WebLogic Integration Release 2.1

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The following topics describe some of the tools on the Tools menu in Administrator.


For other functions on the Tools menu, see the following topics:


API Authentication Window

Use the API Authentication window to set a user name and password for the HTTP or HTTPS server that is built into WebLogic Integration - Business Connect for communicating with an API client.

Select Tools—>API—>Authentication in Administrator to open the API Authentication window.

To set HTTP or HTTPS ports for communications with an API client, see Preferences Ports Tab.

If you use the API HTTPS port for integration, you must generate or load a certificate for the HTTPS server using the certloader tool. See Certificate Tool (certloader).

Figure 13-1 API Authentication Window


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Preferences window API tab. The fields are described once for both HTTP and HTTPS.

User name

The user name that you specify for the API HTTP or HTTPS server. The API client uses this to access the server.


The password that you specify for the API HTTP or HTTPS server. The API client uses this to access the server.

Confirm password

Type the password again.

Authenticate (HTTPS)

Select this check box only if the API HTTPS server will authenticate the client certificate. See Configuring the API Server to Authenticate an API Client.


JMS Global Integration for Documents

Use the JMS Integration window Documents tab to configure WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to retrieve outbound documents from or direct inbound documents to a JMS queue. This affects inbound and outbound documents for all active company profiles, all partners and all document types: EDI, XML and binary.

The global treatment of all documents distinguishes this tab from JMS document integration that can be configured for a single company using the Company Profile window Integration tab. For more information see JMS Options Window.

To use the JMS Integration window Documents tab your organization must have JMS experience and a working JMS messaging system.

In addition to completing this tab, you must add the names of the JAR or class files or both in the server.ini or server.bat file in Windows or your environment file in UNIX so the Server application can locate the JMS and JNDI provider. The server.ini and server.bat files are located in the installation directory bin subdirectory. In some cases, you need to add the name of only one JAR file (for example, swiftmq.jar), but you might have to include a series of jars or paths.

To display the JMS Integration window Documents tab, select Tools—>API—>JMS and click the Documents tab.

The following are related topics:

JMS Integration Details

This API is an input and output source for documents. This is how it works: WebLogic Integration - Business Connect registers as a listener with the JMS server for the designated inbound queue. This means that any JMSMessage placed in the queue by another process is passed to WebLogic Integration - Business Connect, which verifies that it is a BytesMessage (a type of JMSMessage). If verified, WebLogic Integration - Business Connect packages and sends it to the partner. Likewise, every document WebLogic Integration - Business Connect receives from a partner is unpackaged, converted to a BytesMessage and placed on the designated outbound queue.

The API requires that the JMS messages be in the format BytesMessage. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect does not process any other type of JMS Message (such as ObjectMessage). WebLogic Integration - Business Connect performs routing decisions based on JMS message string parameters that must be appended to each BytesMessage sent to it. If the required parameters are omitted, WebLogic Integration - Business Connect does not process the message. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect also places the same parameters on each message that it sends to the outbound queue. The parameters WebLogic Integration - Business Connect uses are described in the following table.

Table 13-1 JMS Message String Parameters




The ID of the document sender. This parameter is required.


The ID of the document sender. This is for document re-routing. This parameter is optional.


The ID of the document receiver. This parameter is required.


The ID of ultimate receiver of the document. This is for document re-routing. This parameter is optional.


Indicates whether the document is XML, binary, X12 or EDIFACT. This parameter is required.


The sub type of the message. This is used for EDI documents. This parameter is optional.


The current path of the document. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value.


The original name of the file. This parameter is required.


The assigned correlation ID of the document. This ID relates documents that are parts of conversations between partners in ebXML exchanges. This parameter is optional.


The assigned reference message ID of the document. This ID relates the current document to another document. This parameter is optional.


Indicates duplicate document names by appending file names with _1, _2, _3 and so on. You only want to use this parameter when you have selected sequence duplicate file names on the Partner Profile window Preferences tab. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value.


The unique alphanumeric string WebLogic Integration - Business Connect assigns to the document. Appended to the value is the receiver's ID. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value.


The control ID of an EDI document. Otherwise, the ID is XML or BINARY. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value.


The transport method used to receive the document. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value. The possible transports are:

Bundled HTTP
Bundled HTTPS


Identifies an ebXML process within a service that processes the message. For example, NewOrder.

If you are using the file system ebXML protocol method, the user sets this for outbound documents. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value for inbound documents.


Identifies an ebXML business process. For example, a purchase order.

