WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use B2BException
com.bea.b2b.enabler Used for working with c-enabler nodes and c-enabler sessions. 
com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp Used for working with c-enabler sessions for the XML Open Collaboration Protocol (XOCP). 
com.bea.b2b.management Provides the ManagementException class for WebLogic Collaborate management applications. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol Used for working with logic plug-ins. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation Used for working with conversations. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml Used for working with the cXML protocol. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging Used for working with messages in a conversation. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application Used for working with XOCP (eXtensible Open Collaboration Protocol) application and XOCP application sessions. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.conversation.local Used for working with conversations that use the XML Open Collaboration Protocol (XOCP). 
com.bea.b2b.security Used for working with WebLogic Collaborate security, including certificate validation and user authentication. 
com.bea.b2b.tpa Provides classes representing Collaboration Agreement. 
com.bea.b2b.wlpi Used for working with WebLogic Process Integrator workflows. 
com.bea.lwclient Used for working with WebLogic Collaborate Trading Partner Lightweight Client Mailbox. 

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.enabler

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.enabler
static interface Enabler.InitException
          Deprecated. An InitException is thrown if c-enabler initialization fails.
static interface Enabler.ShutDownException
          Deprecated. A ShutDownException is thrown if c-enabler shutdown fails.
static interface EnablerSession.InitException
          Deprecated. An InitException is thrown if c-enabler session initialization fails.
static interface EnablerSession.ShutDownException
          Deprecated. A ShutDownException is thrown if c-enabler session shutdown fails.

Methods in com.bea.b2b.enabler that throw B2BException
 void EnablerSession.shutDown(boolean keepSubscription)
          Deprecated. Shuts down the c-enabler session and, optionally, leaves the c-space.
 void Enabler.shutDown(boolean keepSubscription)
          Deprecated. Shuts down this c-enabler node, including all of the active c-enabler sessions associated with this c-enabler.
 void EnablerSessionBase.shutDown(boolean keepSubscription)

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp
static interface XOCPEnablerSession.CreateException
          Deprecated. A CreateException is thrown if conversation creation fails.
static interface XOCPEnablerSession.RegisterException
          Deprecated. A RegisterException is thrown if an error occurred during registration.

Methods in com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp that throw B2BException
 void XOCPEnablerSessionImpl.shutDown()
 void XOCPEnablerSessionImpl.shutDown(boolean keepSubscription)

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.management

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.management
 interface ManagementException
          A ManagementException is thrown if an error occurred in a WebLogic Collaborate management application.

Methods in com.bea.b2b.management that throw B2BException
 int TradingPartnerSession.getStatus()

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol
 interface Collaborator.DisableException
 interface Collaborator.LeaveCSpaceException
 interface PlugInException
          A PlugInException is thrown if a problem occurs while setting up or processing a logic plug-in.

Methods in com.bea.b2b.protocol that throw B2BException
 int WLCCollaborator.getStatus()
 void ConvDefManager.insert(java.sql.Connection connection, int repId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String version)
          Insert a conversation definition.
 void ConvDefManager.update(java.sql.Connection connection, int repId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String version)
          Update a conversation definition.
 void ConvDefManager.delete(java.sql.Connection connection, int repId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String version)
          Delete a conversation definition.
 void ConvDefManager.addRole(java.sql.Connection connection, int convRepId, java.lang.String roleName)
          Add a role to a conversation definition.
 void ConvDefManager.removeRole(java.sql.Connection connection, int convRepId, java.lang.String roleName)
          Remove a role from a conversation definition.
 boolean Collaborator.isEnabled()
 int Collaborator.getStatus()

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation
static interface Coordinator.DelistException
          A DelistException is thrown if an error occurs when delisting a trading partner in a conversation.
static interface Coordinator.LeaveCSpaceException
          A LeaveCSpaceException is thrown if an error occurs when a collaborator leaves a c-space.
static interface Coordinator.ShutdownException
          A ShutdownException is thrown if an error occurs when shutting down a c-space.
static interface Coordinator.TerminateException
          A TerminateException is thrown if an error occurs when terminating a conversation.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml
 interface CXMLHttpStatusException
          A CXMLHttpStatusException is thrown if a problem occurs during processing of a CXML message.
 interface CXMLManagerException
          A CXMLManagerException is thrown if a problem occurs while using the CXML Manager methods.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging
 interface DuplicateMessageException
          A DuplicateMessageExceotion is thrown whenever a duplicate message is received
 interface MessageDeliveryException
          A MessageDeliveryException is thrown when an error occurs while delivering a message.
 interface ModificationException
          A ModificationException is thrown whenever an illegal attempt to modify a message or message envelope occurs.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application
static interface XOCPApplication.InitException
          An InitException is thrown if XOCPApplication initialization fails.
static interface XOCPApplication.ShutDownException
          A ShutDownException is thrown if XOCPApplication shutdown fails.
static interface XOCPApplicationSession.CreateException
          A CreateException is thrown if conversation creation fails.
static interface XOCPApplicationSession.InitException
          An InitException is thrown if XOCPApplicationSession initialization fails.
static interface XOCPApplicationSession.RegisterException
          A RegisterException is thrown if an error occurred during registration.
static interface XOCPApplicationSession.ShutDownException
          A ShutDownException is thrown if XOCPApplicationSession shutdown fails.

Methods in com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application that throw B2BException
 void XOCPApplicationSession.shutDown()
          Shuts down the XOCP application session.
 void XOCPApplicationSessionImpl.shutDown(boolean keepSubscription)
 void XOCPApplicationSessionImpl.shutDown()
 void XOCPApplication.shutDown()
          Shuts down this XOCPApplication, including all of the active XOCP application sessions associated with this XOCPApplication.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.conversation.local

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.conversation.local
static interface Conversation.ConversationException
          The ConversationException class represents a generic conversation exception.
static interface Conversation.InvalidMessageException
          An InvalidMessageException is thrown if a published or received document is not valid for the conversation.
static interface Conversation.JoinException
          A JoinException is thrown if an error occurred when joining a conversation.
static interface Conversation.LeaveException
          A LeaveException is thrown if an error occurred when leaving a conversation.
static interface Conversation.PublishException
          A PublishException is thrown if an error occurred when publishing a document in a conversation.
static interface Conversation.TerminateException
          A TerminateException is thrown if an error occurred when terminating a conversation.
static interface Conversation.ValidationException
          A ValidationException is thrown if an error occurred when validating a published or received document.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.security

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.security
 interface SecurityException
          A SecurityException is thrown if an error occurs with security validation or authentication.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.tpa

Methods in com.bea.b2b.tpa that throw B2BException
 void CPAStateManager.insert(java.sql.Connection connection, int repId, java.lang.String name)
          Insert a CPA.
 void CPAStateManager.update(java.sql.Connection connection, int repId, java.lang.String name)
          Update the CPA GlobalId.
 void CPAStateManager.delete(java.sql.Connection connection, int repId, java.lang.String name)
          Delete a CPA.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.wlpi

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.b2b.wlpi
 interface WLPIException
          A WLPIException is thrown if an error occurs with WebLogic Process Integrator processing.
 interface WLPINoActiveTemplateException
          A WLPINoActiveTemplateException is thrown if no active WLPI template is found.

Uses of B2BException in com.bea.lwclient

Subclasses of B2BException in com.bea.lwclient
 interface LwcMailboxException
          A LwcMailboxException is thrown if a mailbox operation fails.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)