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Using WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

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System Overview

How the System Works

System Administrator Duties

Getting Started

Starting Administrator or Tracker


Starting the Server Application

Starting the Server on Windows

Starting the Server on UNIX

Monitoring the Server Application

Viewing the server.log File in Windows and UNIX



Viewing Processes on UNIX

Monitoring the Server with a Browser


Description of Web Page

Closing Applications

Closing the Server on Windows

Closing the Server on UNIX

Stopping All Processes on UNIX

Closing Administrator or Tracker

Printing Administrator Records

User Interface and Online Help

Administrator Icons

Tracker Icons

Window Descriptions

The Information Viewer

Tab Windows and Dialog Boxes


Navigating the Application

Tool Bar Text

Required Fields

Sorting Columns of Data

Tab and Ctrl-Tab

Ctrl Keys

Alt Keys

Using Online Help

Accessing Help

Navigating Help

Searching for Help Topics

Overview of Profiles

How Profiles Work

Company Profiles

Partner Profiles

The Company and Partner Profile Relationship

Document Sizes

Company Profiles

Company Profile Overview

The Difference Between POP and SMTP

Inbound Fall-Off Algorithm

Distributing Profiles to Partners

Supported Formats for Profile IDs

Alphanumeric Characters in Profile IDs

Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Profile IDs

EDI Format for Profile IDs

Spaces in Profile IDs

Adding or Changing a Company Profile


Exporting a Company Profile to a File


Importing a Backed Up Company Profile


Changing All System Directories at Once


Deleting a Company Profile


Company Profile Identity Tab

Field Descriptions

Company Profile Preferences Tab

Field Descriptions

Company Profile Inbound Protocols Tab

Supported Protocols and Transports

Adding, Editing, and Removing Inbound Protocols

Adding an Inbound Protocol

Editing an Inbound Protocol

Removing an Inbound Protocol

Transport Selection Considerations

SMTP Inbound Transport

Field Description

Bundled HTTP Inbound Transport

Field Description

Bundled HTTPS Inbound Transport

Field Descriptions

POP Inbound Transport

Field Descriptions

Company Profile XML Tab

Field Descriptions

Company Profile System Directories Tab

Field Descriptions

Company Profile Integration Tab

Integration Tab Field Descriptions

IBM MQSeries Options Window

Field Descriptions

FTP Options Window

Field Descriptions

JMS Options Window

Field Descriptions

Inbound Post-Processing Options Windows

Field Description

Post-Processing Configuration Details

Notes About Parameters

Languages for Writing Scripts

Script Examples for Windows

Script Example for UNIX

Company Profile Tuning Tab

Tuning Tab Description

Inbound Protocols Column Descriptions

Outbound Documents Column Descriptions

Document Polling Rates

Inbound Protocols Tuning

Outbound Documents Tuning

Tuning Guidelines

Asynchronous and Synchronous Unpackaging

Using ebXML

Supported Transports

ebXML Overview

ebXML with MCD Interface

ebXML with File System Interface

Using Message Control Documents

MCDs for ebXML

MCD Element Descriptions

Optional ebXML MessageAgentInfo Elements

ebXML Document Processing Settings

Outbound ebXML Document Processing Settings

Inbound ebXML Document Processing Settings

ebXML Processing Settings at a Glance

ebXML 1.0 with MCDs

ebXML 1.0 with File System Interface

MCD Example for ebXML

Keys and Certificates

What Is PKI?

PKI Options

Self-Signed Certificates

Commercial PKIs

The Role of Trust in PKI


Certificate Revocation

Dual-Key Pairs

Why Use Encryption and Digital Signatures?

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Encryption Method

Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms

Symmetric Key Lengths

Public-Private (Asymmetric) Key Algorithms

Public-Private (Asymmetric) Key Lengths

Summary of Algorithms and Key Lengths

Support for Dual Keys

Encryption and Signing Summary

Outbound Documents

Inbound Documents

Certificate Basics

Where Certificates and Keys Are Stored



Certificate Status

Active Certificate (Yellow Bulb)

Valid or Inactive Certificate (Blue Bulb)

Pending Certificate (Red Bulb)

Retired Certificate (Clear Bulb)

