Package com.bea.content.spi

Interface Summary
ExtendedNodeOps This NodeOps interface was added so that if customers choose, they can implement it to get new functionality from the CM system.
ExtendedObjectClassOps This ObjectsOps interface was added so that if customers choose, they can implement it to get new functionality from the CM system.
ExtendedRepository The Extended Repository interface allows users to use the extended functionality present In the content management system.
ExtendedSearchOps SearchOps is used to search over Nodes and Properties and return the Node ids that match the given criteria.
ExtendedTicket The Extended Ticket interface allows users to use the extended functionality present In the content management system.
NodeOps NodeOps is a service for Node CRUD operations.
ObjectClassOps This interface represents a service for ObjectClass CRUD operations.
Repository Represents a content repository and facilitates connecting to it.
SearchOps SearchOps is used to search over Nodes and Properties and return the Node ids that match the given criteria.
Ticket Ticket this is the access point for all of the service interfaces.
WorkflowOps The WorkflowOps interface contains methods to manage workflows for a given repository.

Class Summary
FilterCriteria query filter criteria
QueryCriteria query sort criteria
QueryResult<T> query results
SortCriteria query sort criteria

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