Configuration Guide

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Defining Policies

This section describes how to create policies for deploying and managing applications through WLOC. It includes the following topics:


Policy Components

Each WLOC policy consists of a constraint and an action or action pipeline. The constraint defines some deployment or runtime requirement of a service, while the action or action pipeline defines one more actions to take if the service runtime-value is outside the constraint-value range.

For example, a policy could consist of a constraint that defines a runtime requirement of at least two running processes and an action that starts a process if only one is found to be running.

Figure 6-1 illustrates the basic constraint/action relationship.

Figure 6-1 Policy Constraint and Actions

Policy Constraint and Actions

The assignment of a constraint and action to a policy is referred to as the ‘constraint/action binding’.

Figure 6-2 shows a constraint/action binding as it appears in the metadata-config.xml file. In the example, the ‘key’ names are references to the complete constraint and actions definitions located further down in the file

Figure 6-2 Constraint/Action Binding in Metadata-config.xml

It is very important the constraint/action binding be appropriate to the ‘scope’ of a policy. For example, a constraint that specifies some service deployment state must be bound to an action that can stage, deploy, or undeploy a service.


Creating Policies

To create a policy, you:

  1. Create a constraint that defines some service deployment state or runtime performance requirement.
  2. Note: The WLOC Administration Console uses the term ‘Rules’ to refer to constraints.
  3. Create an action or action pipeline that specifies the action(s) to take if the application runtime does not satisfy the constraint definition. Doing this in the Administration Console effectively binds the action (or action pipeline) with the constraint.

The recommended method of defining a policy is to use the WLOC Administration Console, but you may also directly edit the metadata configuration file (metadata-config.xml). When doing the latter, you must provide three definitions: the constraint binding under the service or process type, the constraint itself, and the action itself.

Figure 6-3 provides an XML snippet of a constraint binding within a service definition. Note that the constraint binding contains ‘keys’ to the actual constraint and action definitions elsewhere in the file.

Figure 6-3 Constraint/Action Binding

Figure 6-4 provides an XML snippet of the constraint definition referenced in the constraint binding shown above.

Figure 6-4 Constraint Definition

For assistance in understanding how to edit the metadata configuration file, use the schema file (BEA_HOME\WLOC_HOME\schemas\loc-metadata.xsd) and also refer to the Service Metadata Configuration Schema Reference.


Policy Types

To begin identifying the policies needed to ensure that the managed application deploys and performs as required, it may be useful to categorize policies by purpose or functionality. From this standpoint, policies can be regarded as deployment, runtime, or administrative.

These policy types are discussed in the following sections:

Deployment Policies

A deployment policy defines a desired deployment state (deployed, staged, undeployed) of a managed application and the action(s) to take to if the application does not currently satisfy the desired state. For example, a deployment policy may require a service deployment state of ‘deployed’. If the current service state is not deployed, WLOC will deploy the service.

Table 6-1 indicates the types of constraints and actions that can be used to define deployment policies.

Table 6-1 Deployment Policy Constraints and Actions
Constraint Types
Action Types
Resource Agreement
Note: Resource Agreement constraints are not bound to an action.

Runtime Policies

Runtime policies are used to adjust the ongoing performance of a managed application and make adaptive runtime adjustments as necessary. Examples:

Table 6-2 indicates the constraints and actions that can be used to define a runtime policy.

Table 6-2 Runtime Policy Constraints and Actions
Constraints Types
Action Types
Resource Agreement

Administrative Policies

An administrative policy defines an administrative action to perform when a constraint is violated. For example, an administrative action can generate an email notification or an Administration Console event message if some constraint is violated.

Table 6-3 indicates the types of constraints and actions that can be used to define an administrative policy.

Table 6-3 Administrative Policy Constraints and Actions
Constraints Types
Action Types


Constraint Types

WLOC provides out-of-box constraint types for defining requirements using a range of common and important measurements of health and performance. Table 6-4 describes the out-of-box constraint types.

Note: For detailed information about these constraint types, see the Define Constraints help topic in the WLOC Administration Console help system.

Table 6-4 Constraint Types
These define the desired deployment state (Deployed, Staged, Undeployed) of a service.
In the Administration Console, these are selectable as:
Based on deploying a service at a date/time
Based on undeploying a service at a date/time
Based on a service deployment state
These are JVM-based constraints and can be used in various ways, such as specifying the required number of running instances, setting the minimum amount of CPUs to allocate, or generating an event message based on some metric.
Runtime constraints based on MBean attributes can be defined using directly observable metrics (heap size) or on functions applied to these metrics (total heap size of all JVMs). For more information, see Constraints Based on MBean Attributes.
In the Administration Console, these are selectable as:
Based on firing a service event at a date/time
Based on firing a process group event at a date/time
Based on firing a process group event based on the outcome of an action
Based on firing a process group event based on the outcome of another event
Based on a named attribute
Based on the value of an attribute or function
Resource Agreement
These constraints are used for service placement and JVM creation. When defining the constraint in the Administration Console, it is not bound to an action. In metadata-config.xml, the constraint must be bound to an action whose value is INTERNAL.
In the Administration Console, these are selectable as:
Based on a maximum amount of CPU
Based on a share of CPU
Based on a minimum amount of memory
Based on a maximum amount of memory
Based on a share of memory
Based on minimum number of processes
Based on maximum number of processes
Based on software availability
Based on IP Address
Based on ISO software availability
Based on amount of Local Disk Size required