Exchanging Profiles and Certificates

Exchanging Certificate Information with WebLogic Integration Trading Partners

Self-Signed or CA Certificates

Entrust Certificates

Obtaining New and Replacement Certificates

Replacing a Certificate for Non HTTPS Encryption

Replacing a Certificate for Bundled HTTPS with Authentication

Certificates Information Viewer

Certificate Window

Field Descriptions

Setting Up Certificates for Your Company Profile


Generating Self-Signed Certificates


Importing Entrust Certificates


Importing a VeriSign XKMS Certificate


Importing a Third-Party CA Certificate


Importing a Partner's Certificate


Exporting Your Certificate for Backup or Distribution


Deleting Certificates


Certificate Profile Window

Viewing Certificate Information


Viewing the Certificate Path


Activating a Pending or Valid Certificate


Retiring a Certificate

Un-Retiring a Certificate


Trusted Roots

Viewing, Editing or Importing Trusted Roots


Using Certificate Revocation Lists


Adding CRLs

Deleting CRLs

Turning CRL Checking On and Off

Partner Profiles

Importing a Profile from a Partner Who Uses WebLogic Integration


Adding or Changing a Partner Profile


Partner Profile Identity Tab

Identity, Primary Tab

Field Descriptions

Identity, Secondary Tab

Field Descriptions

Partner Profile Preferences Tab

Field Descriptions

Partner Profile Outbound Protocols Tab

Selecting an Active Outbound Protocol

Adding an Outbound Protocol

Editing an Outbound Protocol

Removing an Outbound Protocol

SMTP Outbound Transport

Field Descriptions

Bundled HTTP Outbound Transport

Field Description

Bundled HTTPS Outbound Transport

Field Descriptions

POP Outbound Transport

Field Descriptions

Partner Profile Firewall Tab

Supported Firewall Methods

Getting Your Partner's Firewall Information

Field Descriptions on the Firewall Tab

Firewall Details

HTTP and HTTPS for Firewalls and Proxy Servers

Using Network Address Translation

Using Winsock

Commands Sent to Firewalls

Native FTP Authentication

HTTP Proxy

HTTPS Tunnelling

Firewall Authentication Methods

Support for the S/KEY One-Time Password System

Partner Profile Security Tab

Bundled HTTPS Guideline

Field Descriptions on the Security Tab

Partner Profile Binary Directories Tab

Field Descriptions

Delete a Partner Profile


Document Send and Archive Schedules

Overview of Schedules

Send Schedule

About the Send Schedule

Immediate Sending

How a Send Schedule Works

Archive Schedule

About the Archiving Process

The server.log File

Changing the Send Schedule


Field Descriptions

Changing the Archive Schedule


Tools and Preferences

Change Password Window

Field Descriptions

Remove Record Locks Window

Field Descriptions

Preferences General Tab

Field Descriptions

Preferences Ports Tab

Field Descriptions

Preferences Outbound SMTP Tab

Field Descriptions

Preferences Monitoring Tab

Field Descriptions

Application Security


Default SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security

Optional SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security

Configuring Administrator and Tracker to Authenticate the SOAP-RPC Server


Configuring the SOAP-RPC Server to Authenticate Administrator or Tracker


API HTTPS Security

API Security Summary

Optional API Security

Configuring an API Client to Use HTTPS


Configuring an API Client to Authenticate the API Server


Configuring the API Server to Authenticate an API Client


Certificate Tool (certloader)

The Default RPC Certificate

Using certloader

Description of certloader Parameters

SOAP Configuration Tool (soapconfig)

Using soapconfig as a Command Line Tool

Description of Command Line Parameters

Using soapconfig with the User Interface

Description of Soap Configuration Window

Exporting and Importing Data

Exporting Data

Exporting Administrator Data


Exporting Tracker Data


Importing Data


Document Generator

Creating EDI or XML Test Documents


Field Descriptions

Running Document Generator from a Command Line

Command Line Parameters

Command Line Format



Application Program Interface

API Overview

Document Integration

Java Document Integration

Key to Figure  14-1

Key to Figure  14-2

Key to Figure  14-3

Key to Figure  14-4

JMS Global Integration for Documents

Global Versus Company JMS integration

JMS Global Integration Details

Field Descriptions for JMS Integration Documents Tab

Event Listening

Java Event Listening

Key to Figure  14-6

JMS Integration for Events

Field Descriptions

Java API Implementation Guidelines

Profile Management

Overview of the Profile Management API

Required Knowledge and Skills

Required Tools

Profile Management Sample Code

Profile Management Functions

SetCompanyProfiles and SetPartnerProfiles

FindCompanies and FindPartners

GetCompanyProfiles and GetPartnerProfiles

RemoveCompanyProfiles and RemovePartnerProfiles

Disposition Codes

User-Defined Metadata for ebXML

Outbound Integration via HTTP or HTTPS

Outbound Integration via RMI

Inbound Integration via RMI

Technical Documentation

Sample Programs

Support for Correlation IDs

API Authentication

Field Descriptions


Overview of Tracker




Refreshing the Tracker Display

Filtering Tracker Records

Printing Tracker Records

Guidelines for Finding and Reprocessing

Reprocessing Only the Most Recent Document

Reprocessing Unacknowledged Documents

Reprocessing Rejected Documents

Reprocessing by Control ID

Reprocessing by Partner

Logging on to Tracker


Manually Archiving Database Records


Clearing Tracker Database Records


Finding Document Records


Field Descriptions

Alerts Information Viewer

Description of Alert E-Mail

Description of Notification E-Mail

Field Descriptions

Traffic Information Viewers

Reprocessing Documents

Copying, Viewing, or Deleting Records

Viewing Documents

Inbound and Outbound Traffic Field Descriptions

Rejected Traffic Field Descriptions

Transactions Information Viewer

Field Descriptions


Level 0 Messages

Level 1 Messages

Level 2 Messages

Level 3 Messages

Level 4 Messages

Level 5 Messages

Level 6 Messages

Level 7 Messages

Level 8 Messages

ISO Country Codes


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