Class Node

  extended by com.bea.content.ContentEntity
      extended by com.bea.content.Node
All Implemented Interfaces

public class Node
extends ContentEntity

A Node represents an element in a hieararchy.

WARNING: If using this interface to retrieve binary content from a BEA Repository, please read the javadoc for RepositoryConfig.

The concept of a 'node type' is deprecated. It was previously defined as follows: A Node can either be a Hierarchy or Content Node. A Hierarchy Node can contain both other Hierarchy and Content Nodes while a Content Node can only contain other Content Nodes.

Nodes have a few system properties that are set by the repository. Nodes also may contain Properties based on the ObjectClass (type) defined for it. Both Content and Hierarchy Nodes may contain an ObjectClass and Properties.

Nodes are uniquely identified in a repository by the uid on their ID. The uid could be a uuid, database id, the path, etc. All nodes also have a path that uniquely identifies it within the repository. The path should be in unix-like format such as /a/b/c where / is the root and a is the root's child. The path must always begin with / and never end with it. So neither of the following are valid: a/b/c/d or /a/b/d/d/.

Node names must not contain either forward, or backslashes.

A Node's Properties may be lazy loaded, depending on the implementation of the underyling operation that retrieved the Node.

Methods which return an ISortableFilterablePagedList from INodeManager can sort and filter the responses. For a discussion on paging, sorting and filtering, see com.bea.content.paging and ContentListKeys. Native sortable properties for the BEA Repository are found via the ISortablePagedList.getNativeSortableProperties() method on a paged list of Node objects.

For Nodes in the BEA Repository, the current list of native sortable and filterable properties is:


See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int CONTENT
static int HIERARCHY
static int NODE
Fields inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
Constructor Summary
Node(Calendar createdDate, String createdBy, boolean hasChildren, ID id, String modifiedBy, Calendar modifiedDate, ObjectClass objectClass, ID parentId, String path, Property[] properties)
          Constructor with all attributes.
Node(Calendar createdDate, String createdBy, boolean hasChildren, ID id, String modifiedBy, Calendar modifiedDate, ObjectClass objectClass, ID parentId, String path, Property[] properties, int type)
          Deprecated due to the deprecated type parameter.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Clones a node with its properties and values.
 Node[] getChildren()
          Deprecated This method does not perform security check before returning results, therefore it may not return correct results. Use INodeManager.getNodes(ContentContext, ID) instead.
 Node[] getContentChildren()
          Deprecated This method does not perform security check before returning results, therefore it may not return correct results. Use INodeManager.getNodes(ContentContext, ID) instead.
 String getCreatedBy()
          The user who created this node.
 Calendar getCreatedDate()
          The date this node was created on.
 Node[] getHierarchyChildren()
          Deprecated This method does not perform security check before returning results, therefore it may not return correct results. Use INodeManager.getNodes(ContentContext, ID) instead.
 int getLifeCycleStatus()
          Deprecated Please use getWorkflowStatus()
 String getModifiedBy()
          The user who last modified this Node.
 Calendar getModifiedDate()
          The Date when this Node was last modified.
 String getName()
          The Node name.
 ObjectClass getObjectClass()
          The ObjectClass to which this Node is associated.
 ID getParentId()
          Gets the id for the parent of this node.
 String getPath()
          The path where this Node resides.
 Property getPrimaryProperty()
          Gets the primary property for this Node, or null if there isn't one or when the node doesn't have an object class
 Property[] getProperties()
          Gets the Properties for this node.
 Property[] getProperties(String name)
          Returns the properties referenced by name or null if the property does not exist.
 Property getProperty(String name)
          Returns the property referenced by name or null if the property does not exist.
 InputStream getPropertyBytes(ID propertyId)
          Returns the bytes for the given property.
 int getType()
 Workflow getWorkflow()
          Return the workflow associated with the node.
 ID getWorkflowId()
          Return the workflow ID set on the node.
 int getWorkflowStatus()
          Returns the status for this node.
 boolean hasChildren()
          True if this node has children.
 void hasChildren(boolean hasChildren)
          Set true if the node has children, false if not.
 boolean isPropertiesNull()
          Returns true if the properties have not been set in memory.
 boolean isRetired()
          Returns true if the node is retired.
 void isRetired(boolean isRetired)
          Sets the retired status for the node.
 void setCreatedBy(String createdBy)
          Sets the user who created this node.
 void setCreatedDate(Calendar createdDate)
          Sets the date this node was created on.
 void setLifeCycleStataus(int lifeCycleStatus)
          Deprecated Please use setWorkflowStatus(int)
 void setModifiedBy(String modifiedBy)
          Sets the user who last modified this Node.
 void setModifiedDate(Calendar modifiedDate)
          Sets the Date when this Node was last modified.
 void setName(String name)
          Set the node's name for a save operation.
 void setNodeOps(NodeOps nodeOps)
          Sets the NodeOps to perform operations on the repository.
 void setObjectClass(ObjectClass objectClass)
          Sets the ObjectClass to which this Node is associated.
 void setParentId(ID parentId)
          Sets this Node's parent id.
 void setPath(String path)
          Sets the path of this Node.
 void setProperties(Property[] properties)
          Sets all properties for this node as specified.
 void setType(int type)
 void setWorkflowId(ID workflowId)
          Sets the workflowId for the node.
 void setWorkflowOps(WorkflowOps workflowOps)
          Sets the WorkflowOps to perform workflow lookup on the repository.
 void setWorkflowStatus(int workflowStatus)
          Sets the lifecycle status.
 String toString()
          Returns the attributes of this Node in a String.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
getId, setId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int HIERARCHY
This defines a Node as a container, like a Folder. A Hierarchy Node may contain other Hierarchy nodes as well as Content Nodes.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int CONTENT
This defines a Node that represents content, such as a file with metadata. A Content Node may contain other Content Nodes, but not Hierarchy Nodes.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int NODE
This could either be a HIERARCHY or CONTENT Node. This is not a valid definition for a Node (getType() should never return this value), but may be used as a description.

