Content Management Guide

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Using Content Types in Your BEA Repository

Content types are used to define the metadata that you can associate with content. When content contributors add content to your content repository, they can associate the content with a content type.

For example, when adding an image file to the repository, a content contributor may choose to associate the image file with the “image” content type. The “image” content type may include properties such as width and height, as well as if the image is color or has alternative text.

You use content types and their associated properties to search for content within the repository. By thoughtfully planning out your content types, you can make it easier for portal developers to retrieve and deliver content within your portal application.

The BEA repository includes some predefined content types, and you can create your own types to meet your business needs. As a best practice, you should design and add most of your content types before releasing the content repository to content contributors to add content. Although you can add or update content types at any time during your development process, you cannot delete a content type after it has been associated with content.

If your BEA repository uses library services, you can associated content types with content workflows. Content workflows enforce an approval and publication process for content. When you associate a content workflow with a content type, all content of that content type follows the same publication process (unless the content item has been assigned its own workflow). For example, the BEA default workflow includes the following process: Draft > Ready for Review > Published > Retired. For more information about content workflows, see Using Content Workflows in Your BEA Repository.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Content Types Overview

Its recommended that you create most of your content types before any content is added to your repository. However, you can add new content types at any time. There are five important aspects of content types:

This section includes the following topics:

Using Content Type Inheritance

When you create a content type, you can indicate whether it inherits properties from a parent content type. When you indicate that a content type inherits properties from another type, all properties from the parent type are added to the child type. This can be useful when creating content types that require the same subset of properties. For information on creating a content type that inherits properties from another type, see Working with Content Types.

Tip: If you want to associate a content type with a folder, you must have that content type inherit from the pre-defined CM_FOLDER_BADGE content type. For more information about folders, see Using Content Folders in Your BEA Repository.

For example, you can create a content type that should be used for all product content in your repository. This PRODUCT content type includes properties that relate to most products such as such as SKU, price and manufacturer.

For example, when you create a content type for a specific product such as a Computer content type, you can indicate that the computer content type inherits property definitions from a parent content type called Product. This adds all of the properties from the Product content type (SKU, price, and manufacturer) to the Computer content type (the child content type). In addition to the properties inherited from the Product content type, you can add computer-specific properties to the Computer content type such as Memory, Hard Disk Space, and so on.

With content type inheritance, each time you edit a parent content type, the children content type are also modified. Using the previous example, if you added a new property to the PRODUCT content type, that property would automatically be added to the COMPUTER content type.

Using Abstract Content Types

Abstract content types allow you to create re-usable property sets to use as building blocks that you can add to content types. Abstract content types can only be used within the context of an existing content type. By using abstract content types, you can ensure consistency across all content types that include that abstract content type.

For example, if you want to include address information in multiple content types, you can create an abstract content type called “address” and then next that content type within another content type. When you create an abstract content type, you cannot create content based on that type alone. The only way an abstract content type can be used is within another content type, by using a nested content type or with inheritance. For more information about nested content types, see Using Nested Content Type Properties.

Abstract content types cannot be associated with content, unless used as part of another content type. If you mark a content type as “abstract”, you prevent content contributors from creating content based on that content type. For more information about creating abstract content types, see Marking a Content Type as Abstract.

Using Content Workflows with Content Types

When you create a content type, you can associate a content workflow with that type. This means that all content of that content type will be automatically associated with that workflow. For example, if you have a content type specific to public relations content, you can associate that content type with the custom workflow that you designed for public relations content. For more information about creating custom workflows, see Using Content Workflows in Your BEA Repository.

Note: Content workflows are only available if your BEA repository uses library services. For more information about library services, see Overview of BEA’s Library Services.


Working with Content Types

Content types are stored and managed within the Virtual Content Repository which is accessed with the Portal Administration Console. You can add, modify and delete content types.

Note: You can allow or disallow users from being able to create and modify content types using Delegated Administration. For detailed information about setting up Delegated Administration on content resources, see the WebLogic Portal Security Guide.

