WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Tuning Performance


The following sections describe how to tune the performance of your WebLogic Integration deployment:


Tuning WebLogic Integration Performance

The following sections describe how to tune WebLogic Integration performance:

Primary Tuning Resources

This section describes the primary WebLogic Integration resources that you can tune to manage the work that a server performs:

All other WebLogic Integration resources should be changed only to support these primary resources.

Tuning WebLogic Server Performance

The following sections describe how to configure WebLogic Server resources for a WebLogic Integration deployment:

For general information about tuning WebLogic Server performance, see BEA WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning at the following URL:

Configuring the Pool Size of BPM Event Listener Message-Driven Beans

The wlpi-mdb.jar file contains the pool of event listener message-driven beans that pull events off the event queue. The pool size setting controls the number of workflows executed in the WebLogic Integration system, based on incoming events. The default setting is 11 (5 unordered listeners plus 5 ordered listeners plus 1 time listener).

Use the MDBGenerator utility to set the pool size and associated queue, as described in "Configuring a Custom Java Message Service Queue" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

We recommend starting with 20 beans and monitoring whether you need more. See Do You Have Enough Message-Driven Beans? for more information.

Configuring the Number of Application Integration Asynchronous Request Threads

The wlpi-ejb.jar file contains the pool of session beans used to execute workflow instances, which are described in Instance Beans. You can configure the number of asynchronous request threads by adding the following line to the file:


Here, numThreads is the number of asynchronous threads required. The default is 2.

Configuring Other EJB Pool and Cache Sizes

You can tune WebLogic Integration performance by configuring EJB pool sizes and cache sizes: start with the default settings and change them as needed. From a performance standpoint, an overly large pool or cache size is generally better than an overly small one. For more information about configuring these settings, see "Deploying EJBs in the EJB Container" in Programming WebLogic EJB at the following URL:

Note: The pool size of BPM event listener message-driven beans should already be configured, as described in Configuring the Pool Size of BPM Event Listener Message-Driven Beans.

For each node in a WebLogic Integration cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the cache size for the BPM workflow processor beans, which are described in Workflow Processor Beans.

    This setting should equal or exceed the size of the BPM event listener message-driven bean pool and it should also accommodate the anticipated workload from subworkflows or Worklist clients. The default setting is 100. The full name is WorkflowProcessor in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.

  2. Configure the cache size of the BPM template entity beans, which are described in Template Beans.

    This setting should equal or exceed the number of unique templates concurrently processed in the WebLogic Integration system. The default setting is 100. The full name is TemplateDefinitionRO in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.

  3. Configure the cache size of the BPM instance entity beans, which are described in Instance Beans.

    This setting should equal or exceed the number of workflow instance processors. The default setting is 100. The full name is WorkflowInstance in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.

  4. Configure the pool size of application view beans for application integration, which are described in Application Integration Resources.

    The default setting is 200, which is generally sufficient for most deployments. The full name is com.bea.wlai.client.ApplicationView in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.

Configuring JDBC Connection Pool Sizes

You can tune WebLogic Integration performance by configuring the size of JDBC connection pools. For an introduction, see JDBC Connection Pools.

To determine the necessary size of a JDBC connection pool on each node in a WebLogic Integration cluster, calculate the number of required connections per server, based on the guidelines in the following table.

Table 4-1 Calculating Connections for the JDBC Connection Pool

For this resource . . .

Calculate the required number of JDBC connections as follows . . .

BPM event listener message-driven bean pool size (unordered beans + all ordered beans)

Multiply the event listener message-driven bean pool size by 2. For example, if the event listener message-driven bean pool size is 10, you need to add 20 connections to the JDBC connection pool.

Event listeners always use at least one—and possibly two—JDBC connections. Multiplying by a factor of 2 accounts for a worst-case scenario, so you can probably use a smaller size if necessary.

Note: If you run workflow processors from Worklist clients, you need to add more connections.

B2B integration

Add 10 connections to the JDBC connection pool.

Application integration

Add 1 connection for each application view bean (the default is 5) and add 1 connection for each asynchronous request processor listener (the default is 2).

Application integration adapters

Add any connections needed for adapters (event adapters and service adapters). For example, for the DBMS adapter, add one connector for each resource in the J2EE-CA resource connector pool.


After calculating the number of connections required for each resource, calculate the sum total of all resources, and then configure the JDBC connection pool for each node in the cluster using this total.

For best performance, set the initial capacity and the maximum capacity to the same value.

You can find information on monitoring JDBC connections in Do You Have Enough JDBC Connections?

For more information about JDBC connection pools, see the following sections:

Configuring the Execution Thread Pool

You can tune WebLogic Integration performance by configuring the execution thread pool, which is described in Execution Thread Pool. For each node in a WebLogic Integration cluster, calculate the number of required execution threads based on the guidelines described in the following table.

