WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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WebLogic Integration Administration and Design Tools


This section provides the information you need to get started with the WebLogic Integration design and administration tools. It includes the following topics:


Web Browser Configuration Requirements

To use WebLogic Integration you must also use Netscape Navigator 4.7 (or above) or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x (or above). In addition you must configure your browser to accept cookies and to bypass the proxy server.

Note: On UNIX systems, you must include the browser executable netscape in your system path variable.

Accepting Cookies

Configure your browser to accept cookies by completing the steps for the appropriate browser:

Bypassing the Proxy Server

If your Web browser is configured to use a proxy server to access the Internet, you must bypass the proxy when you access any of the following:

Bypassing the Proxy Server in Netscape

To bypass the proxy server in Netscape:

  1. Choose Edit—>Preferences to display the Preferences dialog box.

  2. In the Category list, click the plus sign to expand the Advanced category.

  3. Select Proxies to display the Proxies options.

  4. Click View to display the Manual Proxy Configuration options.

  5. In the field displayed after Do not use proxy servers for domains beginning with, enter localhost, or the IP address of the system running WebLogic Integration.

Bypassing the Proxy Server in Microsoft Internet Explorer

To bypass the proxy server in Microsoft Internet Explorer:

  1. Choose Tools—>Internet Option to display the Internet Options dialog box.

  2. Select the Connections tab.

  3. Click the LAN Settings button (at the bottom of the tab) to display the Local Area Network (LAN) dialog box.

  4. Check the Bypass proxy server for local addresses option in the Proxy server section.

  5. Click OK to save the settings and dismiss the LAN dialog box.

  6. Click OK to dismiss the Internet Options dialog box.


Starting the Samples Launcher

The samples launcher page is your gateway to an exploration of the sample applications provided with WebLogic Integration. As described in Configuring and Starting the Samples Domain, to start WebLogic Integration in the samples domain for the first time, you must execute the RunSamples command. This command configures the samples domain, starts the server, and starts the samples launcher.

Once you have configured your samples domain, you can access the samples launcher at any time. If the server is running, you can open the samples page in your browser or use the shortcuts as described in the following procedure.

To start the samples launcher:

  1. If it is not already running, start WebLogic Integration in the samples domain, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.


  2. Do one of the following:

    The samples launcher page is displayed in your Web browser, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-1 WebLogic Integration Samples Launcher


Learning to Use the Samples

Information about the sample applications is provided in the following documents:

For information about this sample . . .

See . . .

WebLogic Integration (WLI)

Learning to Use BEA WebLogic Integration

Business process management (BPM)

Learning to Use BPM with WebLogic Integration

B2B samples:

Running the B2B Integration Samples

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

EDI Sample in Using EDI with WebLogic Integration

Data integration samples:

Running the WebLogic Integration Sample Applications in Using the Data Integration Plug-In



Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console

The WebLogic Server Administration Console allows you to view or modify the configuration of the WebLogic Integration resources deployed on WebLogic Server.

To start the WebLogic Server Administration Console:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.


  2. Launch the WebLogic Server Administration Console by performing the steps appropriate for your platform:

  3. When prompted, enter system in the user name field; then enter the system password.

    Note: The password you enter is the WebLogic Integration system password for the active domain. This password is not the default password you specified when installing WebLogic Server. If you have not yet changed the password, see WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords for the default password.

    The WebLogic Server Administration Console is displayed in your Web browser, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-2 WebLogic Server Administration Console


Note: Bookmark the WebLogic Server Administration Console for quick access.

Learning to Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console

For detailed information about WebLogic Server administration, see the WebLogic Server 6.1 documentation at the following URL:

Information about using the WebLogic Server Administration Console is also provided through online help. For help at any time, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of the page.


Starting the Application View Console

The Application View Console allows you to define application views for adapters you develop using the WebLogic Integration Adapter Development Kit (ADK). You can define application views only for adapters that are deployed in the active domain. When you define an application view, you are creating an XML-based interface to an enterprise application. In conjunction with the application integration plug-in, this view can then be used to include operations that use the application in the workflows you model in the Studio.

To start the Application View Console:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration. The domain must be configured to deploy the adapters for which you plan to define views. For information about the deployment requirements for each type of adapter, see Developing Adapters.

    Note: The Application View Console is not available in the BPM domain (config\bpmdomain).

  2. Launch the console by performing the steps appropriate for your platform:

  3. Enter system in the Username field and specify the system password in the password field. Click Login.

    Figure 2-3 Application View Logon


    Note: The password you enter is the WebLogic Integration system password for the active domain. If you have not yet changed the password, see WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords for the default password.

