Procedures are given in Setting Permissions for Users.


About Security Realms

WebLogic Server provides security for applications through a service called a security realm. A security realm is a logical grouping of users and groups. A user is a specific individual who performs a certain task, such as programming or sales. A group is a collection of users who perform the same task. In this scheme, Group A might represent a collection of users who are programmers, and Group B might represent a collection of users who are sales people. Within a security realm, administrators can specify the levels of access users and groups have to workflows and other resources.

WebLogic Integration maintains information about roles and users in WebLogic Server security realms. When you define users and roles in WebLogic Integration, you need to specify their relationship to users and groups in WebLogic Server. You do this by mapping the roles you define in the Studio to the groups in a security realm in WebLogic Server.

A security realm in WebLogic Server can be manageable or non-manageable. This is defined when the realm is implemented on WebLogic Server. A manageable realm is one in which an application can make updates to groups and users. A non-manageable realm is one in which an application can only list the groups and users.

WebLogic Integration detects automatically whether a realm is manageable or non-manageable. The type of security realm WebLogic Integration detects determines which data administration functions are available in the Studio.

You can perform the following tasks using the Studio dialog boxes only if WebLogic Integration detects a manageable realm:

If WebLogic Integration detects a non-manageable realm, you can perform the following tasks using the Studio dialog boxes:

If you want to add users to a non-manageable realm, you must add them using the appropriate data administration functions for the realm in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. You cannot add them using the Studio dialog boxes.


Administering Business Calendars

The business calendar feature defines operating hours for entities represented in workflows. Business calendars make possible business time-related calculations, such as "Set a task's due date to three business days from today." You should define business calendars that exclude non-operating days or hours such as weekends or statutory holidays; organizations that do not use calendars use a 365-day calendar.

Calendars can be associated with the following entities, as described in the sections indicated:

You can define and assign the same business calendar to organizations, users, roles, and actions. You can also assign different business calendars to users, roles, and actions within the same organization.

Calendars are also used within workflows by timed Start nodes (see Defining a Timed Start Node), timed events (see Embedding a Timed Sequence), and due dates for user-assigned tasks (see Setting a Task Due Date).

Note: To administer business calendars, you must have Configure System permission. See Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles for more information.

Calendar assignment is hierarchical in nature. The hierarchy places time-related actions at the lowest level, followed by roles and users, and finally, organizations at the highest level. If a time-related action is not assigned a calendar, it will, by default, be assigned the calendar of the user or role to which it is assigned. If a user or role is not assigned a calendar, it will, by default, be assigned the business calendar (organization level). In other words, calendar assignment is made at the most detailed component level.

Business calendars are rule-based. The calendar facility leads you through the definition of each rule.

Creating a Calendar

Once you create a calendar, it is globally available for all organizations, users, and roles in the system.

To create a new calendar:

  1. With any organization active, right-click Calendars in the folder tree, and choose Create Calendar to display the Calendar Properties dialog box.

    Figure 3-1 Calendar Properties Dialog Box


  2. Enter a meaningful name for the calendar in the Name field.

  3. Select a time zone for the calendar from the Time Zone drop-down list.

  4. In the Period boxes, select dates from the From and To boxes to specify the time period for the calendar. (The default is from January to December of the current year.)

  5. To add a rule for the calendar, click Add. The Rule dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-2 Rule Dialog Box


  6. Select either Exclude or Include. These buttons determine the method by which you will define your calendar rules (by exclusion or by inclusion). It is recommended that you use one or the other method and not both throughout your rule defining process.

  7. Click any of the following buttons to define a rule:

  8. Click OK in the Rule dialog box to add the rule. The new rule is displayed in the Rules area of the Calendar Rules dialog box.

  9. Continue to add rules to the calendar by repeating steps 7 and 8.

  10. Click OK to save the calendar.

Updating a Calendar

To update an existing calendar:

  1. With any organization active, in the folder tree, expand the Calendars folder, right-click the calendar you want to update, and choose Properties.