Table 4-2 Calculating the Number of Execution Threads

For this resource . . .

Calculate the required number of execution threads as follows . . .


For BPM overhead, add 1 thread.

BPM event listener message-driven beans

For each event listener message-driven bean, add 1 thread.

Concurrent Worklist client requests

For each anticipated simultaneous Worklist client request, add 1 thread.

B2B integration

Add 1 thread for every 4 messages per second, and then add 10 threads to the total.

Application integration

Add 5 threads for application integration overhead.

Application integration adapters

For each adapter, add 3 threads.


Add any execution threads required for application use.


After calculating the number of threads required for each resource, calculate the total of all resources, and then configure the thread pool size for each server, using this total. For instructions on how to configure the thread pool size using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see "Thread Pool Size" in "Migrating WebLogic Server 6.0 Applications to WebLogic Server 6.1" in the WebLogic Server 6.1 Release Notes at the following URL:

You can find information on monitoring threads in Do You Have Enough Threads?

Configuring Resource Connection Pools for J2EE Connector Architecture Adapters

You can tune WebLogic Integration performance by configuring the resource connection pools for J2EE Connector Architecture (J2EE-CA) adapters, which are described in J2EE Connector Architecture. For instructions on how to tune resource connection pools for a particular adapter, see the documentation for the adapter.

Configuring Large Message Support for B2B

If the messages exchanged by B2B conversations are too large to fit in memory, enable large message support on the B2B Console and restart the server. Figure 4-1 shows a portion of the console panel used for enabling large message support.

Figure 4-1 Large Message Support Area on B2B Console


Monitoring and Tuning the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

WebLogic Integration Java code is executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). To achieve the optimal performance for a WebLogic Integration deployment, you need to tune the JVM configuration. For example, the JVM heap size determines how often and for how long the VM collects garbage. For WebLogic Integration, the recommended minimum heap size is 512Kb. For more information about configuring the JVM, see "Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)" in BEA WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning at the following URL:

For more information about the Sun HotSpot JVM heap organization and garbage collection, go to the following URL:

For a complete list of command-line options for the Sun Hotspot JVM, go to the following URL:

Many of the JVM options are set in setenv.cmd or and startWeblogic.cmd or Some defaults are set low in order to enable low-end systems. If you have a larger system, you can benefit from tuning the JVM up. The following sections explore commonly used options.

Choosing the JVM

The version of the JDK that is supplied with Weblogic Server supports two or three different JVM implementations. On Solaris systems, the Hotspot and the server JVM are supported. On Windows NT, the classic JVM is also supported.

The classic JVM is not recommended because it does not provide a JIT compiler. The server runs much more slowly (at least five times) with the classic JVM than with the Hotspot or server JVM.

The Hotspot and server JVM are identical except for the run-time compilation algorithms they use. (The Hotspot JVM is also known as the client JVM.)

The server JVM is more appropriate for use with Weblogic Integration. Use the -server argument to specify the use of the server JVM. This argument must be the first one immediately after the Java executable name.

There is a known bug that can occur with the server JVM, which causes the JVM to allocate all the available memory in the system, regardless of the heap size specified (see Sun Bug ID 4484370). If this happens, you should use Hotspot JVM, instead.

Tuning JVM Heap Size

The minimum (initial) and maximum sizes should be identical. For a large WebLogic Integration server, we recommend 512Mb for both values, as shown in the following option settings:

-Xms512m -Xmx512m

On Solaris systems, there are extra options that apply to very large heaps. In particular, it is possible to bypass virtual memory and use physical memory directly for the heap. This feature is called "Intimate Shared Memory," and information about it can be found at:

Garbage Collection Control on Hotspot JVM

The heap space in Hotspot is cut into two parts: the new or Eden heap, and the tenured heap.

All new objects are created in the Eden heap. They are moved to the tenured heap only after surviving garbage collection from the Eden heap. The tenured heap is not collected as often as the Eden heap, and the collection operation for it is a lot more expensive than collection for the Eden heap. A rule of thumb is that the Eden heap should be configured to be large enough to store temporary objects. In the case of an application server in general, and for WebLogic Integration in particular, the actual application state is kept in a database. Most memory allocated while a request is being processed is released at the end of the request. It is therefore important to configure the Eden heap to be large enough to prevent objects that are used in a single request to be moved to the tenured heap. Such a configuration also delays the need for collection on the tenured heap, which is much slower than collection on the Eden heap. (For this reason, this approach is sometimes referred to as delayed garbage collection).

