WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Creating a Custom Development Environment


Warning: We strongly recommend that you do not directly alter the sample adapter included with the ADK. Instead, use the GenerateAdapterTemplate utility described in this chapter. Modifying the sample adapter by any other means might result in unexpected and unsupported behavior.

To facilitate using the sample adapter (see Sample Adapter), the ADK provides GenerateAdapterTemplate, a command-line utility you can use to clone the sample adapter development tree and create a new adapter development tree.

This section provides information on the following subjects:


Adapter Setup Worksheet

The adapter setup worksheet is a questionnaire that will help you identify and collect critical information about the adapter you are developing. You can find this questionnaire in Adapter Setup Worksheet.

This worksheet is a set of 20 questions that will help you identify critical adapter information, such as EIS type, vendor, and version, locale and national language of the deployment, the adapter logical name, and whether or not the adapter supports services. When you run GenerateAdapterTemplate, you will be prompted to enter this information. When the information is processed, a custom development tree for your adapter will be created.


Using GenerateAdapterTemplate

This section describes how to use GenerateAdapterTemplate. You will need to perform the following steps:

Step 1. Execute GenerateAdapterTemplate

To use this tool, do the following:

  1. Open a command-line from the WLI_HOME/adapters/utils directory and execute one the following commands:

    The system responds:

    Welcome! This program helps you generate a new adapter
    development tree by cloning the ADK's sample adapter development
    Do you wish to continue? (yes or no); default='yes':

  2. Select yes by pressing Enter.

    The system responds:

    Please choose a name for the root directory of your adapter development tree: 

  3. Enter a unique, easy-to-remember directory name (for example, dir_name) and press Enter.

    The system responds:

    created directory WLI_HOME/adapters/dir_name
    Enter the EIS type for your adapter:

    (Where dir_name is the new directory name.)

    Note: If you entered a directory name that already exists, the system will respond:

    WLI_HOME/adapters/dir_name already exists, please choose
    a new directory that does not already exist!

    Please choose a name for the root directory of your adapter
    development tree:

  4. Enter an identifier for the EIS type to which your adapter will be connecting. Press Enter.

    The system responds:

    Enter a short description for your adapter:

  5. Enter a short, meaningful description of the adapter you are about to develop and press Enter.

    The system responds:

    Enter the major version number for your adapter; default='1':

  6. Either press Enter to accept the default or enter the appropriate version number and then press Enter.

    The system responds:

    Enter the minor version number for your adapter; default='0':

  7. Either press Enter to accept the default or type the appropriate minor version number and then press Enter.

    The system responds:

    Enter the vendor name for your adapter: 

  8. Enter the vendor's name and press Enter.

    The system responds:

    Enter an adapter logical name; default='default_name':

  9. Either press Enter to accept the default or type the adapter logical name you want to use. Press Enter. The default adapter logical name (`default_name') is based upon the WebLogic Integration recommended format of vendor name_EIS-type_version-number.

    The system responds:

    Enter the Java package base name for your adapter 
    (e.g. sample adapter's is sample): Java package base name

  10. Enter the Java package base name in package format and press Enter. Package format is dot-separated and begins with your URL extension (.com, .org, .edu, and so on), followed by the company name, then by additional adapter identifiers; for example, com.your_co.adapter.EIS.

    The system responds:

    The following information will be used to generate your new
    adapter development environment:
    EIS Type = 'SAP R/3'
    Description = 'description'
    Major Version = '1'
    Minor Version = '0'
    Vendor = 'vendor_name'
    Adapter Logical Name = 'adapter_logical_name'
    Java Package Base = ''
    Are you satisfied with these values? (enter yes or no or q to quit);

  11. To confirm the information, press Enter.

    The system responds with the appropriate build information.

Note: If you enter no, you will be routed back to Step 4. If you enter q (quit), the application will terminate.

Step 2. Rebuild the Tree

After completing the clone process, change to the new directory and use Ant, the ADK's build tool to rebuild the entire tree. For more information on Ant, see Ant-Based Build Process.

To rebuild the tree by using Ant, do the following:

  1. Edit antEnv.cmd (Windows) or (Unix) in WLI_HOME/adapters/ADAPTER/utils.

  2. Set the following variables to valid paths:

    Note: The installer will perform this step for you; however, you should be aware that these settings control the Ant process.

    On Unix, the Ant file in WLI_HOME/adapters/utils needs to have an execute permission set. To add the execute permission, type:
    chmod u+x

  3. Execute antEnv from the command-line to set the necessary environment variables for your shell.

  4. Execute ant release from the WLI_HOME/adapters/ADAPTER/project directory to build the adapter (where ADAPTER is the name of the new adapter development root).

    Executing ant release will generate the Javadoc for the adapter. You can view the Javadoc by going to:


    This file provides environment specific instructions for deploying your adapter in WebLogic Integration. Specifically, it provides config.xml entries and the replacements for the path already made. In addition, the file provides mapping information. You can copy the contents of overview.html directly into config.xml, which will facilitate adapter deployment, as described in Step 3. Deploy the Adapter to WebLogic Integration.

Step 3. Deploy the Adapter to WebLogic Integration

After rebuilding the new adapter, deploy it into WebLogic Integration. You can deploy an adapter either manually or from the WebLogic Server Console. See Deploying Adapters, for complete information.


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