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Using WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

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Overview of Profiles

The following topics are provided about company and partner profiles and how they work together in WebLogic Integration - Business Connect.



How Profiles Work

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect organizes the information you need to exchange documents with your trading partners into company and partner profiles. This makes it easy to set up and maintain trading relationships. Company profiles define how you receive documents from your partners. Partner profiles define how you send documents to your partners.

Figure 4-1 Purpose of a Company and Partner Profile


To establish a trading relationship, you create and export your company profile to your trading partner, who imports it to WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as your partner profile. Conversely, your partner creates and exports a company profile that you import as a partner profile on your system.

The following illustration shows the company-partner profile exchange within WebLogic Integration - Business Connect. This example uses Worldwide Trading as the local trading partner and Acme Industries as the remote trading partner.

Figure 4-2 Example of Company-Partner Profile Exchange


To understand how a company and a partner profile work together, let's examine half of the relationship at Worldwide Trading. Once we've reviewed this half, you will understand that the half at Acme Industries is the reverse, or the complement, of Worldwide Trading's.

Company Profiles

At a high level, the company profile is a combination of local information to be used by your WebLogic Integration - Business Connect system and exportable information to be used by your trading partners. The local information is used by your WebLogic Integration - Business Connect system to set your document back-up options, tune the performance of your system, handle the files you receive from your translator, integrate with certain translators and manage your file system. While these settings are significant to you, they are not relevant for your trading partner. The local information includes most of the settings in the Preferences tab and all the information in the System Directories tab of the Company Profile window.

By contrast, the exportable information in the company profile is important to your trading partners and consists of what transports you want your partners to use when they send documents to you. The exportable information is contained in the Identity and Inbound Protocols tabs and the notification e-mail address field of the Preferences tab.

The Company Profile window organizes information into the following tabs:

Partner Profiles

Just as you send a company profile to your partner, your partner exports a company profile to a file and sends it to you. You import this file as the partner's profile on your system. When you open this partner profile, you again see a combination of imported and local information. The imported information consists of identifying information about your partner's company, such as the partner's contact information, and the transport methods your partner supports. This information is in the Identity and Outbound Protocol tabs of the Partner Profile window.


The Company and Partner Profile Relationship

To describe how company and partner profiles work together, let's review the information in the transport tabs of the company and partner profiles.

When you or your partner sets up a company profile, you each decide what transport method or methods to make available to all of your trading partners. At a minimum, you must select one transport method by which your partners can send documents to you and complete all the fields for that method. If you choose to support additional transport methods, you fill in the appropriate information for them, too.

When you import your partner's profile and open the Partner Profile window Outbound Protocol tab, you see your partner's transport choices. You know that your partner is prepared to receive documents from you by way of any of the transport methods that your partner has indicated. Although your partner might have indicated two or more transports, you pick only the one you want to use to send documents to that partner. The one you pick to send documents to your partner does not have to match the one your partner picks to send documents to you. Obviously, you would not pick a transport method that your partner has not made available to you.

Your choice of transports also applies to the security you want to apply to the documents you exchange with this partner, except for one important advisory. When you change settings on the Partner Profile window Security tab, you must coordinate the changes with your trading partner.

You and your trading partners might want to change security settings based on what your systems can support. If you and your partner use WebLogic Integration - Business Connect, you need to ensure that each of your security settings are identical.


Document Sizes

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect has no limitations on maximum sizes of documents, whether inbound or outbound. Limitations on document sizes rest solely on your and your partners' hardware resources and software configurations for various transport methods. A document that one organization considers to be large might be small by another organization's standards. Your organization might have to conduct its own capacity tests to determine the optimal transport for your trading situation.


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