With a global heap of 512Mb, a reasonable size for the Eden heap is 128Mb, as shown in the following option setting:

-XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m

Garbage collection in the Eden heap is generational. Objects are created initially in a part of the Eden heap that contains only the young generation. Every time an object is considered for collection, but is still being used, its generation number is incremented and the object is copied to a survivor space in the Eden heap. After a number of generations, the object is declared old and moved to the tenured space. The Eden heap contains two survivor spaces, only one of which is used at a time. The number of generations that must be reached before objects are moved in the tenured heap is determined dynamically by the JVM to keep the survivor spaces half-full.

The size of the survivor spaces can be specified as a ratio of the Eden heap. If survivor spaces are too small, copying collection overflows directly into the old generation. If survivor spaces are too large, they are uselessly empty.

The recommended value for the survivor ratio is 2. When this value is used, each survivor space is half the size of the young generation. Because there are two survivor spaces, the space for the young generation is ½ the size of the Eden heap, and each survivor space is ¼ the size of the Eden heap. Use the following option setting to specify a survivor ratio of 2:


Monitoring JVM Heap Usage

The most efficient way to monitor heap usage and garbage collection is to use verbose garbage collection, selected by specifying the following flag:


The output shows up on standard out. In the case of the Hotspot JVM two types of lines show up, indicating collection in the Eden (GC) or in the tenured heap (Full GC).

It is also possible to use the Weblogic Server Administration Console to monitor heap utilization at run time. This helps define the heap requirements as well as identifying any memory leaks.


Monitoring and Tuning Run-Time Performance

The following sections describe how to monitor run-time performance in a WebLogic Integration deployment:

Monitoring and Tuning WebLogic Server Performance

Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to monitor the health and performance of your WebLogic Server domain, including such resources as servers, JDBC connection pools, JCA, HTTP, the JTA subsystem, JNDI, and EJBs. For detailed information, see "Monitoring a WebLogic Domain" in the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Guide at the following URL:

Do You Have Enough Threads?

In the left frame of the Weblogic Server Administration Console, select Servers > server_name. In the right frame, select the Monitoring tab.

The General tab allows you to display a table with information on the execute queues, including the number of idle threads. Figure 4-2 shows how the WebLogic Server Administration Console displays information about active queues.

Figure 4-2 Active Execute Queues Table


Also under Monitoring, there is a Performance tab. This tab displays three graphs: Throughput, Queue Length, and Memory Usage. Above the graphs is the Idle Threads field. If the number shown in the Idle Threads field is sometimes zero, you need more threads. The parameter that controls the number of threads is ThreadPoolSize. The ThreadPoolSize parameter is set separately for each server. Figure 4-3 shows how the WebLogic Server Administration Console displays performance information.

Figure 4-3 Server Performance Information


To add more threads, select the default queue and specify the thread count. Figure 4-4 shows how the WebLogic Server Administration Console displays execute queue information.

Figure 4-4 Execute Queue Table


Figure 4-5 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to specify the thread count.

Figure 4-5 Default Execute Queue Configuration



On Solaris, you can also determine whether changing the number of threads improves performance by running the mpstat command at comparable load levels before and after changing the setting. A drop in the number of context switches suggests that performance has improved.

How Many Transactions Are Occurring?

To display the number of transactions of various types, select your server name in the Weblogic Server Administration Console. In the right frame, select the Monitoring tab, then the JTA tab. Select Monitor all instances.

Some transactions are associated with the BPM framework, and you cannot change them. You may choose to change transaction types or combine transactions for those transactions associated with your applications.

Server > Monitoring > JTA 

Figure 4-6 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to monitor transactions.

Figure 4-6 JTA Monitoring Tab


Do You Have Enough JDBC Connections?

JDBC connections are connections to your database, made available so that individual threads do not suffer performance problems caused by getting a new connection every time access to the database is required. You may have multiple pools of JDBC connections. It is important that each pool has enough connections so that no thread has to wait long for a connection.

In the left frame, select Services > JDBC > Connection Pools. Select a pool and then select Monitor active connection pools.

Look at the number of Connections; is it close to the total number of connections configured for this pool? Is the High Connections value equal to the total number of connections configured for this pool? Either of these is a sign that more connections may prove useful under similar situations or when load increases slightly. Figure 4-7 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console window used to monitor active connection pools.

Figure 4-7 Active JDBC Connection Pools


To modify connection pool configuration, go to Services > JDBC > Connection Pools > wliPool, then select Connections and set the values for the Initial Capacity and Maximum Capacity fields to the same number. Figure 4-8 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to set initial and maximum capacity.

Figure 4-8 Connection Pool Configuration


Monitoring and Tuning BPM Performance

Use the WebLogic Integration Studio to monitor various aspects of workflow performance in real time, including the status of workflows and workflow variables. The Studio allows you to delete workflow instances and to view reports on workloads and performance statistics. For more information, see Monitoring Workflows in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.

Key BPM performance measurements include:

One way to obtain statistics for these performance measurements is to extract them from the database instance table using SQL statements. For example, the SQL code in the following listing calculates statistics about the number of instantiations.