    The Application View Console home page is displayed. For example, the following figure shows the initial Application View Console page for the samples domain.

    Figure 2-4 Application View Console Page for the Samples Domain


From this page, you can navigate to an existing view or define a new view for a deployed adapter.

Select the name of an Application View to access a page on which a summary of the specified view is displayed. For example, the summary page for the WLISAppView application view, which is used in the WebLogic Integration sample, is shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-5 Summary Page for the WLISAppView Application View


Learning to Use Application Views

For information about using adapters built using the BEA WebLogic Integration ADK, see Using Application Integration. This document explains how to define and use application view services and events.


Starting the Studio

The WebLogic Integration Studio is the process-modeling client application that allows you to create and monitor workflows. When you execute the studio.cmd (Windows) or studio (UNIX) command, you are prompted to log in to the process engine running on a local or remote instance of WebLogic Integration.

The following sections provide the information you need to start the Studio:

Note: If you installed the client applications on a system that is remote from the server, you must copy two files, weblogic.jar and xmlx.jar, from the lib directory of the WebLogic Server installation (for example: C:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib) to the lib directory of the client installation (for example: C:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib).

Start Procedure for the Studio

To start the Studio:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Launch the Studio by performing the steps appropriate for your platform:

    The logon dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-6 Studio Logon Dialog Box


  3. Enter your user name and password. If you have not been assigned a user name and password for the WebLogic Integration process engine, enter a default user name and password. See WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords.

  4. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running WebLogic Integration, as follows:

    Here, host is the computer name or IP address of the system. If WebLogic Integration is running on the local computer, specify localhost or

  5. Click OK.

Once you are connected, the Studio application window is displayed. The following figure shows the Studio application window as it appears when connected to the process engine in the samples domain. In this case, the requestor partner public workflow for the Hello Partner sample is selected.

Figure 2-7 Sample Workflow Displayed in the Studio



Note About BPM Plug-Ins

The functionality of the WebLogic Integration process engine and the Studio client application can be extended by built-in or customer-developed BPM plug-ins. The plug-ins deployed are dependent on the configuration of the active domain. The following table summarizes the deployment of plug-ins in the preconfigured domains.

Table 2-1 Domain-Specific Deployment of Plug-Ins

This plug-in . . .

Extends Studio functionality
so you can . . .

It is deployed in . . .

Data integration plug-in

Perform data translation using message formats developed in the Format Builder.

All preconfigured domains:


Application integration plug-in

Use application view services and events in a workflow.


B2B integration plug-in

Create workflows for use in trading partner exchanges.



To view a list of the plug-ins currently deployed, choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform.

For information about developing custom plug-ins, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.

Learning to Use the Studio

Information about using the Studio is provided in the following documents.

To learn . . .

See . . .

The fundamentals

Using the WebLogic Integration Studio

Learning to Use BPM with WebLogic Integration (a step-by-step tutorial)

How to create workflows for use in B2B applications

Creating Workflows for B2B Integration

How to use application view services and events in workflows

Using Application Views in Business Process Management in Using Application Integration

How to employ data translation in workflow actions

Using the Data Integration Plug-In

How to extend functionality by creating your own plug-ins

Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration


Information about using the Studio is also provided in the online help.

For help with . . .

Choose . . .

General information about using the Studio

Help—>Help Topics

The application integration plug-in

Help—>Plug-In Help—>AI Help

The data integration plug-in

Help—>Plug-In Help—>DI Help


Note: Online help is not available for the B2B integration plug-in. For information on using the B2B integration plug-in, see Creating Workflows for B2B Integration.


Starting the Worklist

The Worklist can be used to manage user task notification and response for workflow tasks that require human intervention. The following procedure describes how to start the Worklist.

Note: If you installed the client applications on a system that is remote from the server, you must copy two files, weblogic.jar and xmlx.jar, from the lib directory of the WebLogic Server installation (for example: C:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib) to the lib directory of the client installation (for example: C:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib).

To start the Worklist:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Launch the Studio by performing the steps appropriate for your platform:

    The logon dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-8 Worklist Logon Dialog Box



  3. Enter your user name and password. If you have not yet been assigned a user name and password for the WebLogic Integration process engine, enter a default user name and password. See WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords.

  4. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running WebLogic Integration, as follows:

    Here, host is the computer name or IP address of the system. If WebLogic Integration is running on the local computer, specify localhost or

  5. Click OK.

Once you are connected, the Worklist application window is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-9 Worklist Application Window


Learning to Use the Worklist

To learn to use the Worklist, see Using the WebLogic Integration Worklist.


