WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Plug-In Value Object Summary


This appendix describes the BPM plug-in value (or Info) objects and their methods. It includes the following topics:

For more information about defining and accessing value object information, see Using Plug-In Value Objects.


ActionCategoryInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionCategoryInfo object maintains plug-in action or action category information.

ActionCategoryInfo is the abstract base class for the following objects:

The ActionCategoryInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new ActionCategoryInfo object:

public ActionCategoryInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
int parentSystemID,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the ActionCategoryInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-1 ActionCategoryInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Action or action category ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the action or action category.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the action or action category.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

ID of the parent category that identifies the action category in the action tree.

The ID can be set to one of the following values:

A new action category that does not have access to the parent system ID must use ID_NEW. For example, ID_NEW must be used to add:

Once the plug-in identifies a parent category, it can retrieve its system ID via the getSystemID() method.


public int getParentSystemID()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the KEY_* values provided by the subclass.


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionCategoryInfo Javadoc.


ActionInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionInfo object maintains plug-in action information.

ActionCategoryInfo is the abstract base class for the ActionInfo object.

The ActionInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructors to create a new ActionInfo object:

public ActionInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
byte[] iconByteArray,
int parentSystemID,
int actionStateMask,
int actionStateTrans,
java.lang.String[] subActionLabels,
java.lang.String[] classNames
public ActionInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
byte[] iconByteArray,
int parentSystemID,
int actionStateMask,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the ActionInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined.

Table B-2 ActionInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Action ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the action.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the action.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Byte array representation of the graphical image (icon) for this plug-in, used by the Studio to represent this action when interface view is enabled.

For more information about generating the byte array representation, see InfoObject Object.


public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()

public static final byte[] imageStreamToByteArray( inputStream) throws

ID of the parent category that identifies the action category in the action tree.

The ID can be set to one of the following values:

A new action category that does not have access to the parent system ID must use ID_NEW. For example, ID_NEW must be used to add:

Once the plug-in identifies a parent category, it can retrieve its system ID via the getSystemID() method.


public int getParentSystemID()

Bit mask describing the action states in which this action is valid.

This value is formed by performing a bitwise OR of the specified values.

The bit mask can be set to one or more of the following values to specify when the action is valid:


public boolean isValidActionState (int actionStateMask)

Action state transition that results from executing the action's subactions.

The state can be set to one of the following values:


public int getActionStateTrans()

Localized action list labels.


public java.lang.String[] getSubActionLabels()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.Object getClass(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionInfo Javadoc.


CategoryInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.CategoryInfo object maintains information about the plug-in action category.

ActionCategoryInfo is the abstract base class for the CategoryInfo object.

The CategoryInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new CategoryInfo object:

public CategoryInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
int parentSystemID,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionCategoryInfo[] subNodes

The following table describes the ActionCategoryInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-3 CategoryInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()


Action category ID.


public int getID()


Localized name of the action category.


public java.lang.String getName()


Localized description of the action category.


public java.lang.String getDescription()


ID of the parent category that identifies the category in the action tree.

The ID can be set to one of the following values:

A new action category that does not have access to the parent system ID must use ID_NEW. For example, ID_NEW must be used to add:

Once the plug-in identifies a parent category, it can retrieve its system ID via the getSystemID() method.


public int getParentSystemID()


Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the KEY_* values provided by the subclass.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.
ActionCategoryInfo[] getSubnodes()

public void addSubNode(com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.

Plug-in system ID.


public int getSystemID()

public int setSystemID(int systemID)


Note: In addition to the methods defined in the previous table, the following method recursively searches the action category and its subcategories to locate the category with a matching system ID.

For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.CategoryInfo Javadoc.


ConfigurationData Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ConfigurationData object maintains plug-in configuration information.

You can use the following constructor to create a new ConfigurationData object:

public ConfigurationData(
java.lang.String pluginName,
com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo version,
int status,
int startMode,
java.lang.String xml

The following table describes the ConfigurationData object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-4 ConfigurationData Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in version.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo getVersion()

Plug-in status.


public int getStatus()

Plug-in start mode.


public int getStartMode()

XML configuration document.


public java.lang.String getXML()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ConfigurationData Javadoc.


ConfigurationInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ConfigurationInfo object maintains plug-in configuration information.

The ConfigurationInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new ConfigurationInfo object:

public ConfigurationInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the ConfigurationInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-5 ConfigurationInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Plug-in description.


public int getStatus()

Plug-in start mode.


public int getStartMode()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ConfigurationInfo Javadoc.


DoneInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.DoneInfo object maintains information about a plug-in Done node.

The DoneInfo class extends the following classes:

You can use the following constructor to create a new DoneInfo object:

public DoneInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
byte[] iconByteArray,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the ConfigurationInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-6 DoneInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the Done node.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the Done node.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Byte array representation of the graphical image (icon) for this plug-in, used by the Studio to represent this action when interface view is enabled.

For more information about generating the byte array representation, see InfoObject Object.


public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()

public static final byte[] imageStreamToByteArray( inputStream) throws

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.DoneInfo Javadoc.


EventHandlerInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventHandlerInfo object maintains information about a plug-in event handler.

The EventHandlerInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new EventHandlerInfo object:

public EventHandlerInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the EventHandlerInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-7 EventHandlerInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Localized name of the event handler.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the event handler.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Array identifying the related plug-in class, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for the following KEY_* value.

KEY_HANDLER: Key value specifying the com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.EventHandler implementation class name.


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventHandlerInfo Javadoc.


EventInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventInfo object maintains information about a plug-in event handler.

The EventInfo class extends the following classes:

You can use the following constructor to create a new EventInfo object:

public EventInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
byte[] iconByteArray,
java.lang.String[] classNames,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo fieldInfo

The following table describes the EventHandlerInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-8 EventInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the event.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the event.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Byte array representation of the graphical image (icon) for this plug-in, used by the Studio to represent this action when interface view is enabled.

For more information about generating the byte array representation, see InfoObject Object.


public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()

public static final byte[] imageStreamToByteArray( inputStream) throws

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)

Plug-in field information.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo getFieldInfo()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventInfo Javadoc.


FieldInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo object maintains information about a plug-in field.

The FieldInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new FieldInfo object:

public FieldInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] classNames,
boolean supportsQualifiers

The following table describes the FieldInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-9 FieldInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the field.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the field.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)

Flag specifying whether or not the field type supports dot-delimited names. For example, if the PostalCode field is embedded in the Address field, the name for the field would be Address.PostalCode.

The expression evaluator uses this flag to determine whether a field reference is valid in an expression in a plug-in Start, Event, or Event key.


public boolean supportsQualifiers()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo Javadoc.


FunctionInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FunctionInfo object maintains information about a plug-in function.

The FieldInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new FunctionInfo object:

public FunctionInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String prototype,
java.lang.String[] classNames,
int argcmin,
int argcmax

The following table describes the FunctionInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-10 FunctionInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the function.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the function.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Localized prototype for this function.


public java.lang.String prototype()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for the following KEY_* value.

KEY_EVALUATOR: Key value specifying the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginFunction implementation class name.


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)

Minimum number of arguments permitted. The expression evaluator uses this information to validate calls to this function.


public int getMinArgCount()

Maximum number of arguments permitted. The expression evaluator uses this information to validate calls to this function.


public int getMaxArgCount()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FunctionInfo Javadoc.


HelpSetInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.HelpSetInfo object maintains information about the plug-in online help. Plug-ins can support both HTML and JavaHelp online help systems. The plug-in online help files must be packaged in a WAR file and deployed as part of the process engine. In order for the BPM client applications to retrieve the appropriate help files, the online help WAR file must be deployed under the name of the plug-in to which it correlates.

BPM client applications can use the Plug-in Manager (or other EJB) ClassLoader to determine the URL of the process engine. Using the HelpSetInfo object values, the client applications can obtain a full URL to access the help files through http or https.

The HelpSetInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new HelpSetInfo object:

public HelpSetInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] helpNames,
int helpType

The following table describes the HelpSetInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-11 HelpSetInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version) supplying the online help set.

