Interface NodeOps

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public interface NodeOps
extends Serializable

NodeOps is a service for Node CRUD operations. It is used to manage nodes, including their Properties, in a content repository.

NodeOps rules are defined below.

All nodes are uniquely identified through:

  • 1) their ID, which contains the uid that uniquely identifies it within the repository. This uid may be the path, a database id, etc.
  • 2) their path that uniquely identifies it within a repository. The path should be in unix-like format such as /a/b/c where / is the root and a is the root's child. The path must always begin with / and never end with it. So neither of the following are valid: a/b/c/d or /a/b/d/d/.

    All Properties are identified through their ID, which includes the uid that uniquely identifies the Property in the repository.

    A Node may either be a Content Node or a Hierarchy Node as defined by its type. A Hierarchy Node may contain both Hierarchy and Content Nodes, but a Conent Node may only contain other Content Nodes.

    Node names must not contain either forward, or backslashes.

    If a node contains an ObjectClass, it will also contain a Property for each PropertyDefinition of its ObjectClass and each Property will be in the shape as defined by its corresponding PropertyDefinition.

    Most operations use ID objects as parameters. Whenever an ID is used, it must not be null. The uid may be null when dealing with root. For example a call to getNodeChildren(ID id) with a correct repository name and a null uid will return all Nodes at root for that repository. It may also be null on create operations, in which the uid has not been created yet, but will be created and returned by the repository.

    The repository implementation may have more specific validation rules than that defined above. If a repository considers an attempted operation invalid, it will throw a RepositoryException.

    If a Node has an ObjectClass associated with it, whenever it is retrieved it must contain the ObjectClass. However, the Node Properties need not be present as they may be lazy loaded by the call to getProperties() on the Node. For the getNode implementations, it is best to initially set the Properties on the return.

    See Also

    Method Summary
     Node addNodeContent(ID nodeId, ID objectClassId, Property[] properties)
              Updates the node with the given id to contain the given objectClass and properties (content and meta-content).
     Node copyNode(ID sourceId, ID destinationId)
              This method copies a Node to a new location in the hierarchy along with all its descendants.
     Node createNode(ID parentId, String newNodeName, int type)
              This method creates a new Node underneath the parent.
     Node createNode(ID parentId, String newNodeName, int type, ID objectClassId, Property[] properties)
              This method creates a new Node underneath the parent.
     void deleteNode(ID nodeId)
              This method performs a full cascade delete on a Node.
     Node getNode(ID nodeId)
              This method gets a particular Node based on its id.
     Node getNode(String path)
              This method gets a particular Node based on its path.
     Node[] getNodeChildren(ID parentId, int type)
              This method returns an array of all children Nodes for the parent Node.
     Node[] getNodes(ID[] nodeIds)
              This method gets the Node for each node ID passed in.
     Property[] getProperties(ID nodeId)
              Gets all Properties for a Node.
     InputStream getPropertyBytes(ID propertyId)
              Gets the Binary data for the given Property Id.
     Node moveNode(ID sourceId, ID destinationId)
              This method moves a Node to a new location in the hierarchy along with all its descendants.
     Node removeNodeContent(ID nodeId)
              Removes the ObjectClass reference from the given Node and deletes the Node's properties.
     Node renameNode(ID nodeId, String newName)
              This method renames a node and implicitly all of its descendants paths.
     Node updateProperties(ID nodeId, Property[] properties)
              Updates the node with the given id with the given properties.

    Method Detail


    Node createNode(ID parentId,
                    String newNodeName,
                    int type)
                    throws AuthorizationException,
    This method creates a new Node underneath the parent. If the parentId's uid is null then the new Node is created under root.

    parentId - - the id for the parent of the node. The uid is null if the parent is root.
    newNodeName - - the name of Node to create.
    type - - the type of the node, either Node.HIERARCHY or #CONTENT. Use of Node.HIERARCHY and Node.CONTENT will be deprecated in future releases.
    the newly created node.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NodeExistsException - - if the name for the node already exists as a child of the parent.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Node createNode(ID parentId,
                    String newNodeName,
                    int type,
                    ID objectClassId,
                    Property[] properties)
                    throws AuthorizationException,
    This method creates a new Node underneath the parent. If the parent uid is null then the new Node is created under root. It associates the ObjectClass with the given id to the new Node and adds the given properties (content and meta-content) to the Node. If there is a PropertyDefintion in the given ObjectClass with no corresponding Property in the properties array a Property will be created with a null value, unless the Property is required, in which case a validation exception will be thrown.

    parentId - - the id for the parent of the node. The parentId's uid is null if the parent is root.
    newNodeName - - the name of Node to create.
    type - - the type of the node, either Node.HIERARCHY or #CONTENT. Use of Node.HIERARCHY and Node.CONTENT will be deprecated in future releases.
    objectClassId - - the ID for the ObjectClass to associate the new Node to.
    properties - - the properties to add to the new Node.
    the newly created Node.
    NodeExistsException - - if the parent Node already has a child with the same name.
    NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the ObjectClass doesn't exist.
    RepositoryException - - if a validation error occurs.