If you are using the file system ebXML protocol method, the user sets this for outbound documents. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value for inbound documents.


If you are using the file system ebXML protocol method, set to ebXML for outbound documents. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value for inbound documents.


If you are using the file system ebXML protocol method, set to 1.0 for outbound documents. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sets this value for inbound documents.


Figure 13-2 JMS Integration Window Documents Tab


Field Descriptions for JMS Integration Documents Tab

The following describes the fields on the JMS Integration window Documents tab.

The fields are described once for inbound and outbound documents.

The Inbound Documents area is for configuring WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to place documents that have been received from partners and unpackaged on a back-end JMS queue.

The Outbound Documents area is for configuring WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to poll a back-end JMS queue for documents that are to be retrieved, packaged and sent to partners.

Except for the user name and password, you can obtain the information needed to complete the tab from the JMS or JNDI provider's documentation. The information will vary depending on the provider. If you have questions, contact your JMS or JNDI provider.


Complete the following fields for the Java naming and directory interface (JNDI).


Type the network URL that will be used to obtain access to the JNDI service provider for your JMS service. Example: smqp://localhost:4001/timeout=10000


Type the name for the JNDI service provider class. Example: com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl

User name

Type a user name for the JNDI provider. This value could be blank and is typically provided for in the JNDI URL. However, this will depend on the JNDI provider and how it is configured.


Type a password for the JNDI provider. This value could be blank and is typically provided for in the JNDI URL. However, this will depend on the JNDI provider and how it is configured.

Confirm password

Type the password again.


Complete the following fields for the Java messaging service (JMS).

Queue connection factory

Type the connection factory as defined within the JMS provider. This value can be either in the form factoryname@routername or the JNDI public symbol for the QueueConnectionFactory. Examples: plainsocket@router1 or QueueConnectionFactory22. This would be dependent on your JMS provider and how it is configured.


Type the name of the queue in the form queuename@routername. Example: XMLQueue@router1

User name

Type a user name for the JMS provider. This can be the same as your JNDI user name. However, this will depend on how your JMS provider and how it is configured.


Type a password for the JMS provider. This can be the same as your JNDI password. However, this will depend on how your JMS provider and how it is configured.

Confirm password

Type the password again.


JMS Integration for Events

Use the JMS Integration window Events tab to configure the Server application to publish all events to your system's JMS server and locate the information by calling the JNDI provider in your JMS enterprise messaging system. This features enables persistent event logging to the JMS server.

To use this tab your organization must have JMS experience and a working JMS messaging system.

In addition to completing this tab, you must add the names of the JAR or class files or both in the server.ini or server.bat file in Windows or your environment file in UNIX so the Server application can locate the JMS and JNDI provider. The server.ini and server.bat files are located in the installation directory bin subdirectory. In some cases, you need to add the name of only one JAR file (for example, swiftmq.jar), but you might have to include a series of jars or paths.

To display the JMS Integration window Events tab, select Tools —>API—>JMS and click the Events tab.

Figure 13-3 JMS Integration Window Events Tab


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the JMS Integration window Events tab.


Complete the following fields for the Java naming and directory interface (JNDI).


Type the network URL that will be used to obtain access to the JNDI service provider for your JMS service. Example: smqp://localhost:4001/timeout=10000


Type the name for the JNDI service provider class. Example: com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl

User name

Type a user name that will be used to access the JNDI provider. This value could be blank and is typically provided for in the JNDI URL. However, this will depend on the JNDI provider and how it is configured.


Type a password for the JNDI user name. This value could be blank and is typically provided for in the JNDI URL. However, this will depend on the JNDI provider and how it is configured.

Confirm password

Type the password again.


Complete the following fields for the Java messaging service (JMS).


Type the name of the topic. Example: eventTopic

Topic connection factory

Type the connection factory as defined within the JMS provider. This value can be either in the form factory_name@router_name or the JNDI public symbol for the TopicConnectionFactory. Examples: plainsocket@router1 or TopicConnectionFactory22. This will depend on your JMS provider and how it is configured.

User name

Type a user name on the router that has access to the specified topic. This can be the same as the JNDI user name. However, this will depend on your JMS provider and how it is configured.


Type the password for the JMS user name.

Confirm password

Type the password again.


Change Password Window

Use the Change Password window to set or change an optional primary password for the default Administrator user to open the Administrator and Tracker applications. You also can set or change an optional secondary password to require two passwords to open Administrator and Tracker.

By default there is no password for Administrator and Tracker.