Listing 4-1 SQL Code to Determine Workflow Instantiation Statistics

select 'INSTANTIATIONS', count(*),
86400*(max(started)-min(started)) total_duration,
from instance

The SQL code in the next listing calculates statistics about the number of completions.

Listing 4-2 SQL Code to Determine Workflow Completion Statistics

select 'COMPLETIONS',  count(*),
86400*(max(completed)-min(started)) total_duration
from instance where completed is not null

Do You Have Enough Message-Driven Beans?

To display information on message-driven beans, select your server by name in the Weblogic Server Administration Console. Then, in the right frame, select the Monitoring tab, followed by the JMS tab. Select Monitor all Active JMS Servers > Active JMS Destinations > JMSServer-0.

Look at the queue length for eventQueue. If the number is often more than just a few, more queuing is occurring than is desirable for good performance. In this case, adding more MDBs helps performance. Figure 4-9 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to monitor the event queue.

Server > Monitoring > JMS > Monitor all Active JMS Servers > Active JMS Destinations > JMSServer-0 
EventQueue - Messages / Messages Received

Figure 4-9 Event Queue Monitoring


To change the number of MDBs, select EJB > wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar in the left frame of the Weblogic Server Administration Console. Then, in the right frame, select Edit EJB Descriptor. A new window is displayed showing the Max Beans in Free Pool and Initial Beans in Free Pool parameters. Edit the value of the Max Beans in Free Pool parameter. You must reboot Weblogic Server for this change to take effect. Figure 4-10 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to edit the Max Beans in Free Pool parameter.

Figure 4-10 Configuring MDBs


How Many of Each Type of Bean Does My System Have?

Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to display information bean types and quantities. In the left frame, select a particular EJB jar. In the right frame, select the Monitoring tab and the type of bean to be displayed. For example, to display information about stateful session beans, select Monitor all Stateful Session Beans.

To modify the display of information, select Customize this view. You can add or delete columns and change the sort order. Add all the remaining columns. (Highlight the columns, click the arrow to move them to the right, and then press Apply.) The following columns are of particular interest:

Number of beans in use
Number of beans in cache

The following jar files are of particular interest: wlpi-ejb.jar, wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar, and the jar files for your application-specific EJBs. Figure 4-11, Figure 4-12, and Figure 4-13 show portions of the windows in which information for stateful, entity, and message-driven beans is displayed.

Applications > WLPI Application > EJB Deployment > wlpi-ejb.jar > Stateful EJBRuntimes

Figure 4-11 Stateful Bean Information


Applications > WLPI Application > EJB Deployment > wlpi-ejb.jar > Entity EJBRuntimes

Figure 4-12 Entity Bean Information


Applications > WLPI Application > EJB Deployment > wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar > Message Driven EJBRuntimes

Figure 4-13 MDB Information


If a system message concerning cache full is displayed, increase the corresponding bean's Max Beans in Cache parameter by editing the EJB descriptor.

If many entity beans are not passivated until the cache is full, you may want to decrease the Idle Timeout Seconds parameter for the entity bean. Display the bean in the WebLogic Server Administration Console and click the Edit EJB Descriptor link. Figure 4-14 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to edit the Idle Timeout Seconds parameter.

Figure 4-14 Idle Timeout Configuration


Guaranteeing Message Delivery

Depending on the design requirements for your business processes, you may want to take advantage of two features that can guarantee the delivery of a message to a workflow. The features summarized in this section apply specifically to messages sent from any JMS client to a workflow, which includes workflow-to-workflow, and not to business messages sent between trading partners (trading partner business messages use addressed messaging by default).

The features that guarantee message delivery are:

Using these two features together ensures that the delivery of a message to a workflow is guaranteed. For information about using these features, see the following:

For an example of using addressed messaging, see "Business Process and Workflow Modeling" in Understanding the Sample in Learning to Use BEA WebLogic Integration.

For information about delivery of business messages between trading partners, see Creating Workflows for B2B Integration.

Monitoring and Tuning B2B Integration Performance

To monitor the performance of B2B integration functionality, consider the following tips:

Key performance measurements for B2B integration include:

For more information, see Monitoring B2B Integration in Administering B2B Integration.

Monitoring B2B Activity

Use the WebLogic Integration B2B Console to determine the level of B2B activity. You can monitor logs and message statistics using the WebLogic Integration B2B Console tabs shown in Figure 4-15 and Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-15 Monitoring B2B Logs



Figure 4-16 Monitoring B2B Statistics


Monitoring and Tuning AI Performance

This section provides information about:

Monitoring and Tuning Application View Connections

To check whether you have sufficient connections available for your application view, start the Weblogic Server Administration Console and select Deployments > Connectors.

Select the connection factory deployed for your application view, which is named using the following format:


Select the Monitoring tab and click Monitor all Connector Connection Pool Runtimes...

