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Installing WebLogic Integration - Business Connect

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Trading Tutorial

After installing WebLogic Integration - Business Connect you can complete some basic tasks and observe the application send test documents from a company to a partner in a simulated trading environment on a single computer.

This tutorial can help you become familiar with the operations of related components of WebLogic Integration - Business Connect, including the Server, Administrator, Tracker and Document Generator applications.

This tutorial is for users who are licensed to use the SMTP or HTTP transport available with ebXML protocol.

Note: We strongly recommend that you not engage in any real document trading with partners while using this tutorial. Also, if you quit this tutorial before finishing and do not plan to resume it, we recommend that you go to Exercise 7. Delete the Tutorial Profiles and delete the profiles you have created.

The following topics are provided:



Complete the exercises in order. Each exercise builds on the previous one.


Tutorial Objectives

In this tutorial you will:

  1. Log on to the Administrator application. Administrator manages company and partner trading profiles.
  2. Create company profiles.
  3. Specify a TCP/IP transport for receiving documents.
  4. Create self-signed digital certificates for company profiles.
  5. Export company profiles from Administrator.
  6. Import partner profiles to Administrator.
  7. Designate partners to whom you send binary documents.
  8. Start the Server application. The Server is the trading engine for sending and receiving trading documents.
  9. Create file system directories for outbound and inbound documents.
  10. Log on to the Tracker application. Tracker is a tool for monitoring trading activity.
  11. Open the Server Monitor page in a web browser. The Server Monitor is another tool for monitoring trading activity.
  12. Use Document Generator to create test documents for use in trading.
  13. Send test documents to a partner.
  14. Send and receive acknowledgments for traded documents.
  15. Monitor trading activity using reporting tools.
  16. Delete company and partner profiles.
  17. Delete file system directories.


Exercise 1. Create Company Profiles

Use this exercise to create two company profiles to use for testing. These profiles will be identical, except for the name and ID. You also will create a self-signed digital certificate for each profile. Certificates are used to provide security in document exchanges.

This is the longest and probably most important exercise in this tutorial. Please follow the instructions carefully.

The two company profiles you create in this exercise will have names and IDs of sender and receiver, respectively. Both profiles will have as the inbound transport either Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer protocol (SMTP).

In a real trading situation, you normally have only one company profile. However, in this tutorial you will create two company profiles because you will simulate a two-way trading relationship on a single computer. Both profiles are needed for the simulation.

Before you can begin, you must have successfully installed the application.

Also before you begin, stop any system applications, other than Administrator, that might be running. This includes the Server, Tracker and Document Generator applications.


  1. Log on to the Administrator application.
  2. If your operating system is Windows, select Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic Integration - Business Connect 8.1—>Administrator to open the Login window (Figure 5-1).

    If your operating system is UNIX, ensure you have X Windows connectivity to the system where WebLogic Integration - Business Connect is installed. Log in to the account you created during installation. Run the following command to open the Login window (Figure 5-1):


    Figure 5-1 Login Window

    Login Window


    If you logging on for the first time, use the default user ID Administrator and leave the password blank. Click OK to log on.

    When you have logged on the Company Profiles information viewer is displayed (Figure 5-2).

    Leave the Administrator running throughout the tutorial.

    Figure 5-2 Company Profiles Information Viewer

    Company Profiles Information Viewer

  3. Click New to open the New Company Profile dialog box (Figure 5-3). This is the first step in creating a company profile.
  4. Figure 5-3 New Company Profile Dialog Box

    New Company Profile Dialog Box

  5. Type sender as both the name and ID of the profile you are creating.
  6. Click OK to open the Company Profile window Identity tab (Figure 5-4).
  7. Figure 5-4 Company Profile Identity Tab

    Company Profile Identity Tab

  8. Complete the required fields identified by asterisks on the Identity tab. You only need to complete the required fields. You can type any values you want or type the following:
  9. In this field

    Type this value





    Country code





    Do not click OK after you have typed values in the fields. You will click OK to save and close the profile only after you have used other tabs and completed the profile.