Select Tools—>Change Administrator Password in Administrator to open the Change Password window.

Figure 13-4 Change Password Window


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Change Password window.

Primary password

Type the new or changed user password to be used at the login dialog box. The password length is from 1 to 50 characters and can be any combination of numbers and letters. This password is case-sensitive. Setting a password is optional.

Type the password carefully because the characters you type are masked.

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect does not provide a way for you to recover a forgotten password.

Confirm password

Type the same password you typed in the primary password field.

Optional 2nd password

Type the new or changed optional second user password to be used at the login dialog box. The password length is from 1 to 50 characters and can be any combination of numbers and letters. This password is case-sensitive.

If you require a second password, WebLogic Integration - Business Connect at login prompts the user to enter the second password after the first password is entered.

Confirm 2nd password

Type the same password you typed in the Optional 2nd password field.


Configure Archive Schedule Window

Use the Configure Archive Schedule window to set a schedule for moving Tracker runtime database records to a historical repository called the archive database. You also can archive the actual documents you have sent or received from partners by choosing the backup and archive options on the Company Profile window Preferences tab. See Company Profile Preferences Tab.

Select Tools—>Configure Schedule—>Archive Schedule in Administrator to open the Configure Archive Schedule window.

The following topics are provided:

Archiving Overview

By default the archive schedule is set at 12 a.m. Saturday, which means Tracker runtime database records will be moved to the archive database every Saturday at midnight. At the same time, the documents WebLogic Integration - Business Connect has processed are moved from the application's backup directory to the archive directory, if you have elected document archiving.

The Server application must be running for Tracker archiving to occur. If the Server is not running at the scheduled archiving time, archiving will not occur and the runtime and archive databases will not change. If the Server is re-started after the scheduled archiving time, archiving will not take place retroactively. Rather, database records will be archived at the next scheduled time, presuming the Server is running.

There are two ways to turn off archiving: Make the archive schedule inactive or delete the archiving times.

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect writes output of Server application activity to a file called server.log located in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect logs directory. When you use the View Server Log utility on Windows, you see the contents of this file as it is being written by WebLogic Integration - Business Connect.

The current output of Server application activity is continuously written to a server.log file. When the archive schedule triggers, WebLogic Integration - Business Connect closes the current server.log file, renames it using the current date and time, and begins writing output to a new server.log file. Closed server.log files are named according to the date and time archiving occurred in the following format: (or PM).

Figure 13-5 Change Archive Schedule Window


Steps for Changing Archive Schedule

  1. Select Tools—>Configure Schedule—>Archive Schedule in Administrator to open the Configure Archive Schedule window.

  2. To change the schedule, change the Archive time values. Type the time you want and select the frequency from the drop-down list. Click Add.

  3. To delete part of the schedule, select the times to delete and click Delete. Or, click Delete All to delete the entire schedule. If you delete an entire schedule and do not add one, archiving becomes inactive.

  4. To make a schedule inactive without deleting it, click Inactive. You can re-activate the schedule by clicking Active as of. The active as of date is a system-selected date.

  5. Click OK to close and save your changes or Cancel to close with saving.


Configure Send Schedule Window

Use the Configure Send Schedule window to control when WebLogic Integration - Business Connect sends outbound documents to your trading partners. The send schedule does not apply to inbound documents, which are processed as soon as they are received. By default the send schedule is set at 15 seconds. For most users this send interval is adequate.

Select Tools—>Configure Schedule—>Send Schedule in Administrator to open the Configure Send Schedule window.

Figure 13-6 Configure Send Schedule Window


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Configure Send Schedule window.

Schedule every [n] hours [n] minutes [n] seconds

Set the interval for WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to send documents. Type the interval in hours, minutes and seconds in the corresponding fields. The maximum interval is 99 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. This field is required.

Allowing a value greater than 24 hours enables you to use intervals that do not match the even-day intervals of the other schedules. For example, you can schedule documents to be sent every 32 hours.


Choose one of the following:

Active as of indicates you want WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to use this schedule. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect provides this date, which is the date you make this schedule active. A new schedule is active by default.

Inactive indicates you do not want WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to use this schedule.


Remove Record Locks Window

Use the Remove Record Locks window to unlock a record in use by another user. This enables you to make changes to the record even though another user already has accessed it.

When a user opens a record (for example, a company profile), WebLogic Integration - Business Connect locks it to prevent other users from changing it. If another user tries to open the record after the first user has accessed it, WebLogic Integration - Business Connect displays a message that another user has accessed the record and that you can only view but not change it. The remove record locks feature allows you to override this lock on open records.

