WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Programming BPM Plug-Ins



Introduction to BPM Plug-In Development

What Is a Plug-In?

How BPM Supports Plug-In Development

Plug-In Manager

Plug-In API

How BPM Discovers a Deployed Plug-In

Detecting the Plug-In

Managing Lifecycle Tasks

Accessing the Plug-In Implementation

Executing the Plug-In at Run Time (Context Passing)

BPM Plug-In Development Tasks

BPM Plug-In Sample


Plug-In Development Fundamentals

Importing Packages and Interfaces

Connecting to the Plug-In Manager

Getting the Plug-In Framework Version

Using Plug-In Value Objects

Defining Plug-In Value Objects

Getting and Setting Object Data

Disconnecting from the Plug-In Manager


Defining the Plug-In Session EJB


Session EJB Interface

Plug-In Home Interface

Plug-In Remote Interface

Lifecycle Management Methods

Notification Methods

Plug-In Information Methods

Object Manufacturing Method

Example of Implementing the Remote Interface


Defining Plug-In Components


PluginObject Interface

Done Node Example

Start Node Example

Reading and Saving Plug-In Data

Implementing the PluginData Interface

Done Node Example

Event Node Example

Start Node Example

Workflow Template Properties Example

Workflow Template Definition Properties Example

Implementing the PluginActionData Interface

Displaying the Plug-In GUI Component

Defining the PluginPanel Class

Done Node Example

Workflow Template Properties Example

Workflow Template Definition Properties Example

Defining the PluginActionPanel Class

Defining the PluginTriggerPanel Class

Start Node Example

Event Node Example

Defining the PluginVariablePanel Class

Defining the PluginVariableRenderer Class

Executing the Plug-In

Defining the Run-Time Component Class for an Action

Defining the Execution Information for a Plug-In Action

Customizing the Action Tree

Defining the Run-Time Component Class for a Done Node

Defining the Run-Time Component Class for an Event Node

Defining the Run-Time Component Class for a Function

Defining the Run-Time Component Class for a Message Type

Defining the Run-Time Component Class for a Start Node

PluginTemplateNode Interface

Using Plug-In Run-Time Contexts

Action Context

Evaluation Context

Event Context

Execution Context


Defining the Plug-In Component Value Objects


Using Plug-In Notifications


Registering the Plug-In as a Notification Listener

Getting Information About a Received Notification

Unregistering the Plug-In as a Notification Listener


Processing Plug-In Events

Overview of Plug-In Events

EventData Class

Defining the Plug-In Event Handler

Defining the Event Handler Component Class

Creating an Event Handler Value Object

Registering an Event Handler

Defining Plug-In Message Types

Defining an Event Watch Entry

Sending an Event to the Plug-In Event Handler


Managing Plug-Ins

Viewing Plug-Ins

Loading Plug-Ins

Configuring Plug-Ins

Customize the Plug-In Configuration Requirements

Implementing the PluginData Interface

Defining the PluginPanel Class

Defining the ConfigurationInfo Value Object

Setting the Plug-In Configuration Values

Getting the Plug-In Configuration Values

Deleting the Plug-In Configuration Values

Refreshing the List of Plug-Ins

Using the Studio to Manage Plug-ins


Defining Plug-In Online Help


Deploying the Plug-In

Defining the Plug-In Deployment Descriptor Files

Defining the Plug-In EJB Deployment Descriptor Files

Defining the Plug-In Online Help Deployment Descriptor Files

Packaging the Plug-In

Updating the Configuration File


BPM Plug-In Sample

Plug-In Sample Contents

Using the Plug-In Sample

Importing the Plug-In Sample

Running the Plug-In Sample


Plug-In Component Definition Roadmap


Plug-In Value Object Summary

ActionCategoryInfo Object

ActionInfo Object

CategoryInfo Object

ConfigurationData Object

ConfigurationInfo Object

DoneInfo Object

EventHandlerInfo Object

EventInfo Object

FieldInfo Object

FunctionInfo Object

HelpSetInfo Object

InfoObject Object

PluginCapabilitiesInfo Object

PluginDependency Object

PlugInfo Object

StartInfo Object

TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo Object

TemplateNodeInfo Object

TemplatePropertiesInfo Object

VariableTypeInfo Object


BPM Graphical User Interface Style Sheet

Designing a Plug-In

Working with Interaction Components

Check Boxes

Command Buttons

List Boxes

Radio Buttons


Text-Entry Fields

Working with Presentation Components


Dialog Box Layout




Visual Balance

Recommended Reading


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