  10. Click the Inbound Protocols tab (Figure 5-5). You do not use the Preferences tab in this tutorial.
  11. Figure 5-5 Company Profile Inbound Protocols Tab

    Company Profile Inbound Protocols Tab


    On the Inbound Protocols tab you select a business protocol and a transport method for receiving documents. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect supports the ebXML protocol and the following transports:

    Your user license specifies which of these your application supports.

  12. Click Add to display the Add Protocol window (Figure 5-6).
  13. Figure 5-6 Add Protocol Window

    Add Protocol Window

  14. Select the ebXML protocol from the protocol drop-down list.
  15. Select HTTP or SMTP from the transport drop-down list.
  16. Click OK to open the configuration window for your selected transport.
  17. Do one of the following, depending on whether you selected HTTP or SMTP:
  18. If you selected HTTP, the HTTP Transport Options window opens (Figure 5-7). No action is required on this window. Click OK to close the window. After you click OK, the Inbound Protocols tab displays again. Do not click OK on this tab, but go to the next step.

    Figure 5-7 HTTP Transport Options Window

    HTTP Transport Options Window


    If you selected SMTP, the SMTP Transport Options window opens (Figure 5-8). Type in the e-mail address field. (If you are creating the profile for the receiver profile, type instead.) Click OK to close the window. After you click OK, the Inbound Protocols tab displays again. Do not click OK on this tab, but go to the next step.

    Figure 5-8 SMTP Transport Options Window

    SMTP Transport Options Window

  19. Review the following to determine whether you need to use the XML tab (Figure 5-9), and then go to step 13. You do not need to use the XML tab. A value has been selected for you on the XML tab based on your protocol.
  20. Figure 5-9 Company Profile XML Tab

    Company Profile XML Tab

  21. Click OK to save and close the profile. You do not change the System Directories, Integration and Tuning tabs in this tutorial.
  22. Upon clicking OK you are prompted to set up a certificate for the company. Click Yes to launch the certificate wizard (Figure 5-10). The default selection on the first window of the certificate wizard is to generate self-signed certificates. You will use the wizard to create a self-signed digital certificate for the profile. You will use all of the default selections in the wizard. Do not change anything.

    If you click No when prompted to set up a certificate, the profile is saved and closed and is listed on the Company Profiles information viewer. To set up a certificate later, click Certificates on the left side to display the Certificates information viewer. Then click the name of the profile and click New to launch the certificate wizard.

    Note: The System Directories tab shows the default paths on your file system for the directories where the system retrieves outbound documents and puts inbound documents. These directories are not created until you start the Server application. This is explained in more detail in Exercise 4. Start the Server Application.

    Figure 5-10 First Window of Certificate Wizard

    First Window of Certificate Wizard

  23. Click Next twice to advance to the last page of the certificate wizard, then click Finish to generate the certificate.
  24. When the certificate has been generated, the Company Profile information viewer is displayed. The new profile is listed.

    Click the Certificates icon on the left side to display the Certificates information viewer. The viewer lists the new certificate for the new profile. Click the Company Profiles icon to return to the Company Profiles information viewer.

  25. Create a company profile for receiver.
  26. Make sure the Company Profiles information viewer is displayed.

    Click New to open the New Company Profile window. Type receiver as both the name and ID of the profile you are creating. Go back and complete step 4. through step 14. to set up this profile and certificate.

    Alternately, you can use the clone feature as a short way to create a profile that is similar to an existing profile. Click Clone to open the New Company Profile window. Type receiver as both the name and ID of the profile you are creating. If you use SMTP as the transport (see step 11.), type in the e-mail address field on the SMTP Transport Options window. Click OK and then go to step 13. to set up the certificate.

  27. To verify that you have successfully completed this exercise, check that company profiles for sender and receiver are listed on the Company Profiles information viewer. Also check that certificates for both companies are listed on the Certificates information viewer.