The connections to the EIS defined in your application view are displayed. These connections are made available so that individual threads do not suffer performance problems caused by getting a new connection every time access to the EIS is required. It is important that each has enough connections so that no thread has to wait long for a connection.

Look at the number of connections; is it close to the total number of connections configured for this pool? Is the Active Connections High Count value equal to the total number of connections configured for this pool? Either of these is a sign that more connections might prove useful under similar situations or when load increases slightly. Figure 4-17 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to monitor connections.

Figure 4-17 Monitoring Application View Connection


To view or modify your maximum connections for your application view, go to the Application View Console, select your application view, and select the Deploy tab. The Maximum Pool Size value shows the maximum number of connections. Figure 4-18 shows the Application View Console tab used to monitor the maximum pool size.

Figure 4-18 Monitoring Maximum Pool Size


To modify this value, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Undeploy if the Application View is currently deployed.

  2. When the Application View is undeployed, click Edit.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. Edit the Maximum Pool Size value (the maximum number of connections).

  5. Click Deploy to redeploy the Application View with the new Maximum Pool Size value.

Figure 4-19 shows the Application View Console tab used to edit the maximum pool size.

Figure 4-19 Modifying Maximum Pool size


Monitoring and Tuning Queues for Asynchronous Services

When asynchronous services are invoked, the service responses are queued in the WLAI_ASYNC_REQUEST JMS queue. The consumers for this queue are worker threads, which are set to 2 by default. As the number of concurrent invocations increases, asynchronous service responses can start to fill up the WLAI_ASYNC_REQUEST queue. To determine whether the queue is filling up, display the Active JMS Destinations window:

Server > Monitoring > JMS > Monitor all Active JMS Servers > Active JMS Destinations

Check the number of messages for WLAI_ASYNC_REQUEST. Figure 4-20 shows the WebLogic Server Administration Console tab used to monitor the number of messages.

Figure 4-20 Monitoring Messages for WLAI_ASYNC_REQUEST


If messages are queuing up, increase the number of worker threads. The more you have, the more asynchronous service invocations the server can support. This parameter is set by editing the following line in the file:


The number of processors is 2 by default, so you will likely need to increase this number. Use the following formula for calculating the number of processors that gives the theoretical maximum throughput of asynchronous requests and responses:

num_async_processors = avg_clients * avg_services/sec * avg_service_duration 

The following table describes the values you must provide for each formula element.


The value to specify for wlai.numAsyncServiceRequestProcessors.


The average number of clients you expect to be invoking services asynchronously.


The average number of asynchronous service invocations you expect EACH client to initiate per second.


The average time a given service invocation will take, in seconds.

These averages are sometimes difficult to calculate, so you may have to estimate a value and then observe the results. In general, if your WLAI_ASYNC_REQUEST queue is filling up, you should add more processors.

Enabling Transactions and Persistence in Asynchronous Service Request/Response Handling for JMS

By default, transactions and persistence are disabled. You can enable them as required. Turn on transactions by adding or modifying the following line in the file:


To enable or disable persistence, modify the WLAI_JMSConnectionFactory JMS Connection factory in the WebLogic Server Administration Console by changing the default delivery mode to Persistent or NonPersistent.

Profiling Applications

You can profile applications at run time using a Java profiler tool (such as Jprobe or OptimizeIt). Use these tools to identify performance bottlenecks and thread contentions in the system. Remember to profile run-time performance rather than boot-time performance.


Tuning Hardware, Operating System, and Network Resources

The following sections describe factors that you need to consider when you are tuning hardware, the operating system, and the network:

For detailed information, see "Tuning Hardware, Operating System, and Network Performance" in BEA WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning at the following URL:

Performance Bottlenecks

To optimize WebLogic Integration performance in a deployment, you need to understand how the following hardware resources interact with each other. Performance bottlenecks result from poor tuning of these hardware resources.

Table 4-3 Performance Bottlenecks

Hardware Resource



Insufficient throughput, resulting in excessive paging and swapping.


Insufficient system memory, resulting in excessive paging and swapping.

Network resources

Insufficient bandwidth to handle high volumes of network traffic. A high frequency of network collisions.

Disk I/O and controllers

Insufficient capacity and throughput to handle the volume and size of I/O requests.


Tuning Hardware

To optimize WebLogic Integration performance in a deployment, consider the following hardware factors:

Tuning the Operating System

To optimize WebLogic Integration performance in a deployment, consider the following operating system factors:

Configurable TCP Tuning Parameters on Windows NT/2000

For a Windows NT or Windows 2000 server, we recommend setting the TcpTimedWaitDelay parameter to 60 seconds instead of the default 240 seconds. The parameter is in the Windows registry and can be set or modified by using the regedit utility (regedit.exe). The entry is located as follows:


The entry is not present by default.