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public Node(Calendar createdDate,
                       String createdBy,
                       boolean hasChildren,
                       ID id,
                       String modifiedBy,
                       Calendar modifiedDate,
                       ObjectClass objectClass,
                       ID parentId,
                       String path,
                       Property[] properties,
                       int type)
Deprecated due to the deprecated type parameter.

Constructor with all attributes.

createdDate - - the date the Node was created, as defined by the Repository.
createdBy - - the user id who created this Node
hasChildren - - true if this Node hasChildren, false otherwise.
id - - the id for the Node.
modifiedBy - - the user id who last modified this Node.
modifiedDate - - the date the Node was modified.
objectClass - - the ObjectClass associated with this Node, null if an ObjectClass is not associated with this Node.
parentId - - the Id for the parent of this Node, null if Node resides at root.
path - - the path of the Node in unix-like format. For example, /foo/foo2
properties - - Properties for this Node, null if none are defined.
type - - the type of Node, either HIERARCHY or CONTENT.


public Node(Calendar createdDate,
            String createdBy,
            boolean hasChildren,
            ID id,
            String modifiedBy,
            Calendar modifiedDate,
            ObjectClass objectClass,
            ID parentId,
            String path,
            Property[] properties)
Constructor with all attributes.

createdDate - - the date the Node was created, as defined by the Repository.
createdBy - - the user id who created this Node
hasChildren - - true if this Node hasChildren, false otherwise.
id - - the id for the Node.
modifiedBy - - the user id who last modified this Node.
modifiedDate - - the date the Node was modified.
objectClass - - the ObjectClass associated with this Node, null if an ObjectClass is not associated with this Node.
parentId - - the Id for the parent of this Node, null if Node resides at root.
path - - the path of the Node in unix-like format. For example, /foo/foo2
properties - - Properties for this Node, null if none are defined.
Method Detail


public Calendar getCreatedDate()
The date this node was created on.

The node's created date.


public void setCreatedDate(Calendar createdDate)
Sets the date this node was created on.

createdDate - The node's created date.


public String getCreatedBy()
The user who created this node.

The user who created this node.


public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy)
Sets the user who created this node.

createdBy - The user who created this node.


public String getModifiedBy()
The user who last modified this Node.

The user who modified this node.


public void setModifiedBy(String modifiedBy)
Sets the user who last modified this Node.

modifiedBy - The user who modified this node.


public Calendar getModifiedDate()
The Date when this Node was last modified.

The date this node was last modified.


public void setModifiedDate(Calendar modifiedDate)
Sets the Date when this Node was last modified.

modifiedDate - The date this node was last modified.


public String getName()
The Node name. This is the last element in the path.

The node's name.


public void setName(String name)
Set the node's name for a save operation. Replace the last element in the path.

name - The new node name


public void setNodeOps(NodeOps nodeOps)
Sets the NodeOps to perform operations on the repository. This NodeOps may be used internally to lazy load attributes such as Properties.

nodeOps - The NodeOps.


public void setWorkflowOps(WorkflowOps workflowOps)
Sets the WorkflowOps to perform workflow lookup on the repository. This may be used internally to lookup workflow associated with the node.

workflowOps - The WorkflowOps.


public ObjectClass getObjectClass()
The ObjectClass to which this Node is associated.