  2. In the Calendar Properties dialog box, make the necessary changes to the time zone and period for the calendar.

  3. To update rules for the calendar, delete or update an existing rule by selecting the appropriate rule from the Rules list and clicking the Delete or Update buttons. To add a new rule, click Add, and follow the procedures in Creating a Calendar to define the rule.

  4. Click OK to save the changes to the calendar.

Deleting a Calendar

Warning: If you delete a calendar, you will not be warned about references to the calendar by other workflow objects. Be sure to update users, roles, and organizations that have been assigned the calendar, as well as any of the following workflow components that can reference calendars:

Timed Start nodes (see Defining a Timed Start Node)

Timed events (see Embedding a Timed Sequence)

Task due dates (see Setting a Task Due Date)

To delete an existing calendar:

  1. Right-click the calendar you want to delete and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

  2. When prompted with the Delete Calendar warning message, click Yes. To cancel the delete, click No.


Maintaining Organizations

You use the Organization facility to define organizations, which can represent different business entities, geographical locations, or any other distinction relevant to the particular business of the company.

Modelling units within your organization as different organizations allows you to re-use the same role names but map them to different groups. Thus, for example, you could create multiple roles called Supervisor, which would actually contain different members according to the organization (for more information, see Maintaining Roles.) Note that organizations are specific to WebLogic Integration, and do not correspond to any groups on WebLogic Server.

You also assign users to one, or more, organizations. Users can only execute workflows within the organization to which they belong.

Note: To add, update, or delete organizations, you must have Administer User permission. For more information about permission levels, see Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles.

The Organization drop-down list located above the folder tree shows the currently active organization. When an organization is selected in this list, the folder tree displays roles, users, and workflows defined for that organization.

Adding an Organization

The Add Organization facility adds an organization to the WebLogic Integration database.

To add an organization:

  1. Choose Configuration—>Organizations to display the Define Organizations dialog box.

    Figure 3-8 Define Organizations Dialog Box


  2. In the Define Organizations dialog box, click Add to display the Organization Properties dialog box.

    Figure 3-9 Organization Properties Dialog Box


  3. In the Organization ID field, enter a meaningful name for the organization.

  4. If you have created a calendar, from the Calendar ID drop-down list, select a calendar to assign to the organization. For details about this feature, see Administering Business Calendars.

  5. Click OK to create the organization.

Updating an Organization

The Update Organization facility allows you to update the business calendar of an existing organization.

To update an organization:

  1. Choose Configuration—>Organizations to display the Define Organizations dialog box.

  2. In the Define Organizations dialog box, highlight the organization to update.

  3. Click Update to display the Organization Properties dialog box.

    Figure 3-10 Organization Properties Dialog Box


  4. Make changes as needed to the Organization Id or Calendar Id fields, and click OK.

Deleting an Organization

The Delete Organization facility allows you to remove an organization from the WebLogic Integration database, as long as that organization does not have any workflows defined for it. If the organization has workflows, you must first delete them. For procedures, see Deleting a Template Definition.

To delete an organization:

  1. Choose Configuration—>Organizations to display the Define Organizations dialog box.

  2. In the Define Organizations dialog box, highlight the organization to delete.

  3. When prompted by the Delete Organization warning message, click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.


Maintaining Users

A user is an individual who has permissions to perform certain tasks. Use the Users feature to create, update, and delete users in the current security realm in WebLogic Server. You can also add or remove users from organizations.

The User folder is located in the Studio folder tree. Expanding it displays a list of users who have already been defined for the current organization.

Note: To add, update or delete users, you must have Administer User permission. For more information about permission levels, see Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles.

Creating a User

The Create User function adds a user to the current WebLogic Server security realm, and is available only if the security realm is a manageable one.

To create a user in the security realm and WebLogic Integration database:

  1. With any organization active, right-click the Users folder, and select Create Users to display the Create User dialog box.