In order for BPM client applications to form the correct URL for the help set, this name must match the web application under which the WAR file must be deployed.


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Localized name of the online help.

This value is used as the label value for the user interface menu option that is used to access the non-context sensitive help.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the online help.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:

The value of each entry is interpreted according to the value of the helpType parameter, as defined in the table Help Types and Related Plug-In Classes.


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)

Type of help provided by the plug-in, which can be set to one of the following values:

The value of each entry is interpreted according to the value of the helpNames parameter, as defined in the table Help Types and Related Plug-In Classes.


public int getHelpType()


The following table defines the help types (helpType values) and related plug-in classes (helpNames values).

Table B-12 Help Types and Related Plug-In Classes

helpType Value

helpNames Value




Name of the JavaHelp help set file, relative to the root of the WAR file, containing the help files (for example, javahelp/MyPluginHelpSet.hs). If an extension is not included, JavaHelp automatically appends an .hs extension.

JavaHelp help key for the main index page or table of contents.


Name of the root directory of the HTML help files that must include a trailing slash (for example, htmlhelp/).

Name of the HTML file (not including the required .htm extension) containing the main index page or table of contents, relative to the directory specified by the KEY_HELP_SET entry.


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.HelpSetInfo Javadoc.


InfoObject Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject object provides the abstract base class for all plug-in value objects.

You can use the following constructor to create a new InfoObject object:

public InfoObject(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the InfoObject object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-13 InfoObject Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the object.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the object.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the KEY_* values provided by the subclass.


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


The InfoObject object also provides the following method for generating an iconByteArray value from an input stream that can be used when constructing ActionInfo, DoneInfo, EventInfo, StartInfo, and TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo objects:

public static final byte[] imageStreamToByteArray( inputStream) throws

For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject Javadoc.


PluginCapabilitiesInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginCapabilitiesInfo object maintains information about the plug-in capabilities.

The PluginCapabilitiesInfo object describes the complete set of plug-in capabilities once the plug-in has been loaded. Prior to being loaded, basic plug-in information can be accessed using the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginInfo object, as described in PlugInfo Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new PluginCapabilitiesInfo object:

public PluginCapabilitiesInfo(
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginInfo info,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionCategoryInfo[] actions,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventInfo[] events,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo[] fields,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FunctionInfo[] functions,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo[] starts,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.DoneInfo[] dones,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.VariableTypeInfo[] variableTypes,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplatePropertiesInfo[] template,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventHandlerInfo eventHandler

The following table describes the PluginCapabilitiesInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-14 PluginCapabilitiesInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Basic plug-in information.


public java.lang.String getPluginInfo()

Actions and action categories provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ActionCategoryInfo[] getActionInfo()

Events provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventInfo[] getEventInfo()

Fields provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo[] getFieldInfo()

Functions provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FunctionInfo[] getFunctionInfo()

Start nodes provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo[] getStartInfo()

Done nodes provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.DoneInfo[] getDoneInfo()

Variables provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.VariableTypesInfo[] getVariableTypesInfo()

Workflow template properties provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplatePropertiesInfo[] getTemplateInfo()

Workflow template definition properties provided by the plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo[] getTemplateDefinitionInfo()

Event handler information.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.EventHandlerInfo getEventHandlerInfo()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginCapabilitiesInfo Javadoc.


PluginDependency Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginDependency object maintains information about the plug-in dependencies.

The PluginDependency class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new PluginCapabilitiesInfo object:

public PluginDependency(
java.lang.String pluginName,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String masterPluginName,
java.lang.String vendor,
com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo version

The following table describes the PluginDependency object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-15 PluginDependency Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Localized description of the object.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Master plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getMasterPluginName()

Master plug-in vendor name.


public java.lang.String getVendor()

Master plug-in version.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo getVersion()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginDependency Javadoc.


PlugInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginInfo object maintains basic information about the plug-in.

The PluginInfo object describes the basic set of plug-in capabilities before the plug-in has been loaded. After being loaded, basic plug-in information can be accessed using the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginCapabilitiesInfo object, as described in PluginCapabilitiesInfo Object.

The PluginInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new PluginCapabilitiesInfo object:

public PluginInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
java.lang.String name,
java.util.Locale lc,
java.lang.String vendor,
java.lang.String url,
com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo version,
com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo pluginFrameworkVersion,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginDependency[] dependencies,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ConfigurationInfo config,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.HelpSetInfo helpSet

The following table describes the PluginDependency object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-16 PluginInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Localized name of the object.


public java.lang.String getName()

Locale to localize the display strings.


public java.lang.String getLocale()

Plug-in vendor name.


public java.lang.String getVendor()

Plug-in vendor URL.


public java.lang.String getURL()

Plug-in version.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo getVersion()

Plug-in framework version.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo getPluginFrameworkVersion()

Plug-in dependencies.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginDependency[] getDependencyInfo()

Plug-in configuration information.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.ConfigurationInfo getConfigurationInfo()

JavaHelp help set provided by plug-in.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.HelpSetInfo getHelpSetInfo()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginInfo Javadoc.


StartInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo object maintains information about a plug-in Start node.

The StartInfo class extends the following classes:

You can use the following constructor to create a new StartInfo object:

public StartInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
byte[] iconByteArray,
java.lang.String[] classNames,
com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo fieldInfo

The following table describes the ConfigurationInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-17 StartInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the Start node.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the Start node.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Byte array representation of the graphical image (icon) for this plug-in, used by the Studio to represent this action when interface view is enabled.

For more information about generating the byte array representation, see InfoObject Object.


public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()

public static final byte[] imageStreamToByteArray( inputStream) throws

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)

Plug-in field information.


public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo getFieldInfo()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo Javadoc.


TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo object maintains information about the plug-in template definition properties.

The TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo object:

public DoneInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-18 TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Localized name of the object.

This string defines the contents of the plug-in tab in the Template Definition Properties dialog box.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the object.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo Javadoc.


TemplateNodeInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplateNodeInfo object maintains information about a plug-in template definition node.

TemplateNodeInfo is extended by the following classes:

The TemplateNodeInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new TemplateNodeInfo object:

public TemplateNodeInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
byte[] iconByteArray,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-19 TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the template definition node.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the template definition node.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Byte array representation of the graphical image (icon) for this plug-in, used by the Studio to represent this action when interface view is enabled.

For more information about generating the byte array representation, see InfoObject Object.


public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()

public static final byte[] imageStreamToByteArray( inputStream) throws

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the KEY_* values defined for the corresponding subclasses.


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplateNodeInfo Javadoc.


TemplatePropertiesInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplatePropertiesInfo object maintains information about the plug-in template properties.

The TemplatePropertiesInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new TemplatePropertiesInfo object:

public TemplatePropertiesInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the TemplateDefinitionPropertiesInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-20 TemplatePropertiesInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Localized name of the object.

This string defines the contents of the plug-in tab in the Template Properties dialog box.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the object.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.TemplatePropertiesInfo Javadoc.


VariableTypeInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.VariableTypeInfo object maintains information about a plug-in variable.

The VariableTypeInfo class extends the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.InfoObject class, as described in InfoObject Object.

You can use the following constructor to create a new VariableTypeInfo object:

public VariableTypeInfo(
java.lang.String pluginName,
int ID,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
int variableType,
java.lang.Class valueClass,
java.lang.String[] classNames

The following table describes the VariableTypeInfo object information, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the methods that can be used to access that information after the object is defined, if applicable.

Table B-21 VariableTypeInfo Object Information

Object Information

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Plug-in name (reverse-DNS version).


public java.lang.String getPluginName()

Plug-in ID.


public int getID()

Localized name of the variable type.


public java.lang.String getName()

Localized description of the variable type.


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Variable type which can be set to one of the following integer values:


public int getVariableType()

Fully-qualified Java class of the allowed value type.


public java.lang.Class getValueClass()

Array identifying related plug-in classes, including one entry (the fully-qualified Java class name) for each of the following KEY_* values:


public java.lang.String getClassName(int key)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.VariableTypeInfo Javadoc.


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