Class InvitationSearchCriteria

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.InvitationSearchCriteria
All Implemented Interfaces
SearchCriteria, Serializable

public class InvitationSearchCriteria
extends Object
implements SearchCriteria

SearchCriteria implementation used to specify a search operation to retrieve Communities Invitations. This class can be used to specify search criteria for retrieving Invitations via the ICommunityMemberManager. Searching can be performed by any ANDed combination of CommunityDefinitionId, the wls username of the sender, the wls username of the recipient Invitee, the InvitationStatus and the string portion of the MessagingAddress for the recipient Invitee. Sort ordering supported by this class includes: sorting by username, sorting by invitee messaging address, sorting by status, sorting by creation date of the invitation, and sorting by the wls username of the inviter (the "from" user). Additionally, sort order may be either ascending (default) or set to descending if desired.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  CommunityDefinitionId communityId
protected  String fromWlsUserName
protected  FilterMethod fromWlsUserNameFilter
protected  InvitationStatus invitationStatus
protected  String inviteAddress
protected  FilterMethod inviteAddressFilter
static String ORDER_BY_FROM
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
static String ORDER_BY_STATUS
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
protected  String userName
protected  FilterMethod userNameFilter
Constructor Summary
          Default no arg constructor that does not set any search criteria.
InvitationSearchCriteria(CommunityDefinitionId communityId)
          Constructor that sets a single search criteria, the CommunityDefinitionId of the Invitations to search for.
Method Summary
 InvitationSearchCriteria copy()
 CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityId()
 String getFromWlsUserNameCriteria()
 FilterMethod getFromWlsUserNameFilterMethod()
 InvitationStatus getInvitationStatusCriteria()
 String getInviteAddressCriteria()
 FilterMethod getInviteAddressFilterMethod()
 String getSortOrderField()
          Returns one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating what field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.
 String getUserNameCriteria()
 FilterMethod getUserNameFilterMethod()
 boolean isCommunityIdCriteria()
 boolean isFromWlsUserNameCriteria()
 boolean isInvitationStatusCriteria()
 boolean isInviteAddressCriteria()
 boolean isSortOrderAscending()
          Returns true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending.
 boolean isUserNameCriteria()
 void orderBy(String field, boolean ascending)
          Used to specify the order for results to be returned.
 void setCommunityId(CommunityDefinitionId communityId)
          Specifies the CommunityDefinitionId used to search Invitations using this object.
 void setFromWlsUsername(String fromWlsUserNamePattern, FilterMethod filterMethod)
          Specifies the frolWlsUserName pattern an Invitation must match to be included.
 void setInviteAddress(String inviteAddressPattern, FilterMethod filterMethod)
          Specifies the inviteAddress pattern an Invitation must match to be included.
 void setStatus(InvitationStatus invitationStatus)
          Sets the desired InvitationStatus to apply to the search for Invitations.
 void setUsername(String userNamePattern, FilterMethod filterMethod)
          Specifies the userName pattern an Invitation must match to be included.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected CommunityDefinitionId communityId


protected String userName


protected String fromWlsUserName


protected FilterMethod fromWlsUserNameFilter


protected FilterMethod userNameFilter


protected String inviteAddress


protected InvitationStatus invitationStatus


protected FilterMethod inviteAddressFilter


public static final String ORDER_BY_USERNAME
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. This will cause sorting by Invitee username.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_INVITE_ADDRESS
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. This will cause sorting by Invitee external messaging address string.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_STATUS
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. This will cause sorting by Invitation status.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_INVITE_DATE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. This will cause sorting by Invitation creation date.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_FROM
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. This will cause sorting by Invitation sender username.

