WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use DeliveryStatus
com.bea.b2b.management Provides the ManagementException class for WebLogic Collaborate management applications. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol Used for working with logic plug-ins. 
com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging Used for working with messages in a conversation. 

Uses of DeliveryStatus in com.bea.b2b.management

Methods in com.bea.b2b.management that return DeliveryStatus
 DeliveryStatus[] MessageMBean.getAllDeliveryStatus()
          Gets the delivery status for all of the recipients of this business message.
 DeliveryStatus MessageMBean.getDeliveryStatus()
          Gets the delivery status from a single recipient of this business message.
 DeliveryStatus[] Message.getAllDeliveryStatus()
 DeliveryStatus Message.getDeliveryStatus()

Uses of DeliveryStatus in com.bea.b2b.protocol

Methods in com.bea.b2b.protocol with parameters of type DeliveryStatus
 void Collaborator.recordFailure(com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.MessageIdentifier msgId, DeliveryStatus ds)

Uses of DeliveryStatus in com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging

Methods in com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging that return DeliveryStatus
 DeliveryStatus[] MessageStore.getAllDeliveryStatus()
          Get delivery status(s) from all the recipients of this message
 DeliveryStatus MessageStore.getDeliveryStatus()
          Get delivery status from single recipient of this message.
 DeliveryStatus[] MessageToken.getAllDeliveryStatus()
          Gets the DeliveryStatus of all of the recipients of the business message associated with this token.
 DeliveryStatus MessageToken.getDeliveryStatus()
          Gets the DeliveryStatus from a single recipient of the business message associated with this token.

Methods in com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging with parameters of type DeliveryStatus
 java.util.Vector MessageTokenState.addToAggStatus(DeliveryStatus status)
 void MessageTokenState.addMessageTracking(DeliveryStatus status)
 boolean MessageStore.recordAckFromRecipient(DeliveryStatus status)
 void MessageStore.addMessageTracking(DeliveryStatus status)

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)