When the second user, who removed the lock, opens the record, both users can edit it. The first user, who opened the record before the second user unlocked and opened it, does not know that another user has opened the same record. Both users can save changes by clicking OK. If both users change the same field in the record, the change made by the last user to click OK prevails.

Select Tools—>Remove Records Lock in Administrator to open the Remove Record Locks window. The window shows information for records in use by other users. If no records are in use, the window is blank. Select the record you want to unlock and click Remove. If you want to unlock all records, click Remove All. Click Close to exit.

Figure 13-7 Remove Record Locks Window


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Remove Record Locks window.


The date the record was locked by another user.


The time the record was locked by another user.


The type of record.


The name of the record.


The user who is accessing the record.


The name of the computer running the Server application.


Preferences General Tab

Use the Preferences window General tab to set the name of the computer running the Server application, the event logging level, alert message interval, connection time-out interval and certificate expiration notification period.

Select Tools—>Preferences in Administrator to open the Preferences window General tab.

Figure 13-8 Preferences Window General Tab (Windows)


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Preferences window General tab.

Host name

The fully qualified domain name, registered with the domain name system (DNS), or IP address of the computer where the Server application is running.

Event logging level

Select from the drop-down list the message group corresponding to the minimum event levels you want to record in the server log. The following table describes the levels you can set. The number of messages increases the lower you set the level. The lowest level is Alert, Notify, Transaction, Debug.

Table 13-2 Event Logging Levels

Message level


Alert, Notify, Transaction, Debug

Select Alert, Notify, Transaction, Debug to log and display all events that occur in WebLogic Integration - Business Connect, including all normal milestones. As the name implies, this level is intended for providing information useful in performing debugging or troubleshooting. If you select this option, application performance decreases.


Debug event

Alert, Notify, Transaction

Select Alert, Notify, Transaction to log and display all events level 1 and greater. Events at this level are normal transactions. This is the default.

Examples of events at this level include:


Normal event

Alert, Notify

Select Alert, Notify to list all events levels 2, 3 and greater. Level 2 and 3 events are errors that cause WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to send notifications.


Document rejected

Examples of level 2 events include when WebLogic Integration - Business Connect rejects a document because there is no active partner or when the application cannot decrypt a document.


General error

Examples of level 3 events include when:


Select Alert to list all events levels 4-8. Level 4-8 events are errors that cause WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to send alerts.


Connection exception

Level 4 events cause WebLogic Integration - Business Connect to send alerts for expected activity. Contact your network administrator for assistance.

An example of an event at this level is when WebLogic Integration - Business Connect cannot connect to the network or to a server.


Transport error

Level 5 events are problems with the transport configuration in WebLogic Integration - Business Connect. Contact your WebLogic Integration - Business Connect administrator for assistance.

An example of such an event is incorrect settings for a transport, such as an incorrect password or mail server.


No transport selected

Level 6 events are problems with transport configuration.

An example of a such an event is when the partner has not selected a transport method.


Unexpected error

Level 7 events are errors not accounted for under other levels.

Examples of such events are:


Duplicate server error

A level 8 event is a duplicate server error.

An example of such an event is when the server is unable to run because the server already is running.


Alert repeat interval (mins)

The interval in minutes WebLogic Integration - Business Connect waits before it sends you the next alert message about the same alert condition. For example, if WebLogic Integration - Business Connect cannot connect to the mail server, it sends you only one alert e-mail about this failure per interval that you specify. The default interval is 60 minutes.

Connection timeout (secs)

This is the time-out value in seconds for any TCP/IP connection.

Cert. expiration notification (days)

This is the number of days before an active company certificate expires that the system will issue an alert message warning of the upcoming expiration date. This warning is intended to provide time to replace the certificate before an expired certificate can interrupt trading. The system issues only one alert for a certificate about to expire.

Alerts for certificates about to expire are issued only for active certificates for active company profiles and for active certificates for the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect API HTTPS server and SOAP-RPC HTTPS server. Alerts are not issued for partner certificates. Alert messages are reported on the Alerts information viewer in Tracker. Alert messages also are sent by e-mail if a notify e-mail address is specified on the Company Profile window Preferences tab.

The Server application must be running for certificate expiration date checking to take place. The Server checks upon start-up and once every 24 hours thereafter.

Display server window (Windows only)

Select this check box to display the Server Display window while the Server application is running. This is the default and recommended setting.

If you change the selection, you must restart the Server for the change to take effect.

