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Using WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

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Application Security

The following topics describe available security features for communications between the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application and client applications.






WebLogic Integration - Business Connect uses Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to enable the the Administrator and Tracker applications to securely send updates to the Server application. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect uses a built-in server for this purpose called the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server.

SOAP is a message-based protocol for accessing services on the Internet. SOAP uses XML syntax to send text commands across the Internet using HTTP. For more information about SOAP, see RPC stands for remote procedure call, which is a common protocol for the client-server model of distributed systems.

The SOAP-RPC HTTPS server has a certificate with a pubic-private key pair. For brevity, this is referred to as the RPC certificate. By default, this is a self-signed certificate with a life of five years that is generated upon installing WebLogic Integration - Business Connect. You can replace the certificate either with another self-signed certificate or with a certificate obtained from a third-party certificate authority. For details see Certificate Tool (certloader).

Default SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security

Administrator and Tracker use the public key in the RPC certificate to encrypt updates to the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application by way of the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server. This security occurs by default; you do not have to do anything to enable it.

Triple DES is the default encryption strength for the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server. Triple DES has a key length of 168 bits.

Figure  11-1 illustrates the default security for the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server.

Figure 11-1 Default SOAP-RPC HTTPS Server Security


Optional SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security

Two additional, optional layers of security for authenticating certificates are available:

Configuration for authenticating certificates requires knowledge of Java tools, particularly keytool, which is a key and certificate management utility. It also requires using the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect certloader and soapconfig tools. For details see Certificate Tool (certloader) and SOAP Configuration Tool (soapconfig).

Figure  11-2 illustrates the optional security for the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server.

Figure 11-2 Optional SOAP-RPC HTTPS Server Security



Configuring Administrator and Tracker to Authenticate the SOAP-RPC Server

Use this procedure to configure Administrator and Tracker to authenticate a CA certificate for the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server. This authentication validates that the remote Administrator and Tracker applications are communicating with the authorized WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application. For details about such authentication, see Optional SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security.


  1. Obtain a digital certificate with a public-private key pair from a certificate authority. Export the certificate from your browser or mail client to a file with an extension of p12. The private key must be exported with the file. Export the certificate to include the entire certificate chain.

  2. Use the certloader tool to import the CA certificate to the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keystore. The certificate you import will replace the current RPC certificate. Use the following format:

    certloader -rpc -l  filename password

    You will use the password again in step 7.

    For details about the tool, see Certificate Tool (certloader).

  3. Use the Java keytool to create a truststore on the client computer that runs Administrator and Tracker. This truststore cannot be the keys.db file found in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keys directory; it must be another file. If you use Administrator and Tracker on more than one client, you must create a truststore for each computer.

    See Sun Microsystems Java documentation for information about using keytool.

  4. Use the Java keytool -import option to import the certificate and public key to the client truststore. If you use more than one client, you must import the certificate and public key to the truststore of each computer.

  5. Use a text editor such as Notepad to open the file in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect installation directory. Scroll to Section 3: Miscellaneous Settings. Type true after the
    SOAP.Admin.CheckTrust= property.

  6. Save and close the file.

  7. Use the SOAP configuration tool to set the client truststore path and truststore password in the file.

    If you are using the tool from a command line, use the following format:

    soapconfig -ts truststore -tp truststorepassword

    If are using the tool's graphical user interface, complete the following fields: Trust store, Trust store password and Confirm trust store password.

    Use the same password as the one used to import the certificate to the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keystore in step 2.

    For details about the tool, see SOAP Configuration Tool (soapconfig).

  8. Restart the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application.


Configuring the SOAP-RPC Server to Authenticate Administrator or Tracker

Use this procedure to configure the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application to authenticate a CA certificate for Administrator and Tracker. This authentication validates that the Server application is communicating with the authorized remote Administrator and Tracker applications via the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server. For details about such authentication, see Optional SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security.


  1. Request a CA certificate by using the Java keytool to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) with the -certreq command and sending the CSR to the CA.

    See Sun Microsystems Java documentation for information about using keytool.

  2. Use the Java keytool to create a keystore on the client computer that runs Administrator and Tracker. This keystore cannot be the keys.db file found in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keys directory; it must be another file. If you use Administrator and Tracker on more than one client, you must create a keystore for each computer.

  3. Once the CA has issued the certificate, use the keytool -import command to import the certificate to the client keystore.

  4. Use Administrator to make sure the root of the CA certificate is trusted. Select Tools—>Certificates—>Trusted Roots to open the Trusted Roots window. Scroll through the list of trusted roots. It is possible that the root of the CA certificate already is trusted. If not, import the root underlying the certificate and trust it. See Trusted Roots.

