WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use com.bea.b2b.management.UpdateException
com.bea.b2b.management Provides the ManagementException class for WebLogic Collaborate management applications. 

Uses of com.bea.b2b.management.UpdateException in com.bea.b2b.management

Methods in com.bea.b2b.management that throw com.bea.b2b.management.UpdateException
 void Role.update()
 void WLCConfigurationMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void PartyIdentifier.update()
 void PartyIdentifierMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void ConversationDefinition.update()
 void EBXMLBindingMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void ExtendedPropertySet.update()
 void ProcessImplementationMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void XpathExpressionMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void XpathExpression.update()
 void XMLElement.update()
 void PartyMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void EncryptionCertificate.update()
 void WLC.update()
 void ServerCertificate.update()
 void RoleMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void CXMLBinding.update()
 void Transport.update()
 void Party.update()
 void DeliveryChannel.update()
 void CertificateMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void DocExchange.update()
 void CXMLBindingMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void RosettaNetBinding.update()
 void XOCPBindingMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void XOCPBinding.update()
 void ProcessImplementation.update()
 void BusinessProtocolDefinition.update()
 void LogicPlugIn.update()
 void XMLAttribute.update()
 void ClientCertificate.update()
 void ParameterMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void EBXMLBinding.update()
 void TransportMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void CollaborationAgreement.update()
 void RosettaNetBindingMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void DocExchangeMBean.update()
          writes the updates to the repository.
 void SignatureCertificate.update()
 void TradingPartner.update()
 void Parameter.update()

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)