Exercise 2. Export Companies and Import Partners

Use this exercise to export the two company profiles you created as XML files and then import them as partner profiles.

A company profile is a profile that you own that contains information about your company and the transport you want partners to use to send you documents. When you send a partner your profile, it becomes a partner profile on his system.

Figure 5-11 Exporting and Importing a Profile

Exporting and Importing a Profile


In this tutorial you will simulate both sides of a trading relationship, so you will export both company profiles and then import both as partner profiles. These profiles will exist both as companies and partners at the same time on your system. This is not a situation you will experience in real trading with actual partners. This duality is solely for the purpose of this tutorial. In a real trading situation, you normally have only one company profile and one partner profile for each partner with whom you exchange documents. Also in a real situation, you would not import your own company profile as a partner profile.


  1. At the Company Profiles information viewer, select one of the company profiles, either sender or receiver.
  2. Select File—>Export to display the Export Company Profile window (Figure 5-12).
  3. Figure 5-12 Export Company Profile Window

    Export Company Profile Window

  4. Do not change anything on this window. Click OK to export the company profile as an XML partner profile. The file is exported to a system directory of WebLogic Integration - Business Connect.
  5. Notice that you export only a copy of the profile. The original profile is still listed as an active profile on the Company Profiles information viewer.

  6. Return to step 1. and export the other profile.
  7. After you have exported both profiles, click the Partner Profiles icon on the left side of the window to display the Partner Profiles information viewer (Figure 5-13).
  8. Figure 5-13 Partner Profiles Information Viewer

    Partner Profiles Information Viewer

  9. Select File—>Import to display the Import Partner Profile dialog box (Figure 5-14).
  10. Figure 5-14 Import Partner Profile Dialog Box

    Import Partner Profile Dialog Box

  11. Select the XML file for one of the profiles, either sender or receiver, and click Open to import the file. A message box displays saying that the partner profile import succeeded. Click OK to close the message box. The imported profile is listed on the Partner Profiles information viewer.
  12. Return to step 6. and import the other profile.
  13. To verify that you have successfully completed this exercise, check that partner profiles for sender and receiver are listed on the Partner Profiles information viewer.
  14. On the Partner Profiles information viewer, you can select one of the profiles, click Open and browse the profile tabs. However, do not make any changes to either profile.


Exercise 3. Set Up Binary Partners

Use this exercise to designate partners as traders of binary documents. Unlike EDI and XML documents, the contents of binary documents do not specify senders and receivers. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect parses EDI and XML documents to determine senders and receivers. To trade binary documents, however, you must tell WebLogic Integration - Business Connect the partners whom you plan to send binary documents for the documents to be properly routed.


  1. At the Partner Profiles information viewer, select one of the partner profiles, either sender or receiver.
  2. Click Open to open the profile and then select the Binary Directories tab (Figure 5-15).
  3. Figure 5-15 Partner Profile Window Binary Directories Tab

    Partner Profile Window Binary Directories Tab

  4. Next to the Companies field at the top of the tab click Add.
  5. Click OK to save and close the profile.
  6. Return to step 1. and set up binary trading with the other profile.
  7. To verify that you have successfully completed this exercise, check that the Binary Directories tab for each partner shows the other partner as a binary company.


Exercise 4. Start the Server Application

Use this exercise to start the Server application, which must be running for document trading to occur. This action also creates the file system directories that WebLogic Integration - Business Connect polls for documents. The Server application gets the documents from the directories and then packages and sends them to partners. Starting the Server application also creates the directories where documents sent by a partner are put after the system receives and unpackages them.

Note: When you create a company profile but before you start the the Server application, the Company Profile window System Directories tab shows the default paths for the file system directories. However, these directories are not actually created until the profile is saved and the Server application is running.


  1. Start the Server application.
  2. If your operating system is Windows, select Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic Integration - Business Connect 8.1—>Start Server.