    Figure 3-11 Create User Dialog Box


  2. Enter values in the following fields, and then click OK:

Adding a User to an Organization

The Add User facility adds a user that is already defined in the WebLogic Server security realm to the current organization. This facility is accessible only if the WebLogic Integration Studio is operating within a manageable realm.

Adding a user to an organization allows the user to execute workflows within that organization at run time. Note, however, that it does not restrict users' access to workflow templates at design time; provided that a user has the necessary permission to open templates, he or she can access templates associated with multiple organizations.

To add a user to the current organization:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the Organization to which you would like to add the user.

  2. In the folder tree, right-click the Users folder, and select Add Users to display the Add Users dialog box.

    Figure 3-12 Add Users Dialog Box


  3. Click the check box to the left of the user to add, and click OK.

  4. The user is added to the folder tree.

Updating a User

You can update a user by changing the user's ID, e-mail address, default organization, and business calendar.

Note: To change a password for a user once it has been created, you must use the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For more information, see "Updating Passwords" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

To update a user:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select an organization with which the user is defined.

  2. In the folder tree, expand the Users folder, right-click the user name, and choose Properties from the pop-up menu to display the User Properties dialog box.

    Figure 3-13 User Properties Dialog Box


  3. Edit the following fields as desired:

  4. Click OK or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Removing a User from an Organization

The Remove User facility removes a user that is already defined in the WebLogic Server security realm from the current organization. It does not remove the user from the security realm.

To remove a user from the current organization:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization from which you want to remove the user.

  2. In the folder tree, expand the Users folder, right-click the user name and select Remove from the pop-up menu.

  3. When prompted with the Remove User warning message, click Yes. To cancel the delete, click No.

Deleting a User

Deleting a user removes it from the WebLogic Server security realm and WebLogic Integration database.

Warning: If you delete a user, you will not be warned about any workflow components that may reference the user. Be sure that you update the following:

Task routing specifications (see Administering Task Routings)

Assign Task to User action (see Assigning a Task to a User)

Assign Task Using Routing Table action (see Assigning a Task Using a Routing Table)

Send E-mail Message action (see Sending E-Mail Messages)

To delete a user:

  1. With any organization active, right-click the Users folder, and select Delete Users to display the Delete Users dialog box, which displays all users defined in the system.

    Figure 3-14 Delete Users Dialog Box


  2. Select the check box to the left of each user that you want to delete, and click OK.

  3. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.


Maintaining Roles

A role is a common area of responsibility, ability, or authorization level that is shared by a group of individuals. A role can only be a member of one organization, but you can use the same name in multiple organizations. For example, you can have a role named Supervisor defined in Org1 and Org2. The name of the role is the same, but, in actual fact, the roles are different. Supervisor in Org1 is not the same as Supervisor in Org2, even though the names are the same.

Roles are mapped to groups in WebLogic Server. Using the previous roles and organizations as an example, you can map Supervisor in Org1 to a group called SupervisorOrg1, and Supervisor in Org2 to a group called SupervisorOrg2.

Roles are defined and displayed within each organization. To display the roles that belong to a particular organization, select an organization from the Organizations drop-down list in the WebLogic Integration main window and expand the Roles folder. To display the properties for that role, double-click the role.

Note: To add, update or delete roles, you must have Administer User permission. For more information about permission levels, see Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles.

Creating a Role

The Create Role facility allows you to create a new role in the WebLogic Server security realm, and to map the role to a group in WebLogic Server. This facility is accessible only if the WebLogic Integration Studio is operating in a manageable realm.

When you create a role, you must map it to a group on WebLogic Server. You can choose to create the group automatically when you create the role, or you can create the group in the WebLogic Server Administration Console in advance. For more information on creating groups in WebLogic Server, see "Defining Groups" in "Managing Security" in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide, at the following URL:

To add a new role:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization in which you want to create the role.

