WebLogic Integration Release 2.1

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User Interface and Online Help


The following topics are provided for using the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect graphical user interface (GUI) and online help.


Figure 7-1 identifies the components of a user interface window in Administrator. The components are similar in Tracker.

Figure 7-1 User Interface



Types of Windows

In Administrator and Tracker, clicking the icons on the bar on the left side displays the primary windows you use for managing profiles and certificates and for viewing records of trading activity.


The following are the icons and related windows and functions in Administrator.





Company Profiles

This window enables you to manage company profiles. Company profiles contain information about your organization and specify the TCP/IP protocols your trading partners can use to send secure documents to you.


Partner Profiles

This window enables you to manage partner profiles. Partner profiles contain information about your trading partners and specify the TCP/IP protocols you can use to send secure documents to them.



This window enables you to manage digital certificates that ensure the security of the documents you and your partners exchange over the Internet.



The following are the icons and related windows and functions in Tracker.






This window enables you to view application events that might require user intervention to resolve.


Inbound Traffic

This window enables you to view details about inbound documents.


Outbound Traffic

This window enables you to view details about outbound documents.


Rejected Traffic

This window enables you to view details about rejected documents.



This window enables you to view a reverse chronological listing of each milestone event in the processing of inbound and outbound documents.



Window Descriptions

The following table describes the various windows you encounter in the user interface.

Table 7-1 User Inteface Windows

Type of window


Information viewer

This window contains lists of records. You must first select a record before you can view, edit, copy, or delete it. To select the record, click on it and then press the button for the function you want to perform. Each record in the system appears on a separate line in the list. If there are more records than available space on this screen, a scrollbar appears on the right side of the screen.

Tab windows

Tab windows contain the detail behind each record. When you create or open a record, the tab windows appear.

Dialog boxes

Dialog boxes provide a working area where you can complete an action. They require you to make choices or enter data. Examples include the Certificate Profile or the Schedule-List of Dates dialog boxes.


Wizards are series of linked dialog boxes that take you through a specific setup procedure from start to finish. Examples include the New Certificate and the Import Certificate wizards.

Message boxes

Message boxes provide feedback about actions. The box contains the message and an OK button for closing the box.


The Information Viewer

The user interface allows you to view or work with records for each of the configurable parts of the application by selecting an icon from the bar along the left side of the main Administrator and Tracker windows. You can use the information viewer to add, edit, or delete a record.

The commands you can use in the information viewer are available from the menu bar, the toolbar, or right-clicking the mouse. Commands or buttons that cannot be used in particular instances appear dimmed.

Right-clicking the mouse displays different pop-up menus on the various information viewer windows (Company Profiles, Partner Profiles and so on). For example, you can quickly change the status of a company profile by right-clicking the record in the Company Profiles information viewer and then left-clicking Change Status in the pop-up menu.

Tab Windows and Dialog Boxes

The user interface is further organized into tab windows and dialog boxes to make maintenance logical and easy. From the information viewer, you can select and open a user, company profile or partner record to display an array of tab windows that contain the detailed information about that record.

You can complete or maintain these tabs in any order. If you click the Save button before you complete all required fields on all tabs, a message appears listing the fields you must complete.


The following symbols are used on windows in Administrator.

This symbol

Represents this status in the information viewer


A lit, yellow light bulb represents an active record.


A dim, blue light bulb represents an inactive record. In the Certificates information viewer, this light bulb represents a valid certificate.


A colorless light bulb represents a retired record (certificates only).


A red light bulb represents a pending record (certificates only).



Navigating the Application

You can use a mouse to navigate the user interface or you can use keyboard commands for mouse-free navigation.

Tool Bar Text

You can view the names of the tool bar icons by selecting View—>Toolbar Text. This control toggles the names on and off. The default is to display toolbar text.

Required Fields

An asterisk next to a field name on a window means it is a system-required field. The system prompts you to complete such fields if you leave them blank.

Sorting Columns of Data

You can sort data in information viewers in Administrator and Tracker. Some of the Name columns in Administrator and the Date columns in Tracker can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Arrows pointing up or down indicate the columns you can sort. An up arrow indicates ascending order and a down arrow indicates descending order. You can click the column to toggle between ascending and descending order.

Tab and Ctrl-Tab

In a window or dialog box, you can use the Tab key to move the focus from one field, button, option, or check box to the next. You can then use the spacebar to select an option or check box or to click a button. In some cases, such as tables, you must use Ctrl-Tab to move into or out of a table and use Tab to move from cell to cell.

Ctrl Keys

The following keyboard commands, using the Ctrl key to execute functions, are available.




Select all










Alt Keys

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect follows the Windows convention of using Alt key commands to display toolbar menus. For example, Alt-F displays the File menu, Alt-E displays the Edit menu, Alt-V displays the View menu, and so on.


Using Online Help

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect includes online help that is displayed in your Internet browser.

The online help is available from within Administrator and Tracker. Administrator contains help topics for all aspects of the application, with the exception of those for Tracker. Tracker has its own help system. Help topics for the Server application are included in the help for Administrator.

Accessing Help

You can access online help by:

Navigating Help

Using the online help is similar to navigating any web site. You can scroll through the table of contents in the left side of the help frameset and click on the topic you want. Help topics appear in the right frame. Icons on each help topic page let you jump to the home page, the previous topic, the next topic and the index.

Searching for Help Topics

The online help has a key word search feature. On the search tab, type a word or phrase and click Search. The help system displays a list of topics that contain the word or phrase, if any matches are found. If you do not find the topic you want, try searching using other key words or look in the Contents or Index.


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