The node's ObjectClass.


public void setObjectClass(ObjectClass objectClass)
Sets the ObjectClass to which this Node is associated.

objectClass - The node's ObjectClass.


public ID getParentId()
Gets the id for the parent of this node.

The node's parent node id.


public void setParentId(ID parentId)
Sets this Node's parent id.

parentId - The node's parent node id.


public String getPath()
The path where this Node resides. This is unique to the repository.

The node's path.


public void setPath(String path)
Sets the path of this Node. This is unique to the repository.

path - The node's path.


public int getLifeCycleStatus()
Deprecated Please use getWorkflowStatus()

Returns the status for this node. The Node workflowStatus does not follow the LifeCycle status changes. It may only be set to Workflow.PUBLISHED or Workflow.RETIRED.

The node's workflow status.


public int getWorkflowStatus()
Returns the status for this node. The Node workflowStatus does not follow the Workflow status changes. It may only be set to Workflow.PUBLISHED or Workflow.RETIRED.

The node's workflow status.


public void setLifeCycleStataus(int lifeCycleStatus)
Deprecated Please use setWorkflowStatus(int)

Sets the lifecycle status. The Node workflowStatus does not follow the LifeCycle status changes. It may only be set to Workflow.PUBLISHED or Workflow.RETIRED.

lifeCycleStatus - The workflow status as defined in the Workflow object.


public void setWorkflowStatus(int workflowStatus)
Sets the lifecycle status. The Node workflowStatus does not follow the Workflow status changes. It may only be set to Workflow.PUBLISHED or Workflow.RETIRED.

workflowStatus - The workflow status as defined in the Workflow object.


public boolean isRetired()
Returns true if the node is retired.

The node's retired status.


public void isRetired(boolean isRetired)
Sets the retired status for the node.

isRetired - True if the node should be retired.


public Property getPrimaryProperty()
                            throws RepositoryException
Gets the primary property for this Node, or null if there isn't one or when the node doesn't have an object class

The node's primary property.
RepositoryException - If the retrieval fails.


public Property getProperty(String name)
                     throws AuthorizationException
Returns the property referenced by name or null if the property does not exist. If the Properties are not currently in memory, they will be retrieved. If you need to check if the Node instance in memory has its Propereties set, use isPropertiesNull().

name - The name of the property to retrieve.
The property, or null if the property does not exist.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.

For nested type properties, the name must reflect the nested hierarchy using NESTED_DELIMITER between each parent and child property name. The delimiter is not valid for use within the actual name, only to seperate the parent/child names.

If the Property returned is that of a nested type, it will return Property with a Value that is an array of Property objects.

If the Property returned is that of a multi valued nested type, it will return Property with an array of Value objects, of which each is an array of Property objects.

A nested Property can be retrieved directly by using the property name with delimiter (ie. If a nested Property is multivalued, the index of that multivalued property will have to be reflected in the name, if you retrieve it directly (ie myAddresses[0].city will retrieve the first address's city in a multivalued nested property, or myAddresses[1].city will retrieve the second address's city. If the indexedName is not used to retrieve a property that is nested by a multivalued nested type, then only the first instance found, with that property name will be returned. The nesting tree will not be walked to find all properties of that name. See getProperties(name) for retrieving all Properties using a non-indexedName.

See Property.getIndexedName()

If the specified property does not exist in the node, it will return null.


public Property[] getProperties(String name)
                         throws AuthorizationException
Returns the properties referenced by name or null if the property does not exist. If the Properties are not currently in memory, they will be retrieved. If you need to check if the Node instance in memory has its Propereties set, use isPropertiesNull().

name - The name, indexedName or partially indexedName of the property to retrieve.
The properties, or null if the property does not exist.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.

For nested type properties, the name must reflect the nested hierarchy using NESTED_DELIMITER between each parent and child property name. The delimiter is not valid for use within the actual name, only to seperate the parent/child names.

If the Property objects returned are that of nested types, each returned Property will have a Value that is an array of Property objects.

If the Property objects returned are that of multi valued nested types, each returned Property will have an array of Value objects, of which each is an array of Property objects.

