WebLogic Integration

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILogger

The client interface allows a J2EE-based application to connect to and access back-end systems.  The client interface manages the flow of data between the client application and the back-end system and does not have any visibility into what either the container or the application server are doing with the adapter. 

com.bea.adapter.event The com.bea.adapter.event package contains classes that provide a basic event generator. 

All J2EE Connector Architecture-compliant resource adapters must provide an implementation for the interfaces in the javax.resource.spi package. 

com.bea.adapter.test The com.bea.adapter.test package contains classes used to test adapters. 
com.bea.adapter.web The com.bea.adapter.web package contains classes that support the development of a design-time Web application for deploying and managing application views. 
com.bea.logging The logging toolkit provided by the ADK allows adapter developers to log internationalized messages to multiple output destinations. 
com.bea.web The com.bea.web package provides classes that implement form processing framework. 

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.adapter.cci

Methods in com.bea.adapter.cci that return ILogger
 ILogger AbstractInteraction.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
 ILogger ConnectionFactoryImpl.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
 ILogger AbstractConnection.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.adapter.event

Methods in com.bea.adapter.event that return ILogger
 ILogger AbstractEventGenerator.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.

Methods in com.bea.adapter.event with parameters of type ILogger
protected  void AbstractEventGenerator.logEventTypes(ILogger logger, java.util.Set setOfEventTypes)
          Convenience method for event type logging

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.adapter.spi

Methods in com.bea.adapter.spi that return ILogger
protected  ILogger AbstractManagedConnectionFactory.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
protected  ILogger NonManagedConnectionEventListener.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
 ILogger AbstractConnectionMetaData.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
protected  ILogger ConnectionEventLogger.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
 ILogger AbstractManagedConnection.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
protected  ILogger NonManagedConnectionManager.getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.

Methods in com.bea.adapter.spi with parameters of type ILogger
protected  java.lang.String NonManagedConnectionEventListener.getEventInfo(ILogger logger, javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEvent event)
protected  java.lang.String ConnectionEventLogger.getEventInfo(ILogger logger, javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEvent event)

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.adapter.test

Fields in com.bea.adapter.test declared as ILogger
protected static ILogger TestHarness.c_logger

Methods in com.bea.adapter.test that return ILogger
static ILogger TestHarness.getLogger()
protected static ILogger TestHarness.initializeLogger(java.util.Properties props)
          Initializes an ILogger instance to be used by this program.

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.adapter.web

Methods in com.bea.adapter.web with parameters of type ILogger
protected  void AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.debugDocument(java.lang.String strMessage, ILogger logger, IDocument doc)

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.logging

Classes in com.bea.logging that implement ILogger
 class LogCategory
          Class LogCategory is the Logging Framework's base Class for logging.

Methods in com.bea.logging that return ILogger
static ILogger LogManager.getLogger(LogContext context)
static ILogger LogManager.getLogger()
          A convenience method to retrieve a logger for the current running thread.

Uses of ILogger in com.bea.web

Methods in com.bea.web that return ILogger
 ILogger RequestHandler.getLogger()

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)