WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Customizing WebLogic Integration


The following sections describe how to modify the default installation of WebLogic Integration:

For information about more advanced configuration options, such as clustering, see Deploying BEA WebLogic Integration Solutions.


WebLogic Integration Commands and Supporting Files

A number of commands and supporting files are provided with WebLogic Integration. Many of the commands are used by the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard, and the RunSamples script described in Domain Configuration Requirements. Although such commands are not normally invoked in isolation, there are situations where you may need to modify a command, or troubleshoot the execution of a command. To help you familiarize yourself with the use of these commands, a command reference has been provided in WebLogic Integration Commands.

In addition, examples of the files that control the configuration and start up of a typical WebLogic Integration domain are provided in WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files.


Specifying a New Database for a Domain

The method you use to specify a new database for a domain depends on:

The following table summarizes the methods used in each situation.

Table 3-1 Database Update Methods

If you are updating the database for . . .

And you . . .

Then . . .

The samples domain

Do not want to preserve repository data in the existing database

  1. Start the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard for the domain.

  2. Select the Switch Database option to update the configuration.

  3. Execute the RunSamples command to initialize the new samples database.

The samples domain

Want to preserve repository data in the existing database

  1. Export the information required.

  2. Start the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard for the domain.

  3. Select the Switch Database option to update the configuration.

  4. Execute the RunSamples command to initialize the new samples database.

  5. Import the information required.

See Note

A preconfigured production domain

Do not want to preserve repository data in the existing database

  1. Start the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard for the domain.

  2. Select the Create Database option. This option prompts for the new database access information, and initializes the database.

A preconfigured production domain

Want to preserve repository data in the existing database

  1. Export the information required.

  2. Start the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard for the domain.

  3. Select the Create Database option. This option prompts for the new database access information, and initializes the database.

  4. Import the information required.

See Note

A custom domain


  1. Start the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard for the domain.

  2. Select the Create Database option. This option prompts for the new database access information, and initializes the database.

You also have the option of preserving the entire installation. To do so, install WebLogic Server and WebLogic Integration in a new BEA Home directory. When prompted during installation, specify the information required to connect to the new database. You can then export workflow packages or B2B configuration elements, as required, for import to the new installation. When it is no longer needed, you can uninstall the obsolete installation


The following table provides the location of the information required to perform the preceding tasks.

Table 3-2 Finding Instructions for Updating a Database

To learn how to perform this task . . .

Refer to . . .

Start the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard

Using the Database Configuration Wizard

Execute the RunSamples command

Configuring and Starting the Samples Domain

Export and import B2B configuration elements

Importing and Exporting B2B Integration Components in Administering B2B Integration

Export and import workflow packages

Importing and Exporting Workflow Packages in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio



Initializing the Database for a Domain

The method you use to initialize the database for a domain depends on whether the database is for the samples domain, a preconfigured production domain, or a custom domain:

For additional information about the tasks performed by the RunSamples command and the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard, see Domain Configuration Requirements.


Using the Database Configuration Wizard

As described in Configuring the Database for a Domain, the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard is provided to automate database configuration tasks. The wizard operates on the domain specified when you execute the wliconfig.exe command. On Windows systems, domain-specific shortcuts are provided.

The following sections provide the information you need to use the wizard to initialize the database for a domain, specify a new database for a domain, or migrate a WebLogic Integration 2.0 database to WebLogic Integration 2.1:

Database Connection Information

The following table summarizes the information required to connect to each supported database type. The WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard prompts you to provide the values required to connect to the database you are configuring.

Table 3-3 Database Access Information

Database Type

Connection Parameters


DB2 See Note 1

Database User

Account login name required to connect to the DB2 server

Database Password

Password required to connect to the database

Database Name

Name of the database defined on the DB2 server, or DB2 client-side alias to the database. The alias can be created using the DB2 catalog command, or the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant utility, db2cca.



Cloudscape is available for evaluation and testing on
Windows systems.

A cloudscape database is created for the domain in the config\domain_name\dbInfo\cloudscape\db directory. Default access parameters are used.


Server Hostname

Name of the system that hosts the Oracle Server

Server Port Number

Oracle port number (the default is 1521)


User ID (schema)


User password

Oracle SID

Oracle system identifier

Net Service Name

Name of the database as it appears in tnsnames.ora or in the Names server

Microsoft SQL Server


Name of the system that hosts the Microsoft SQL Server


Microsoft port number (the default is 1433)


Account login name


Account password

Database Name

Name of the database defined on the Microsoft SQL Server

Server Name

The server alias as it appears on the General tab in your Client Network Utility. If no alias is configured, the hostname is used.



