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BEA WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Application Integration

Application Integration...

  • ...provides a systematic, standards-based architecture for hosting business-oriented interfaces to enterprise applications with the Integration Framework component.

  • ...facilitates the construction of adapters that will run in any J2EE-compliant environment with the Adapter Development Kit (ADK).

  • ...provides two J2EE-compliant adapters built with the application integration ADK as examples of how one might use the ADK to construct an adapter.

  • ...includes a plug-in that provides a way to use application views through the business process management functionality of WebLogic Integration.

  Read the application integration overview!


Application Integration BPM
B2B Integration Data Integration


link Introduction to Application Integration

Explains how to define application view services and events and use them in your business processes in the WebLogic Integration environment.

link Defining an Application View

Explains how to log into an adapter, and create and configure application views to represent your enterprise's business processes.

link Using Application Views in the Studio

Explains how to use application views in the WebLogic Integration environment by setting up workflows using the WebLogic Integration Studio.

link Using Application Views by Writing Custom Code

Explains how to use application views in the WebLogic environment by writing custom Java code.

link Using the Application View Console

Explains how to use namespaces to organize your application views by location or department instead of by adapter.

link Developing Adapters

Provides detailed steps and directions for understanding and developing an event adapter, a service adapter, and the design-time interface for using an adapter.