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BEA WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1

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To program WebLogic Integration solutions, refer to the following topics.

 Designing WebLogic Integration Applications

Explains how to design and architect a WebLogic Integration solution based on best practices.

 Deploying WebLogic Integration Applications

Explains how to move a WebLogic Integration application from a development environment into a production environment, with special focus on scaling, porting, and performance tuning.

 WebLogic Integration Javadoc

Provides reference information on the Java packages included in the APIs provided with WebLogic Integration.

 Developing Adapters

Provides detailed steps and directions for understanding and developing an event adapter, a service adapter, and the design-time interface for using an adapter.

 Programming BPM Client Applications

Introduces the BPM functionality of the WebLogic Integration API, and describes how to use the API to create a custom clients for configuration, design, run-time management, or monitoring.

 Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration

Explains how to develop plug-in applications that extend the features of the business process management (BPM) functionality of WebLogic Integration.

 Programming Messaging Applications for B2B Integration

Explains how to use the Messaging API to create XOCP applications that enable business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce transactions on the Web.

 Programming Logic Plug-Ins for B2B Integration

Explains how to write applications that manipulate business messages as they travel through a WebLogic Integration system.

 Programming Management Applications for B2B Integration

Describes how to develop applications to monitor run-time activities in a B2B integration deployment.

 Writing Messages to the B2B Integration Log

Describes how to write messages to the B2B log.