Name of the system that hosts the Sybase server


Sybase port number (the default is 5000)


Account login name


Account password

Database Name

Name of the database defined on the Sybase server

Server Name

The server name assigned in the Sybase client configuration. This name is set using the Directory Services Editor (DSEDIT1).


Note 1—You must specify the value for DB2_HOME in the file located in the WebLogic Integration installation directory: WLI_HOME/ For instructions, see Updating the WebLogic Integration Environment.

Database Configuration Options

The WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard provides the following options:

How the Database Configuration Wizard Works

The WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard updates the environment variables set by the setDBVars and setDBVarsExt commands for the domain, updates the config.xml file to reflect the database access information provided, and invokes the commands required to perform the selected tasks.

For detailed information about the environment variables and command files used, see the wliconfig command in WebLogic Integration Commands.

Database Configuration Modes

Like the WebLogic Integration installer, the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard supports the following modes:

Follow the procedure appropriate for your system, as described in the following sections:

Using the Wizard in Graphical Mode

The following procedure describes how to update your database configuration using the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard in graphical mode.

To configure the database for a domain:

  1. If you are using a UNIX platform, go to step 2. If you are using a Windows platform, complete the appropriate step from the following table.


    The Choose Configuration Option dialog box is displayed. Go to step 3.

  2. On a UNIX platform, do the following:

    1. Execute the following commands:

      cd WLI_HOME/bin

      The Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select an existing BEA Home directory, and then click Next.

      The Choose Domain to Configure dialog box is displayed.

    3. Select a domain, and then click Next.

    The Choose Configuration Option dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-1 Choose Configuration Option Dialog Box


    Note: If you are on a UNIX system, and are connecting to a Microft SQL Server database, you will be unable use the wizard to initialize the database because there is no Microsoft SQL client for UNIX. Instead, you will need to initialize the database from a Windows system.

  3. Select the appropriate option. See Database Configuration Options.

  4. Click Next.

    The Database Selection dialog box is displayed. This dialog box reflects the database that is currently configured for the domain. For example, if Oracle is selected for the domain during installation, that option is selected now, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-2 Database Selection Dialog Box


    Note: On UNIX systems, Cloudscape is not an option.

  5. Do one of the following:

    The results are as follows:

  6. Do one of the following:

    The results are as follows

  7. Click Browse to display the Open dialog box.

  8. Navigate to your client installation directory. For example, if you are using a Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 client, navigate to the MSQL7 directory, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-5 Open Dialog Box



  9. Click Open.

    A message confirming that the appropriate client application was found is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-6 Confirmation Message


    Note: If an error message is displayed indicating that the client application was not found, click OK to dismiss the message, and then Click Browse to locate the correct directory.

  10. Click OK to dismiss the message and return to the Locate Database Client dialog box.

  11. Click Next to continue.

    When the changes are is complete, the Changes Successful dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-7 Changes Successful Dialog Box


    Note: If there is an error in the execution of the selected action, an Error dialog box is displayed. This dialog box will indicate the location of a log file. View the log file to determine how to address the problem.

  12. Click Finish to exit the installer.

Using the Wizard in Console Mode

This section summarizes the console-mode database configuration procedure, a set of steps that emulates the graphical installation procedure.

To start the database configuration wizard in console mode, enter the following commands at the prompt:

cd WLI_HOME/bin

The following listing shows the console-mode prompts and responses for the Create Database option described in Database Configuration Options. (Responses are indicated in bold.)

The prompts that are presented will vary from those shown depending on your responses to the Please Select Configuration Option: and Please specify the database type to configure: prompts.

Listing 3-1 Database Configuration Procedure in Console Mode

BEA WebLogic Integration Database Configuration 2.1

Choose BEA Home Directory

->1- C:\bea
2- C:\bea

Existing BEA Home(1): 1

Choose Domain

1- bpmdomain
2- eaidomain
3- samples
4- wlidomain

Please Select the Domain to Configure: 2

Configuration Selection

1- Switch Database
2- Create Database
3- Migrate Database

Please Select Configuration Option: 2

Database Selection

Please specify the database type to configure.

1- Oracle
->2- Microsoft SQL Server
3- Sybase
4- DB2

Select a number or <Enter> for default(2): 1
Oracle Server Hostname: oraclehost
Oracle Server Port Number: 1521
Oracle User: myuser
Oracle Password: mypassword
Oracle SID: nj908
Oracle Net Service Name:

Please enter the location of your Oracle client installation: c:\oracle
Searching for Oracle client(Sqlplus.exe)...

Found client Sqlplus.exe at c:\oracle\sqlplus.exe

->1- Use Located Client
2- Choose new Location

Please choose a number(1): 1

Switching Database please wait...