Creating a Content Type

Content types are created within the Portal Administration Console.

To create a new content type:

  1. Within the Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.
  2. Select Manage | Types to view the Types resource tree.
  3. Select the repository in which you want to create a type. Figure 6-1 shows an example window.
  4. Figure 6-1 Types Tab within the Manage | Types View

    Types Tab within the Manage | Types View

  5. Within the repository area, click Add Type. The Add Type dialog displays as shown in Figure 6-2.
  6. Figure 6-2 Add Type Dialog

    Add Type Dialog

  7. In the Add Type dialog, enter a name and description for your content type.
  8. Optionally, you can select a content type from which to inherit additional content properties. For more information, see Using Content Type Inheritance.
  9. Note: If you want to associate a content type with a folder, you must create a content type that inherits from the CM_FOLDER_BADGE content type.
  10. Optionally, you can select a workflow to use for this content type.
  11. Default is the name of the default workflow that comes with your BEA repository. If other workflows have been created for this repository, they display in the drop-down list in addition. For more information about workflows, see Using Content Workflows in Your BEA Repository.

  12. When finished, click Create Type.

The Types tab displays. You can specify property definitions for this content type using the Types tab.

Marking a Content Type as Abstract

Optionally, you can mark a content type as abstract. For more information about abstract content types, see Using Abstract Content Types.

When you create an abstract content type, users cannot associate content with that content type unless it is inherited or used as a nested property. For more information about inheritance and nested content types, see Working with Content Types.

To mark a content type as abstract:

  1. Select Types within the resource tree to view the Manage | Types resource tree.
  2. Select the repository in which your content type resides.
  3. Click the content type you want to make abstract. The Summary tab displays in the right pane.
  4. In the Summary tab, click Name & Status to view the Edit dialog.
  5. In the Edit dialog, mark the Is Abstract check box.
  6. Click Save.

Deleting a Content Type

You can delete a content type from your repository under certain circumstances. Specifically, you cannot delete a content type under the following conditions:

To delete a content type:

  1. In the main menu of the Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.
  2. View the Manage | Types tree by clicking Types at the top of the resource tree.
  3. In the Manage | Types tree, navigate to the content type you wish to delete.
  4. Right-click the content type and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
  5. A pop-up window displays asking you to confirm that you want to delete the content type. If you want to proceed, click Delete.


Understanding Content Type Properties

When creating content types, it is important to understand the properties you can use to define content. The property types you use determine how content can be used in your portal. The more properties that are associated with a piece of content, the more granular your searches can be when retrieving content associated with that type.

The properties you associate with image files also determine how the file can be used in your portal. For example, you can use content properties in conjunction with interaction management tools such as content selectors and campaigns to define when content expires and stops displaying to your users. For more information, see Defining Content Properties for Interaction Management.

Note: For more information about interaction management, see the WebLogic Portal Interaction Management Guide.

Property definitions for content type properties include multiple attributes: data types, primary properties, default values, and options such as read-only and searchable.

This section discusses the following topics:

Supported Data Types

Properties can be of different data types. Each data type represents a unique definition that helps you capture specific information about content. For example, to associate content files with content, you must define a property that uses the binary data type. Users can associate binary files (documents, graphics, and so on) with content. You can also define properties as string data types, which allows users to associate a description of the file with the content.

Table 6-1 lists the data types that can be used.

Table 6-1 Supported Data Types 
Data Type
Value Definition
A data type that can have one of two values: true or false.
Long Integer
A 64-bit integer
Number with Decimal (Double)
A 64-bit integer that includes one decimal.
A variable length character string. The length of this string is dependent on limitations of the database you are using.
A data type that contains the date and time. When this definition is used, users can define the value using a calendar and time entry control.
A data type that contains a binary file.
Nested Content Type
A data type that contains another content type.
Nested Content Type properties cannot be marked as primary.
For more information about nested content types, see Using Nested Content Type Properties.
A data type that contains a link to another content item within the Virtual Content Repository.