Constraints Based on MBean Attributes

Runtime constraints based on MBean attributes are evaluated against runtime JMX attributes collected from the managed JVM. They can be based on directly-observed metric values of attributes or on custom metrics obtained by applying some function on these values for one JVM instance (or some aggregation of JVM instances).

Named Attributes

The WLOC Administration Console provides a set of named constraints that are based on named MBean attributes. When you select one of these constraints, the console will automatically provide the MBean instance name, type, and the attribute name. Table 6-5 describes the Smart Pack constraints.

Table 6-5 Named Attribute Constraints
Minimum and maximum free heap size for any one JVM in the process type.
Minimum and maximum mean free heap size of all JVMs in the process type.
Minimum and maximum free physical memory size for any one JVM in the process type.
Minimum and maximum mean free physical memory size of all JVMs in the process type.
Minimum and maximum used physical memory size for any one JVM in the process type.
Minimum and maximum mean used physical memory size of all JVMs in the process type.
Minimum and maximum percent of CPU usage in a range of 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.5 equates to 50% of CPU.
Minimum and maximum mean percent of CPU usage of all VMs in the process type.

For the purposes of directly editing metadata-config.xml, Listing 6-5 shows an XML snippet containing a named attribute constraint.

Figure 6-5 MBean Named Attribute Constraint


Custom Metrics

A constraint can be based on simple numerical comparison or more complex functions applied to an MBean attribute. Constraint functions can include metric parameters using the following syntax:

[<type>|<instance name>|<attribute name>]

For example:



The instance name specification allows regular expression syntax so you are not required to use names that may be context-specific. In the following examples, ".*" is used as the instance name, but it could be any regular expression.

Sum — Function — Instance type
.* — Instance name
RestartsTotalCount — Attribute name
Port — Second attribute name

A metric parameter can also contain other functions. For example:


Scalars in function definitions are constant numeric values. Scalars cannot be replaced by functions. For example:


For a complete list of WLOC-supplied functions, see the WLOC Administration Console help system.

Figure 6-6 show an XML snippet defining a constraint that uses the MeanofCollection function. Since a function returns a double, it is encapsulated in a double-constraint element. The instance-type element of these constraints is always FUNCTION and the function definition itself is specified in the attribute-name element.

Note that the value in the instance-name element does not have to match the actual function name.

Figure 6-6 Constraint with a Function in Metadata-config.xml
        <ns2:constraint-type>max</ns2:constraint-type>         <ns2:value>10000</ns2:value>


Action Types

Table 6-6 describes out-of-box actions provided with WLOC. When creating these actions in the administration console, the console prompts for the required parameter values.

Note: For detailed information about these action types, see the Define Actions help topic in the WLOC Administration Console help system.

Table 6-6 Action Types
Action Type
Actions that start, stop, stage, test, or destroy a service.
Actions that start, stop, destroy, stage, suspend, change the configuration, or gracefully stop a instance of a Java process.
These actions send different types of notifications.
Actions that change the maximum, minimum or share of CPU or memory that is available.
Actions that performs JMX operations on specified managed objects. You can define actions that:
  • Creates an instance of the MBean.
  • Destroys an instance of the MBean. No additional parameters are needed.
  • Sets an MBean attribute to a specified value
  • Invokes an operation on the MBean.

Note: Most actions can also be executed directly from the Administration Console without being bound to a constraint and included in a policy.


Action Pipelines

Actions can be combined into action pipelines so that a sequence of actions takes place when a constraint is violated.

Note: If an action fails at any point in the pipeline, the pipeline terminates and no subsequent actions in the pipeline are executed.

Action Pipeline Example

To define the actions needed to start a WebLogic Server Admin Server instance, then start a cluster of Managed Server instances, and then send an email notification, you would do the following:

  1. Define an action that starts the WLS Admin Server instance.
  2. Define an action that starts the Managed Server instances.
  3. Define an action that sends e-mail notification when the server instances start up.
  4. Define an action pipeline that consists of all these actions.
  5. Create a policy with an appropriate constraint and bind the pipeline to the constraint.

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