Creating Database please wait...

Finalizing changes, please wait...

Your configuration changes were successful. Press Enter to exit the Configuration Utility.


Updating the Database Configuration from the WebLogic Server Administration Console

Although the database configuration wizard should be used to update the database configuration for any of the preconfigured domains, there may be circumstances under which it is necessary to update the configuration from the WebLogic Server Administration Console. This section describes the procedure for doing so.

You should be aware that if you use this method to change to a new database, you will be unable to use the wizard, the createDB command, or the RunSamples command to create the tables in, or to populate, the database. These commands rely on settings for certain environment variables and the database access information stored in the config/domain_name/dbInfo directory. Unless you update this information manually, the wizard, the createDB command, and the RunSamples command will not work on the new database.

If you use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to update the database configuration, you can create the tables by executing the database-specific SQL scripts that are located in the WLI_HOME/dbscripts directory. Once you have created the tables, you can use the Bulk Loader or the B2B Console to import system data from the WLI_HOME/dbscripts/SystemRepData.xml file.

Updating the JDBC Connection Pool

To update the WebLogic Integration JDBC connection pool:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the navigation tree, choose Services—>JDBC—>Connection Pools—>wlipool.

  3. Select the high-level Configuration tab.

  4. If it is not already displayed, select the nested General tab.

  5. Edit the URL, Driver Classname, and Properties, as required, to customize the settings for your JDBC connection pool. For additional information, see Database Access Parameters.

  6. Click Apply to save your changes.

  7. Close the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  8. Shut down and restart WebLogic Integration to initiate the new settings.

Updating the RDBMS Realm Properties

To update the RDBMS realm properties:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the navigation tree, choose Security—>Realms—>wlpiRDBMSRealm.

  3. Select the high-level Configuration tab.

  4. Select the nested Database tab.

  5. Edit the Driver, URL, Username, and Password, as required, to customize the settings for your database. For additional information, see Database Access Parameters in the following section.

  6. Click Apply to save your changes.

  7. Close the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  8. Shut down and restart WebLogic Integration to initiate the new settings.

Database Access Parameters

The following table summarizes the database access parameter information required to configure the JDBC connection pool from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Table 3-4 JDBC Connection Pool Parameters




JDBC driver to be used to connect to the database:


Account login name required for connecting to the database server.


Password required for connecting to the database server.


URL for the database, as specified in the JDBC driver documentation. The format for the JDBC connection pool URL is discussed in the following section.


Database Access URL Format

The JDBC connection pool URL includes the following:

The following list provides a sample URL for each supported database:

For the following driver . . .

The URL is . . .

Oracle thin driver


For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@rdbmshost:1521:wlidb

WebLogic jDriver for Microft SQL Server


For example: jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4:wlidb@rdbmshost:1433?sql7=true

Sybase jConnect driver


For example: jdbc:sybase:Tds:rdbmshost:5000/wlidb

Cloudscape driver




For example:




DB2 JDBC driver


For example: jdbc:db2:wlidb



Creating a New Domain

When you install WebLogic Integration, up to four domains are preconfigured automatically for you. The preconfigured domains, which are designed to support the most common application requirements, are described in detail in WebLogic Integration Preconfigured Domains. If the preconfigured domains do not meet your application requirements, however, you can create a new domain and customize it, as necessary.

To create a new domain, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new directory for the domain.

    For best results, create a new directory, copy the contents of the preconfigured domains that most accurately meets your application requirements, and then perform the necessary updates.

  2. Create and initialize a domain database in the domain directory.

  3. Configure the domain.

    Start WebLogic Server and use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to configure the domain.

Each step is described in detail in the following sections.

Step 1: Create a New Directory for the Domain

The new domain must reside in a new directory. To create a new directory for the domain, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new directory in the config directory.

    The directory name must match the domain name.

    Configuration information for all the WebLogic Server administrative domains resides in the configuration repository, config. By default, the server looks for the config directory in the installation root directory: BEA_HOME/wlintegration2.1/config.

    Note: If you want the server to look for the config directory in a location other than the installation root directory, set the weblogic.RootDirectory property to the desired value in the associated WebLogic Server start script, as described in Changing the Root Directory for a Domain.

  2. Copy the contents of the preconfigured domain that most accurately meets your application requirements to the new domain directory.

    To help you determine which preconfigured domain most accurately meets your application requirements, review WebLogic Integration Preconfigured Domains. Table 1-1 lists the location of each preconfigured domain.

  3. Update the contents of the new domain directory.

    The following table lists the directories and files that you may need to provide in the domain directory. You should delete any files that are not listed in the following table unless they are needed by your application.

Note: Each item is required for all new domains, unless otherwise specified.