Using Nested Content Type Properties

You can create a property that nests a content type within the content type you are creating. When you nest a content type as a property, the properties of that nested type are grouped together to make up the value of the nested property. values for that property. For example, if you create content types that require an address to be entered, you can create an address content type and then nest that content type within each content type where you need the address to be entered. Figure 6-3 shows how a nested content type displays when filling in content properties.

For details on adding a nested type property, see Define the Properties of a Content Type.

Figure 6-3 Example of a Nested Content Type Property

Example of a Nested Content Type Property

Property Options

When you define a property, you define how that property definition behaves within the context of your content type. For example, you can make a property required or read-only. Table 6-2 lists the property options that are available.

Table 6-2 Available Property Options
Property Option
Makes this property mandatory when creating content.
Read Only
Makes this property read-only. If a property is marked as read-only, it's value cannot be edited.
Primary Property
Marks this property as the primary property for this content type. Primary properties can be used within content searches and placeholders to optimize queries. For example, you can retrieve a list of content according to the primary property of it's content type.
A content type can have only one primary property.
Makes this property accessible through developer content queries. Occasionally, you will not want to make properties searchable. For example, salary data might be confidential and not searchable.
Is Explicit
Allows you to map this property value directly to a value contained in the content management database where your content is stored.
When you mark Is Explicit, you must indicate the database column within the CM_NODE database table to which you want to derive the property value. For more information about the content management tables, see the WebLogic Portal Database Guide.

Using Primary Properties

Primary properties are used by portal developers when retrieving content to display to portal users. To display binary content in your content selectors and placeholders, you must assign binary properties as the Primary Property.

Primary Properties with Nested Content Types or Content Type Inheritance

When you create a content type that inherits its properties from another content type, if the inherited content type contains a primary property, it will be unmarked as primary.

It is not possible to have a content type inherit a primary property or to include a primary property within a nested content type.

Setting Property Choice Lists and Default Property Values

You can set default values for the properties you define within your content types. Default values ensure consistent data entry when content contributors add content to your repository. You can also provide choice lists and limit the entries to the values included in the choice list.

You can set choice lists and/or include default values when you add a property to a content type, see Define the Properties of a Content Type.

Using Link Properties

You can create properties that allow content contributors to associate content items. Content contributors can link to content within the same repository or another repository within the Virtual Content Repository. For example, if you have related content items that are stored in different folders, you can use content link properties to create relationships among content items. These relationships can be used by developers in their content queries when retrieving content to display in your portal.

Link properties can also be multi-valued to allow content contributors to link to multiple content items. See Define the Properties of a Content Type for detailed instructions on adding a link property.

Defining Content Properties for Interaction Management

Targeting users with content is one of the most important aspects of including content in your portal. You can do this by using interaction management tools such as placeholders, content selectors, campaigns and JSP tags. For more information about personalization, see the WebLogic Portal Interaction Management Guide.

For example, each time an employee visits your intranet portal, you can display a different picture from the company picnic. Another example is to run a “campaign” telling employees that they can update their benefit information. In the internal human resources portal, you can create a campaign that runs from November 1 to 30, during which time the campaign displays an Open Enrollment graphic in the portal header region and, when employees make changes to their benefits.

Adding specific properties to your content types can ensure that developers can take full advantage of the interaction management tools that are available. The following properties should be used for content with which you want to retrieve with interaction management activities.

Tip: You can use an abstract content type to add interaction management properties to multiple content types within your repository, see Using Abstract Content Types. To do this, create a content type that includes each interaction management property and then mark it as Abstract. You can then add this abstract type to any content type within your repository.