    If your operating system is UNIX, run the following command:


    When you start the server on Windows, the Server Display window opens (Figure 5-16). This window has two tabs. The Agents tab shows active processes. The Transactions tab shows document activity. You can use a mouse to adjust the widths of the columns on the window.

    Leave the Server running throughout the tutorial. On Windows, you can minimize the Server Display window but do not close it as that will close the Server application.

    Figure 5-16 Server Display Window Agents Tab on Windows

    Server Display Window Agents Tab on Windows

  3. To verify that you have successfully completed this exercise, check your file system to see whether the system directories have been created for both company profiles (sender and receiver). For example, a Windows user can check using Explorer.
  4. The directories are created under the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect data directory. Figure 5-17 shows a tree in Windows Explorer of these directories. Notice that there are a directory and subdirectories for each company profile: sender and receiver.

    Figure 5-17 File system Directories Tree in Windows Explorer

    File system Directories Tree in Windows Explorer


    The following table explains how some of the directories are used.




    The backup directory is where the system places backup copies of documents it processes. This also is a repository for message disposition notices (MDNs), which are messages you receive from a partner that acknowledge receiving documents from you.


    The binary-in directory is where the system places binary documents that have been sent to you by a partner.


    The binary-out directory is where you place outbound binary documents. The system retrieves documents from the directory, packages them and sends them to your partner.


    The EDI-in directory is where the system places EDI documents that have been sent to you by a partner.


    The EDI-out directory is where you place outbound EDI documents. The system retrieves documents from the directory, packages them and sends them to your partner.


    The XML-in directory is where the system places XML documents that have been sent to you by a partner.


    The XML-out directory is where you place outbound XML documents. The system retrieves documents from the directory, packages them and sends them to your partner.


    Note: For users of the ebXML and RosettaNet protocols there is a document of particular importance. That is the message control document (MCD). An MCD is an XML document that contains a business message payload. Users of the ebXML and RosettaNet protocols will use test MCDs later in the tutorial.


Exercise 5. Start Document Tracking Tools

Use this exercise to start the Server Monitor web page and the Tracker application. You will use these tools to view document trading activity later in the tutorial.

Note: At this point the Administrator and Server applications should be running. If not, restart them.


  1. In Administrator select Tools—>Launch Server Monitor to open the Server Monitor page in your web browser (Figure 5-18). Take a few minutes to explore and become familiar with the web site.
  2. The Server application must be running for the Server Monitor page to display.

    Figure 5-18 Partial view of Server Monitor Page

    Partial view of Server Monitor Page

  3. Log on to the Tracker application.
  4. If your operating system is Windows, select Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic Integration - Business Connect 8.1—>Tracker to open the Login window (Figure 5-19).

    If your operating system is UNIX, ensure you have X Windows connectivity to the system where WebLogic Integration - Business Connect is installed. Log in to the account you created during installation. Run the following command to open the Login window (Figure 5-19):


    Figure 5-19 Login Window

    Login Window


    If you logging on for the first time, use the default user ID Administrator and leave the password blank. Click OK to log on.

    When you have logged on the Alerts information viewer is displayed (Figure 5-20). Take a few minutes to explore and become familiar with the application.

    Figure 5-20 Partial view of Alerts Information Viewer in Tracker

    Partial view of Alerts Information Viewer in Tracker

  5. To verify that you have successfully completed this exercise, check that the Server Monitor page displays in your browser and that the Tracker application is running.


Exercise 6. Trade Documents

Use this exercise to send a message control document (MCD) from company sender to partner receiver. Use this exercise only if your protocol is ebXML.

Note: If you are coming back to this tutorial after a pause and you closed any WebLogic Integration - Business Connect applications, restart the Administrator, Server and Tracker applications, if necessary. Also, make sure the Server Monitor page is displayed in your web browser.

In this exercise you will configure several test MCDs and place them in the sender's XML-out directory. WebLogic Integration - Business Connect will retrieve the MCD and package and send the payload to the receiver. After receiving the payload, the receiver will send an MDN to the sender that acknowledges receiving the payload.