  2. In the folder tree, right-click the Roles folder and choose Create Role from the menu to display the Create Role dialog box.

    Figure 3-15 Create Role Dialog Box


  3. In the ID field, enter a meaningful name for the role.

  4. Optionally, use the Calendar drop-down list to assign a calendar to the role. For details about this feature, see Administering Business Calendars.

  5. Do one of the following:

  6. In the Members section of the dialog box, select the check box(es) to the left of the users that you will make members of this role.

  7. Click OK to save the new role. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Updating a Role

You can update a role by changing its calendar and members.

To update an existing role:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization in which the role is defined.

  2. In the folder tree, expand the Roles folder, right-click the role name and choose Properties from the menu to display the Role Properties dialog box.

    Figure 3-16 Role Properties Dialog Box


  3. Make changes as needed to the calendar and role members.

  4. Click OK to save the update. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Deleting a Role

Deleting a role removes it from the WebLogic Server security realm and the WebLogic Integration database.

Warning: If you delete a role, you will not be warned about any workflow actions that may reference the role. Be sure that you update the following actions, that may reference the role, to avoid server exceptions at run time:

Task routing specifications (see Administering Task Routings)

Assign Task to User action (see Assigning a Task to a User)

Assign Task to Role (see Assigning a Task to a Role)

Assign Task Using Routing Table (see Assigning a Task Using a Routing Table)

Send E-mail Message (see Sending E-Mail Messages)

To delete a role:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization in which the role is defined.

  2. Expand the Roles folder, right-click the role name and choose Delete from the pop-up menu.

  3. When prompted by the Delete Role warning message, click Yes. To cancel the delete, click No.

Changing the Mapping for Roles

You can change the group in a security realm to which a role is mapped. The new group must already be defined in WebLogic Server. For more information on creating groups in WebLogic Server, see "Defining Groups" in "Managing Security" in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide, at the following URL:

To change the mapping for a role:

  1. From the main Studio window, choose Configuration—>Role Mappings.The Role Mappings dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-17 Role Mappings Dialog Box


  2. From the Organization drop-down list, select the organization containing the roles you want to assign to WebLogic Server groups. The current mappings are displayed in a table.

  3. In the table, select the role or group you want to remap. A drop-down arrow appears to the right of the group name to be changed.

  4. In the Group field, click the drop-down arrow and, from the drop-down list, select the new WebLogic Server group to which you want to map the role, from among all WebLogic Server groups already defined.

  5. Click OK to complete the procedure, or Cancel to cancel the operation.


Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles

Levels of permission enable you to protect and control access to Studio functionality. Roles and users can perform the tasks shown in the following table only if they have the corresponding level of permission.

Table 3-1 Levels of Permission

Permission Level

Allows User or Role to . . .

Configure System

Make application configuration changes, such as adding, updating, and deleting business calendars

Configure Components

Administer User

Monitor Instance

Create Template

Create templates and template definitions, and open template definitions

Delete Template

Delete templates and template definitions

Execute Template

Start a workflow within a within a particular organization form the Worklist or custom client


Since users inherit permissions from the role to which it belongs, you will want to define permissions for roles first, and then users. Procedures are provided in the following sections.

Note: To assign permissions to users and roles, you must have Administer User permission. For more information about permission levels, see Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles.

Setting Permissions for Roles

A role inherits the levels of permission for the WebLogic Server group to which it is mapped. You can add and remove levels of permission for a role. Any changes you make to a role are also reflected in the group to which the role is mapped.

To set the levels of permission for a role:

  1. From the main Studio window, choose Configuration—>Permissions. The Permissions dialog box is displayed

  2. Select the Roles tab.

    Figure 3-18 Permissions Dialog Box: Roles Tab


  3. From the Organization drop-down list, select the organization for which you want to set the role permissions. The Permissions dialog box displays all the roles in the organization and the permissions currently assigned.

