Interface ContentListKeys

All Known Subinterfaces:
IFilterablePagedList<T>, IPagedList<T>, ISortableFilterablePagedList<T>, ISortablePagedList<T>

public interface ContentListKeys

Common context keys which can be used across CMPagedResult and IPagedList result collection types.

These keys are used in conjunction with various methods on the I*Manager classes which return ISortableFilterablePagedList objects. The methods which return the paged list objects can do sorting and filtering. Depending on the repository's implementation the sorting and filtering may be done "natively" (within the repository prior to returning the results) or "non-natively" (within the VCR itself, in-memory.) The list of native sortable and filterable properties may be found in the doucmentation for those objects (Node, VirtualNode, ObjectClass, Version and Workflow).

For the BEA Repository, the native sortable and filterable properties are documented below. For other repositories, see their SPI documentation.

Additional information about the paging system can be found in the package documentation at com.bea.content.paging.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Field Summary
static Integer ALL_ITEMS
          Special size to indicate all items.
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext specifies the batch loading size to use when items are retrieved.
          Special property name which can be used when filtering to request an object filter (not a per-property filter).
          Special property name which can be used when sorting to request an object sort (not a per-property sort).
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext specifies that filtering should be used when fetching data, and specifies the List objects to use.
static ContextKey SORT_CRITERIA_KEY
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext specifies that sorting should be used when fetching data, and specifies the List objects to use.

Field Detail


static final Integer ALL_ITEMS
Special size to indicate all items.

This size can be used when specifying a batch size.

See Also

When specified as a batch size, this causes all items to be loaded initially rather than on demand. One reason you might want to do this is if you know you will need to access every item, and you know you can safely load all items into memory.


static final ContextKey BATCH_LOADING_SIZE_KEY
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext specifies the batch loading size to use when items are retrieved. If not specified, a default value will be used


static final String CUSTOM_OBJECT_SORT
Special property name which can be used when sorting to request an object sort (not a per-property sort). Use this property name when calling creating a SortCriteria or calling ISortablePagedList.reSort(com.bea.p13n.pagination.SortOrder, String, java.util.Locale), if you want to sort using a custom object sorter.

The custom object sorter must be specified in the ContentContext.

See Also
Constants Summary


static final String CUSTOM_OBJECT_FILTER
Special property name which can be used when filtering to request an object filter (not a per-property filter). Use this property name when calling creating a FilterCriteria or calling IFilterablePagedList.reFilter(com.bea.p13n.pagination.FilterMethod, String, String, java.util.Locale), if you want to filter using a custom object filter.

The custom object filter must be specified in the ContentContext.

See Also
Constants Summary


static final ContextKey SORT_CRITERIA_KEY
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext specifies that sorting should be used when fetching data, and specifies the List objects to use. A single SortCriteria is allowed.

Native sortable properties for the BEA Repository are found via the ISortablePagedList.getNativeSortableProperties() method. This is dependent upon the items found in the list. See the javadoc for those objects for their native sortable properties.


static final ContextKey FILTER_CRITERIA_KEY
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext specifies that filtering should be used when fetching data, and specifies the List objects to use. A single FilterCriteria is allowed.

Native filterable properties for the BEA Repository are found via the IFilterablePagedList.getNativeFilterableProperties() method. This is dependent upon the items found in the list. See the javadoc for those objects for their native filterable properties.

Filter methods may be found via the IFilterablePagedList.getAllFilterMethods() method.

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