Browser path (UNIX only)

If you previously specified a browser, this field shows the path to your Internet browser. You use a browser to view the online help and to obtain certificates from third-party certificate authorities.

To set or change the browser path, click Browse to open the Browse dialog box. Type the path of the executable file for the browser and click OK to return to the General tab.


Preferences Ports Tab

Use the Preferences window Ports tab to view or change ports WebLogic Integration - Business Connect uses.

Select Tools—>Preferences in Administrator to open the Preferences window General tab. Click Ports to open the Ports tab.

Figure 13-9 Preferences Window Ports Tab


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Preferences window Ports tab.


The following port fields are for document transports.

HTTP port

The port where the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect HTTP server is listening for inbound documents from the remote trading partner's HTTP client. The default is 4080.

SMTP port

The number of the port that the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect internal SMTP server listens to for inbound documents that are sent via the SMTP transport. The default is 4025.

SMTP SSL server port

The number of the port that the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect internal SMTP server listens to for inbound documents that are sent via the SMTP transport with SSL engaged. The default is 4026.


The following fields are for communications with a remote application program interface (API) client. To communicate with an API client via HTTPS you must also complete a number of other configuration tasks. See API HTTPS Security.

HTTP port

The port for a remote API client communicating by way of an HTTP server.

HTTPS port

The port for a remote API client communicating by way of an HTTPS server.

If you use the API HTTPS port for integration, you must generate or load a certificate for the HTTPS server using the certloader tool. See Certificate Tool (certloader).


The following fields are for communication between WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server and the client applications Administrator and Tracker.

Administrator/Tracker SOAP HTTPS port

The number of the port for the SOAP HTTPS server that is built into WebLogic Integration - Business Connect. Administrator and Tracker use this port to securely send updates to the Server application. For details see SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security.

If you change this value, you must close Administrator and Tracker and restart the Server application for the change to become effective.


Select this check box only if you want the Server application to authenticate a certificate for Administrator and Tracker. For details see SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security.

If you change this value, you must close Administrator and Tracker and restart the Server application for the change to become effective.


Preferences Outbound SMTP Tab

Use the Preferences window Outbound SMTP tab to designate one SMTP server for sending documents to all partners via the POP transport (SMTP/POP). The information on this tab is used on the Partner Profile window Outbound Protocols tab for the POP transport for the partner profiles you import or create. You must first complete the Preferences window Outbound SMTP tab before importing or creating partner profiles for the information on this tab to become part of the POP transport configuration.

If you want to use different SMTP servers for sending documents to different partners, you have two options. You can complete the Outbound SMTP tab, create or import the partner profile, and then type new values in the SMTP server field on the POP Transport Options window, which is accessed from the Partner Profile window Outbound Protocol tab. Or, you can leave the Outbound SMTP tab blank and add the SMTP server information in the POP configuration for the partner profile.

Select Tools—>Preferences in Administrator to open the Preferences window General tab. Click Outbound SMTP to open the Outbound SMTP tab.

Figure 13-10 Preferences Window Outbound SMTP Tab


Field Descriptions

The following describes the fields on the Preferences window Outbound SMTP tab.

SMTP server

Type the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the server used for sending documents to partners by POP (SMTP/POP).

User name

Type the user name for the server.


Type the password for the user.

Confirm password

Type the password again.


Select this check box to use Secure Sockets Layer protocol.


Preferences Monitoring Tab

Use the Preferences window Monitoring tab to set a user name and password that authorizes a user to open the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect server monitor page.

Select Tools—>Preferences in Administrator to open the Preferences window General tab. Click Monitoring to open the Monitoring tab.

The server monitor page is opened in an Internet browser by selecting Tools—>Launch Server Monitor in Administrator or Tracker. The page displays information about Server activities, including document trading data and events. For more information about the page see Monitoring the Server with a Browser.

You can set a user name and password that can be used by a single user or that can be shared by two or more users, depending on your organization's security practices. If you do not set a user name and password, any user can access the server monitor page.

Figure 13-11 Preferences Window Monitoring Tab


Field Descriptions

Note: The Agent Configuration fields are associated with an unsupported feature. Ignore these fields.

The following describes the fields on the Preferences window Monitoring tab.

Browser monitor authentication

The following fields are for setting an optional user name and password for using the Launch Server Monitor option on the Tools menu for monitoring Server application activity on a browser.

User name

Type the name of the user who is authorized to access the server monitor page.


Type a password for the user.

Confirm password

Type the password again.


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