WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Using the Studio



Introduction to the WebLogic Integration Studio

About Business Process Management in WebLogic Integration

About the Studio

Modeling Business Data

Modeling Business Processes




Exception Handlers

Integrating Users, Applications, and Data

Integrating Users and Client Applications

Integrating External Components and Applications

Integrating Workflows

Integrating Data

Workflow Design Approaches and Tasks

Top-Down Approach

Bottom-Up Approach

Studio Tools


Using the Studio Interface

Starting and Logging On to the Studio

Overview of the Studio Interface

Menu Options

File Menu

View Menu

Configuration Menu

Tools Menu

Help Menu

Folder Tree Display

Workflow Design Area and Toolbar

Using the Toolbar

Using Interface View

Exiting the Studio


Administering Data

Overview of Data Configuration Tasks

About Security Realms

Administering Business Calendars

Creating a Calendar

Updating a Calendar

Deleting a Calendar

Maintaining Organizations

Adding an Organization

Updating an Organization

Deleting an Organization

Maintaining Users

Creating a User

Adding a User to an Organization

Updating a User

Removing a User from an Organization

Deleting a User

Maintaining Roles

Creating a Role

Updating a Role

Deleting a Role

Changing the Mapping for Roles

Assigning Permissions to Users and Roles

Setting Permissions for Roles

Setting Permissions for Users

Administering Task Routings

Viewing Task Routing Specifications

Adding a Routing Specification

Updating a Task Routing Specification

Deleting a Task Routing Specification

Refreshing the Rerouting Task List


Configuring Workflow Resources

Overview of Resource Configuration Tasks

Configuring Plug-Ins

Viewing Plug-ins

Loading Plug-Ins

Updating a Plug-In Configuration

Deleting a Plug-In Configuration

Configuring Business Operations

Viewing Business Operations

Adding a Business Operation

Adding a Business Operation for a Java Class

Adding a Business Operation for a Session EJB

Adding a Business Operation for an Entity EJB

Updating a Business Operation

Deleting a Business Operation

Configuring Event Keys

Viewing Event Key Configurations

Adding an Event Key Configuration

Updating an Event Key Configuration

Deleting an Event Key Configuration

Managing Entities in the Repository

Viewing the XML Entities in the Repository

Working with Folders

Adding a Folder

Updating Folder Information

Deleting a Folder

Working with XML Entities

Importing an XML Entity into the Repository

Updating an Entity

Moving an Entity

Exporting an Entity to the File System

Deleting an Entity


Defining Workflow Templates

Overview of Template Definition Tasks

Working with Templates

Creating a Workflow Template

Updating Template Properties

Deleting a Template

Working with Template Definitions

Creating a Workflow Template Definition

Opening an Existing Template Definition

Saving and Closing a Template Definition

Updating, Labeling, and Activating a Template Definition

Copying a Workflow Template Definition

Printing a Template Definition

Deleting a Template Definition

Working with Nodes

Adding, Arranging, and Connecting Nodes

Deleting a Node or Connection

Workflow Design Guidelines and Tips

Working with Node Properties

Renaming Nodes

Specifying or Updating Successor Nodes

Adding Notes to a Node

Adding, Updating, Reordering, and Deleting Workflow Actions

Copying Nodes

Viewing Task and Event Usage

Working with Variables

Creating a Variable

Updating a Variable

Viewing Variable Usage

Deleting a Variable

Defining Node Properties

Defining Start Properties

Defining a Timed Start Node

Defining Event And Event-Triggered Start Properties

Understanding Event Keys

Using XML Content as an Event Key

Using JMS Header or Property Data as an Event Key

Understanding Event Conditions

Initializing Variables from Event Data

Defining Event-Triggered Start Properties

Defining Event Properties

Defining Decision Properties

Defining Task Properties

Understanding Task States

About Task Permissions

About Task Priority

Defining the Task Node

Defining Join Properties

Defining Done Properties

Working with Exception Handlers


Defining Actions

Understanding Actions

Action Categories

Understanding Action Types and Placement

Terminal Actions and Non-Terminal Actions

Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution of Actions

Placing Actions in Task Nodes

Using the Activated and Executed Tabs

Marking Tasks Done

Guidelines for Action Placement in Task Nodes

Overview of Action Definition Tasks

Working with Actions