  4. Select or clear the check boxes as desired.

  5. Click OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to cancel the operation.

Setting Permissions for Users

A user inherits the levels of permission for the role to which it belongs. You can add other levels of permission to a user that are not defined for the role to which it belongs, but you cannot remove the permissions a user inherits from the role to which it belongs. Any permissions you add to a user are specific to the user, and are not reflected in the role to which the user belongs.

To set levels of permission for a user:

  1. From the main Studio window, choose Configuration—>Permissions. The Permissions dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the Users tab (if it is not already selected).

    Figure 3-19 Permissions Dialog Box: Users Tab


    The Permissions dialog box displays all the currently defined users, and the permissions currently assigned. If a permission is checked, but grayed out, you cannot remove that permission because it was inherited from the role to which the user belongs.

  3. Select or clear the check boxes as desired.

  4. Click OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to cancel the operation.


Administering Task Routings

Task routings can be defined on a per-organization basis to reroute currently assigned tasks from one user to another user or role for a specified, temporary, period of time. Task routings reroute all tasks assigned to the user you specify. You can route tasks from users, roles, and users in roles. For more information about these distinctions, and about task assignment, see Setting Up Manual Tasks.

You can also reroute individual tasks according to particular conditions. This is done with an action specified within a task node. For more information, see Assigning a Task Using a Routing Table.

Note: To administer task routings, you must have Administer User permission. For more information about permission levels, see Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles.

Viewing Task Routing Specifications

To view task routing specifications for an organization:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization whose routings you want to view.

  2. Right-click the Routing folder, and select Open from the pop-up menu, to display the Routing window.

    Figure 3-20 Routing Dialog Box


The Routing window displays the following information for each routing specification:


The user ID for the user from whom all tasks are to be routed.

Route To

The ID of the user, role or user in role to whom all tasks are to be routed.


The date and time when task routing is to begin.


The date and time when task routing is to end.


Adding a Routing Specification

To add a task routing specification:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization to which you would like to add a routing specification.

  2. In the folder tree, right-click the Routing folder, and from the pop-up menu, select Open to display the Routing window.

  3. In the Routing window, click Add to display the Reroute Tasks dialog box.

    Figure 3-21 Reroute Tasks Dialog Box


  4. From the Route From drop-down list, select the user from which all tasks should be rerouted.

  5. From the Route To drop-down list, select the User, User In Role, or Role to which all tasks should be rerouted, and select the corresponding radio button.

    Note: When you assign to a User in Role, the system performs workload balancing by first reviewing the number of tasks assigned to all users in the role, selecting the user with the least number of assigned tasks, and assigning all of the rerouted tasks to this user.

  6. Specify an Effective date by selecting a month and year, and clicking on a day in the month display.

  7. In a similar fashion, specify the Expiry date for the task rerouting.

  8. Click OK to save the rerouting specification. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Updating a Task Routing Specification

To update a task rerouting specification:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization to which you would like to add a routing specification.

  2. In the folder tree, right-click the Routing folder, and from the pop-up menu, select Open to display the Routing window.

  3. In the list of displayed task routings, select the task rerouting you want to update.

  4. Click Update to display the Reroute Tasks dialog box.

  5. Make changes as needed to the Route To, Effective, and Expiry values.

  6. Click OK to save the changes. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Deleting a Task Routing Specification

To delete a task rerouting specification:

  1. From the Organization field above the folder tree, select the organization to which you would like to add a routing specification.

  2. In the folder tree, right-click the Routing folder, and from the pop-up menu, select Open to display the Routing window.

  3. In the list of displayed task routings, select the task rerouting you want to update.

  4. When prompted by the Delete Reroute warning message, click Yes. To cancel the delete, click No.

Refreshing the Rerouting Task List

Click Refresh in the Routing dialog box to refresh the rerouting task list and display any changes that have been made since you first invoked the Routing dialog box.


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