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public InvitationSearchCriteria()
Default no arg constructor that does not set any search criteria.


public InvitationSearchCriteria(CommunityDefinitionId communityId)
Constructor that sets a single search criteria, the CommunityDefinitionId of the Invitations to search for.

communityId -
Method Detail


public void setCommunityId(CommunityDefinitionId communityId)
Specifies the CommunityDefinitionId used to search Invitations using this object. If this id is not supplied, the search will include Invitations for all communities.

communityId -


public CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityId()


public boolean isCommunityIdCriteria()


public void setUsername(String userNamePattern,
                        FilterMethod filterMethod)
Specifies the userName pattern an Invitation must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, userName is not used as a criteria for selecting Invitations.

userNamePattern - the userName pattern Invitations must match to be included. If null, userName is not used as a criteria for selection.
filterMethod - the filter method to use for the userName. FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH indicates that the userName must begin with the specified pattern. FilterMethod.CONTAINS indicates that the userName must contain the specified pattern. FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH indicates that the userName must end with the specified pattern. FilterMethod.EQUALS indicates that the userName must equal the specified pattern string. Supplying any other FilterMethod constant will result in a FilterMethod.EQUALS being applied.


public String getUserNameCriteria()


public boolean isUserNameCriteria()


public FilterMethod getUserNameFilterMethod()


public void setFromWlsUsername(String fromWlsUserNamePattern,
                               FilterMethod filterMethod)
Specifies the frolWlsUserName pattern an Invitation must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, fromWlsUserName is not used as a criteria for selecting Invitations.

fromWlsUserNamePattern - the fromWlsUserName pattern Invitations must match to be included. If null, fromWlsUserName is not used as a criteria for selection.
filterMethod - the filter method to use for the fromWlsUserName. FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH indicates that the fromWlsUserName must begin with the specified pattern. FilterMethod.CONTAINS indicates that the fromWlsUserName must contain the specified pattern. FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH indicates that the fromWlsUserName must end with the specified pattern. FilterMethod.EQUALS indicates that the fromWlsUserName must equal the specified pattern string. Supplying any other FilterMethod constant will result in a FilterMethod.EQUALS being applied.


public String getFromWlsUserNameCriteria()


public boolean isFromWlsUserNameCriteria()


public FilterMethod getFromWlsUserNameFilterMethod()


public void setInviteAddress(String inviteAddressPattern,
                             FilterMethod filterMethod)
Specifies the inviteAddress pattern an Invitation must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, inviteAddress is not used as a criteria for selecting Invitations.

inviteAddressPattern - the inviteAddress pattern invitations must match to be included. If null, inviteAddress is not used as a criteria for selection.
filterMethod - the filter method to use for the inviteAddress. FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH indicates that the inviteAddress must begin with the specified pattern. FilterMethod.CONTAINS indicates that the inviteAddress must contain the specified pattern. FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH indicates that the inviteAddress must end with the specified pattern. FilterMethod.EQUALS indicates that the inviteAddress must equal the specified pattern string. Supplying any other FilterMethod constant will result in a FilterMethod.EQUALS being applied.


public String getInviteAddressCriteria()


public boolean isInviteAddressCriteria()


public FilterMethod getInviteAddressFilterMethod()


public void setStatus(InvitationStatus invitationStatus)
Sets the desired InvitationStatus to apply to the search for Invitations. If value is set, only Invitations with the matching status will be returned, otherwise Invitations of all statuses may be returned.

invitationStatus - the specified InvitationStatus


public boolean isInvitationStatusCriteria()


public InvitationStatus getInvitationStatusCriteria()


public void orderBy(String field,
                    boolean ascending)
Used to specify the order for results to be returned. Results may only be ordered by a single field; multiple calls to this method will serve only to reset the field being ordered by.

field - one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating which field to order results by, or null if no sorting is to be used.
ascending - if true, results will be ordered in an ascending manner, otherwise they will be ordered in a descending manner.
IllegalArgumentException - if the field argument is not one of the ORDER_BY_ constants or null.


public String getSortOrderField()
Returns one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating what field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.

one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating which field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.


public boolean isSortOrderAscending()
Returns true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending. Sorting is done only if the getSortOrderField() method does not return null.

true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending.


public InvitationSearchCriteria copy()

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