  5. Use the SOAP configuration tool to set the client keystore path and keystore password in the file.

    If you are using the tool from a command line, use the following format:

    soapconfig -ks keystore -kp  keystorepassword

    If are using the tool's graphical user interface, complete the following fields: Key store, Key store password and Confirm key store password. The password is the one you used to export the certificate to a p12 file from a browser or mail client.

    For details about the tool, see SOAP Configuration Tool (soapconfig).

  6. In Administrator, select Tools—>Preferences and click the Ports tab. Below the SOAP HTTPS server port field, select the Authenticate check box. Click OK to save the change and close the window.

  7. Restart the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application.


API HTTPS Security

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect supports communicating with an application program interface (API) client by way of HTTP and HTTPS servers that are built into the application.

Communicating by way of the HTTP server with an API client does not require special configuration, beyond specifying the API HTTP port on the Ports tab, which is accessed by selecting Tools—>Preferences in Administrator.

Using the HTTPS server, however, requires additional configuration and is explained in the following topics:

API Security Summary

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect supports an API client communicating with the Server application. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect has two built-in servers for this purpose. One is an HTTP server. The other is an HTTPS server. The API HTTPS server enables an API client to use a public key to securely encrypt messages to the Server application.

The API HTTPS server must be used with a certificate and a pubic-private key pair. For brevity, this is referred to as the API certificate. This can be a self-signed certificate or a certificate obtained from a third-party certificate authority. For details see Certificate Tool (certloader).

Optional API Security

WebLogic Integration - Business Connect supports three security options for communicating with an API client by way of HTTPS, which is HTTP over Secure Sockets Layer protocol. They are:

Implementing these security options requires knowledge of Java tools, particularly keytool, which is a key and certificate management utility. It also requires using the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect certloader tool. For details see Certificate Tool (certloader).

Figure  11-3 illustrates the optional security for the API HTTPS server.

Figure 11-3 Optional API HTTPS Server Security



Configuring an API Client to Use HTTPS

Use this procedure to configure the API client to use the public key in the API certificate to encrypt messages to the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application. For details about this security, see API HTTPS Security.


  1. Generate or obtain an API certificate for the API HTTPS server. See Certificate Tool (certloader).

  2. In Administrator set the HTTPS port that the API client and the Server application will use. The port is set on the Ports tab, which is accessed by selecting Tools—>Preferences. See Preferences Ports Tab.

  3. Point the API client at the correct port and host running the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application. Include the jsse.jar file in the API client's class path. The file is in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect lib directory.

  4. In configuring the API client, see the sample code for the Java classes AlwaysTrustManager and AlwaysTrueVerifier. The sample code is in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect API directory.

    The API client should use AlwaysTrustManager as the trust manager and AlwaysTrueVerifier as the host name verifier. AlwaysTrustManager will trust all certificates returned from the server. AlwaysTrustManager is required because the server's certificate is not included in the client's keystore. AlwaysTrueVerifier will allow mismatch of the host name of the request and the common name in the certificate. AlwaysTrueVerifier might be required because of the nature of the self-signed certificate being used. The self-signed certificate is generated upon installation using the host name of the server. A server can have multiple host names. So the host name the API client is connecting with might not be the host name in the generated certificate.

  5. Restart the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application.


Configuring an API Client to Authenticate the API Server

Use this procedure to configure an API client to authenticate a CA certificate for the API HTTPS server. This authentication validates that the remote API client is communicating with the authorized WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application. For details about such authentication, see Optional API Security.

You must first configure the API client to use the API HTTPS server before you can do this procedure. See Configuring an API Client to Use HTTPS.


  1. Do this step if the API certificate is a self-signed certificate. Obtain a digital certificate with a public-private key pair from a certificate authority. Export the certificate from your browser or mail client to a file with an extension of p12. The private key must be exported with the file. Export the certificate to include the entire certificate chain.

    Use the certloader tool to import the CA certificate to the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keystore. The certificate you import will replace the current API certificate. Use the following format:

    certloader -api -l  filename password

    For details about the tool, see Certificate Tool (certloader).

  2. Use the Java keytool to create a truststore on the computer that runs the API client. This truststore cannot be the keys.db file found in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keys directory; it must be another file.

    See Sun Microsystems Java documentation for information about using keytool.

  3. Use the Java keytool -import option to import the certificate and public key to the client truststore.

    The API client should not use the Java classes AlwaysTrustManager and AlwaysTrueVerifier.

  4. Restart the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application.


Configuring the API Server to Authenticate an API Client

Use this procedure to configure the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application to authenticate a CA certificate for the API client. This authentication validates that the Server application is communicating with the authorized remote API client. For details about such authentication, see Optional API Security.

You must first configure the API client to use the API HTTPS server before you can do this procedure. See Configuring an API Client to Use HTTPS.


