WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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EDI Sample


This section describes the configuration and operation of the EDI sample. Because the EDI sample relies on the proper configuration of Power.Server!, you must configure Power.Server! before you can run the sample. (Such configuration is not a requirement for running the other samples provided with BEA WebLogic Integration.)

It includes the following topics:


Sample Overview

The EDI sample contains a simple Purchase Order business process. Two trading partners are involved:

Advanced Networks buys control system components from General Controls. ANI uses EDI to send Purchase Orders to GCS and to receive Purchase Order Acknowledgments from Supplier GCS.

The Sample is based on the assumption that Supplier GCS uses BEA WebLogic Integration as its Business to Business Integration solution, that is, as the framework in which it exchanges EDI documents with its trading partners. The architecture of the WebLogic EDI Integration is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6-1 EDI Sample Scenario



The EDI sample is based on the assumption that Supplier GCS uses WebLogic Integration as its Business to Business integration solution for communicating with its trading partners using EDI. The architecture of the EDI sample is shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 EDI Sample Architecture



The sample consists of an inbound EDI 850 Purchase Order that is received by Power.Server! through an inbound file connection. The EDI 850 is translated into a Purchase Order in XML format and sent to WebLogic Integration using a target RMI Connection. The XML document is received by the WebLogic Integration EDI Adapter and sent to a sample workflow through the application integration plug-in as an application integration event. The sample workflow transforms the Purchase Order XML document into a Purchase Order Acknowledgment XML document and sends it to Power.Server! via the EDI Adapter using a service call. The service call uses an RMI source connection to send the document to Power.Server!. The Purchase Order Acknowledgment XML document is translated to an EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment and written to the file system using an outbound file connection.


Setting up and Running the Sample

This section lists the prerequisites for executing the BEA WebLogic Integration EDI sample and instructions for running it.


Before you run the EDI sample, you must install all product components of BEA WebLogic Integration, including:

Hardware and OS Requirements

Because the EDI sample is based on the assumption that you have access, on a single machine, to all of the software, including Power.Server!, Power.Manager!, and Power.Map!, the OS installation requirements are more restrictive than those for a production environment.

Configuring the EDI Sample

Configuration and execution of the EDI sample require you to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Start Power.Server!

Step 2: Start Power.Manager! and Configure Partners

Step 3: Start Power.Map! and Load Maps and Adapters

Step 4: Set Up the Connections

Step 5: Set Up the Exchange Profiles

Step 6: Set Up the Workflow

Step 7: Deploy the Application View

Step 8: Run the Sample

The following files are available in WLI_HOME/samples/EDISample.

Note: Always start the Power.Server! before you start WebLogic Integration or WebLogic Server. The WebLogic Integration connectors expect Power.Server! to be running when they are initialized, and they throw exceptions if Power.Server! is not running when they are initialized.

Step 1: Start Power.Server!

Start Power.Server! by selecting Start Menu—>Programs—>Power.It—>Power.Server!. Wait approximately 10 seconds for the server to start.

Step 2: Start Power.Manager! and Configure Partners

  1. Start Power.Manager! by selecting
    Start Menu—>Programs—>Power.It—>Power.Manager!.

    Figure 6-3 Power.Manager! Server Connection Dialog Box


  2. If no servers are listed in the left pane, click Add.

    Figure 6-4 Power.Manager! Server Add Dialog Box


    Enter the Server Hostname and Server Control Port of the EDI Server. Click Add.

  3. Select the Power.Server! to which you want to connect and click Connect.

    Figure 6-5 Power.Manager! Server Connection Dialog Box


    The Power.Manager! main window is displayed.

    Figure 6-6 Power.Manager!


  4. Set up the company profiles. Click Partners, then click Company Profiles.

    Figure 6-7 Company Profile List


  5. Create a Company Profile for GCS. Click the New Company icon .

    The Company Properties dialog box is displayed.

  6. Add the required information about GCS.

    Figure 6-8 Company Properties Dialog Box for a New Company Profile


  7. Create a Company Profile for AES. Click the New Company icon .

  8. When the Company Properties dialog box is displayed, enter the required information about AES.

Step 3: Start Power.Map! and Load Maps and Adapters

  1. Start Power.Map! by choosing Start Menu—>Programs—>Power.It—>Power.Map!.

    Figure 6-9 Power.Map! Main Window


  2. Import the map to convert the EDI 850 transaction to Purchase Order XML. Choose File—> Import. From the Select Import JAR window select the following file:

    Figure 6-10 Import JAR Dialog Box


    Click Import.