Table 3-5 Contents of Domain Directory


Content Description


applications directory

Application-specific information.

Determine the content required by your application and populate the directory accordingly.

For more information on setting up the applications directory, see "Step 1: Set Up the Application Directory" in "Deploying an Exploded J2EE Application" in Deploying an Exploded J2EE Application in the BEA WebLogic Server documentation at the following URL:

dbInfo directory

Database-specific information used when creating and initializing the database, as described in Step 2: Create and Initialize a Domain Database.

Contains the following subdirectories (corresponding to any databases that are supported):

Within each database directory, the following files are defined:

For more information about the setDBVars and setDBVarsExt commands, see setDBVars setDBVarsExt.

Maintain a subdirectory for each database included in your system.

If you need to update the configuration information in the database variable files in each subdirectory, use the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard to do so. For more information about this wizard, see Using the Database Configuration Wizard.

scripts directory

Script used to change the current database setting and to process domain-specific files.

The script contains a single ant call that references the top-level script, WLI_HOME/lib/scripts/SwitchDB.xml.

This script is called when you execute the switchdb command to update the database configured for the current domain. (See Step 2: Create and Initialize a Domain Database.)

For more information about the switchdb command, see switchdb.

No changes are required.

wlai directory

Application integration specific information, including the file. For more information about the contents of this file, see

Required only to support application integration functionality in WebLogic Integration.

If the new domain supports application integration, modify the property values in the file as appropriate for your application.

If the domain does not support application integration, delete this directory.

config.xml file

Configuration information that describes the WebLogic Server domain and controls the deployed resources.

For more information about the contents of the config.xml file, see config.xml.

At this change, no changes are required. (You update the configuration file in step 3, as described in Step 3: Configure the Domain. ) file

Default security realm in which the User, Group, and ACL objects that are created when WebLogic Server is started are stored.

For more information about the contents of this file, see

Update security realm property settings, as required. For more information about the BPM security model, see Understanding the BPM Security Model.

SerializedSystemIni.dat file

Data file used to hash system passwords. This file is associated with the corresponding file.

For more information about this file, see "Protecting Passwords" in "Managing Security" in the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Guide in the BEA WebLogic Server documentation set at the following URL:

No changes are required.

Start script

For example:
startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or startWebLogic.exe (UNIX)

Script used to start the instance of WebLogic Server in the current domain.

Although you can modify the functionality as desired, this script typically performs the following tasks:

For more information about the start script and the commands that might be defined in the script, see startWeblogic.

On the Java command line:

As necessary, add, update, and delete all references to custom command files or scripts, as required. For example, the setDomainNameData file.

Stop script

For example:
stopWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or stopWebLogic.exe (UNIX)

Script used for graceful shutdown of the instance of WebLogic Server for the current domain.

Although you can modify the functionality as desired, this script typically performs the following tasks:

For more information about the stop script and the commands that might be defined in the script, see stopWeblogic.

On the Java command line:

Customized versions of other WebLogic Integration commands

WebLogic Integration commands that require customization within your application environment.

For example, both the eaidomain and wlidomain domains provide customized versions of the following WebLogic Integration commands:

For more information, see WebLogic Integration Commands.

You are not required to provide customized commands. Do so only if necessary to meet your application requirements


Step 2: Create and Initialize a Domain Database

Once you have created the domain directory, including the dbInfo subdirectory, you must create and initialize a domain database by performing the following steps:

Note: For more information about the WebLogic Integration commands used in this procedure, see WebLogic Integration Commands.

  1. Run the WLI_HOME/bin/setenv script to set the WebLogic Integration environment variables.

  2. Run the WLI_HOME/bin/setdomain command to set the current domain.

  3. Run the WLI_HOME/bin/wliconfig command to launch the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard. Then use the wizard to create and initialize a domain database.

    When prompted for the configuration option, select Create Database. For more information about using the database configuration wizard and the configuration options, see Using the Database Configuration Wizard.

    Note: Existing database information will be overwritten by this procedure.

    When initialization is complete, the directory corresponding to the selected database contains the initialized data directories and files.

Step 3: Configure the Domain

To configure the domain, perform the following steps:

  1. Start WebLogic Server using the start script that you created in step 1.

    For example:

  2. Launch the WebLogic Server Administration Console by directing your browser to the following URL:


    The value of hostname is the DNS name or IP address of the administration server and port is the address of the port on which the administration server is listening for requests (7001 by default).

    For more information about starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see "Starting the Administration Console" in "Overview of WebLogic Server Management" in the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Guide in the BEA WebLogic Server documentation set at the following URL:

  3. Configure the domain, as described in "Configuring WebLogic Servers and Clusters" in the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Guide in the BEA WebLogic Server documentation set at the following URL:

    All changes to the domain configuration are stored in the WLI_Home/config/DomainName/config.xml file.