Nested Property objects can be retrieved directly by using the property name with delimiter (ie. If the nested Property is not multivalued, the returned Property array will only have a single value, just as if using the getProperty(name) method. If a nested Property is multivalued, the index of that multivalued property can be reflected fully or partially in the name. If it is retrieved directly, ie myAddresses[0].city, the first address's city of the multivalued nested property will be returned just as myAddresses[1].city will retrieve the second address's city. If the non indexedName is used, ie, then all cities will be returned. If using a partially indexed name to retrieve multiple Property objects, it has to start by being specific to unspecific, ie myAddresses[0] would be valid, while myAddresses.myNeighborhoods[0].name would not be valid. If the beginning branches of the nesting tree are not specified via indexing, then the following branches cannot be specified.

See Property.getIndexedName()

If the specified property does not exist in the node, it will return null.


public Property[] getProperties()
                         throws AuthorizationException
Gets the Properties for this node. Each property must have a corresponding PropertyDefinition defined in the Node's ObjectClass. If the Properties are not currently in memory, they will be retrieved. If you need to check if the Node instance in memory has its Propereties set, use isPropertiesNull().

The properties of the node.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.


public void setProperties(Property[] properties)
Sets all properties for this node as specified.

Each property must have a corresponding PropertyDefinition defined in the Node's ObjectClass.

Properties which are defined in the Node's ObjectClass, but are not specified in the Property[] will be removed.

properties - The properties to set.


public boolean isPropertiesNull()
Returns true if the properties have not been set in memory.

True if the properties have not been set in memory.


public int getType()

The type of the Node. Either HIERARCHY or CONTENT.

The type of the node.


public void setType(int type)

Sets the Node type. Either HIERARCHY or CONTENT.

type - The type of the node.


public boolean hasChildren()
True if this node has children. If the node does have children they may be retrieved through the NodeOps.

True if this node has children.


public void hasChildren(boolean hasChildren)
Set true if the node has children, false if not. This does not indicate if it currently has them as part of the instance (in memory), or if they will be lazy loaded, but rather simply that they exist.

hasChildren - True if this node has children.


public Node[] getChildren()
                   throws AuthorizationException
Deprecated This method does not perform security check before returning results, therefore it may not return correct results. Use INodeManager.getNodes(ContentContext, ID) instead.

Returns the children of this node. This is a convenience method to NodeOps.getNodeChildren() and does not keep the retrieved values in memory as part of this instance.

The children of the node.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.


public Node[] getContentChildren()
                          throws AuthorizationException
Deprecated This method does not perform security check before returning results, therefore it may not return correct results. Use INodeManager.getNodes(ContentContext, ID) instead.

Returns the Content children of this node. This is a convenience method to NodeOps.getNodeChildren() and does not keep the retrieved values in memory as part of this instance.

The content node children.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.


public Node[] getHierarchyChildren()
                            throws AuthorizationException
Deprecated This method does not perform security check before returning results, therefore it may not return correct results. Use INodeManager.getNodes(ContentContext, ID) instead.

Returns the Hierarchy children of this node. This is a convenience method to NodeOps.getNodeChildren() and does not keep the retrieved values in memory as part of this instance.

The hierarchy node children.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.


public ID getWorkflowId()
Return the workflow ID set on the node.

Returns the workflowId associated with the node. Will return null if no workflow is explicitly set on the node.


public void setWorkflowId(ID workflowId)
Sets the workflowId for the node.

workflowId - Set the workflowId for the node.


public Workflow getWorkflow()
                     throws RepositoryException
Return the workflow associated with the node. This method is slightly different than the getWorkflowId() because getWorkflowId() only returns the workflow explicitly set on the node, while this method does the workflow inheritance lookup to figure out the correct workflow for the node.

The workflow associated with the node, or the default workflow if there is no workflow associated with that node.
RepositoryException - if the retrieval of the workflow fails.
See Also
WorkflowManagerImpl.getWorkflowForNode(ContentContext, ID)


public InputStream getPropertyBytes(ID propertyId)
                             throws AuthorizationException,
Returns the bytes for the given property.

WARNING: If using this interface to retrieve binary content from a BEA Repository, please read the javadoc for RepositoryConfig.

This is a convenience method to NodeOps.getPropertyBytes() and does not keep the retrieved values in memory as part of this instance.

propertyId - The property id of the binary property to retrieve.
The stream for the given binary property.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authrorized.
NoSuchPropertyException - - if the propertyId is not a valid one.


public String toString()
Returns the attributes of this Node in a String.

toString in class ContentEntity


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clones a node with its properties and values. Note that binary value streams of property values are not cloned, but merely copied.

clone in class Object
A clone of the node.
CloneNotSupportedException - If the clone fails.

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