    Node getNode(ID nodeId)
                 throws AuthorizationException,
    This method gets a particular Node based on its id. If there is an ObjectClass associated with it then it along with the Node Properties should be contained in the Node.

    nodeId - - the id for the node to get.
    the retrieved Node.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the node to get can't be found.


    Node getNode(String path)
                 throws AuthorizationException,
    This method gets a particular Node based on its path. If there is an ObjectClass associated with it then it along with the Node Properties should be contained in the Node.

    path - - the path for the node to get.
    the retrieved Node.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the node to get can't be found.


    Node[] getNodes(ID[] nodeIds)
                    throws AuthorizationException,
    This method gets the Node for each node ID passed in. If the current credential is not allowed access to a particular node, then there may be a null in the returned array at that nodes place.

    nodeIds - - the Node IDs to retrieve the Nodes for.
    the retrieved Nodes.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if a node to get can't be found.


    Node[] getNodeChildren(ID parentId,
                           int type)
                           throws AuthorizationException,
    This method returns an array of all children Nodes for the parent Node.

    parentId - - the Node which may have children
    type - - the type of children to return, either Node.HIERARCHY, #CONTENT or Node.NODE. If the type is Node.NODE then all children (both Node.HIERARCHY and #CONTENT will be returned. Use of Node.HIERARCHY and Node.CONTENT will be deprecated in future releases.
    one Node per child of the parent, or empty array if the Node has no children.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the parent node can't be found.


    void deleteNode(ID nodeId)
                    throws AuthorizationException,
    This method performs a full cascade delete on a Node. As such, the node - all its descendant Nodes and each Nodes Properties are removed in the process.

    nodeId - - the id of the Node to be deleted
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the node to delete can't be found.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Node moveNode(ID sourceId,
                  ID destinationId)
                  throws AuthorizationException,
    This method moves a Node to a new location in the hierarchy along with all its descendants.

    A Hierarchy Node may only be moved under another Hierarchy Node. The parent id for the source node will be changed, but all descendants of the source node will keep their parent relationships intact.

    If the uid is null for the destinationId, the desination will be the repository root.

    sourceId - - the id of the Node to be moved
    destinationId - - the id of the Node under which the sourceId Node is moved
    the moved Node, with a new path
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NodeExistsException - - if attempting to move a Node to a path that already exists.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the source or destination node can't be found.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Node copyNode(ID sourceId,
                  ID destinationId)
                  throws AuthorizationException,
    This method copies a Node to a new location in the hierarchy along with all its descendants.

    Each Node will get a new Id, parent id and new Properties.

    If the uid is null for the destinationId, the desination will be the repository root.

    sourceId - - the id of the Node to be copied
    destinationId - - the id of the Node under which the sourceId Node is copied
    the copied Node, with a new path
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the source or destination node can't be found.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Node renameNode(ID nodeId,
                    String newName)
                    throws AuthorizationException,
    This method renames a node and implicitly all of its descendants paths. A Node may not be renamed to a Node name that exists at the same level in the hierarchy.

    nodeId - - the id for the node to rename
    newName - - a String for the new node name
    the renamed Node
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the node to rename can't be found.
    NodeExistsException - - if the newName already exists as a sibling.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Node addNodeContent(ID nodeId,
                        ID objectClassId,
                        Property[] properties)
                        throws AuthorizationException,
    Updates the node with the given id to contain the given objectClass and properties (content and meta-content). If the node already has an ObjectClass and properties, they will be replaced. If there is a PropertyDefintion in the given ObjectClass with no corresponding Property in the properties array a Property will be created with a null value, unless the Property is required, in which case a validation exception will be thrown.

    nodeId - - the ID for the node to update.
    the updated Node.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchObjectClassException - thrown if the ObjectClass to set on the Node does not exist.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the Node to update does not exist.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Node updateProperties(ID nodeId,
                          Property[] properties)
                          throws AuthenticationException,
    Updates the node with the given id with the given properties. The node must already have a ObjectClass and valid properties associated with it. All Properties are validated against their respective PropertyDefinition.

    nodeId - - the ID of the node to update. The ID must include the repositoryName.
    properties - - the properties to update on the Node.
    the updated Node.
    AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the Node to update does not exist.
    NoSuchPropertyException - - if a Property does not exist on the Node.
    RepositoryException - - if system or validation error occurs.


    Node removeNodeContent(ID nodeId)
                           throws AuthorizationException,
    Removes the ObjectClass reference from the given Node and deletes the Node's properties.

    nodeId - - the id for the Node to remove the ObjectClass from.
    the updated Node.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - if the node does not exist.
    RepositoryException - - if validation error occurs.


    Property[] getProperties(ID nodeId)
                             throws AuthorizationException,
    Gets all Properties for a Node. If a Property is Binary, then the bytes will not be contained in the BinaryValue. In order to get the bytes a call to (@link #getPropertyBytes} is necessary.

    nodeId - - the id for the node.
    An array of Node Properties.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchNodeException - - if the node can't be found.


    InputStream getPropertyBytes(ID propertyId)
                                 throws AuthorizationException,
    Gets the Binary data for the given Property Id.

    propertyId - - the id for the Property that contains the binary data.
    An InputStream containing the binary data for the given property id.
    AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
    NoSuchPropertyException - - if the Property does not exist.

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