  1. Request a CA certificate by using the Java keytool to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) with the -certreq command and sending the CSR to the CA.

    See Sun Microsystems Java documentation for information about using keytool.

  2. Use the Java keytool to create a keystore on the computer that runs the API client. This keystore cannot be the keys.db file found in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect keys directory; it must be another file.

  3. Once the CA has issued the certificate, use the keytool -import command to import the certificate to the client keystore.

  4. Use Administrator to make sure the root of the CA certificate is trusted. Select Tools—>Certificates—>Trusted Roots to open the Trusted Roots window. Scroll through the list of trusted roots. It is possible that the root of the CA certificate already is trusted. If not, import the root underlying the certificate and trust it. See Trusted Roots.

  5. Restart the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application.


Certificate Tool (certloader)

Certloader is a command line utility that can perform tasks for enhancing application security. It can generate self-signed certificates containing public-private encryption key pairs. It also can load a certificate containing a public-private key pair that was generated by a third-party certificate authority.

Certloader is used for managing certificates used by two HTTPS servers that are built into WebLogic Integration - Business Connect:

In addition to generating self-signed certificates, certloader can import P12 certificate files containing public-private key pairs that have been obtained from a certificate authority. CA certificates are recommended as the API and RPC certificates when you want the client to authenticate the server certificate or the server to authenticate the client certificate or both. For details see SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security and API HTTPS Security.

You cannot use certloader to delete a certificate used by the API  HTTPS server or SOAP-RPC HTTPS server.

The following topics are provided about certloader:

The Default RPC Certificate

During installation, WebLogic Integration - Business Connect uses the name of the host computer for the Server application and the company name you enter to generate the initial RPC certificate. This is a self-signed certificate. Default values are used for the length of the public-private key and the certificate expiration date. Other values are blank by default.

Listing  11-1 shows the information for a default RPC certificate. Using certloader explains how to display the certificate information using the certloader command. The certificate also is in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect trusted roots store. You can view the certificate's information by selecting Tools—>Certificates—>Trusted Roots in Administrator.

Listing 11-1 Default RPC Certificate

E-mail address:
Commany: Worldwide Trading
ISO country code:
Serial number: 5294f5ece4299c75710582f441b6f63a
Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Key length: 512
Valid from: Tue Aug 21 10:13:53 MST 2001
Valid to: Mon Aug 21 10:13:53 MST 2006
MD5 Fingerprint: CA:A2:34:28:CB:0D:CD:64:4E:CE:FD:4F:5B:B9:D4:57

Issuer: O=Worldwide Trading, CN=WORLDWIDE

Administrator and Tracker use the public key in the RPC certificate to communicate with the Server application; you do not have to configure this.

Using certloader

The following shows the usage of certloader and its parameters. The words following parameters are the names of variables that are used with the associated parameter. This command is executed in a console or command window.

Typing certloader without a parameter generates an error message. The command must be used with parameters to function.

Description of certloader Parameters

The certloader parameters are described in the following table.

Table 11-1 certloader Parameters  



-?, -help

Displays information about the certloader command and its parameters.


Generates a self-signed certificate, loads a CA certificate or displays information about a certificate. The certificate is used by the API  HTTPS server that is within the application.

This parameter must be used with other parameters. It cannot be used alone with the certloader command.


Generates a self-signed certificate, loads a CA certificate or displays information about a certificate. The certificate is used by the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server that is within the application.

This parameter must be used with other parameters. It cannot be used alone with the certloader command.


Generates a self-signed certificate for the API  HTTPS server or the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server. This parameter must be preceded by -api or -rpc.

You must restart the Server application for the new certificate to become active. The newly active certificate replaces the previous certificate.

-c common name

This optional parameter is used after -g to create a common name for a self-signed certificate. Common name is a certificate term for the name of a person. This can be the name of the person who generates or owns the certificate. If you do not use this parameter, the name of the host running the Server application is used.

-o  organization name

This optional parameter is used after -g to create an organization name for a self-signed certificate. This usually is your company name. If you do not use this parameter, the name of the application's registered user is used.

-u  organization unit name

This optional parameter is used after -g to create an organization unit name for a self-signed certificate. This usually is the name of a department or division within the company. If you do not use this parameter, the value is blank.

-loc locality name

This optional parameter is used after -g to create a locality name for a self-signed certificate. This usually is a city name. If you do not use this parameter, the value is blank.

-cty  country code

This optional parameter is used after -g to create a two-letter ISO country code for a self-signed certificate. For example, us is United States. If you do not use this parameter, the value is blank.

-e  e-mail  address

This optional parameter is used after -g, to create an e-mail address for a self-signed certificate. If you do not use this parameter, the value is blank.