    Note: To ensure that the appropriate files are accessed, use absolute pathnames in the config.xml file. This practice is particularly important if you change the directory designated as the server root directory in the start script, as described in Changing the Root Directory for a Domain.

Once you have completed the configuration step, you are ready to begin using the domain. You can start by importing the required BPM workflows, application views, and so on.


Updating the WebLogic Integration Environment

The environment variables used by WebLogic Integration are set by the setEnv.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) file. This file is located in the WebLogic Integration installation directory (WLI_HOME). An example of this file is provided in WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files.

The variables in the setEnv file are set when you install WebLogic Integration and normally do not need to be updated. If you must update the environment, however, you can do so by completing the following procedure.

Note: The DB2_HOME environment variable is not set during installation. If you select DB2 as your database, you must specify a value for this variable in the file in the WLI_HOME directory.

To update the WebLogic Integration environment:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Set the following variables to values appropriate for your environment:

    For additional information, see WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files.

  3. Save your changes and close the file.

When you execute the startWeblogic command (as described in Starting WebLogic Integration) the setEnv command is invoked and the environment variables become effective.


Configuring a Custom Java Message Service Queue

You can create custom Java Message Service (JMS) queues and run the message driven bean generator utility to generate a deployable Java Archive (JAR) file that listens on the custom queue. Configuring a custom queue involves the following steps:

For more information about creating JMS queues, see your WebLogic Server 6.1 documentation.

To create the custom JMS queue:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  3. In the navigation tree, choose JMS—>Servers—>JMSServer-0—>Destinations, and create a new JMSQueue, specifying a name and JNDI name for the queue. Accept the default settings for the other fields, or see your WebLogic Server 6.1 documentation for other options.

    Note: Do not use priority settings for ordered queues.

  4. Shut down WebLogic Integration, as described in Stopping WebLogic Integration.

  5. Restart WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  6. When the server is running again, verify that the queue has been created by restarting the WebLogic Server Administration Console and choosing JMS—>Servers—>JMSServer-0—>Destinations.

To run the mdbgenerator utility:

  1. Open a command window, and go to the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Integration installation directory.

  2. At the command prompt, enter the following:

    mdbgenerator -queue queue_name [-min number] [-max number]
    [-order number] [-transact] [-validate] [-timeout seconds] [-help]

    The arguments for the mdbgenerator command are listed in the following table.


    The queue_name-mdb-generator.jar file is created in the bin directory.

  3. Move the generated file to the lib subdirectory of your WebLogic Integration installation directory.

  4. If it is running in the domain, shut down WebLogic Integration, as described in Stopping WebLogic Integration.

  5. Open the config.xml file for the domain.

    Note: A sample of the config.xml file for the for the WebLogic Integration domain (config\wlidomain) is provided in WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files.

  6. Locate the following XML Tag:

    <Application Name="WLI" Path="WLI_HOME/lib>

    After all other <EJB Component> elements, add the following line:

    <EJBComponent Name="queue_name-mdb-generator.jar" Targets="myserver" URI="queue_name-mdb-generator.jar" DeploymentOrder="X"/>

    Note: The config.xml file is case-sensitive. Be sure to enter text using the proper case.

  7. Save the file.

  8. Restart WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.


Deploying EJBs and Java Classes for Business Operations

To deploy EJBs and make the associated business operations available for use in WebLogic Integration, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Copy or move the EJB JAR file to the WLI_HOME/lib directory.

  2. Add a deployment descriptor for the EJB to the WLI application.

    For more information about the EJB deployment descriptor files, see "Deploying EJBs in the EJB Container" in Programming WebLogic Enterprise Java Beans in the BEA WebLogic Server documentation set at the following URL:

  3. Add the EJB to the WLI application by manually updating the configuration file, config.xml located in WLI_HOME/config/domain_name, where WLI_HOME is the directory under which WebLogic Integration is installed (typically BEA_HOME/wlintegration2.1).

    This step is described in Adding an EJB to the WLI Application. The initial WLI application configuration is shown in Figure A-4 in WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files.

To deploy custom Java classes and make them available in your WebLogic Integration applications, you must add the Java Archive (JAR) file containing the custom Java classes to your CLASSPATH. This procedure is described in Adding Java Classes to the CLASSPATH.

Adding an EJB to the WLI Application

To add an EJB to the WLI application, you must update the configuration file, config.xml, located in WLI_HOME/config/domain_name, to specify the associated deployment descriptor files as part of the WebLogic Integration application. You must then restart the server, as described in Getting Started.