  3. Open the EDI850toPOXML map file: choose File—>Open Map, then select the EDI850toPOXML map.

    Figure 6-11 Promoting the Finished Map


  4. Export the resulting map to the Power.Server!. Select the Finish tab, then click Promote.

    Figure 6-12 Promoting the Finished Map


  5. Import the map to convert the Purchase Order Acknowledgment XML to the EDI 855 transaction. Choose File—>Import. From the Select Import JAR window select the following file:

    Click Import.

  6. Choose File—>Open Map, then select the POAckXMLtoEDI855 map.

  7. Export the resulting map to the Power.Server!. Select the Finish tab, then click Promote. Select Move Map to Production and click OK.

  8. Import the XML envelope. Choose File—>Import. Import the following file:

  9. Choose File—>Open Document Definition, then select XMLEnvelope and click OK.

  10. Export the result to the Power.Server!. Select the Finish tab, then click Promote. Select Move Doc to Production and click OK.

  11. You are now finished with Power.Map. You can exit it at this time.

Step 4: Set Up the Connections

  1. From within Power.Manager!, click Connections.

    Figure 6-13 Power.Manager! Connections List


  2. Create an RMI connection from WebLogic Integration to Power.Server!. Click the Add New icon .

    Figure 6-14 Create New Connection Dialog Box


  3. Set the name to WLI_POACK_2_POWERSERVER, Transport to RMI, and Direction to Source. Click OK.

    Figure 6-15 Inbound RMI Properties


  4. Set Status to Active and Envelope Recognition BDD to XMLEnvelope, then click OK.

  5. Create an RMI connection from Power.Server! to WebLogic Integration. Click the Add New icon .

  6. Set the name to POWERSERVER_2_WLI_PO, Transport to RMI, and Direction to Target. Click OK.

    Figure 6-16 Outbound RMI Properties


  7. Set Status to Active, Target to localhost, and Service Name to PO, then click OK.

  8. Create an inbound file connection. Click the Add New icon .

  9. Set the name to EDIFILE_2_POWERSERVER, Transport to File, and Direction to Source. Click OK.

    Figure 6-17 Inbound File Properties


    Set the following properties:

    Click OK when you are finished.

  10. Create an outbound file connection. Click the Add New icon .


  11. Set the name to POWERSERVER_2_EDIFILE, Transport to File, and Direction to Target. Click OK.

    Figure 6-18 Outbound File Properties


    Set the following properties:

    Click OK when you are finished.

Step 5: Set Up the Exchange Profiles

  1. From within Power.Manager!, select Exchange Profiles.

    Figure 6-19 Power.Manager! Exchange Profiles List


  2. Set up the inbound EDI exchange profile. Click the Add New icon. The Power.Manager! Exchange Profile Properties window is displayed.

    Figure 6-20 New Exchange Profile Dialog Box


  3. Set the following properties:

    Click OK when you are finished.

  4. Set up the outbound EDI exchange profile. Click the Add New icon .

  5. Set the following properties:

    Click OK when you are finished.

Step 6: Set Up the Workflow

Note: If you have executed the Run Samples setup, as discussed in Preparing to Run the Samples in "Getting Started," in Running the B2B Integration Samples, you can skip Step 6: Set Up the Workflow and Step 7: Deploy the Application View and proceed to Step 8: Run the Sample.

  1. Start WebLogic Server: choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.1—>Samples—>Start Server.

  2. Start the WebLogic Integration Studio: choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.1—>Start Studio.

  3. Log on to WebLogic Integration Studio. The default login for the samples is:

  4. Choose Tools—>Import Package.

  5. Select the file EDISampleWorkflow.jar, located in WLI_HOME\samples\edi.

    Figure 6-21 Importing the EDI Workflow


  6. Select Activate Workflows After Import. If prompted, use Org1.

Step 7: Deploy the Application View

  1. Start a Web browser.

  2. Connect to http://localhost:7001/wlai.

  3. Log in using the system login ID:

    Alternately, create a new user using the application integration functionality provided by WebLogic Integration. Then log in as that user.

  4. Select the Application View EDIAppView.

  5. Click Deploy. Select the Deploy Persistently option.

  6. Click Deploy on the Deploy Application View page. You should see the status change.

This concludes the configuration of the EDI sample.

Step 8: Run the Sample

There are two ways to launch the sample:

  1. You can run a script, which is located in the Power.Commerce! installation. In a command prompt window, run the following command line:
    power_enterprise_dir\powerit\powerapi\file_request -c EDIFILE_2_POWERSERVER

  2. You can start the sample from the samples launcher page, as discussed in Running the B2B Integration Samples.

    Figure 6-22 Samples Launcher Page


You can monitor the sample during its execution from within Power.Manager!:

You can also monitor the sample from within WebLogic Integration Studio.

To verify that the sample has run correctly, go to WLI_HOME\samples\edi. You should see a new file in the directoy, which is auto-created by Power.Server! when the EDI message completes the cycle.


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