  1. Locate the test MCD for your protocol in the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect directory.
  2. For the ebXML protocol, the test MCD is at mcd\ebxml\testmcd. The file is named

  3. Copy the test MCD to any directory that is handy. For example, you could copy it to a temp directory or some other directory where you keep files. On Windows you could copy it to your desktop.
  4. Open the copy of the test MCD with a text editor such as Notepad. Locate the sender and receiver elements within the routing information element. The information is near the top of the file.
  5. The following is an example of this data in the ebXML test MCD:

        <mcd:SenderId type="">Company1</mcd:SenderId>
        <mcd:ReceiverId type="">Company2</mcd:ReceiverId>

  6. Delete the text Company1 and type sender. Be careful not to change anything else.
  7. Delete the text Company2 and type receiver. Be careful not to change anything else.
  8. Save and close the file.
  9. Make 5 or 10 copies of the test MCD and give each file a unique name. For example, name copies of the ebXML test MCD,,, and so on.
  10. Place one of the uniquely named test MCDs in the sender's WebLogic Integration - Business Connect XML-out directory. The directory is at data\sender\xmlout.
  11. Use the Server Monitor page or Tracker to observe trading activity. Use refresh to update the Tracker display. On Windows you also can monitor trading on the Server Display window Transactions tab.
  12. Try trading some more documents. We recommend that you keep the number of documents small. This makes it easier to monitor trading activity. It also makes it easier to trace and resolve problems. If you have problems trading, see Tutorial Troubleshooting.


Exercise 7. Delete the Tutorial Profiles

Use this exercise to stop WebLogic Integration - Business Connect processes and delete the company and partner profiles that you created for this tutorial. We recommend deleting the profiles because they have no use beyond this tutorial and should be removed.


  1. Stop the Server application.
  2. If your operating system is Windows, select Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic Integration - Business Connect 8.1—>Stop Server.

    If your operating system is UNIX, log in to the account you created during the installation process. Run the following command:


  3. Delete the partner profiles sender and receiver.
  4. At the Partner Profiles information viewer in Administrator, select a partner profile and click Delete. Then click Yes in the dialog box that appears to confirm you want to delete the profile.

  5. Delete the company profiles sender and receiver.
  6. At the Company Profiles information viewer in Administrator, select a company profile and click Delete. Then click Yes in the dialog box that appears to confirm you want to delete the profile.

  7. Select File—>Exit to close Administrator.
  8. Select File—>Clear All Runtime Logs in Tracker to delete the records of the test trading for this tutorial. When a dialog box appears asking whether you want to clear runtime logs that have not been archived, click Yes.
  9. Select File—>Exit to close Tracker.
  10. Close your browser.
  11. Delete the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect data directories for sender and receiver. These are data\sender and data\receiver.


Tutorial Troubleshooting

If you are having trouble trading a document while doing the tutorial, the following are some tips for resolving problems.

General Guidelines

  1. Is the Server application running? Documents cannot trade unless the Server is running.
  2. Do you have two company profiles named sender and receiver and two partner profiles named sender and receiver?
  3. Have you checked whether you made any mistakes when creating the company profiles for sender and receiver.
  4. If you changed a company profile, did you export it and re-import it as a partner profile?
  5. If you re-imported a partner profile and you are trading binary documents, do you set up the updated profile as a trader of binary documents?
  6. If you are using the Document Generator, did you complete the fields correctly on the Document Generator window? Is the output directory correct?

ebXML Guidelines

  1. Did you check the general guidelines first?
  2. Are you using an MCD as the test document? You must use an MCD as the test document.
  3. Have you properly set up the names of the sender and receiver in the test MCD?
  4. Did you place the test MCD in the sender's XML-out directory?
  5. Have you copied and renamed the test MCD to provide a pool of uniquely named test MCDs? The system will reject a document that is named the same as a previously processed document.


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