To specify the EJB descriptor files, use the <EJBComponent> element. You can control the order in which the EJB JAR files are deployed using the DeploymentOrder attribute. In general, if EJB A is dependent upon EJB B, then EJB B must be deployed first.

The following code listing is excerpted from the samples domain config.xml showing the information required to deploy an EJB called MyEJB.jar. This file is located in the WLI_HOME/config/samples directory. Notable lines of code are shown in bold.

Listing 3-2 Adding an EJB to the WLI Application

<Application Deployed="true" Name="WLI" Path="E:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib">
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="0" Name="repository-ejb.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="repository-ejb.jar"/>
<WebAppComponent Name="XTPlugin" Targets="myserver" URI="wlxtpi.war"/>
<WebAppComponent Name="wlai" ServletReloadCheckSecs="1"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlai.war"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="2" Name="wlpi-master-ejb.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlpi-master-ejb.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="1" Name="wlpi-ejb.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlpi-ejb.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="4" Name="wlc-wlpi-plugin.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlc-wlpi-plugin.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="8" Name="wlai-admin-ejb"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlai-admin-ejb.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="5" Name="pobean.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="pobean.jar"/>
<WebAppComponent Name="b2bconsole" ServletReloadCheckSecs="1"
Targets="myserver" URI="b2bconsole.war"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="3" Name="wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="7" Name="wlai-ejb-server"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlai-ejb-server.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="6" Name="wlxtpi.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlxtpi.jar"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="9" Name="wlaiplugin-ejb.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="wlaiplugin-ejb.jar"/>
<WebAppComponent Name="WLAIPlugin" Targets="myserver" URI="wlai-plugin.war"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="10" Name="sampleplugin-ejb.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="sampleplugin-ejb.jar"/>
<WebAppComponent Name="com.bea.wlpi.SamplePlugin"
Targets="myserver" URI="sampleplugin.war"/>
<EJBComponent DeploymentOrder="11" Name="MyEJB.jar"
Targets="myserver" URI="MyEJB.jar"/>

For more information about updating the config.xml file, see BEA WebLogic Server Configuration Reference in the BEA WebLogic Server documentation set at the following URL:

Adding Java Classes to the CLASSPATH

You can add the JAR file for your custom Java classes to the server CLASSPATH in one of the following ways:

Adding the JAR File to the setEnv Command File

To add the JAR file to the setEnv command file:

  1. Open WLI_HOME/setEnv.cmd (Windows) or WLI_HOME/ (UNIX) in your preferred text editor.

  2. Locate the following line:

  3. Add the complete pathname to the end of this statement, using a semi-colon to separate the new entry from the existing entries.

  4. Save and close the file.

To make a Java class available to client applications, you can also add a Java class to the WLICP variable that is used to set the CLASSPATH for WebLogic Integration clients.

Note: You may notice that the WLISERVERCP environment variable does not appear in the startWeblogic command file. For each domain, a setDomainNameData file is invoked after the setEnv command file. The value of the WLISERVERCP environment variable is transferred to the SVRCP environment variable in this command file.

Adding the JAR File to the startWebLogic Command File

To add the JAR file to the startWeblogic command file:

  1. Open the startWeblogic.cmd (Windows) or startWeblogic (UNIX) command file in your preferred text editor.

  2. Locate the Java command that starts the server:
    REM Start weblogic
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %DB_JVMARGS% -Xmx256m -classpath %SVRCP%...

  3. Add the following command just above the start server command:

    Here, MyJAR is the complete pathname for the JAR file that contains the Java classes.

  4. Save and close the file.


Configuring BPM to Support Null Variables

Support for null variables can be enabled at server startup by modifying the Java command in the startWeblogic command to include the following:


When added to the Java command that starts the server, this option turns on null variable support for BPM. If this option is set to false, or if it is omitted from the command, then support for null variables is disabled.

After the server has started in a domain, the first time an expression is evaluated, a message indicating the status of null variable support is displayed:

The server displays this message only once, the first time an expression is evaluated.

The following sections summarize how variable initial values and expression evaluation work when null support is enabled, and when it is disabled.


When wli.bpm.server.evaluator.supportsNull=true, the following rules apply:

The following section describes the usage rules that apply when wli.bpm.server.evaluator.supportsNull=false. It is important that you understand the differences before you set this option to true.

If you have workflows that were defined in a previous version, or with null support disabled, these workflows will not work as they did before if they rely, in any way, on functionality that is affected. You must reexamine any legacy workflows and initialize appropriate workflow variable values, otherwise the workflow may not run when you enable null variable support.