For example, if you want to use goal setting to end campaigns based on the number of times content is clicked, you must use the adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName properties as described in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Interaction Management Properties for Content 
Content Property
Makes an image clickable and provides a target for the clickthrough, expressed as a URL. The Event Service records the clickthrough.
Depending on how you want to identify the destination of the ad clickthrough, use adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName.
Makes an image clickable and provides a target for the clickthrough, expressed as the content management system's content ID. The Event Service records the clickthrough.
You can view a content item's unique ID by selecting the content item in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console and viewing the description in the Edit Content window.
Depending on how you want to identify the destination of the ad clickthrough, use adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName.
Makes an image clickable, using an image map to specify one or more targets. The value for this attribute is used in two locations:
  • In the anchor tag that makes the image clickable:
    <a href=value> <img> </a>
  • In the map definition: <map name=value>
If you specify a value for adMapName, you must also specify a value for adMap. Depending on how you want to identify the destination of the ad clickthrough, use adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName.
Supplies the XHTML definition of an image map. If you specify a value for adMap, you must also specify a value for adMapName.
Displays the target in a new pop-up window, using JavaScript to define the pop-up window. The only value supported for this attribute is newwindow.
Specifies the name of a link that closes a pop-up window. The link appears at the end of the window content.
For example, if you provide Close this window as the value for this attribute, then Close this window appears as a hyperlink in the last line of the pop-up window. If a visitor clicks the link, the window closes.
Specifies a text string for the alt attribute of the <img> tag. If you do not include this attribute, the <img> tag does not specify an alt attribute.
Specifies the value for the border attribute of the <img> tag. If you do not include this attribute, the border attribute is given a value of 0.

Define the Properties of a Content Type

After creating a content type, you need to define the content properties for that type.

  1. From the Types tab, select the type to which you want to define properties. Figure 6-4 shows an example of the Types tab.
  2. Figure 6-4 The Types Tab within the Manage Types Window

    The Types Tab within the Manage Types Window

  3. Click the Properties tab.
  4. Click Add Property. The Add Property dialog appears as shown in Figure 6-5.
  5. Figure 6-5 Add Property Dialog

    Add Property Dialog

  6. In the Add Property dialog, select the type of property you want to add: Basic Property, Link or Nested-Type Property.
    • To add a Basic Property, select a data type from the drop-down list. See Supported Data Types for more information about data types.
    • To add a Nested-Type Property, select a content type from the provided list. A nested-type property will add the property definitions from the selected type to the type you are creating.
    • Note: Nested type properties allow you to include another content type within the type you are creating. When you do this, all properties from the nested property type are added to the content type you are creating.
    • To add a Link property, select Link.
  7. Click Next to view the Add Property dialog. Figure 6-6 shows an example of the Add Property dialog.
  8. Figure 6-6 Add Property Dialog

    Add Property Dialog

  9. In the Add Property dialog, type a name for the property you are creating.
  10. Mark the property option you want to assign to this property. For more information about property options, see Property Options.
  11. In the Add Property dialog, mark Allow Multiple Values if you want this property to hold more than one value.
  12. Mark Restrict Values if you want users to select from a list of values that you provide. This means they can only enter a value which is included on the list you provide.
  13. To provide a default value, click Add Value Choices to view the Add Value Choices dialog.
    1. In the Value Choices dialog, enter a value in the Value field.
    2. Click Save.
  14. To provide a list of values, ensure that Allow Multiple Values is marked. Then click Add Value Choices to view the Add Value Choices dialog.
    1. In the Value Choices dialog, enter a value in the Value field.
    2. Optionally, mark the Default check box to mark this as a default value.
    3. Click Add Another Value and continue adding values until finished.
    4. Click Save.
  15. When finished, select either Save to exit the Add Property dialog or Save and Add Another to use the Add Property dialog to add another property.

Re-ordering Content Within A Folder Using Properties

You can change the default order used to display content within a folder by modifying the beatools_defaultview property of a folder’s content type.