TcpTimedWaitDelay determines the time that must elapse before TCP can release a closed connection and reuse its resources. This period between closure and release is known as the TIME_WAIT state or 2MSL state. During this time, the connection can be reopened at much less cost to the client and server than the cost of establishing a new connection.

RFC 793 requires that TCP maintain a closed connection for an interval at least equal to twice the maximum segment lifetime (2MSL) of the network. When a connection is released, its socket pair and TCP control block (TCB) can be used to support another connection. By default, the MSL is defined to be 120 seconds, and the value of this entry is equal to two MSLs, or 4 minutes. However, you can use this registry entry to customize this interval.

Reducing the value of this entry allows TCP to release closed connections faster, providing more resources for new connections. However, if the value is too low, TCP might release connection resources before the connection is complete, requiring the server to use additional resources to reestablish the connection.

Note: Normally, TCP does not release closed connections until the value of this entry expires. However, TCP can release connections before this value expires if it is running out of TCP control blocks (TCBs). The number of TCBs the system creates is specified by the value of MaxFreeTcbs.

System Monitoring on Windows NT/2000

Use the performance monitor (perfmon.exe) for monitoring all system resources or the task manager for monitoring CPU, memory, and threads.

Swap Space Configuration for Solaris

Insufficient swap space can show up as an out-of-memory error, such as an overly small heap or thread limit.

Network Tuning for Solaris

For network tuning information for Solaris systems, see the WebLogic Server platform information page at the following location:

System Monitoring for Solaris

The following table lists the commands suggested for use in monitoring Solaris systems.

To monitor . . .

Use . . .

Memory utilization


CPU utilization

mpstat 5. (In addition to CPU utilization, this command also displays the context switches on a per-processor basis. For aggregate CPU utilization, use the sar command.

Disk I/O


Network I/O

netstat -sP tcp. This command monitors the various TCP parameters.

Tuning Network Performance

To optimize WebLogic Integration performance in a deployment, consider the following requirements for a high-performance network:


Tuning Databases

To optimize WebLogic Integration performance in a deployment, you need to maximize the use of underlying resources. WebLogic Integration relies extensively on database resources for handling run-time operations and ensuring that application data is durable. The following sections describe how to tune databases in a WebLogic Integration deployment:

These sections provide a checklist of issues to consider when you are working to optimize your WebLogic Integration performance. For detailed instructions about specific database products, consult the appropriate product documentation.

General Database Tuning Suggestions

The following sections explain how you can optimize database performance by adjusting the settings for various parameters and features of your deployment:

Opened Cursors

While using multiple cursors for an operation can increase concurrency in most situations (for example, one opened cursor can perform updates while another opened cursor performs inserts), there is a limit to the maximum number of cursors that can be handled by a database server. This maximum pool is shared across all sessions and connections of the database server. Keeping too many cursors opened within a single connection can starve other connections, thereby slowing database performance and reducing system scalability. A good estimate can be derived from the maximum number of opened cursors that the database server can handle and the average number of simultaneous users. Another strategy is to minimize the length of time that each cursor is kept open.

Disk I/O Optimization

Disk I/O optimization is a key database tuning parameter that is related directly to throughput and scalability. Access to even the fastest disk is orders of magnitude slower than memory access. Whenever possible, optimize the number of disk accesses. In general, selecting a larger block / buffer size for I/O reduces the number of disk accesses and might substantially increase throughput in a heavily loaded production environment.

For recommended settings, see the appropriate database-specific sections about tuning databases, which are provided later in this document.

Database Sizing and Organization of Table Spaces

Distribute the database workload across multiple disks to avoid or reduce disk overloading. To optimize database performance:


Checkpoint is a mechanism that periodically flushes all dirty cache data to disk. This increases the I/O activity and system resource usage for the duration of the checkpoint. While frequent checkpointing can increase the consistency of on-disk data, it can also slow database performance. While most database systems have the notion of checkpoint, not all database systems provide user-level controls. Oracle, for example, allows administrators to set the frequency of checkpoints while users have no control over SQLServer 7.X checkpoints. For recommended settings, see the product documentation for the database you are using.

Database Compatibility

Use only the recommended versions of clients and servers. For a list of supported databases, see the software requirements in the BEA WebLogic Integration Release Notes for the release of WebLogic Integration that you are using.

Database Monitoring

Monitor the following aspects of database use:

Tuning Oracle Databases

This section describes performance tuning for Oracle 8.1.7, the only version of the Oracle database supported by Weblogic Integration 2.1

V$ Tables

Oracle 8.1.7 offers a series of dynamic performance views, often called V$ tables, that allows users to monitor system statistics using SQL queries. Users need to be logged in to the database as SYS or SYSTEM, or they must have administrator privileges to access these dynamic views. Many of these dynamic views are referenced in the following sections. For details about these dynamic views, see your Oracle administrator's guide and tuning guide for details.