When wli.bpm.server.evaluator.supportsNull=false, the WebLogic Integration process engine operates exactly as it has in previous releases. The following rules apply:


Understanding the BPM Security Model

The security model provided by WebLogic Integration for business process management (BPM) functions is distinguished by the following characteristics:

When you install WebLogic Integration, the software is configured by default to use a fileRealm security realm. In this type of realm, default users, groups, and access control lists (ACLs) are maintained in the file located in the domain directory.

A default RDBMSRealm is also configured, but is not initially enabled. If you chose to enable this realm, then users and groups are maintained in the database configured for the WebLogic Integration repository. When you use the WebLogic Integration database configuration wizard to specify a new database, the configuration for both the JDBC connection pool and the RDMBSRealm are updated.

The BPM-defined ACL objects are managed differently from users and groups. Even if you enable the RDBMSRealm, the ACL objects are stored in the fileRealm (the file) and must be managed through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

You can use the existing fileRealm, enable the RDBMSRealm, or configure an alternate security realm. For an overview of the supported WebLogic Server security realm types, see "Security Fundamentals" at the following URL:

No matter what type of security realm you configure, you can continue to create users, organizations, and roles through the WebLogic Integration Studio, as long as the security realm you configure conforms with the guidelines described in Security Realm Guidelines.

The procedure for enabling the RDBMSRealm is provided in Enabling the RDBMS Security Realm.

The procedure for creating a custom security realm is provided in Configuring a Custom Security Realm. If you are creating another type of security realm (for example, NT or UNIX), see the WebLogic Server documentation for instructions.

BPM User Groups and Permissions

To support BPM functionality, the default users described in WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords, are organized into user groups. There are three types of user groups:

The default groups and assigned members are summarized in the following tables.

Table 3-7 Permission Groups and Members

Permission Group



admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


Table 3-8 System Groups and Members

System Group



admin, joe, system, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


admin, joe, system, mary, wlpisystem


admin, joe, system, mary, wlcsystem, wlpisystem


Table 3-9 Role Groups and Members

Role Group



admin, joe




admin, joe, mary


admin, joe, mary


admin, mary


Security Realm Guidelines

You can create an alternate security realm as long as it conforms to the following guidelines:

For procedures on creating an alternate security realm, see your WebLogic Server 6.1 documentation.

Once a manageable security realm is populated in conformance with the preceding guidelines, and configured as described in the following section, you can create additional users, roles, and organizations, and assign permissions to users and roles through the WebLogic Integration Studio. For information and procedures, see Administering Data in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.

Enabling the RDBMS Security Realm

To change the security realm from the default fileRealm to the RDBMSRealm:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  3. In the navigation tree, select Security.

  4. Select the Filerealm tab.

    Note: If the following message is displayed, click Cancel to dismiss.

    Figure 3-8 Leaving the Page? Confirmation


  5. From the Caching Realm drop-down list, select wlpiCachingRealm.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Shut down WebLogic Integration, as described in Stopping WebLogic Integration.

  8. Go to the config/domain_name directory for the domain you are updating.

  9. Back up the file by copying and renaming it.

  10. Open the original file in a text editor.

  11. Delete all entries beginning with user and group, and save the file.

    Note: Do not delete any entries that begin with acl. The ACL objects are always maintained in the file, whether or not the RDBMSRealm is enabled.

  12. Restart WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

Configuring a Custom Security Realm

Configuring a custom security realm involves the following procedures:

  1. Creating the custom realm.

  2. Configuring the caching realm (wlpiCachingRealm).

  3. Enabling the caching realm.

  4. Removing the RDBMSRealm (optional).

The following sections describe each procedure.

Creating the Custom Realm

To create a custom security realm:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  3. In the navigation tree, choose Security—>Realms.

  4. Click the Configure a new Custom Realm link.

    The Configuration tab for the new realm is displayed.

  5. Enter a name for the custom realm. For example, CUSTOMRealmForNetscapeDirSvr.

    Note: You can ignore the other tabs and attributes; the settings are not used.

  6. Click Create.

Configuring the Caching Realm

To configure the caching realm:

  1. In the navigation tree, choose Security—>Caching Realms—>wlpiCachingRealm.

  2. Select the realm you created from the Basic Realm drop-down list.

  3. Deselect the Case Sensitive Cache option.

  4. Click Apply.

Enabling the WLPI Caching Realm

  1. In the navigation tree, choose Security.

  2. Select the Filerealm tab.

    Note: If the following message is displayed, click Cancel to dismiss.

    Figure 3-9 Leaving the Page? Confirmation


  3. Select wlpiCachingRealm from the Caching Realm drop-down list.

  4. Click Apply.

Removing the RDBMS Realm

This is an optional step. To remove the RDMBS realm:

  1. In the navigation tree, choose Security—>Realms.

  2. Click the garbage can icon to the right of wlpiRDBMSRealm.


Updating Passwords

To ensure system security, update the default passwords listed in WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords, as described in the following procedures.

