WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Data Integration



Translating Data with WebLogic Integration Overview

Understanding XML Translation

What is Data Integration?

The Design-Time Component

The Run-Time Component

Binary to XML Translation

XML to Binary Translation

The Plug-In to Business Process Management

Post Translation Options and Considerations


Building Format Definitions

Understanding Data Formats

About Binary Data (Non-XML Data)

About XML Documents

About MFL Documents

Analyzing the Data to be Translated

Using Format Builder

Starting Format Builder

Using the Format Builder Main Window

Using the Navigation Tree

Using the Menu Bar

Using the Toolbar

Using the Shortcut Menus

Using Drag and Drop

Creating a Message Format

Creating a Group

Specifying Delimiters

Creating a Field

Creating a Comment

Creating References

Working with Palettes

Opening the Palette

Using the File Menu

Using the Shortcut Menu

Adding Items to the Palette

Deleting Items From the Palette

Adding Palette Items to a Message Format

Saving a Message Format to a File

Using Internationalization Features

Opening an Existing Message Format File

Changing Options for a Message Format

Working With the Repository

Retrieving Repository Documents

Storing Repository Documents

Setting Format Builder Options

Format Builder Menus

File Menu

Edit Menu

Insert Menu

View Menu

Repository Menu

Tools Menu

Help Menu


Testing Format Definitions

Starting Format Tester

Using the Format Tester Main Window

Using the Menu Bar

File Menu

Edit Menu

Display Menu

Generate Menu

Translate Menu

Using the Shortcut Menus

Using the Binary Window

Using the Data Offset Feature

Using the Text Feature

Using the XML Window

Using the Debug Window

Using the Resize Bars

Testing Format Definitions

Debugging Format Definitions

Searching for Values

Positioning to an Offset

Using the Debug Log


Importing Meta Data

Importing a COBOL Copybook

Importing C Structures

C Struct Importer Sample Files

Starting the C Struct Importer

Understanding Hardware Profiles

Building the Hardware Profile Utility

Running the Hardware Profile Utility

Generating MFL

Generating C Code

Importing an FML Field Table Class

FML Field Table Class Importer Prerequisites

FML Field Table Class Sample Files

Creating XML with the FML Field Table Class Importer


Retrieving and Storing Repository Documents

Accessing the Repository

Retrieving Repository Documents

Storing Repository Documents

Importing Documents into the Repository

Using the Repository Document Chooser

Using the Open Document Dialog Box

Using the Store Document Dialog Box

Using the Shortcut Menus


Using the Run-Time Component

Binary to XML

Generating XML with a Reference to a DTD

Passing in a Debug Writer

XML to Binary

Converting a Document object to Binary

Passing in a Debug Writer

XML to XML Transformation

Initialization Methods

Java API Documentation

Run-Time Plug-In to Business Process Management


Supported Data Types

MFL Data Types

COBOL Copybook Importer Data Types

C Structure Importer From Importing Metadata


Creating Custom Data Types

User Defined Types Sample Files

Registering User Defined Types

Creating User Defined Types

Configuring User Defined Types for the Data Integration Plug-In

Publishing User Defined Types to the Repository from Format Builder

Publishing User Defined Types to the Repository Using the Repository Import Utility

User Defined Type Coding Requirements

Class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype

Required Interface Routines

Optional Interface Routines

Utility Interface Routines

Class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeString

Required Interface Routines

Optional Interface Routines

Utility Interface Routines

Class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeDate

Required Interface Routines

Optional Interface Routines

Utility Interface Routines

Class com.bea.wlxt.mfl.MFLField


Running the Purchase Order Sample

What is Included in the Purchase Order Sample

Prerequisite Considerations

Understanding the Data Formats

About Binary Data (Non-XML Data)

About XML Documents

About MFL Documents

Performing Binary to XML Translation

Analyzing the Data to be Translated

Testing the Translation

Step 1. Starting Format Builder and Creating the Message Format

Step 2. Creating Fields

Step 3. Creating Groups

Step 4. Creating a Group Reference

Step 5. Creating the Remaining Items

Step 6. Saving the Message Format

Step 7. Testing the Message Format

Performing XML to Binary Translation


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