Starting the Format Builder

The Format Builder allows you to create Message Format Language (MFL) files—also known as message formats—that describe the content and structure of the binary data used by other systems in your organization. In conjunction with the data integration plug-in, these message formats are used by the process engine to translate binary data to XML, and vice versa. This translation capability simplifies the task of incorporating actions into your workflows that send or receive data from these systems. The following procedure describes how to start the Format Builder.

Note: If you installed the client applications on a system that is remote from the server, you must copy two files, weblogic.jar and xmlx.jar, from the lib directory of the WebLogic Server installation (for example: C:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib) to the lib directory of the client installation (for example: C:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib).

To start the Format Builder:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.

  2. Launch the Format Builder by performing the steps appropriate for your platform:

    The Format Builder application window is displayed.

  3. Choose Repository—>Logon.

    The logon dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-10 Format Builder Logon Dialog Box



  4. Enter your user name and password. If you have not yet been assigned a user name and password for the XML repository, enter a default user name and password. See WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords.

  5. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running WebLogic Integration as follows:

    Here, host is the computer name or IP address of the system. If WebLogic Integration is running on the local computer, specify localhost or

  6. Click Connect.

Once you are connected, the application window is displayed. You can create new message formats, or retrieve and modify existing formats. For example, to retrieve items from the XML repository, Choose Repository—>Retrieve. The retrieve dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-11 Retrieve Dialog Box in the Format Builder


Learning to Use the Format Builder

To learn to use the Format Builder, see Translating Data with WebLogic Integration.

Information about using the Format Builder is also provided in the online help provided with the Format Builder. To view the help, choose Help—>Help Topics.


Starting the B2B Console

The WebLogic Integration B2B Console allows you to:

To start the WebLogic Integration B2B Console:

  1. Start WebLogic Integration, as described in Starting WebLogic Integration.


  2. Do one of the following:

  3. When prompted, enter system in the user name field; then enter the system password.

    Note: The password you enter is the WebLogic Integration system password for the active domain. If you have not yet changed the password, see WebLogic Integration Users and Passwords for the default password.

    The B2B Console is displayed in your Web browser, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-12 Initial View of the B2B Console


Note: Bookmark the B2B Console for quick access.

Note: Which items are displayed in the navigation tree (in the left pane) is determined by the B2B preference settings. For example, if the Display advanced configuration controls option is disabled, the Logic Plug-Ins are not displayed. For information about the B2B preferences, see "Setting Preferences" in Configuring B2B Integration in Online Help for the WebLogic Integration B2B Console.

Learning to Use the B2B Console

For an overview of the configuration requirements for the B2B integration functionality provided by WebLogic Integration, a tour of the B2B console, and information about the B2B repository, see Administering B2B Integration.

Information about using the B2B Console, including descriptions of the fields and options on each page, is provided in the online help. For help at any time, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of any page displayed by the B2B Console.

Note: The information in the online help is also available as a document entitled Online Help for the WebLogic Integration B2B Console.


Starting and Stopping the B2B Engine from the B2B Console

This section provides instructions for shutting down and restarting the B2B engine from the B2B Console.

When you use the B2B Console to shut down or restart the B2B engine, only the B2B engine is affected; all other WebLogic Integration applications, including the Web application that supports the B2B Console itself, continue to run.

Stopping the B2B Engine from the B2B Console

To shut down the B2B engine, while keeping other WebLogic Integration applications and services running:

  1. Select B2B from the navigation tree to display the B2B page.

  2. First select the high-level Monitoring tab, then the nested General tab, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-13 General Tab for B2B Monitoring



  3. Select Shut down this server.

    The shutdown confirmation page is displayed.

    Figure 2-14 Shutdown Confirmation Page


  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to shut down the B2B engine.

    The B2B engine is shut down. WebLogic Server and all other WebLogic Integration applications and resources remain active. When you have shut down the B2B engine from the B2B Console, you can restart it, as described in the following procedure.

Restarting the B2B Engine from the B2B Console

To restart the B2B engine after shutting it down from the B2B Console:

  1. First select the high-level Monitoring tab, then the nested General tab, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-15 General Tab for B2B Monitoring


  2. Select Start this server.

    The startup confirmation page is displayed. This page allows you to turn persistence on or off, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-16 Start Up Confirmation Page


  3. Do one of the following:

    For information about persistence in B2B integration, see Configuring Persistence and Recovery in Administering B2B Integration.

The restart process may take a couple of minutes. You are returned to the Monitoring General tab when the process is complete.


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