Warning: The wlcsystem user name and password are used in the WebLogic Integration run-time environment and are stored in the WebLogic Integration repository. This password must be updated using the B2B Administration Console. Do not use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to update this password.

Updating the system Password

The password for the system login for the active domain can be changed through the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in the following procedure.

To change the password, complete the following procedure:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Select Users from the navigation tree to open the Users page.

  3. In the Change a User's Password section, enter, in the name field, the name of the user who owns the password you want to change.

    For example, to change the system password, enter system.

  4. Enter the existing password in the Old Password field.

  5. Enter the new password in the New Password field.

  6. Retype the new password in the Confirm Password field.

  7. Click Change to update the password.

  8. Modify the password specified in the startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or startWebLogic (UNIX) for the domain.

Warning: The startWeblogic.cmd (Windows) or startWeblogic (UNIX) command is configured for automatic login. If you change the password for system, you must modify the password specified in this file. See the sample startWebLogic file in WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files.

Updating the BPM Passwords

You can update the passwords for the BPM users admin, joe, mary, and any new users you create in the Studio application, through the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in the previous section.

Updating the wlcsystem Password

The password for the wlcsystem user can be changed only through the B2B Console, as described in the following procedure. Do not update this password from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  1. Start the B2B Console, as described in Starting the B2B Console.

  2. Select B2B from the navigation tree.

  3. If it is not already selected, select the high-level Configuration tab, and then select the nested Security tab.

    The Security tab is displayed, as shown in the following figure. The content of the System Password field is the password for the wlcsystem user.

    Figure 3-10 B2B Configuration Security Tab


  4. To update the wlcsystem password, highlight the current content of the System Password field, and then carefully type the new password over it.

  5. Click Apply to update the wlcsystem password.


Customizing Mail Session Properties

The mail session properties you specify during installation are used to set up a basic mail session configuration for each of the preconfigured domains. You can modify the mail session configuration by updating existing settings, or by adding properties. The following procedure describes how to update the mail session properties for any domain.

To update the mail session properties for any domain, complete the following procedure:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console for the domain, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Choose Services—>Mail—>wlpiMailSession. The wlpiMailSession Configuration tab is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-11 wlpiMailSession Configuration Tab


  3. Edit the contents of the Properties field as required.

    The following table provides descriptions of the properties that can be set.


  4. Click Apply when your changes are complete.


Changing the Root Directory for a Domain

Some components of WebLogic Integration expect to find files, such as the XML DTD, in the root directory. By default, the root directory for a domain is the parent directory of the config/domain_name domain directory.

For example, for the WebLogic Integration domain, BEA_HOME/wlintegration2.1/config/wlidomain, the root directory (also known as the runtime directory) is BEA_HOME/wlintegration2.1.

Figure 3-12 Domain Root (Runtime) Directory


Because the server root directory is the installation directory (WLI_HOME), many files can accumulate in this directory, particularly if you are working with more than one of the preconfigured domains. To work around this problem, you can designate the domain directory as the current directory (config/domain_name) by changing the value of the weblogic.RootDirectory property in the startWeblogic command script for the domain.

If you change the root directory for the samples domain, there are special considerations. Sample code that requires access to a file must specify the exact location of the file. One possible approach is to make all files relative to the server root directory and prepend the name of the server root directory to the name of every file. The following listing shows how to implement this workaround.

Listing 3-3 Prepending Root to Filenames


public class Sample {
static File rootDir;

// Get the server root directory
static {
String rootPath = System.getProperty("weblogic.RootDirectory");
if (rootPath != null){
rootDir = new File(rootPath);

// Helper method that returns a properly rooted File
public static File setRoot(String fileName){
File f = new File(fileName);

if (rootDir == null || f.isAbsolute()){
return f;

return new File(rootDir, fileName);

// One method that uses the helper
public void do(){
String file = "config/samples/data/PO.xml";

try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(setRoot(file));
} catch (IOException e){


Using an Alternate Character Set

If you are running WebLogic Integration in another locale, no special configuration is required, as long as your database, your operating system, WebLogic Integration, and the WebLogic Integration client applications (the Studio, Worklist, and Format Builder), are all running in the same locale.

The only change required after installation is to your B2B preferences. To enable the B2B Console to allow input from an alternate character set, you must verify that language and character set preferences are properly set. For details about setting the language and the default character set for the language, see "Setting Preferences" in Configuring B2B Integration in the Online Help for the WebLogic Integration B2B Console.


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