WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use DocumentData
com.bea.document Objects/interfaces for BEA Document and Schema support. 

Uses of DocumentData in com.bea.document

Subclasses of DocumentData in com.bea.document
 class BooleanDocumentData
          Represents a boolean value within a DOM tree.
 class NodeSetDocumentData
          Represents a set of nodes (e.g.
 class NumberDocumentData
          Represents a numeric value within a DOM tree.
 class RTreeDocumentData
          Represents a RTreeFragment within a DOM.
 class StringDocumentData
          Represents a string value within a DOM tree.

Methods in com.bea.document that return DocumentData
static DocumentData DocumentData.createDocumentData(weblogic.apache.xpath.objects.XObject xobj)
 DocumentData IDocument.getDocumentData(java.lang.String path)
          Return an object which encapsulates the data that corresponds to the given path (XPath syntax).

Methods in com.bea.document with parameters of type DocumentData
 boolean DocumentData.equals(DocumentData data)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean DocumentData.greaterThan(DocumentData data)
          Tell if this object is greater than the other.
 boolean DocumentData.greaterThanOrEqual(DocumentData data)
          Tell if this object is greater than or equal to the other.
 boolean DocumentData.lessThan(DocumentData data)
          Tell if this object is less than the other.
 boolean DocumentData.lessThanOrEqual(DocumentData data)
          Tell if this object is less than or equal to the other.
 void IDocument.setContextNode(DocumentData data)
          Sets the context node for use in all queries to data.
 void IDocument.setDocumentData(java.lang.String path, DocumentData value)
          Set the data element referred to by path to be value.
 void IDocument.addDocumentData(java.lang.String parentPath, DocumentData value)
          Add the given value to the parent data element referred to by parentPath.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)