Adding an Action

Updating an Action

Deleting an Action

Copying an Action

Reordering Actions

Adding Notes to an Action

Setting a Variable Value

Controlling Program Flow

Marking a Task Done

Unmarking a Task Done

Canceling a Workflow Event

Marking a Workflow Done

Aborting a Workflow

Executing a Task Automatically

Adding a Placeholder Action

Using Timed Operations

Embedding a Timed Sequence

About Execution Schedules

Executing Triggered Actions Asynchronously and Synchronously

Defining a Timed Event

Using Sub-Workflows

Calling a Sub-Workflow

Passing Parameters

Executing the Sub-Workflow Asynchronously or Synchronously

Tracking the Sub-Workflow

Embedding a Conditional Sequence

Monitoring Run-Time Status

Making an Audit Entry

Setting Up a Workflow Comment

Setting Up Manual Tasks

Guidelines for Placement of Task Actions

Assigning a Task to a User

Assigning a Task to a Role

Assigning a Task Using a Routing Table

Setting a Task Due Date

Executing Overdue Actions Asynchronously and Synchronously

Setting a Task Comment

Setting a Task Priority

Unassigning a Task

Sending an XML Message to a Client Application

Sending a Message Asynchronously or Synchronously

Extracting Data

Defining the Send XML to Client Action

Sending an XML Message to the Worklist Application

Sending E-Mail Messages

Invoking Components

Calling an Executable Program on the Server

Calling a Business Operation

Calling the Business Operation to Create an EJB or Java Class Instance

Calling Other Business Operations

Posting an XML Message to a JMS Topic or Queue

Posting an Event Asynchronously or Synchronously

Understanding JMS Messaging Options



Delivery Mode

Time to live


Transaction Mode

Addressed Messaging

Ordered Messaging

Defining the Post XML Event Action

Transforming XML Documents

Handling Exceptions


Working with XML Entities

Overview of XML Document Management Tasks

Composing and Editing XML Documents

Creating Free-Form Documents

Importing Existing Documents

Editing XML Documents

Working with Type-Specified Documents

About Storing Referenced Schemas and DTDs

About Importing Type-Specified Documents

Creating Type-Specified Documents

Setting a New Content Type for Existing Documents

Validating Type-Specified Documents

Using the XML Finder to Retrieve and Export XML Entities

Retrieving XML Entities

Retrieving the Most Recently Used XML Entities

Retrieving from the Repository

Retrieving from the File System

Retrieving from a URL

Exporting XML Entities

Exporting to the Repository

Exporting to the File System

Exporting to a Recently Accessed File

Exporting to a File Located by a URL


Using Workflow Expressions

About Workflow Expressions

Using Literals

Using Variables

Using Operators

Using Functions

Obtaining Run-time System Data


Extracting Run-Time Event Data




XML Element Dot Notation

Obtaining Run-time Workflow Data





Converting Data Types





Manipulating Data





Date Function Formats

Data Type Conversions for Variable Assignment

Using the Expression Builder

Creating XPath Expressions Using the XPath Wizard

Generating XPath Location Expressions from XML Entities

Viewing XPath Expressions

Testing XPath Expressions

Testing Location Expressions

Testing Expressions That Contain Functions


Handling Workflow Exceptions

About Workflow Exception Handling

Overview of Exception Handler Definition Tasks

Defining Exception Handlers

Creating a Custom Exception Handler

Exiting an Exception Handler

Updating a Custom Exception Handler

Viewing Exception Handler Usage

Deleting a Custom Exception Handler

Invoking an Exception Handler from a Workflow

Setting the Workflow Exception Handler

Invoking an Exception Handler

System Error Messages


Monitoring Workflows

Overview of Workflow Monitoring Tasks

Working with Workflow Instances

Viewing Workflow Instance Status

Viewing and Updating Workflow Instance Variables

Deleting Workflow Instances

Viewing User and Role Worklists

Changing Task Permissions and Priority

Changing Task Status and Assignment

Reassigning a Task

Marking a Task Done

Unmarking a Task Done

Using Workload Reports

Compiling Workload Report Information

Viewing Workload Reports

Using Statistics Reports

Compiling Statistics Report Information

Viewing Statistics Reports


Importing and Exporting Workflow Packages

About Import/Export

Exporting Workflow Packages

Importing Workflow Packages

Importing and Exporting Workflow Template Definitions from and to XML Files

Exporting Workflow Template Definitions to XML

Importing Workflow Template Definitions from XML


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