Initialization Parameters

The initialization parameter file (init.ora) contains the system initialization parameters and values for the Oracle server.

On Windows NT/2000, the pathname for the file is as follows:


where d:\oracle is the installation directory and sid is the instance ID of the database (for example, d:\Oracle\admin\hsundb\pfile\init.ora).

The contents of this file are organized as attribute-value pairs, such as PROCESSES = 100.

You should always make a backup before modifying the file. You must bounce (shut down and restart) the server to reflect any modifications.

Modifications made to this file can and should be verified after bouncing the server. This validation can be done through an SQL statement or an SQL*Plus command. The parameters and their values are stored in a dynamic performance view, V$PARAMETER.

The following query validates changes made to the PROCESSES parameter. Note that the attribute name is lower case:

SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = `processes'

Another method is to use the SHOW PARAMETERS parameter_name command in an SQL*Plus shell. For example, the following command:


is roughly equivalent to the following query:

SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name LIKE `%foo%';

Ensure that you have a full understanding of the parameter before modifying its value. For detailed information about specific parameters, see your Oracle documentation.

Shared Pool Size

The share pool in an important part of the Oracle server system global area (SGA). The SGA is a group of shared memory structures that contain data and control information for one Oracle database instance. If multiple users are concurrently connected to the same instance, the data in the instance's SGA is shared among the users.

The shared pool portion of the SGA caches data for two major areas: the library cache and the dictionary cache. The library cache is used to store SQL-related information and control structures (for example, parsed SQL statement, locks). The dictionary cache is used to store operational metadata needed for SQL processing.

For most applications, the shared pool size is critical to Oracle performance. If the shared pool is too small, the server must dedicate resources to managing the limited amount of available space. This consumes CPU resources and causes contention because Oracle imposes restrictions on the parallel management of the various caches. The more you use triggers and stored procedures, the larger the shared pool must be.

The SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter specifies the size of the shared pool in bytes. We recommend a value that is no less than 9MB in a production system. It is not uncommon for systems to require up to 75MB for the shared pool. The following query monitors the amount of free memory in the share pool:

SELECT * FROM v$sgastat
WHERE name = 'free memory' AND pool = 'shared pool';

If there is always free memory available within the shared pool, then increasing the size of the pool offers little or no benefit. Also, just because the shared pool is full does not necessarily mean there is a problem. There are no entries in the shared pool that cannot be paged out once they enter the pool. Application and deployment needs may differ, thus this value needs to be tuned on the basis of specific deployments and applications.

Maximum Opened Cursors

To prevent any single connection taking all the resources in the Oracle server, the OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter allows administrators to limit the maximum number of opened cursors for each connection. Unfortunately, the default value for this parameter is too small for systems such as WebLogic Server and WebLogic Integration. A reasonable number falls in the range of 175 to 255. Cursor information can be monitored using the following query:

SELECT name, value FROM v$sysstat
WHERE name LIKE 'opened cursor%';

Maximum Number of Processes

On most operating systems, each connection to the Oracle server spawns a shadow process to service the connection. Thus, the maximum number of processes allowed for the Oracle server must account for the number of simultaneous users, as well as the number of background processes used by the Oracle server. The default number is usually not big enough for a system that needs to support a large number of concurrent operations. A reasonable number falls in the range of 200 to 255. For platform-specific issues. see your Oracle administrator's guide. The current setting of this parameter can be obtained with the following query:

SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'processes';

Database Block Size

A block is Oracle's basic unit for storing data and the smallest unit of I/O. One data block corresponds to a specific number of bytes of physical database space on disk. This concept of a block is specific to Oracle RDBMS and should not be confused with the block size of the underlying operating system. Note that since the block size affects physical storage, this value can be set only during the creation of the database; it cannot be changed once the database has been created.

Given the nature of WebLogic Integration repository tables and access patterns, it is recommended that the database used for WebLogic Integration is created with a block size of 8K. The current setting of this parameter can be obtained with the following query:

SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_block_size';

The following table shows the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used block sizes.

Block Size



2K-4K (small)

Reduces block contention when multiple transactions act upon the same block. Good for small rows, or lots of random access.

Has relatively large I/O overhead.

You may end up storing only a small number of rows in each block, depending on the size of the row.

8K (medium)

If rows are medium size, then you can bring a number of rows into the buffer cache with a single I/O.

With a small block size, you may bring in only a single row.

Space in the Oracle buffer cache is wasted if you are doing random access to small rows and have a large block size. For example, with an 8KB block size and 50-byte row size, you are wasting 7,950 bytes in the buffer cache when doing random access.

16K-32K (large)

There is relatively less overhead; thus, there is more room to store useful data. Good for sequential access or very large rows.