-len 512|1024|2048

This optional parameter is used after -g to create a key pair of a specified length for a self-signed certificate. You can specify 512, 1024 or 2048. If you do not use this parameter, a key length of 512 is generated.

-v  number[d|m|y]

This optional parameter is used after -g to create an expiration date for a self-signed certificate.

The certloader command calculates the expiration date based on the number of days, months or years from today's date that you want the certificate to expire. For example, -v10d specifies that the expiration date is 10 days from today's date.

If you do not use this parameter, the expiration date is five years from today's date.

-l filename password

Loads a P12 formatted CA certificate file containing a public-private key pair. You must specify the name of the file and the password protecting the keys.

You must restart the Server application for the new certificate to become active. The newly active certificate replaces the previous certificate.


Displays information about the API  HTTPS server certificate or the SOAP-RPC HTTPS server certificate. This parameter must be preceded by -api or -rpc.



SOAP Configuration Tool (soapconfig)

The soapconfig tool, which is in the application's bin directory, configures the SOAP truststore and keystore settings for communications between Administrator and Tracker and the Server application. You use the soapconfig tool when setting up the certificate authentication security options described in Optional SOAP-RPC HTTPS Security or Optional API Security.

Using the soapconfig tool is a step in setting up a truststore or keystore or both for each client computer running Administrator and Tracker. The truststore and keystore actually are set up using the Java keytool. The soapconfig tool is used to point Administrator and Tracker to the truststore or keystore that keytool was used to create. The properties soapconfig manages are in the file in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect installation directory.

Keytool manages a keystore of private keys and their associated X.509 certificate chains authenticating the corresponding public keys. It also manages certificates from trusted entities. For information about keytool see

You can use the soapconfig tool with a graphical user interface or from a command line. The following topics explain how to use it both ways:

After using soapconfig, you must restart the Server application for the changes to become effective.

Listing  11-2 shows the section of the file that the soapconfig tool manipulates. Specifically, the tool affects some of the properties that begin with the words SOAP.Admin. We recommend that you use the soapconfig tool to change these settings and do not directly edit the file, unless advised to do so. The soapconfig tool encrypts the password settings and direct editing does not.

Listing 11-2 File


// SOAP.* settings used by Administrator and Tracker when communicating with
// the controller. These values are not used by the Controller when
// initializing the SOAP Server. The Controller values are set inside the
// Administrator under Tools-Preferences.

Using soapconfig as a Command Line Tool

The following shows the usage of soapconfig and its parameters as a command line tool. The words following parameters are the names of variables that are used with the associated parameter.

Typing soapconfig without a parameter opens the Soap Configuration window. This user interface is an alternative to using soapconfig as command line utility. See Using soapconfig with the User Interface.

Note: Before you use the soapconfig tool, use the Java keytool to create the truststore or keystore or both for Administrator and Tracker.

Description of Command Line Parameters

The soapconfig parameters are described in the following table.

Table 11-2 soapconfig Parameters  



-?, -h, -help

Displays information about the soapconfig command and its parameters.

-ts truststore

The name of the Administrator and Tracker truststore that was created with keytool. A truststore is a keystore that is used to make decisions about trusting entities. A truststore contains trusted certificates information, but not private information.

-tp truststorepassword

The truststore password.

-ks keystore

The name of the Administrator and Tracker keystore that was created with keytool. A keystore is a database of key information that is used for authentication and data integrity. A keystore contains private information, including private keys.

-kp  keystorepassword

The keystore password.


Using soapconfig with the User Interface

To use the soapconfig tool with a graphical user interface, type soapconfig on a command line with no parameters and press Enter. In Windows, you also can double-click the SOAPConfig.bat file in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect bin directory to open the window. When you complete the fields and click OK, the window closes and the changes appear in the file.

Note: Before you use the soapconfig tool, use the Java keytool to create the truststore or keystore or both for Administrator and Tracker.

Figure 11-4 SOAP Configuration Window


Description of Soap Configuration Window

The following describes the fields on the Soap Configuration window.

If you are running the tool for the first time, the fields are blank. If you have used the tool before, the default values are the same as the values you entered when you previously used the tool.

Trust store

The name of the Administrator and Tracker truststore that was created with keytool. A truststore is a keystore that is used to make decisions about trusting entities. A truststore contains trusted certificates information, but not private information.

Trust store password

The truststore password. For security the password appears as asterisks. In the password is encrypted.

Confirm trust store password

The truststore password repeated.

Key store

The name of the Administrator and Tracker keystore that was created with keytool. A keystore is a database of key information that is used for authentication and data integrity. A keystore contains private information, including private keys.

Key store password

The keystore password. For security the password appears as asterisks. In the password is encrypted.

Confirm key store password

The keystore password repeated.


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