To change the default order used to display content within a particular folder:

  1. In the Manage | Content tree, select the folder that you want to modify.
  2. Click the Summary tab.
  3. If using library services, check out the folder by clicking Check Out in the Versioning and Workflow section.
  4. Click Properties to modify existing property values.
  5. For the beatools_defaultview property, select the Edit check box and click Edit.
  6. In the Other Properties section, select a new value for the beatools_defaultview as shown in Figure 6-7.
    • Order allows users to use a custom order, see Re-Ordering Content.
    • Name sorts the content in alphabetical order by name
    • Last Modified sorts the content by the date it was last modified
    • Figure 6-7 Available Property Values for the beatools_defaultview Property

      Available Property Values for the beatools_defaultview Property

  7. Click Save when finished making your selection.
  8. If using library services, check in your changes.


Out-of-the-Box Content Types

The BEA repository includes five content types that are ready to use. You can use these content types when you add content to your repository or you can create your own.

Although these content types may not meet all of your needs, they do provide examples of the properties you can include in your own custom types. In some cases, such as the ad content type, the properties used are required to take full advantage of interaction management features. For more information about interaction management, see the WebLogic Portal Interaction Management Guide.

This section includes a reference of the content types that are included and the property definitions they use. You can re-create these properties in your own types.

Ad Content Type

This content type can be used for content that is designed to be an advertisement. It includes properties that open and close popup windows as well as presents alternative text when the portal user’s browser does not support viewing the content.Table 6-4 provides information about the properties includes in the ad content type.

Table 6-4 Ad Content Type Properties 
Property Name
Data Type
Content binary file.
Preferred height, in pixels.
Preferred width, in pixels.
The target URL for image clicks.
If set, target render will be in a popup window with this name.
If set, and adWinTarget set, a close link will be included.
If adWinTarget set, this will be the name of the window.
The target for a click.
Set to true to produce XHTML, set to false to produce HTML.
The alternative text for an image.
The HTML image map name for the image (required if using the adMap property).
The XHTML content for an image.
The value of the border attribute around the image.
Target audience for the content. Default choices are external and internal.

Article Content Type

The article content type is designed to be used for web articles. You can either associate the article file or include the text of the article as a property. Other helpful properties include start and end dates for when to display the article in your portal. These dates can be used when configuring campaigns. Table 6-5 details the properties includes in the article content type.

Table 6-5 Article Content Type Properties 
Property Name
Data Type
Contributor of the article.
Start date to display the article.
Description of the article.
Date to stop displaying article.
Binary file of the article.
Article headline.
Language in which the article is written.
Article priority.
Size of article.
Source associated with the article.
Status of the article.
Subject of the article.
Text content of the article, if applicable.
URL associated with the article.
Article title.

Book Content Type

The book content type can be used for books that you may want to suggest to your portal users. The book content type properties allow you to associate sample content from the book as well as author and publication details. Table 6-6 shows the properties included in the book content type.

Table 6-6 Book Content Type Properties 
Property Name
Data Type
Abstract of the book.
Application area of the book.
Author of the book.
City of publication.
Country of publication.
Book edition.
Publisher e-mail information.
Sample chapter or any file associated with book.
ISBN number of the book.
Keywords associated with book.
Link associated with book.
Comments associated with book.
Date the book was published.
State the book was published.

Image Content Type

The image content type can be associated with simple image content. Table 6-7 shows the properties includes for the image content type.

Table 6-7 Image Content Type Properties 
Property Name
Data Type
Name of image.
Image file.
Description of the image.

Message Content Type

You can use the message content type to store message content such as alerts. Table 6-8 provides information about the properties includes in the message content type.

Table 6-8 Message Content Type Properties 
Property Name
Data Type
Subject of message.
Date the message was posted.
Message originator.
Organization associated with message.
Group associated with message.
Message ID.
Body text of message.
Attachments to message, usually a binary file.
Message destination.
Name of message.
Link to related URL.


The CM_FOLDER_BADGE content type is automatically associated with any folders you create. The properties of this type define the content as a folder instead of a content item. If you want to create content types to associate with folders, you must have those content types inherit from the CM_FOLDER_BADGE content type. For more information about type inheritance, see Using Content Type Inheritance.

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