Large block size is not good for index blocks used in an OLTP type environment, because they increase block contention on the index leaf blocks.

Tuning Options for System Administrators

This section contains tuning procedures that should be performed only by system administrators or users who are intimately familiar with the affected system.

Warning: Not all tuning options in this section will have a positive effect on performance and parameter values may need to be empirically derived.

SNP Processes

By default, the Oracle server creates several background processes to perform scheduled tasks. These tasks can be scheduled only through the use of the Job Queues functionality or Advanced Replication (check your Oracle documentation for details). Thus, if you are not using these Oracle features, then the processes are wasted resources. Turn off these processes until they are actually needed. This can be done by modifying the init.ora file. The safest approach is to comment out the following section in your init.ora file:

# The following parameters are needed for the Advanced Replication Option
#job_queue_processes = 4
#job_queue_interval = 10

Sort Area Size

Increasing the sort area increases the performance of large sorts as this allows the sort to be performed in memory during query processing. This can be important, as there is only one sort area for each connection at any point in time. The default value of this init.ora parameter is usually the size of 6-8 data blocks. This value is usually sufficient for OLTP operations but should be increased for decision support operation, large bulk operations, or large index-related operations (for example, recreating an index). When performing these types of operations, you should tune the following init.ora parameters (which are currently set for 8K data blocks):

sort_area_size = 65536
sort_area_retained_size = 65536

Physical Storage Parameters for Tables

Database tables grow and shrink in size due to inserts, updates, and deletes. Growing a table incurs additional I/O that slows database operations. Thus, the physical storage parameters of each table should be set according to its expected access and usage pattern. This also means that the parameters are largely determined by the applications using the tables. In general, the default values used by Oracle work fairly well, but there are many instances where tuning these parameters can produce dramatic performance improvements. This work should be performed by a professional DBA with a deep understanding of the Oracle RDBMS. The following sections highlight some storage parameters that are common to schema objects, but are especially important to the CREATE TABLE command. It is not in the scope of this guide to recommend specific values for these parameters. (For details, see your Oracle documentation or DBA). Selected parameters are described and queries are provided to help you check for potential problems.

Swapping of Redo Logs

To support recovery, all operations performed against the Oracle RDBMS are recorded in redo logs (unless you explicitly disable logging for certain operations). Over time, the amount of information in the log increases and eventually starts to affect the performance of each operation. Immediately after a successful database backup, the information in the redo logs is no longer necessary as recovery can be achieved with the backup. Thus, it is a good practice to start a new redo log after each backup to clean up the information that is no longer needed and potentially restore system performance. This operation can be done through the following SQL command:


For details about redo logging, managing redo logs and log groups, and best practices for RDBMS backup, see your Oracle documentation.

Table Reorganizations

As SQL operations (both OLTP and bulk) cause tables to grow and shrink, the storage space for the table can become fragmented. This can lead to performance degradations and requires user intervention to reclaim space gaps and compact table data. This operation is often referred to as a table reorganization. Oracle 8.1.7 does not have a built-in facility to support this operation, thus the user must perform the steps manually. Following good practices, this operation should be done soon after a database backup. The following steps show how to reorganize a table called foo:

  1. Make a copy of the table using the following SQL statement:

    The act of copying the data will compact the data and since this is a new table, there is no space to reclaim.

  2. Delete the old table using the following SQL statement:
         DELETE TABLE foo;

  3. Rename the new table with the name of the old table using the following SQL statement:
         RENAME foo_bkup TO foo

Note that each step in the process involves DDL statements (such as CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, and so on). DDL statements are not transactional in Oracle. More specifically, each DDL statement executes in a self-contained transaction. Thus the ROLLBACK command is ineffective during a table reorganization.

Tuning Microsoft SQL Server Databases

The following table describes performance tuning parameters that are specific to Microsoft SQL Server databases. For more information about these parameters, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

Table 4-4 Performance Tuning Parameters for Microsoft SQL Server Databases




Store tempdb on a fast I/O device.

Recovery interval

Increase the recovery interval if perfmon shows an increase in I/O.

I/O block size

Use an I/O block size larger than 2Kb.


Tuning Sybase Databases

The following table describes performance tuning parameters that are specific to Sybase databases. For more information about these parameters, see your Sybase documentation.

Table 4-5 Performance Tuning Parameters for Sybase Databases



Recovery interval

Lower recovery interval setting results in more frequent checkpoint operations, resulting in more I/O operations.

I/O block size

Use an I/O block size larger than 2Kb.

Maximum online engines

Controls the number of engines in a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) environment. Sybase recommends configuring this setting to the number of CPUs minus 1.


Tuning Cloudscape Databases

BEA provides Cloudscape support only for development on Windows platforms. We recommend using a database other than Cloudscape for production for the following reasons:


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